Index Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. ABC Dunhill Records, 301–303 fading and ride levels, 330 Agatha’s Pub, 51–52, 56, 85–86 Fat Box, 162, 256, 282 Aguire, Bob, 155 45 rpm records, 320 Ahigrea, Andrea, 140, 158 “found sounds,” 212–213 “Albatross” (Fleetwood Mac), 3 front-of-house sound, 180–181 All of You (Colbie Caillat), 215 glass breaking sound effects, Alsbury, Christi, 173–174, 253, 255 317–318 Altec 604 Es, 16–17 “hustlers,” 161, 164 AM/FM radio, music production for, importance of machine 313, 322 maintenance, 248 API (console), 13, 25, 45–46 live recording protocol, 189 Aris, Gabrielle “Gabby” looping, 146–148 overdubs and, 275, 283 MCI consoles, 261 remote recording and, 172, 173, 182, monophonic (mono) sound, 321, 322 183, 255 Neve console, 13 Seedy Management,COPYRIGHTED 162–163, 163 out-of-phase MATERIAL speakers, 268–272 Warner Records label meetings and, reverberation, 131 165–166 Revox reel-to-reel tape machines, 25 Atlantic Records, 247 “Southern California sound,” 45 audio production stereophonic (stereo) sound, 218, 322 Altec 604 E speakers, 16–17 studio aesthetics, 34–35 for AM and FM radio, 313, 322 tape accidents, 80–81 API (console), 13, 25, 45–46 tape degradation, 299–303 echo chambers, 161 tape delay, 251–253 EQ, 64 twenty-four track recording, 225, 327 353 bbindex.inddindex.indd 335353 223/02/123/02/12 55:29:29 PPMM 354 INDEX audio production (continued ) recording schedule of, 137–138, 140 vinyl record production, 292–294, 309, Record Plant farewell, 156–158, 340–344, 341, 342, 343 158, 160 vocals for live recording, 276–277 songwriting by, 83–85, 144, 149, See also Caillat, Ken; Dashut, Richard; 305–308 individual names of recording violent outbursts by, 219–221, 227, studios and venues; individual names 263–265 of songs vocals by, 294–296 Austin, Mo, 165–166 Worthington photos of, 44 See also Fleetwood Mac; Rumours Beach Boys, 313 (Fleetwood Mac); White Album Beatles, 150, 225, 274 (Fleetwood Mac); individual names Bella Donna (Nicks), 138 of songs Billboard, 43 Buckingham Nicks (Buckingham, Nicks), “Black Magic Woman” (Fleetwood 4, 38, 111–112 Mac), 3 “Bulletproof Vest” (Colbie Caillat), 293 Bluesbreakers, 3, 39 Boyd, Jenny, 32–34, 34, 63, 86–88, 246, Caillat, Colbie (daughter), 215, 288, 304 293, 296 Breakthrough (Colbie Caillat), 215 Caillat, Joy (sister), 118 Broms, Bill, 186, 187 Caillat, Ken Brown, Jerry, 284 biographical information, 8, 51, Brown, Kathy, 109–110 132, 150 “Brushes” (“Never Going Back Again”) cars of, 92–94, 96, 99, 153 (Fleetwood Mac), 144–145, Colbie Caillat songs produced by, 233–240, 243 293, 296 Buckingham, Lindsey “Cutlass” nickname of, 99 Buckingham Nicks, 4, 38, 111–112 early telephone answering machine use Caillat hiring and, 13–14, 15–22, by, 222–224, 225–226 248–250 engineering schedule of, 137–138, 140, characterization of, 31, 37–38, 62, 206, 335–337 72, 233–240, 237, 239, 274, 278–279, family of, 109, 118, 136–137, 142, 299 149–150, 151, 155, 229–230, Conte and, 52–53, 53, 85–86, 91, 142, 337–338 178, 219–221 Geary and, 167, 167–171, 226–227, Fleetwood Mac formation and, 249–250, 337–338, 346 (See also 3–5 Geary, Cheryl) “Go Your Own Way” lead solo by, Grammy Awards (1977), 346 274–275 hired as engineer, 1–7, 12, 12–14, guitar playing by, 4, 28, 75–76, 79, 108, 15–22 184, 251–252 hired as engineer, Fleetwood Mac Harris and, 326, 332, 336 employee, 203–204 interviews of, 332 hired as producer, 15–16, 248–250 L.A. lifestyle of, 193–194, 208 initial sound set-up for Rumours by, Nicks and, 32, 67, 115–116, 119, 128, 27–31, 34–36, 40–45 214–215, 227 L.A. lifestyle of, 193–194, 205, 206, practical jokes, 283 206–208, 284–285 bbindex.inddindex.indd 335454 223/02/123/02/12 55:29:29 PPMM INDEX 355 mentored by Heider, 2–3, 7–12, 10, album production and, 87, 91–92, 112, 17, 272, 273 (See also Wally Heider 163, 260 Studios) on tour/remote recording with on music business and album sales, Fleetwood Mac, 173, 187, 189, 255, 146, 194 257, 269, 271, 289 other bands recorded by, 45, 56, Crawdaddy, 319–320 81, 116 Criteria Studios, 247–248, 260–266 Record Plant farewell, 155–159, Crosby, David, 255 158 Crosby, Stills, and Nash, 10–11, 273 thirtieth birthday celebration, 282–283, Crystal Sound Studios, 7 284–285 Crystal Visions (Nicks), 252 on Tusk album cover, 333–334 Urban and, 89–90, 93, 127, 128–129, Dance, The (Fleetwood Mac), 142, 276 137, 144, 149, 151–152, 153, Darrel (Cheryl Geary’s stepbrother), 157–158, 267–268, 346 (See also 245–246 Urban, Nina) Dashut, Richard at Wally Heider Studios, 202 biographical information, 111–112 at Warner Records label meetings, characterization of, 123–124, 128 164–166, 287 Courage and, 91–92 See also audio production; Rumours drug use by, 217 (Fleetwood Mac); individual names Harris and, 326, 331 of songs hired as engineer, 4, 6, 7, 12, 13 Callon, Cathy, 57–58, 120–121, 158 hired as producer, 15–16, 248–250 Candlestick Park, 150 initial sound set-up for Rumours by, Capital Records’ Mastering Studio, 27–31, 33, 34–36, 40–45 340–344 L.A. lifestyle of, 193–194, 208, capo, 210 284–285 Carlin, George, 144 practical jokes, 123–124, 281, 283 “Chain, The” (“Keep Me There”) Record Plant farewell, 158 (Fleetwood Mac), 45–49, 50, 53–56, at Wally Heider Studios, 202 113, 305–308 at Warner Records label meetings, Chicken Shack, 56 164–166 Chigaridas, Chris “Chiggy,” 17, 224, See also Rumours (Fleetwood Mac); 339–340 White Album (Fleetwood Mac); Christine Perfect (Christine McVie), 56 individual names of songs Clapton, Eric, 3 Davis, Clifford, 25 Class Clown (Carlin), 144 Davlin, 285–286 Clinton, Bill, 142 Dawes, Biff, 4, 5, 6, 118, 166–167 Collins, Judy, 82–83 “Day on the Green” festival, 172–183, Collins, Michael, 153, 186, 194, 197, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181 275–276 Déjà Vu (Crosby, Stills, and Nash), 273 Comara, Larry, 162, 285 Delsandro, Kenny, 196 Conte, Christina, 52–53, 53, 85–86, 91, Digirolamo, Don, 158 142, 178, 219–221 Dobro, 206–208, 215 “Contento, El” (Nicks’ home), 201 “Doesn’t Anything Last” (Fleetwood “Country Girl” (Young), 273 Mac), 149 Courage, John “JC” Dolby Noise Reduction, 327 bbindex.inddindex.indd 335555 223/02/123/02/12 55:29:29 PPMM 356 INDEX “Don’t Stop” (Fleetwood Mac), 141–142, Fleetwood Mac management and, 146, 280–282, 314, 334–335, 335 162–163 Dowd, Tom, 247 keyboard played by, 315–316 “Dreams” (Fleetwood Mac) L.A. lifestyle of, 201 live performance, 183, 188, 195 marriage to Jenny Boyd, 32–34, 34, 63, mixing, 148–149, 312–314 86–88, 246, 288, 304 overdubs, 217–218, 265, 286, 304 Nicks and, 253, 288–289 songwriting, 32, 119, 130–131 practical jokes, 123–124, 281, 282 studio recording, 146–148 on recording schedule, 137–138, 140 drug use Record Plant farewell, 156–158, 158 angel dust, 119–120 on “transcensions,” 71 cocaine, 70–72, 97–98, 105–107, See also Fleetwood Mac; Rumours 217, 261 (Fleetwood Mac); White Album NyQuil, 143 (Fleetwood Mac); individual names opium, 116–117 of songs pot (marijuana), 41, 77, 139–140 Fleetwood, Sally (sister), 176–177 Duster (dog), 36, 58, 108, 110–111, Fleetwood, Susan (sister), 176–177 205, 207 Fleetwood Mac comeback tour (1997), 142 Eagles, 44–45, 277, 284 The Dance, 142 Earl, Steve, 158 “fake” Fleetwood Mac controversy, 25 Emerman, Mack, 247 fi rst cocaine use by, 70–72 (See also Emerson, Sam, 191 drug use) EQ (equalization), 64 Fleetwood Mac, 3, 25, 333 (See also White Album Fat Box, 162, 256, 282 (Fleetwood Mac)) Fifth Dimension, 114 formation of band, 1–5, 70 fi lm, video vs., 195 Live, 237 Filmways, 199 Mirage, 237, 277 Fleetwood, Amy (daughter), 288 naming of, 3 Fleetwood, Brigit “Bitty” (mother), romantic relationships among 175–177 members, 31–34, 253, 288–289 Fleetwood, Jenny (wife). See Boyd, Jenny (See also individual band members’ Fleetwood, John Joseph Kells (father), names) 175–177 Say You Will, 206 Fleetwood, Lucy (daughter), 288 smoking and drinking preferences, Fleetwood, Mick 69–70 Buckingham and, 233–240 Tusk, 237, 277, 333–334 Caillat hiring, as engineer, and, 12–14, wardrobe, 254–255, 256, 333 15–22 See also Buckingham, Lindsey; Caillat hiring, as producer, and, Fleetwood, Mick; McVie, Christine; 248–250 McVie, John; Nicks, Stevie; Rumours characterization of, 63, 123–124 (Fleetwood Mac); White Album drinking by, 29, 39 (Fleetwood Mac); individual names drumming by, 38–41, 40, 41 of songs family of, 175–177, 288 Fleetwood Mac (Fleetwood Mac), 3, 25, Fleetwood Mac formation and, 3–5 333. See also Rumours (Fleetwood bbindex.inddindex.indd 335656 223/02/123/02/12 55:29:29 PPMM INDEX 357 Mac); White Album (Fleetwood drug use by, 217 Mac) L.A. lifestyle of, 207 Frampton, Peter, 175, 177–178, 183 live recording/performance and, 182, Frampton Comes Alive! (Frampton), 175 183, 184, 191, 256 Fritz, 68, 201 Green, Peter “Green God,” 3, 56 Grey, Glenn, 44–45 Geary, Cheryl Grissim, Jim, 319–320 Caillat and, 167, 167–171, 226–227, groupies, 143 249–250, 337–338, 346 family of, 244–246, 277–279 Halverson, Bill, 273 L.A. lifestyle of, 205, 208, 220, 228, Hammond Company, 124–125 284–285, 304 Harris, Carol, 265, 325, 326, 331–332, mixing of Rumours and, 336 336 on tour/remote recording with Harrison, George, 32 Fleetwood Mac, 172, 184, 186–187, Harrison, Patty, 32 190–192, 191, 255–258, 288–292 Hasten Down the Wind (Ronstadt), 284 Geary, Garney, 245–246, 277–279 Heider, Wally, 2–3, 9–11, 10, 17, 272, 273.
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