S ENCKENBERGIANA BIOLOGI CA Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen der Senckenbergischen N aturforschenden Gesellschaft Schriftleitung Dr. DIETER KOCK, Dr. HEINZ SU-IRODER und Dr. RICHARD ZUR STRASS EN Senckenbergiana bioI. 170 (1 98 9) 1 (1/3) \ - 13 Frankfurt am M ain, 2. S. 1990 Eptesicus (Eptesicus) bottae (PETERS 1869) in Saudi Arab ia with notes on its subspecies and distribution (Mammalia: Chiroptera : Vespertilionidae). By hAD A. NA DER, & DI ET ER KOCK, Riyadh , FrJtlkiun ;t. M \,\Ii t h 1 map and 1 table. A b s t r act : Eptesicli s boltae is an additio nal species to t he bat fauna of Saudi Arabia and data fo r the nominate su bspecies are given for the first time since its original description Addit ional measurements and n otes are given for recognition o f t he known subspecies innesi, hingstol1l, ana lOiL clis (new mater ial), taJianimontis, and ognevi (new material); jists of synonyms are attempted for th ese subspecies and their distribution is mapped. Data on reproductive activity are included. - E. hingstoni co llected at Shanna/SE-Arabia actually represents E. nasulus; E. nilsson i recorded fo r Iraq had been re-i dentifi ed as E. ba ltae. Eptmcus (Epteslcus) bottae (P ETERS 1869) was collected recently In SW-Arabia. It was not Included preVi ously in the bat fauna of Saud i Arabia; the total number of bat species thus raises to 22 for this country. A c know 1e d g e m e n t s: For the loan of specimens, we thank Dr. H. VI ERHA US (Bad Sass endorf-Lohne, F RG ), and gratefully recogn ize the deposit of refere nce speci mens in (he SMF collec(ion by Prof. V. HA NA K (Prague, CSSR), (he re-examinat ion of the bOllae h olot ype - by Dr. F. PET TER , M usee N ational d'Histo ire Naturell e, Paris (M H N P), the re-examinat ion of an u nsuffi ciently documented specimen o f "E. hingstoni" by D r. J. E . HILL, Bri(ish M useum of N atu ral H is rory, Lo ndon (BM), and t he valuable transla(ions made fo r us by Mrs. K. JENTOCH (SMF) and Dr. S. I. GOLOVATCH , Moscow. - J 2 Tab.!. Body and sku Jl measurements of sub Eptesicus (Eptesicus) bottae bottae (PETERS 1869). 1869 lIesperus bottae PETERS, Mber. preuss. Akad. \XIiss. Berlin, 1869: 406; terra typ. : Arabi a omaner [= S\XI-Yem en], holotype ad. 9; leg. [Po E.] BO TTA 1837 [I.! S37 = date of deposit in bottae MNHP]. PETERS HARRISON this paper HARRIS! 187 8 Vesperugo serotinus, - DOB SON, Cat. Chiropt. coi l. Brit. Mus.,: 191; n. comb., bottae IB69 1964 Type d a synonym. Type ~ 400 - 114 91 1897 [Vespemgo (Vespe rus) ] serolinus, - TROUESSART, Cat. Mamm. vivo quam foss., 1: 107; 100 102 Total - 50 40 BOltac a syn., terra typ.: N-Africa [sic l ]. 43.5 41 Tail - 10 7.8 B.O 7 1941 Eptesicus serolinus, - RODE , Bull. Mus. na tn. Hist. nat. , (2) 13 (4): 247; 0' [= 9] HF 17 - 17 14.2 E 14 holotype of bOllae, terra typ.: Arabia; n. comb. H+B 41 - 44 39 1942 Eptesicu5 (Eptesicus) bOHae, - TATE, Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. H ist., 80 (7): 275,277; loco FA 40 15 . 7 17.0 16. 4- 17.0 typ.: Botta [s ic!], Arabi a. Gl 15 . 6- 16.1 14.9 CBl 10 .4- 10.7 10.3 1951 Eptesicus isabellinus bOllae, - ELLERM ANN & MORRI SO N-SCOTT, Checklist Palaearct. ZB 11.0 7.4 B.O 8 .0- 8.2 lndian Mamm.,: 156 ; [restricted] terra typ.: Yeme n; n. comb. BB 3.7- 3.8 3.6 IC 4.0 5.4 1964 Eptesicus bottae bottae, - H ARRISON, Mamm. Arabia, 1: 140; terra typ.: Yemen; 0' [= 6.0 5.9- 6.0 C-H3/ 6 .2 7.0 6.6- 6.7 9] nolotype, sku ll extracted. C-H/3 11.9- 12.3 11.1 H 12.0 Ma t e rial: Sa u d i Arab i a: Misfe ra, 40 km (by road) N Abha, 9.Y., 5. & 8VI.1987, 30'0' ad. (3 sk ull s, 3 skins), ColI. IA N 1131, 1153-54; llVI.198 7, J 0' ad. (skull, skin), SMF 73811, leg. AWADH AL AHMERY. M easurem ent s: Se e Tab. 1. anatoJicus HARRISON 1964, HARRISON H o I 0 t y p e: According to the origin al description, the holotype is an ad. 9 FELTEN DeBlASE 1980, this pape in alcohol; the skull since then has been extracted and its measurements were give n 1971 NADER & KDCK 1983 4dd by HARRISON (1964) for the first time. RODE (1941) and HARRISON (1964) stated Type ~ 6~~ 107 -126.5 105 -120 that the type is a 0'. The holotype (MHNP 212) was kindly re-exa mined by Dr. Total 42.0- 54.0 40 .0- 52 Tail F. PITTER and confirmed that it is indeed a 9. 9.0- 10.0 7 .B- ~ HF 16 .4- 11 14 .0- 18.0 E 0 H+B T y pel c a lit y : E. bottae was described (P ETT ERS 18 69) witho ut exact locality 46.2- 49.4 ~.~ 5 FA 45.0 fro m Arabia. 1.LLERMANN & MOR RISON -SCOTT (1951) restricted the terra typica to 17.2- 18. 8 U.~~ Gl 17 .9 W .~l 17 _7 16.5- 17.B Yemen (= North Yemen of today; South Yem en of today at that time consisted C8L 12.~1 12.9 12.4- 12.8 05 Z8 7 .f.- 9 .1 02 B.~ of several Sultanates) without giving any elaboration on their action. - A similar BB 3. 4- 4.2 3.~ IC 4 .2 hi story is attache d to other items coll ected by P. E. BOTTA: the stone chat, Oenanthe 6.0- 6.8 6.~ C- H3/ 6.6 6.8- 7 . 9 6.7­ botlae (BONAPARTE 1854), was described without a type locality, later restricted to C-H/3 12.6- 14 . 1 12.7-; "Yemen" (ME INERTZH AGEN 1954); the chameleon, ChamaeLeo caLyptratus D UMERIL H & DUME RIL 1851, described from the Nile Region , was restricted to a type locality in Yemen (HILLEN IUS & GASPERETTl 1984), as its collector journeyed in Yeme n from Hodeida (Hudaydah) in IX. 183 6 to Hays, Ta'izz, back to Hays then to Al Mukha from where he departed (BOTTA 1841). This travel rome restricts the terra ogn eV'i typica to SW -Yemen). Oe8lASE 1980 STR ElKOV et a1. H 27ZZ 3dd 1066 Ta x 0 nom y : HARRISON (1964) while characterizing the different subspecies 93 - 101 02 Total 42.0-50.0 41.0-! of E. bottae had only the alcohol preserved holotype of boltae ava ilable to him. Tail 44 - 45 02 9 - 10 02 He suggested then that the nominate form may be synonymous wi t h the closely HF 16.5-1B.2 17 .0­ E 15 - 19 57.2­ related innesi (LATAST E 1887) . The newly collected material from Saudi Ar~hia is 53.5-69.0 H+B - 43.5 38 .0­ FA 42.4- 45.8 16.0­ assigned to b. bottae due to the geographic proximity to the terra typica "SW­ 17.1- 17.5 15.5- 17.0 GL 15 .7-16.B 16.1­ Yemen", and gives the opportunity to com pare it with znnesi. E. b. bottae is darker CBl 1B.B- 16.9 10. 6­ 10 .9- 12.2 02 10 .5-11.1 ZB 7.6- 8.3 7.6· in color of the upper parts, being brownish ye ll ow and the lower parts paler. The 8.8- 9.4 BB 3.6- 4.2 3.7· 3.B- 4.1 base of the hair is blackish. The wing membranes and the ears are dark brown close IC 6 .0- 6.3 5.6· 6.0- 6. 5 C-H3/ 6.5- 7.1 6.1 to blackish. In size it is larger in greatest length of skull, zygo matic breadth, 6.7- 7.2 C- H/3 11.7-12.3 11.4 breadth of braincase, maxillary and mandibular toothrows, and mandible length. H 12.9- 13.0 3 bottae (PETERS 1869). Tab. 1. Body and sk ull measurements of subspecies currently recogni zed of Eplesicus bollae. \'(fiss. Berlin, 1869: 406; terra typ.: Ara bia I BOTTA 1837 [1.l837 = dare of d . ep OSH In bottae omanensis innesi WASSIF 1962, )t. coil. Brit. Mus ' 191· 0 co mb b ')' ,. 'J OU ae PETERS HARRISON HARRISON 1963 HARRI SON 1963, 1869 1964 this paper HARRISON 1976 NADER & KOCK 1983 Lectotype RT, Cat. Mamm. vivo qu am (oss ., 1: 107; Type ~ 400 Type 0 2M o 2Z~ 300 Total 100 102 -114 91 92 90 99.3 98 99.5 97 n1 n. Hist. nat. , (2) 13 (4): 247; 0' [= 9) Tail 43.5 41 - 50 40 43 41 42.6 44 40.3 39.3 - 42 .0 n2 >mb. HF 8.0 7 - 10 7.8 7.8, 7.8 8.6 7.7, 8.9 7 .3 - 8 . 3 E 14 17 - 17 14.2 15.2, 14.7 14.5 13.6, 16.5 13.4 - 15 .0 ler. Mus. nat. Hist., 80 (7): 275, 277; loco H+8 FA 40 41 - 44 39 40.8, 39.3 41.7 40.3, 42. 3 40.3 n2 GL 17.0 16 . 4- 17.0 15.7 15.3, 14.9 16.3 16.6 15.6 - 16 .
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