FREEZING PIPES Boody, McLellan Co. POLICY WRITERS PLEAD GUILTY; FINED $300 IN COLD WEATHER Should Be Shut Off Confident Of Future QUESTIONED IN GIRL’S Supply Week’s Raids Net When House for DEATH Pre-School Clinics Closing Few Days Letter Sent Out to Clients Expresses Opinion That the I Court Worst Is Over City $1,100; Open On Tuesday AVOID AMATEUR RELIEF A letter sent out yesterday to unless Home added impulse Is giv- With the height of the winter sea- customers of Boody, McLclIan Sc Co, en to further liquidation. We can- 1 Nolle For Distiso to Health Board Announces Personnel and Centers of son approaching, officials of Connec- will undoubtedly be of Interest to’ not see anything on the horizon ticut water supply utilities have Is- all concerned with the stock mar- give the added push necessary to Activity sued warning to their customers ket. The letter follows:— force prices down to their recent Rae Held Under $1,000 Bonds for As* throughout the state to take precau- It has been many months since low levels. Russell, Negress, tion against the freezing of water we communicated with our friends We feel prices of securities will Announcement was made of Ur A. Archambault to-day opened. Henry pipe* should they leave their homes through the medium of a market advance before It is definitely sault on Girl Under Observa- the their locations v/ill be in charge assisted by the Caucasian—Injured pre-school clinics, for winter vacations. They state that letter. Since that time the high shown that general business condi- and the who will be in Misses Mary Klnnane and Agnes physicians there Is only one certain method of prices of securities nnd the difficul- tions are Improving. We believe of the work starting next Sheehy. His work will be to take tion—Butkis Denies Theft of Guns From Armory charge avoiding frozen pipes and that is to ties In the credit situation as evi- that people have been putting their week. The Hat of schools to be in- charge of the following vchools: shut off the water supply at the denced by high money rates, to affairs In order and the great pro- cluded in the work Of these doctors Uuggan, Begun], St Joseph's, Bar- main outlet and to drain' all water which we alluded, have been cor- gress made along this line in the Pleas of guilty were entered to- booked ax a frequenter when the is also announced. nard. Kussell, Tinker. Park road, from the pipes before closing the rected. adds much to the day In the cases of three, of the police visited the burber shop. Oronoke and the Itoosevelt. past year strength Tlie work starts Tuesday. On that home even for a few days. We have for a considerable time present situation. We believe the four men arrested Thursday after- The payment of the $300 this The pre-school work consists of day. Dr A. B. Drown will be at the In a closed dwelling where the had the thought that we be next will be a forward step. We noon In connection with the local morning brought the week's re- giving health examinations to the might step Hose Hill Library on Daldwin street heating plant is shut down and of assistance to our clients In feel the future of American business police’s drive against policy games. ceipts up to $1,100 In finch. children, vaccinating them and giv- try- at four o’clock to officially start the where the above precaution is not ing to determine the enterprise has not been dimmed a Thomas Delaney. 42, of 704 East Itae Kussell, 33, negress, charged ing them toxin anti-toxin for the pre approximate work. He will be assisted by the taken, a sudden cold snap is almost point where a turn the severe Main street, Peter Petruzzl, 26, of with ussault was ordered held under vention of diphtheria. This Is In ad- In speculative particle by depression Misses Bessie Shea und Mary Grady. certain to result in frozen water security values which has us. In we 111 Orange street and Arthur Pe- bonds of $1,000 for trial Monday. dition to other physical examination might be expected. visited fact, In addition to operating this pre- pipes and large plumbing bills. Wo feel that there are evidences feel that we will forward In a truzzl, 23 of 76 Mill street paid She is alleged to have attacked a work with advice to the mothers. go school clinic, Dr Brown will have un- This is true in the New the surer 1100 and costs each. who white and to thrown her especially that greatest effect of the liquid- and safer way becuuse of this Delaney, girl health work at j^ive der his supervision Kngland climate where a prevailing ation has been felt and that low obstruction to our pro- conducts a smoke shop und Peter to the sidewalk wlni such force as temporary the Washington, Hopevllle, Lincoln, moderate temperature, giving the prices have been reached. Petruzzl. who runs a barber shop, to fracture her skull. The Injured We write gress. St Francis' Merrlman, Mulcahy, impression that draining the system this letter to you and to our clients We recommend the of ■were accused of being managers of girl is under observation at pres- BEARDSLEY TO purchase Croft, Maloney, and St Anne’s is is to be in policy establishments, while Arthur ent. unnecessary, very apt order that you may know of our speculative securities of the better schools. followed a of ex- decision. was of* quickly by spell Stocks have rallied some- sort both bv traders and by those Petruzzl arraigned as a writer. Although suspected being the Dr On Wednesday, at four o'clock. ceedingly weather. Frozen what from the who wish to se- The fourth man taken in the raids, burglur, who stole seven automatic frigid extreme low of some hold speculative Thomas Cottlero will be In charge at WELCOME Y MEN are not to Daniel Dlstiso, 23, of 53 Sheffield revolvers from the State Armory pipes only likely burst, days ago. After all, stocks decline curities over a long period. the pre-school clinic at Taylor street. o—o—O but to ruin the entire water system. because of the Mcl.ellan * Co. street was gianted a nolle. He was early yesterday morning, Valdas urgent pressure of —Boody, He will be assisted by the Misses In case the water supply is not sellers and rise 1931. Jlutkls, 30, of Itradley avenue re- they because buy- January 9, Anne Shea and Mary Dowling who 64th Annual State Conven- turned off and the of ers are fuses to admit anything to the freezing pipes more aggressive In their jsjllce. will also assist him In his work In take water He denies the The does' pluce, company of- attitude. On that basis of reason- charge. author- the schools: Anderson, Sts tion Meets Here Next following ficials caution against the employ- ing, we feel that after a decline of ities, however, are of the opinion and East I'eter Haul, Chase, Farm, ment of amateur methods of cor- so many months in the after 1/ lk(H ( UAIOC.L'f PRIUS that the youth will confess and aid Hamilton. market, Iteid vllle, Hendricken, Saturday recting the situation. It is best to so many weak them in recovering the guns. Thir- spots have been o« ihi East Mountain, Sacred Heart, St call an l Short I Only teen expert plumber rather than eliminated through the selling of revolvers packed in a box were and Woodrow Wilson. Mary’s to attempt the old fashioned method recurltles, after so many speculative TW tar eels #> Ite IISII Is THRIFT. hidden in the doorway of the to work at Dr O. It. Sandulll goes MANY NOTED"SPEAKERS of thawing the frozen with accounts on that mu Mia SPgCIAL, pipes margin have been Mrasfc by Armory, apparently to be taken 4 o'clock on Wednesday at the *Msr ef DISCOUNT os *nr» candles and other means of apply- liquidated, we cannot to 10* away later, but the idea was aban- expect see Pits* la OVR CATALOG. Sprague school In Watervllle where Judge J. will heat. doned. Harry Beardsley give ing the market reach new low levels the pre-school clinic is stationed. The the address of welcome at the open- 'kcimm John of 38 Butkavich, 33, Wooster Misses Belle Wilson and Ann Der- ing session of the 64th Annual State street Ansonia, was given thirty ( ays win will assist him and will also be Convention of the Y. C. A.’s of The mar\ that identifies good In for M. Jail not "sparing the rod” on stationed with the doctor In his work Connecticut next Saturday afternoon Brass and Copper products a three-months old baby. He is al- in the following schools: Bunker Hill in place of John A. Coe. who finds Market Continues leged to have hurled the child onto Sprague. St Margaret's, St Thomas, himself unable to be present In the the floor while in an enraged mood. Bishop and Driggs. city on that date. Copies of the The case of Harry Gustufson of ai.ifirr-rr iiiiTimiih......« Dr John J. Mullen will be super- official programs received to-day In- Chase Brass & Co. Oakville, charged with obtaining visor of the pre-school clinic at the dicate that a of Copper 1», a number local people — Tc<l Martin, professional Tone — IKCOftPOKATU $300 under false a “V” assisted two Modern Botbroom pretenses from was at Philadel- North End by will participate In the IB group con- Encouraging golfer, questioned local loan was tatMsk, VMwUU TsUrt tag BM association, nulled.
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