INDEX References to illustrations are printed in italics. Ablin, Debbie, 42,92, 258 Azevedo, Margaret, 129 Bolinas-Stinson Beach Master Plan, Adelman, Brenda, 220, 222, 251, 260 34 Aggregate, 243-245, 257 Bagley, Bill, 120 Bolling, David, 224,260 Aggregate Resources Management Bahia Baulinas, 61 Bostick, Benton, 20, 22 (ARM) Plan, 205-206, 256, 257 Ballard, Allan, 87 Bostick, Dr. Warren, 20, 22 Agricultural and Aquifer Baptiste, Arnold, 107 Bouverie Audubon Preserve, xix, Preservation Zone, 205 Barbour, Nancy, 42, 92, 258 152, 153,155-159,258-259 Ah Pah Dam, 163 Barfield, Tom, 63 Bouverie, David, xix, 157, 159,254 Alexander Valley Reach, 236 Bay Conservation and Development Boxer, Senator Barbara, 93, 127,139 Alexander, Meg, 225,260 Commission, 18 Boyd, Rhoda, 67 Allen, Howard B„ 76,93,115,258-259 Beeby, David, 244 Brandt-Hawley, Susan, 208-209, 260 American River, 6 Behr, Peter, 66, 71, 89,97, 107, 128- Bransom-Cooke, Admiral, 65, 67 Anderson, Bruce, 200 129, 132,142,162,171, 191, Brower, David, 113 Angel Island, 12, 27 239,251 Brown, Governor Jerry, 168 Anton, John, 140 biography, 129,169 Brown, Governor Pat, xii, 33 Aquifers, importance of, 162-163 “Belling the cat”, 113,114, 205,207, Brown, Wishard, 148 See also Middle Reach; Sonoma- 209 Burge, Bob, 86 Marin Aquifer Benoist, Jay, 217 Army Corps of Engineers, 143,170, Benthos, 99 Cain, Brighton “Bugs,” 6 , 32,42 218 Bianchi, Al, 120 Cale, Mike, 192 and Bolinas Lagoon, 59, 81 Big Sulfur Creek, 152, 153 California Coastal Act of 1976, xiii, and Coyote Dam, 18, 33, 187 Bird research, 74-75 255 and Warm Springs Dam, 140, 188 Birds. See Eagles, Egrets, Hawks, California Coastal Conservancy, 219 Arnold, Jane and Stanleigh, 104 Herons California Committee of Two Arrigoni, Pat, 104 Block, Bishop Karl, 236 Million, 169-170 Arrigoni, Peter, 85, 104,105, 107, Bloomfield, Dr. Arthur, 7, 8, 236 Californians Organized to Acquire 117, 145 Blumin, Len, 92,258 Access to State Tidelands. See Aswan Dam, 245 Blumin, Patti, 91,258 COAAST Auburn Dam, 241 Boerger, Lt. Col. Frank, 166 California State Coastal Audubon Canyon Ranch, xiii, xviii, Bolinas, 69 Commission, 133,182, 255 28, 29, 39, 50, 92,94, 115, 128, Bolinas Harbor District, 33, 35, 57- California State Fish and Game, 237 254. 58,61-63,66, 68,254 California State Lands Commission, and Stan Picher, 53 Bolinas Lagoon, xiv, xviii, 3, 6, 15, 33,57 designated national landmark, 48, 16, 28-30,47, 54-62, 65-69,135 California State Water Resources 90 assessor’s map of tideland lots, 77 Control Board, 199 heronry (see Heronry) description, 31 California Water Resources land acquisitions, xviii-xix, 40, 55, encroaching development, 33, 34, Association, 170,186 58, 65,66, 68,74,75, 78,118, 81 Callison, Charles, 78 124,127,130-131 and freeway revolt, 29 Caltrans, 219,240,242 mission and purpose, 52,89, 90 heronry (see Heronry) Camp Dimond, 6 officers of, 258 illus., vi, 28, 30, 39, 46, 54, 56, 76, Can the Last Place Last?, 107, 110 origins of, 32 80 Canyon Ranch, 33, 35-36, 37. See policy shift, 89 importance of, 33 also Audubon Canyon Ranch purchase of, 40-42, 43 and logging, 85-86 Cape Cod National Seashore, 129 Ranch Volunteer Council, xviii, 91 and Pt. Reyes National Seashore, Carpenter, Ernie, 192, 192,206 reverter clause/protection of, 52 29,71 Cavagnaro, David, 93, 259 soil scientist’s dream, 81 rich habitat, 55,57 Cavagnaro, Maggie, 93 use of ACR land, 74 watershed description, 29 Cerini Ranch, xix, 127 See also Canyon Ranch Bolinas Lagoon Preserve, xviii, 70, Channelization, 111, 166, 193, 197, Audubon Society. See National 71 254 Audubon Society; Marin Bolinas Public Utilities District, 69 and siltation, 196 Audubon Society Bolinas Ridge, xii, 34, 39, 85 on Santa Rosa Plain, 196 26 6 SAVING THE MARIN-SONOMA COAST restoration after, 197 description, 123 Dunn Ranch, 127 Charter, Richard, 240 Preserve, 94, 95, 260 Chatham, Russell, 175 Eagles, 82, 83, 84 Circuit Riders, 219 Dams, xii, 4, 172, 193,223, 245, 246 Ecology, 6, 7 Clear cutting, 7 destructive effects of, 4, 102, 161, Economics and urban sprawl, 247 Clifford Conly Center, 127 165,245 Edelbrock, Jerry, 93 COAAST— Californians Organized and development, 71, 140,143, Education, 250. See also Strategy, to Acquire Access to State 145,241 education Tidelands, 181,182 and economic growth, 247 Eel River, vi, xiii, 18,152, 153, 164, Coastal Commission. See California effect on fish, 4, 15,139, 198 165 State Coastal Commission and fishing industry, 161, 170, and development, 186 Coastwalk, 128, 182-183 173,198,223 diversion, 230, 254, 255 Coey, Bob, 225,237 and flood control, 165, 190, 241 “Tunnel from Hell”, 172, 173, 198 Cohen, Aaron, 76 moratorium on, 169 Eel River Dams, 167,168,170-173, Cole, Edris, 49,91 See also Ah Pah Dam; Aswan 186 Colgrave, Gloria, 156 Dam; Auburn Dam; Columbia Eel River Tunnel, J72, 173,198 Collier, Randolph, the “Silver Fox”, River Dams; Coyote Dam; Dos Eel River Water Council, 143,145, 165, 169 Rios Dam; Eel River Dams; 164, 169,186,254 Collins, George, 120,126,132 Elwa Dam; Trinity Dam; Egger, Frank, 87 Columbia River dams, 4 Yellow Jacket Dam; Warm Egret heronry. See Heronry Conly, Clifford, Jr., xix, 77, 117,124, Springs Dam Egrets, 39, 43-45,54, 55, 56, 75, 90, 124-125, 127 Danielson, Bob, 63, 65 102,134 Conservation Associates, 126 Danielson, Nancy Kent, 63 effects of development on, 34,44 Conservation Foundation, 79,136 Day, Dick, 19,182 feeding grounds, 59 Cooper, Dr. Robert, 136 Dennis, Nona, 93,259 See also Great Egrets Cordell, Kim, 219 Designing with nature, xiii, 69,110, Einstein, H.A., 215 Cordero, Joan, 8 148-149 Elliott, Bob, 145-146 Corwin, Ruth, 117,136 Developers, xvii, 195,202,205 Ellman, George, 158,202 Coyote Dam, vi, 18, 3 3 ,152, 153, and Bolinas Ridge and Lagoon, 34 Ellman, Phyllis, 158, 259 236, 254 and politics, 250 Elwa Dam, 223 effect on Russian River, 178 Development, 72,200 Enid Thompson Ranch, 75,76 effect on water quality, 178 and water supply, 18, 145 Environment, and health, x-xvii, 10, erosion caused by, 187 effects of, 196,201, 213 247,249-250 flooding, 197 on floodplain, 212-213,246, 254 Environmental Action Committee of Craemer, Jack, 148 See also Bolinas Lagoon; Marin West Marin, 128 Creeks County; Richardson Bay; Environmental Forum of Marin, destruction of, 220,235 Sonoma County; Sprawl xviii, 89,92-93,102,225 importance of, 197,235 Dickey, Mrs. Donald, 22 Environmental Studies of Bolinas restoration, 225,239 Digger Bend, vi, 152, 153,158, 175, Lagoon and Tomales Bay, xviii See also Channelization; Big 213, 228, 236 Episcopal Bishop’s Ranch, 234 Sulfur Creek; Dry Creek; proposed mining of, 226 Erosion, 82, 85,102, 158, 193,198, Griffin Creek; Lagunitas Creek; Docent Training Program, xviii, 89, 235 Mark West Creek; Nicasio 91 Esposti, Nick, 192, 206,207, 209, Creek; San Rafael Creek; Santa Doctrine of Public Trust, 16, 134, 211,225,226,234 Rosa Creek; Sonoma Creek; 218 Estero Antonio, 109 Stuart Creek; Tamalpais Creek; Donahue, Cia, 91,258 Estuaries, brackish, 15 Turn Turn M ountain Creek; Dos Rios Dam, 108, 166,168-169, Euphrat, Fred, 226 Walker Creek; Willow Creek 172,254 Crevelli, John, 182 Dredging, 56, 58, 68, 256 Faber, Phyllis, 93,259 Cronin, Leo, 226 Drinking water, xii, 95,193,195, Fairfax, 86 Crosset, Cathy, 219 214,224, 235-236,240, 256-257 Felson, Jack, 146,147 Crossette, Barbara, 81 contamination of, 198,212, 220- Ferguson, Doug, 148 Crowley Marine Company, 22 221, 222, 226 Ferguson, Jane, 148,258 Crum, Eleanor Evans, 78 treatment of, 194, 212,222 Ferris, Miles, 220, 222 Cuneo, Kathy, 93, 259 Dry Creek, 152, 153, 180 Finley, Dr. Knox, 61 Curry, Dr. Robert, 208,239 Dubos, Rene Jules, 15 Finley, Malcom, 61 Cypress Grove, xix, 112, 113,116, Duck Island, xix, 97,102,127,260 Fisheries, xii, 161,170,173,198,223, 117, 118,129,260 Dugan, Barry, 207 212,245 INDEX 267 and dams, 161, 170,173,198,223 bars, 160, 162,226 formation of Environmental Fishing, 3, 7, 227 bed rivers, 160-163 Forum of Marin, 93,259 Fletcher, Dr. Grant, 121 bed tributaries, 153 Marin Audubon Society, 10, 21 Flood management, 240 beds, importance of, 163 Marin Countywide Plan, 111 Floodplain, 163 beds, instream, 241 Marin Municipal Water District development, 212-213,246, 254 economic value, 244 seat, 140-141,144,145 mining sites on, 198 filtration, 194 conservation projects outside Flooding, 193,196, 212-213,221 mining (see Mining) California, 155 and channelization, 196,213,254 mining firms, 226, 242-243, 256- move to Sonoma County, 155 and growth, 196 257 member of Eel River Water Follis, Mrs. Gwin (Bunny), 41 pits, 207,209, 211, 216, 239, 242 Council; 164, 169 Fonta, Rose Rodrigues da. See Rosie skimming, 177-178 founding of Hop Kiln Winery, Verrall vs. quarry rock, 243 177 Foppiano, Pete, 225 wars, 206,214 ARM Plan, 205 Freeways, xii, 34, 61,104,105, 117, See also Middle Reach Gravel suit against mining firms and 241 Aquifer Supervisors, 205 proposed West Marin, 29, 34, 71- Great Blue Herons, 34,43,44-45,56, Friends of the Russian River, 228, 74,72, 73, 97, 107,254,255 75 260 Friedman, Jerry, 120, 136, 137 Great Egrets, 2,3 ,3 4 Griffin Russian River Riparian Friends of the Estuary, 128,222 Green, Mark, 228 Preserve, 236 Friends of the Russian River, 211, Greenway Project, 236 in Egypt, 245 224-225,228-229,255,257, 260 Gregg, Harold, 68 Griffin, Mimi, 8 Fundraising, 42-43, 208,225 Griffin Creek, 177,180,225, 229, Growth 233-237,239 citizen-controlled growth, xiii, Gaffney, Karen, 219 Griffin Ranch, condemnation threat, 107, 108, 139, 142,254 Gaffney, Rose, 181 234 costs of, 142 Gahagan, Mike, 127 Griffin Russian River Riparian destructive
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