2- 'Kz.T* Winningham cautions Wiess, warns of consequences by Jonathan Berk about." number of faculty associates of all sibility and initiative fail, the Wiess College Master Geoff Winninghan specified that there the colleges (14 instead of 20). masters and co-masters will Winningham reported to a college were three internal problems And, of the associates that Wiess personally assume this respon- meeting November 19, that serious existing at Wiess. First, he felt that, does have, they choose to stay sibility in order to preserve and consequences could result if Wiess at least in the minds of many away from the college for both improve the college system."There did not restore the administra- faculty members, there is a lunch and dinner. was no mention in the statement of tion's confidence in the college. behavior problem among many what constituted failed "student The exact nature of these Wiess members that is particularly In. a written statement made Jl initiative." consequences was never made fully prevalent during the evening public after the master's meeting, clear although Winningham dinner meals. the masters expressed a reaffirma- According to Masters Com- tion of the existing rules, which confirmed rumors that the masters Secondly, he felt that since seven mittee Chairman Priscilla H uston, they felt were being infringed had discussed at their November freshman indicated to him that the central concern is the quality of upon. Specifically the statement 17 meeting' the possibilty of they want to be transferred to coed life of each individual student mentions that "hazing, ill- converting Wiess to graduate colleges, that there are definite "Students need to listen to each mannered behavior at meals, loud student housing for a trial period dislike among the freshmen for the other, and respect each others and distruptive conduct, public of five years. single-sex environment. Apparent- rights." drunkeness and public obscenity tir Other alternatives, such as ly, many of the masters feel that this li • _ i- Speaking as co-master of are incompatible with the purposes VJVOTT •vVwiffiyiMII switching to coed, were also is a direct reflection of the quality Hanszen college. Huston empha- and goals of the college system." "to rely on student leaders and discussed, but other masters at that of life at Wiess. sized that these were the criterion student initiative to foster a high meeting pointed out that these Thirdly, Wmningham pointed The statement goes on to specify she used to decide when to quality of life on the Rice campus," were just ideas "being thrown to the fact that Wiess has the fewest that the committee will continue intervene in college affairs. but that "Where student respon- INSIDE: » The Alley Theater goes bluegrass-western, p. 4 • Women's hoopsters defeat TCU and Harvard, p 6 • Raker takes their fourth powderpuff title, p. 8 Volume 69, number 16 1HRESHEFriday, DecembeRr 4, 198 i • Dual backpages, 11-12 Senate rejects RPC election bylaw plan by Rob Schuitz qualifications for RPC president, The Student Association Senate the requirement that "He shall debated a proposed bylaw have some previous programming restriction which would have experience" was considered too limited candidates eligible for the vague. presidency of the Rice Program Spears, along with SA internal Council at its weekly meeting Vice President Dan Hu and Monday night. The senate also Par!iamentarian M ichae 1 briefly d is cussed possible Trachtenberg, proposed that problems that Wiess College may "previous programming experi- be experiencing rsghi now. ence" should mean that inteiested candidates must be members of the executive committee or college representatives. Spears explained that the position really required previous experience with the organization and that necessitated the change. " Wiess Senator Doug Gardner. Baker President Chuck Fox. Baker Senator Philip Easterling and spectator Jonathan Berk, however, disagreed with Spears. Fox charged that by restricting the candidates so severely, freedom of choice among candidates would decline significantly. Sherry Speon Coco Cola takes over the R Room to interview people from the Rice community for a nationally distributed commercial. Gardner took the proposal Cast selections will be made this Sunday and filming is scheduled forthe 14, 15, and 16 of December. The script calls for RPC President Sherry Spears, personally, claiming that he had a pep-rally and bonfire with cheerleaders, football players, alumni, small children and of course a large crowd of after speaking with the RPC been denied positions on the RPC typical "all-American" students. Those who survive the preliminaries will be told to shave and taught the art of drinking Executive Committee and several previously and that the proposed 'ffeine,m..."the official stimulant of Rice University." —M. Gladu senate members, previously measure would effectively remove proposed a bylaw revision in the him from competition forthe RPC RPC constitution that would presidency. Hoax continues better define the existing section The proposed change quickly regarding candidacy. Under the see SA. page 3 Profs added to Rice Cretin Council by Joan Hope Month Award, the Fool's Cap nearly the same sentiments as Exam guidelines The creator of the Rice Manuscrip Award, theStupidatas, English Professor Walter Isle "I University Council of Fools, Muddleditas, et Incontinentia think it reflected more on the Here are some suggestions that will help everyone enjoy the Dregs, and Drooling Cretins Scholastic Medal, the 1982 Capital people doing it than the people it advantages of the Honor System: struck again last week, this time by Dreg Award, and the Children of was sent to," he said. sending copies of the minutes of Satan Award. • It is the student's responsibility to know the rules for each exam— the ficticious group to the Several faculty members the time duration, the allowed reference materials, the time and professors mentioned in the Although the names listed on suggested theories about the place to turn it in. minutes as new members, officers the first notice were taken directly writer's identity. Sociology •. Most professors would appreciate it if you would mark the time and award winners. Sixteen new from a letter supporting Kathy Professor Elizabeth long and place the test was taken on the cover of the blue book. members, mostly from the Whitmire in her bid for mayor, contends that it must be a graduate • When you are finished with a take-home exam, seal the test and sociology, English, history and art there is no apparent connection student to know so much about the test booklet by stapling them shut or sealing them in an envelope. departments, were admitted to the between the names listed in the professors • Try to turn the exam in yourself as early as possible; if you council. The minutes designated minutes. cannot, make sure whomever you designate to do this for you some of the professors to receive Said English Professor Alan English Professor Jane Nitzsche knows the correct time and place for turning it in. "Devil's Advocate embroidered Grob. "Only the person who did thinks it is someone who used to be • Remember to sign the pledge; not signing the pledge does not jackets," and all of the profs were this understands what these people an undergraduate and is relieve you from the responsibilities of the Honor System. classified as either fools, dregs or have in common. Someone is probably more than one person to • Be circumspect in your conversations so as not to inadverdentiy drooling cretins. venting dislike, but the connection know professors from the different give or receive aid concerning an exam. between .the persons implied is departments. She also suspects • Self-scheduled exams are to be taken in the room they are The awards given at the known only to whoever is sending that the writer is a woman because, distributed in. While a student is free to leave at any time, the exam imaginary meeting were the Devil's the notices." "1 don't think a man would think is to remain in the assigned room. The only exception to this policy Toady Award, the Ex Nihilo Nihil of eating quichc at a political is a student wishing to type his exam. Fit Lifetime Achievement Award, Most of the professors who rally," and because of the word These suggestions provided by the Honor Council. the Drooling Cretins Bib of the received the minutes expressed see Cretins, page 3 Once again, have a merry THRESHING-IT-OUT Sickly Sammy's washer would have then beentwo separate The Christmas story once again peels out upon a happy little stereophonic, filtertip world of directories which would have cost decried by grad the SA much more than $700, and parking tickets, bluebooks and Dexedrine. our forfeited time slot would have The booming carols in glimmering teeming department stores remind us of the joyous message To the editor, delayed the printing until the end — that we can shelve our books for bottles and speed over turnpikes to share a few precious days Apropos yours entitled The of November. with our families, old friends, and perhaps lavishing what remains of ourselves and our wallets on a budgetary tactic," page two of Michael Guth special someone. volume 69, number 15, would you Sid Rich '82 Strange that the humble birth of a baby in an obscure village of the Near East a couple of thousand consider expanding your analogy years ago should disrupt the pattern of the Good Life that even the New York Stock Exchange vis-a-vis "the quality of food" to pauses for the day. include "the infectious disease Brown College student Odd that the church bells in Brussels, Boston, Buenos Aries, and Biloxi ring out to commemorate tactic?" defends Wiess the coming of a child who would never know the intricacies of economic warfare and foreign policy, Budgeting by attenuating To the editor, much less the diplomacy of cocktail party etiquette.
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