SP2014.NET A COMPACT ARCHITECTURAL GUIDE TO METROPOLITAN SÃO PAULO Written by Philippe Jorisch Photographs by Maíra Acayaba Havelka Verlag Instructions - Download PDF on www.sp2014.net - Print in Landscape Format B/W - Fold According to Preference - Read it on the Airplane - Stick it in Pocket During Stay Quick Start - Ten Steps to São Paulo > Page 23 - Overview Map > Page 4 - Book Reviews > Page 22 - Niemeyer Buildings > Pages 6, 10, 21 - Coastal Escapes > Page 20 SP2014.NET P. 1 / 24 BEM-VINDO IN SP! “It is exactly because of nesting in cozy corners, realizing accumulation of intelligences. on page four only the streets of this chaos that people stunning projects and enjoying There exists an attitude of con- the described bairros (city parts) develop an unbeatable an intensive lifestyle. It is a city fronting complexity with humor. are fully drawn, leaving blank competence. Here live full of inspiration and after some The irregularity of the city is em- spaces with connecting routes in those virtuosos of disorder.” time one can start to understand braced with a culture of constant between. As such, the overview Dietmar Kamper, German and appreciate its incredible improvisation and instant inven- map functions as an index for a sociologist, on São Paulo complexity. Talking to locals one tion. Brazilians employ their in- city with no clear hierarchy: The realizes they are proud to be Pau- herent qualities in a metropolis different bairros are presented in Metropolis listano and everything is going to where – compared to the rest of sequence as they lay on the map: São Paulo is the ninth largest get even better. the country – time and space are from top to bottom, North to mega city region of the world extremely compressed. South. The scale of 1:100’000 and the largest metropolis in the Guide is typical for regional maps and southern hemisphere. It has be- 2014 is a good year to look at Images allows precise measurement and come an increasingly interesting São Paulo. Compiled by a stran- If the only essence that can comparison despite the subjec- spot on the map of architects ger for strangers this guide offers be distilled form São Paulo is tiveness in the differences of de- and urban planners. Brazil’s first help in gaining competence, chaos, it is understandable that tail. modern Architecture is world- drawing from the experience of São Paulo is a city with no eas- renowned and São Paulo has its several visits. It is an aggrega- ily decodable image. In an age Credits distinct version of it; the Escola tion of sights and anecdotes. of ubiquitous computing and This booklet results from a grant Paulista with Paulo Mendes da SP2014.NET is an open list in digital media, impressions are received by the Erich-Degen Rocha, over 80 years old and the sense that it is freely avail- to a certain extent substituted by Stiftung of the Architecture De- still working internationally. São able on the net, incomplete and the mobile phone photo which is partment of the ETH Zurich (D- Paulo is the economic and finan- that every visitor has to construct distributed through social media ARCH) permitting an extended cial center of Brazil and most of his own hierarchy inside the city. in real time. The accompany- visit to Brazil July through Au- its urban growth took place with SP2014.NET is ephemeral by ing images by Paulistan photog- gust 2012. My thanks go to a small amount of planning. The conception, it is a compact sour- rapher Maíra Acayaba use the Prof. Sascha Menz, dean of the resulting chaotic morphological cebook and can be printed any- language of snapshots for the D-ARCH 2011 to 2013, and tissue is currently being chal- where. documentation of spatial situ- his team. Many thanks to Nils lenged, especially with the in- ations. Rather than simplifying Havelka who pushed this project DISCLAIMER creasing global attention towards Culture clichés these images are specific from a simple brochure to a com- Despite efforts of the author, this an emerging nation. São Paulo is a metropolitan re- portraits on eye level of Paulistan prehensive piece. Maíra Acayaba guide is in not complete and may São Paulo means density with a gion with a population larger city spaces. contributed substantially to the not be accurate in all respects. consequential brutality of prob- than the entire Netherlands conceptional quality of the visual The author is in no way responsi- lems. This makes the city ugly Chile, Kasachstan or the State Map work. My warmest regards go to ble for actions that have been tak- and yet not. There are many fla- of Florida. São Paulo is a place The conventions of a street map the Paulistanos who are enthusi- en based on recommendations. vors within different bairros – the of differences. With a predomi- as an objective portrayal of geo- astic and welcoming every time Note that some areas of the city neighborhoods of the adventur- nant immigrant population from graphic facts do not correspond I return. can be dangerous and accurate ous concrete jungle. People that almost all parts of Brazil and the with a personal experience of official information has to be ob- call themselves Paulistanos are world, this metropolis is a unique a city. For the overview map Philippe Jorisch, May 2013 tained before visiting such an area. SP2014.NET P. 2 / 24 CONVERSATIONS lifetime. São Paulo always had tive characteristics. Favelas are 1950s to now has been designed money – contrary to the rest of settlements which usually grew by engineers through infrastruc- Brazil – and the current positive in empty and topographically ture – predominantly for auto- economic situation is unprec- high-risk areas with a lack of mobiles. While engineers just edented. The access to education basic infrastructure. But on the face the technical aspect, archi- and the internet makes people other hand favelas have shops, tects also consider the public conscious and enables mobiliza- restaurants, club houses and a result of infrastructure and the tion and organization. But the real estate market. Favelas are in possible urban spaces generated metropolis almost breaks down fact the only place in São Paulo from it. Brazil has already lost because of traffic. And this traf- with intense street life where so many opportunities to build LULA GOUVEIA fic is in part caused by exorbitant MARCELO REBELO most houses can only be reached LUíS POMPEO a great city when infrastructure Tip: Check out the countless small rents and empty buildings in the Tip: Walk around Centro during by foot – very like the model of Tip: Rua Augusta at night has was designed. This mentality has public Praças with greenery, center. This is the current chal- daytime, it is a uniquely dense the city desired nowadays. These real street life, something that’s to change. The World cup is a found all over the city. lenge. city center. morphological qualities should rare in São Paulo. great opportunity to bring some be preserved as much as possible legacy to the city, but it might be Lula, tell us about your How will São Paulo look Marcelo, What’s despite land tenure, infrastruc- Luís, what are you work- lost. Today is a critical moment. work. ten years from now? your task? ture and security issues. ing on? I am one of the four partners of Maybe if things continue to im- At my work in the Housing De- I am one of nine partners of 23S, How will São Paulo look SuperLimao Studio, a small Brazil- prove, São Paulo will become an partment of the Municipality of What does this mean for an architecture studio founded in ten years from now? ian office that works in architec- even more fantastic place. What São Paulo (SEHAB) I am one of São Paulos future? 2006 after a very successful stu- My generation has traveled a lot ture and design. The partners makes me optimistic is that many the responsible architect of the I believe a lot of answers about dent project, while most of us and seen how a city could be. have different backgrounds in people like us are working hard Héliopolis area. Héliopolis is the how to build a successful neigh- still were in school. After studying Also, most of my contemporar- design, architecture, engineering to improve many small things, al- largest informal neighborhood in borhood can be found in the fave- and working in the Netherlands ies have been born and raised and tourism and this constella- though there are powerful forces the city, a favela with over 65’000 las. But the biggest challenge will for a year and getting my degree in São Paulo, unlike our parents tion is important for the kind of that do not care about the well- inhabitants. A few years ago the be related to mobility. Ten years from the FAU-USP, Brazilian that moved here for economical the projects we do. We’ve become being of city residents. Theoreti- SEHAB moved forward from from now we will have four new economy picked up and we have reasons. Because young citizens known for our unconventional cally there is enough money to the model of simply reproduc- subway lines in places currently a lot of work, both in the private are concerned about making this approach towards common or solve most of the problems, but ing standardized housing units scarcely connected to the city. and public sector. Our firm does city a more livable place, they recycled materials and our care- it is hard to face the mentality around the city towards a more Moving around will hopefully not have strong hierarchies and open bars, night clubs, art venues ful detailing.
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