China & Africa Exchange In Urban Poverty Reduction Allan Cain Development Workshop Angola & Liu Haifang Centre for African Studies – PkU - China Presented to the Urban LandMark Conference 13 - 14 March 2013 Johannesburg – South Africa Measuring Urban Poverty Reduction • UN Habitat established a Global Urban Observatory Program to help countries monitor their progress to meeting the key urban MDGs as articulated in Goal 7 indicators 11. • The aim of the Urban MDGs is to reduce the proportion of populations living is slums by measuring the following indicators: 1. Acess to an adequate potable water supply 2. Acess to improved sanitation 3. Sufficient living space 4. Durable and safe housing 5. Secure land tenure SISTEMA NACIONAL DE INFORMAÇÃO TERRITORIAL Urban Growth Rates in Africa & Asia China & Africa Urban & Economic Growth SISTEMA NACIONAL DE INFORMAÇÃO TERRITORIAL Africa & Asia Urban Poverty Reduction SISTEMA NACIONAL DE INFORMAÇÃO TERRITORIAL Reduction of Slums between 1990 & 2010 1990 2010 Reduction of Slums between 1990 - 2010 SISTEMA NACIONAL DE INFORMAÇÃO TERRITORIAL Economic Exclusion & Gini Coefficients The Gini coefficient measures the inequality of wealth within a group such as a city. A Gini coefficient of ‘zero’ expresses perfect equality while ‘one’ expresses maximal inequality The World’s most Unequal Cities Who benefits from urban growth? How do women fare? SISTEMA NACIONAL DE INFORMAÇÃO TERRITORIAL 9 0 0 4 0 290000 300000 310000 320000 330000 340000 0 0 Hoji Ya Henda 0 0 0 4 Sarico 0 0 9 LEGENG Cepa KIFAN GOND O Burgalheira Municipality Boundaries Mayombe Angolan Urban Poverty Observatory Panguila Commune Boundaries Soda Bairros Boundaries Barra do Bengo Ludi 2 Garcia LURE Intervention Area Nelitos Soares Sw apo Kinanguvo (macedonia) Orlog 9 Camoes LUCPP Intervention Area 0 0 Vidrul Alto Kifangondo Farol D as Lagostas Pescadores Baixo Quifangondo 3 0 Bairro Da Paz CACUACO 0 0 Dala M uleba Dez Casas SLP Intervention Area 0 0 Forno de C al ???? 0 3 Cacuaco Sede Ilha D o C abo NGOLA KISLaUo APeNdrJoE Da Barro Cemiterio 2 0 The purpose of the 0 SCSP Intervention Area Boa Esperanca Imbondeiros 9 ILHA D O CABO Kaw elele Salinas Ecocam po Ludi 1 Quissom eira SAMBIZAAnteNiroGMAulembaCandua Nova Urbanizacao Porto PesqPueetrriaongol Chapas Val SMaarorccoani Kikolo Sede Cemiterio EncNibgiuOasnshoas 11 De Novem bre Compao Bandeira Caop CampiIslhmao D a Madeira Cardoso Boa Vista Roque Santeiro observatory is to monitor INGOMBOTA Cardoso Augusto NgaPnagrualaiso HSOaoJ JIo YaoA H ENDAMabor ???? Lixeira Santo Antonio Combustiveis Ceramica Fazenda ExperiFmUenNtaDl A Miramar Musondo Chicala I SBaAirMro BOIpMZeoArataNrioGA Bairro CruSzeaimrobizanga Sao Pedro KIKOLO CAC UAC O SEDE ChicalIan gIIombota ZangCa.Tdo.TAdriano Moreira PraSia nDeea mBiesMnptaooianga SaMo AMPRaaurCcloaAl L CAZENGA Mutam ba Cahango KINANGA Cazenga PopCuolamrandante Bula Coreia (???) Rangel Bairro Azul RAN GELPrecolCACZazeEngNa MGunAicipal key urban indicators and Catam bor RANNeGlitoE SLoares Tungango Areas de Pedreiras SamMbAa IPAeNquGeAna TCEaleRmRbAa NOV A Bairro da TPeorlricai aN ova PrendaBairro Militar Madame Berm a Mulemvos Sagrada Esperanca Tala H adi Terra Branca Martir De KifangondBoairro SujCo ariango Camicuto 2 Sam ba Grande CassequCeel mPLoiotpeuurrileoan ArNcnoavnogola PRENDA Sarm ento R ogrigues Camuxiba Cassequel Buraco Mulundo Casulo Sede Anangola ???? TALA HAD I SAMBA NEVES BE NDINSHeActor 1 Camicuto 1 9 Cassenda Sector 3 Vila Da Mata 0 ensure that the 0 Muculo Kilunda CAS SEQUCEaLsseqMuael adnog iIBnmahbnoognad Weiero Coboy 0 2 Sagrada EspSeeracntocra2 Km 9B 0 0 MAIANGA Rocha Pinto 12B Funda Sede (H avemos) 0 0 Sector 4 Mulemvos CasuloC aEtostnrdadoa Corimba Grafanil 0 2 Golf I PALANC A Caop C 0 0 ROCHA PIN TO 9 Imbondeiro Terra vermelha Scale: 1:200000 information is used to 14B(C ambireC) aop A Vila de Estoril Sapú Caop B Rio Seco INOR AD Km 9A Bairro do Gamek Imbondeiro Vila deM Easritao rEilugenia Neto Morro Bento I 12A 28 de Agosto VitorGiaO e LCFerEta Morro Bento II Capalanga inform policies, public Morro Bento I Weji Maca Km 14 A Vila Nova Nova Vida B Kaw elele ES TORIL A Cambamba I D Futungo de Belas C Tande Cambamba I Boa EsperEa n1ç5a Chimbicato FU TU NGO Cambamba I 1 DeJ eMmabioa (4 de Abril) Mussulo Cambamba II Luanda Sul MUS SULO MbondoK CIhLapAeuMBA KIAXI Casa Branca institutions and local Regedoria Futungo de Belas Camam a Sede Partido Viana II Cidade Universitario 500 casas Bairro chines 9 Nova Esperanca Dimba 0 0 Cabolombo 1 0 Zona Industrial 0 policy-makers 0 0 0 Ngola Kiluanje 1 0 0 0 CAM AMA VIANA SEDE 9 Chinguar Bem Vindo Km 30 C.P 3 360 C.P 2 48 National and local Rua Rei Katyava la 11 3 Huambo-Angola 10 de D ezembro Lua nda -Angola Phone: 244 -4 1-2033 8/20 081 Kikuxi II Phone: 448 371/77/66 Fa x: (244-41 )-20 338 Nova Esperanca Fa x: 449 494 dwhua mbo@a ngonet.org Km 35 SAMBA dwa ng@angone t.org observatories also involve Nova Esperanca Tanque Serra Kikuxi I Tanque Serra Zango BENFIC A Cliente: representatives from civil LUPP Vai e Volta KM 32 VIANA 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 Projecto: Tanque I 0 0 Cateba Tanque II Tanque Serra 0 society, private sector and0 LUPP 0 0 9 Zona A Moxico Quenguela N orte Terra N ova II Agostinho N eto CALUM BO Santa Paciencia Desenho: RAM IRO academic institutions. Casa Branca LUPP Intevention Areas Mateia I Zona A Mateia II Elaborou Aprovou Faz Sol Km 40 B Km 40A Calivoto Tanque Serra Quenguela N orte Guengue Tanque Serra Data: Cassaca 8 9 0 Calumbo Sede Banza Calum bo 9 0 28/05/04 0 SISTEMA0 NACIONAL DE Vitrona 0 0 0 9 Palm eirinhas Caquila 0 9 Terra N ova I Ref: INFORMAÇÃO8 TERRITORIAL Tombo Quingolo Rapado Quinzenza 290000 300000 310000 320000 330000 340000 Participatory Monitoring in Angola Voices of Citizens for Urban Change To influence more inclusive municipal planning processes, and equitable access to improved urban services for the poor by: • promoting community participation in monitoring urban poverty indicators related to the Millennium Development Goals • providing evidence-based information as inputs into municipal plans; • Building an urban poverty network that advocates for equitable access to improved basic services and promote participatory governance; • increase sustainable access basic services by promoting community management models to ensure that consumer voices are heard. SISTEMA NACIONAL DE INFORMAÇÃO TERRITORIAL Geographic Information Systems Remote sensing: Applied GIS tools for collecting urban information, using aerial photographs and satellite images. Participatory Mapping SISTEMA NACIONAL DE INFORMAÇÃO TERRITORIAL Participatory Research • Household surveys made by teams comprised of technicians from INOTU, university students and community groups, under the supervision and technical support of DW. • Data on MDGs was validated by interviews with key informants and focus groups in all bairros in Luanda. • Data mapped & put into the public domain. Provided to urban planners, ministries, municipal administrators, community associations. SISTEMA NACIONAL DE INFORMAÇÃO TERRITORIAL Municipal Forums • monitoring results are presented to the Municipal Forums & CACs • strengthens the capacity of local authorities and civil society to ensure inclusive and participatory local development. • demonstrated spaces for consultation between local authorities and civil society on urban issues and promotes municipal democratisation. SISTEMA NACIONAL DE INFORMAÇÃO TERRITORIAL Luanda’s rapid urban growth in war CRESCIMENTO EXPANSIVO 1980 - 19,42 Km² and post-war years 1989 - 100,80 Km² 1998 - 253,27 Km² 2000 - 270,05 Km² 2010 – 350,00 Km² Development Workshop Angola Poverty Mapping of Luanda - findings Findings: Land Tenure • Most of poor families accumulated savings are tied up in the land they occupy and the house they built or purchase • Rapid development of informal markets for the purchase and renting of land and property • Formal titling is very rare, but levels of perceived tenure security is high Informal Purchase • The majority of peri-urban Informal Land Occupation residents acquired Informal House their and houses Occupation through informal Informal Rent mechanisms Informal Family and don't have Transfer access to Formal Purchase mechanisms to Formal Family regularize their Transfer Other land. Land Value Mapping in Luanda 2010 Mapping of Environmental Risk Areas SISTEMA NACIONAL DE INFORMAÇÃO TERRITORIAL Mapping of Water Access & Afordability Average Price of Water Bairro [Kz/20L] Consumer Spatial Price Coefficients 60 55 Kz/Km/1m3Kz/Km/1m3 fromfrom CacuacoCacuaco 50 40 35 CacuacoCacuaco 30 25 SambizangaSambizanga 20 8/Km/1m3 15 10 RangelRangel 5 <1/Km/1m3 CazengaCazenga No informal market 13/Km MaiangaMaianga 10/Km/1m3 KilambaKilamba KiaxiKiaxi 14/Km/1m314/Km/1m3 SambaSamba SambaSamba 12/Km/1m312/Km/1m3 Nivel de consumo Municipio M.Baixo Baixo Medio Alto M.Alto 5/Km/1m35/Km/1m3 Ingombota 6.2 6.5VianaViana 4.2 4.6 3.5 Maianga 16.2 10.7 15.3 11.5 17.0 Rangel 8.1 4.2 2.7 7.6 0.8 Sambizanga 12.3 14.5 22.9 14.1 17.0 Cazenga 4.2 6.5 2.7 11.8 3.1 K.Kiaxi 15.0 17.2 17.2 17.9 16.6 Samba 13.5 15.6 14.1 10.7 23.2 Cacuaco 8.5 13.4 8.4 3.4 5.4 Viana 16.2 11.5 12.6 18.3 13.5 Total 100 100 100 100 100 Urban Challenges 76% of Luanda’s population lives in informal Musseques Financing urban development • Large-scale investment is needed in bulk provision, such as mains water supply and treatment, final rubbish disposal sites and mains sewerage. • Financing urban development in a situation such as Luanda, which has a low fiscal base, is a severe challenge. • This is due partly to the poverty of the majority of the inhabitants. • The weak taxation regime in general partly due to a lack of up-to-date cadastre and population census.
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