THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT 7i rp rn No. 8.236 - FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1936. Published by Autliority. PA I \ JP I , •GENERAL. (Separate paging i s given to each Part in order that it may be filed separately.) PAGE PAGE Proclamations by the Governor .. 1142 Municipal Council Notices 1168 Appointments by the Governor .. 1142 Local Government Notices 1173 Appointments, &c, of Registrars .. — " Excise Ordinance " Notices 1174 Government Notifications .. 1144 Notices to Mariners — Currency Commissioners' Notices .. 1152 Trade Mark Notifications — Revenue and Expenditure Returns .. .. 1152 Road Committee Notices — Notices calling for Tenders .. 1158 Patents Notifications 1174 Sales of Unclaimed and Unserviceable Articles. &c. 1J59 Sales of Toll and Other Rents — Unofficial Announcements .. 1160 Meteorological Returns — Miscellaneous Departmental Notices .. 1166 Books registered under Ordinance No. 1 of 1885.. — PRINTED AT THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT PRESS, COLOMBO, 1141 J. N. 56311-764 (7/36) A 1 1142 PART I. (GENERAL) — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — JULY 24, 1936 PROCLAMATIONS BY THE use of the public, and lots 7 and 8 (reservations along Railway line) in forest survey preliminary plan No. 45, and GOVERNOR. bounded as follows :— H/Y 4363 North by the Kala-oya and the Kallankutti-ela. East by the Kallankutti-ela, the Crown lands called BY HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. Bogahayaya and Mahawadakagalayaya., the Gansabhawa road, the Crown land called Gala- A PROCLAMATION. gawayaya, the Kapu-ela, the Crown lands called R. E. STUBBS. Orugalyaya and Mahabogahayaya, and the Crown KNOW -Ye that by virtue of the powers vested in Us land called Siyambalangamuwamukalana. by section 6 (1) of the Cemeteries and Burials Ordinance, South by the Crown land called Siyambalangamuwa­ 1899, and by Article 93 of the Ceylon (State Council) mukalana and lot 4 in P. P. 5,151. Order in Council, 1931, We, the Governor of Ceylon, West by 'the village limits of Mahagalkadawala and do by this Proclamation establish from the date hereof Pulanchiya, the ela, the Crown land called Galinna, a general cemetery on the land described in Schedule A the Siyambalangamuwa-oya, the Crown lands hereto for the burial or cremation of the dead within called Timbiriwalakatu and Lindagawayaya, lot 8 the limits specified and defined in Schedule B hereto. (reservation along Railway line) in F. S. P. P.-45, the Gansabhawa road and the road from Kurujie- And We do further, under section 6 (3), wholly gala to Anuradhapura. exempt the general cemetery so established from the operation of sections 11, 16, 17, and 24 of the Ordinance. By His Excellency's command, G. M. RENNIP:, APPOINTMENTS, &c, BY THE Colombo, July 16, 1936. Secretary to the Governor. GOVERNOR. GOD SAVE THE KING. No. 381 of 1936. SCHEDULE A. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR has been pleased to Lot 6 in P. Plan No. A 534. make the following appointments:— An allotment of land called Etagebendikanatta, situated K 70/36 at Menerigama village in Udugaha pattuwa of Rayigam Mr. ARTHUR A. PERERA to act as District Judge and korale, in the District of Kalutara, Western Province. Additional Commissioner of Requests, Kandy, during Boundaries— the absence of Mr. R. F. DIAS, from August 8 to 17, 1936. North by lot 2 in the same plan. East by the land called Kahatagahawatta claimed by A. Herat Singho. K 7/36 South by the land claimed on T. P. 158,898 and Gonna- Mi-. V. RAMASWAMY to act as District Judge, gahawatta claimed by M. William Singho and Commissioner of Requests, and Police Magistrate, others. Anuradhapura, during the absence of Mr. J. WILMOT West by lot 3 in the same plan (reservation along Gan- sabhawa road) and lot 2 in the same plan. PERERA, from July 17 to 20, 1936. Extent: 1 acre and 5 perches. K 102/35 BLAZE SCHEDULE B. Mr. T. E. to be an Additional District Judge, Badulla, on July 24, 1936, to enable judgment to be Menerigama village in Udugaha pattuwa aforesaid :— delivered in D. C, Badulla, case No. 5,644. North by the boundary of Colombo District and the village limit of Arakawila. K 191/36 East by the village limits of Arakawila and Handapan- Mr. C. F. DHARMARATNE to be an Additional District goda. Judge and an Additional Police Magistrate, Ratnapura, South by the village limit of Handapangoda and the on July 16 and 17, 1936, to try P. C., Ratnapura, case boundary of Colombo District. No. 12/717. West by the boundary of Colombo District. K 120/35 Mr. U. A. JAYASUNDERA to act as Commissioner of A. L. 296/36 Requests, Police Magistrate, and Additional District BY HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. Judge, Kalutara, during the absence of Mr. SPENCER RAJARATNAM, on July 21, 1936. A PROCLAMATION. R. E. STUBBS. K 1/36 KNOW Ye that by virtue of the powers in Us vested Mr. M. W. R. DE SILVA to act as Commissioner of by section 5 of the Forest Ordinance, 1907, We, the Requests and Police Magistrate, Gampola, and Governor of Ceylon, do by this Proclamation declare Additional District Judge, Kandy, for the judicial that the land bounded by the limits set forth in the division of Gampola, during the absence of Mr. A. W. P. schedule hereto, which was declared the property of JAYATILLEKE, from August 1 to 6, 1936. the Crown by orders dated October 27, 1931, and February 16, 1932, made under the Waste Lands K 126/36 Ordinances, 1897, 1899, 1900, 1903, and 1927, and Mr. S. S. JAYAWTCKREME to act as Commissioner of published in Ceylon Government Gazettes No. 7,903 of Requests, Police Magistrate, and Additional District January 29, 1932, and No. 7,916 of April 1, 1932, Judge, Matara, during the absence of Mr. J. L.. PERERA, respectively, shall be a reserved forest from and after from August 5 to 8, 1936. the First day of November, 1936. K 126/36 By His Excellency's command, Mr. G. P. KEUNEMAN to act as Commissioner of Requests, Police Magistrate, and Additional District G. M. RENNIE, Judge, Matara, during the absence of Mr. J. L. PERERA, Secretary to the Governor. from August 9 to 11, 1936. Colombo, July 21, 1936. K 235/36 GOD SAVE THE KING. Mr. V. JOSEPH to act as Commissioner of Requests and SCHEDULE. Police Magistrate, Jaffna, Kayts, and Mallakam, during The land called or known as Likolawewa Forest Reserve, the absence of Mr. J. H. V. S. JAYAWICKREMA, from situated in the villages of Medagama, Likolawewa, Mi- July 18 to 21, 1936. galewa, Potane Siyambalewa, and Pandipanchawa in Hatalispaha korale west in Wanni hatpattuwa of the v;;-, K171/36 Kurunegala District, in the North-Western Province, Mr. N. PONNIAH to act as Commissioner of Requests comprising lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 in forest survey prelimi­ and Police Magistrate, Point Pedro, and Additional nary plan No. 45, containing in extent 8,555 acres 1 rood District Judge, Jaffna, during the absence of Mr, and 10 perches, exclusive of road and paths retained for the R. RAMACHANDRAN, on July 22 and 23, 1936. PART I. (GENERAL) — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — JTJLY 24, 1936 1143 K 108/35 No. 385 of 1936. Mr. T. P. P. GOONATILAKA to be an Additional Police HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR has been pleased' Magistrate, Colombo, on July 24, 1936, to enable his under section 120 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1898, order to be delivered in A. P. O, Colombo, case to appoint Mr. RATITBADUGE DIONYSIUS to act as No. 15,615. an Inquirerfor the Vidane Arachchies' divisions of Tihawa . K 23/36 Walakada, Mattala Walakada, and Medawalakada West of Magam pattu, with effect from July 9, 1936, until Mr. J. G. CARTER to be a Justice of the Peace and Unofficial Police Magistrate for the judicial district of further orders. Kaiutara, during the absence of Mr. A. T. S. BOYLE from the Island, with effect from July 10, 1936. By His Excellency's command, K 39/36 J. W. R. ILANGAKOON, Acting Attorney-General. Messrs. G. K. NEWTON, G. H. LENOX CONYNGHAM, and C. W. FINELLI to be Justices of the Peace and Unofficial Attorney -General's Chambers, Police Magistrates for the judicial district of Nuwara Colombo, July 9, 1936. Eliya, with effect from July 17, 1936. K 219/36 Mr. J. M. LEMMON to be a Justice of the Peace and Unofficial Police Magistrate for the judicial district of Badulla, with effect from July 1, 3 936. No. 386 of 1936. AG 22/35 By His Excellency's command, IT is hereby notified for general information that J. W. R. ILANGAKOON, Mr. W. W. A. PHILLIPS has been appointed a member of Acting Attorney-General. the Central Board of Agriculture as representative of the Matale District Agricwl{£ural Committee, vice Mr. D. C. Attorney-General's Chambers, GORDON I/*-KK, • •'' ' Colombo, July 17, 1936. D. S. SENANAYAKE, Minister for Agriculture and Lands. Ministry ofAgriculture and Lands, No. 382 of 1936. Colombo, July 14, 1936. K 102/35 NOTICE No. 331 of 1936 appearing in Gazette No. 8,232 of July 3, 1936, is cancelled in so far as it relates to the appointment of Mr. M. C. P. PoTCERto be Additional District Judge, Badulla, and Additional No. 387 of 1936. Commissioner of Requests and Police Magistrate, Badulla-Haldummulla, from July 16 to 27, 1936. IT is hereby notified for general information that His EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR has been pleased, under By His Excellency's command, section 2 (1) of the Coconut Products Ordinance, No. 13 of 1935, to appoint Messrs. J. TYAGARAJA and G. R. J. W. R. ILANGAKOON, WHITBY as members of the Ceylon Coconut Board in Acting Attorney-General. place of the late Sir H.
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