4786 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE March 1, 1976 Robert B. Hallock II Ronald L. Endsley stoned officers in the grade of lieutenant William H. Bourland William J. Thrall Joseph E. Blanchard Gary C. Rowland (junior grade) : Joseph A. Walker, Jr. William E. Thibault Merritt H. Aurich IV John L. Congdon David L. Robinson Mark E. Charbonneau Norman K. McBride Robert E. Drake, Jr. Steven B. Spencer Richard W. Tate Charles R. Mumford Bernard P. O'Brien, Kenneth R. Grover Robert G. Winter Douglas S. Neeb John C. Luther David M. Donaldson Jr. David L. Walts Grover C. Brecken- Harrison F. Deitrick Jerry W. Degan Paul J. Howard ridge Harry A. Vaughn Gaetano Martini 'I'imothy C. Healey James D. Jones Joseph J. Fontana Edward N. Spencer CONFIRMATION Kirk A. Smith James E. Andrews Terry L. Lott Douglas R. Halsey Francis J. Sambor William H. Bourland James D. Manclark William E. Hensley Executive nomination confirmed by the Michael M. Matune, Joseph A. Walker, Jr. Barry E. Erickson Robert A. Taylor Senate March 1, 1976: Jr. Norman K. McBride William A. Dickerson Jon A. Thulin John J. Giglio Kenneth R. Grover .AMERICAN REVOLUTION BICENTENNIAL III Ronald L. Endsley ADMINISTRATION Glenn A. Gipson William J. Thrall James H. Williams Gary C. Rowland Richard W. Fish William E. Thibault Edward G. Webb John L. Congdon Jean McKee, of New York, to be Deputy Dennis A. Sande Robert E. Drake, Jr. Lawrence H. Walter Richard W. Tate Administrator of the American Revolution Dennis E. Oldacres Robert G. Winter Alexandre Legault John C. Luther Bicentennial Administration. Frederick L. Johnson Terrence J. Sherman James L. Mcclinton Grover C. Brecken- The above nomination was approved sub­ Anthony Dupree, Jr. Charles W. Belsky ridge ject to the nominee's commitment to respond The following named temporary officers of Edward M. Howey James D. Jones to requests to appear and testify before any the Coast Guard to be permanent com.mis- Michael J. Haucke James E. Andrews duly constituted committee of the Senate. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, March 1, 1976 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. cal year ending June 30, 1976, the period end­ (2) by adding at the end thereof the fol­ The Chaplain, Rev. Edward O. Latch, ing September 30, 1978, and the fiscal year lowing new subsection: D.D., offered the following prayer: ending September 30, 1979, and for other "(b) A surviving spouse whose survivor purposes. annuity under this title was terminated be­ O praise the Lo1·d, all ye nations; cause of remarriage and is later re3tored may, praise Him all ye people, for His merciful The message also announced that the under such regulations as the Civil Service kind.ness is great toward us; and the Senate insists upon its amendments to Commission may prescribe, enroll in a health truth of the Lord endureth forever. the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 801> en­ benefits plan described by section 8903 of Praise ye the Lord.-Psalms 117. titled "Joint resolution n:aking supple­ this title if such spouse was covered by any OGod- mental railroad appropriations for the such plan immediately before such annuity fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, the pe­ was terminated."; and "We pray for this great land of ours (3) in the section caption, by striking out Founded by men who put their trust riod ending September 30, 1976, the fiscal 30, 1978, "employee" and inserting in lieu thereof in Thee; year ending September and the "employee and survivor annuitants". Help us again to find the mighty powers fiscal year ending September 30, 1979, (b) The item relating to section 8908 ap­ Of truth and faith and hope, to set and for other purposes," disagreed to by pearing in the analysis of chapter 89 of title us free. the House; agrees to the conference 5, United States Code, is amended to read as Inspire our leaders, give us grace to find asked by the House on the disagreeing follows: The people who can steer the ship of votes of the two Houses thereon, and ap­ "8908. Coverage of restored employees and state. points Mr. BAYH, Mr. McCLELLAN, Mr. survivor annuitants.". In troubled waters, men who are not ROBERT c. BYRD, Mr. STENNIS, Mr. MAG­ SEC. 2. The amendments made by the first blind NUSON, Mr. PASTORE, Mr. EAGLETON, Mr. section of this Act shall take effect on Octo­ CASE, Mr. YOUNG, Mr. STEVENS, Mr. ber 1, 1976, or on the date of the enactment Through pettiness, self-interest or of this Act, whichever date is later. such hate. MATHIAS, and Mr. SCHWEIKER to be con­ amendments shall apply with respect to in­ And may we pledge, as statesmen long ferees on the part of the Senate. dividuals whose survivor annuities are re­ ago, . The message also announced that the stored before, on, ·or after such date. Our sacred honor, lives, and fortunes, Senate had passed bills of the following titles, in which the concurrence of the With the following committee amend­ too, ment: To keep our country free-for well we House is requested: S. 2255. An act for the general revision of Page 2, line 8, strike out "employee" and know insert "employees". That freedom only comes through the Patent Laws, title 85 of the United States Code, and for other purposes; and serving Thee." S. 3028. An act to amend sections 5315 and The committee amendment was agreed Amen. 5316 of title 5, United States Code. to. The bill was ordered to be engrossed THE JOURNAL and read a third time, was read the third CONSENT CALENDAR time, and passed, and a motion to recon­ The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ sider was laid on the table. ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ The SPEAKER. This is Consent Calen­ ceedings and announces to the House his dar day. There are two bills on the Con- approval thereof. sent Calendar. The Clerk will call the CAREER STATUS FOR CERTAIN Without objection, the Journal stands first bill. FEDERAL EMPLOYEES WITH approved. OVERSEAS LIMITED APPOINT­ There was no objection. HEALTH BENEFITS COVERAGE FOR MENTS CERTAIN SURVIVOR ANNUITANTS The Clerk called the bill <H.R. 11462) MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The Clerk called the bill (H.R. 11439) to provide for the acquisition of career A message from the Senate by Mr. to amend title 5, United States Code, to status by certain employees of the Fed­ Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced restore eligibility for he.alth benefits cov­ eral Government serving under overseas that the Senate has passed with amend­ erage to certain individuals whose sur­ limited appointments. ments in which the concurrence of the vivor annuities are restored. There being no objection, the Clerk House is requested, a bill and joint res­ There being no objection, the Clerk read the bill as follows: olution of the House of the following read the bill as follows: H.R. 11462 titles: H.R. 11439 · Be it enacted by the Senate and House of H.R. 11665. An act to rescind certain budget Be it enacted by the Senate and House Representatives of the United States of authority recommended in the message of the of R epresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assemblecl, That section President of January 23, 1976 (H. Doc. 94- America in Congress assembled, That (a) 3304a(a) of title 5, United States Code, is 342), transmitted pursuant to the Impound­ section 8908 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by striking out the words "under ment Control Act of 1974; and amended- &n overseas limited appointment or". H.J. Res. 801. Joint resolution making sup­ ( 1) by inserting " (a) " immediately before S:Ec. 2. The amendment made by the first plemental railroad appropriations for the fis- "An employee"; section of this Act shall take effect on Octo- ., · 4 • March 1, 1976 .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4787 ber 1, 1976, or on the date of the enactment flammable children's clothes by display­ CONGRESSMAN BURKE OF MASSA­ of' this Act, whichever date is later. ing and setting fire to a child's dress dur­ CHUSETTS RETAINS ms YOUTH The bill was ordered to be engrossed ing a debate in the New Jersey Assembly. and read a third time, was read the third <Mr. BURKE Of Massachusetts asked The way flames licked through that and was given permission to address the time, and passed, and a motion to recon­ dress symbolized Flo Dwyer's burning de­ sider was laid on the table. sire to right obvious wrongs and to get House far 1 minute and to revise and The SPEAKER. This concludes the call extend his remarks.) gooQ. legislation enacted into law. Mr. BURKE of Massachusetts. Mr. of the Consent Calendar. As a member of the New Jersey LegIS­ Speaker I take this time to announce to lature from 1950 through 1956, and as a Member of the House of Representatives the Me~bers of the House that a little PERMISSION FOR COMMITTEE ON from 1957 through 1972, Flo maintained article appeared in the Boston Sunday APPROPRIATIONS TO FILE PRIV­ an exceptionally high standard of serv­ Globe yesterday, a script that said I dyed ILEGED REPORT ON FOREIGN AS­ ice. my hair brown. Now, the fellow that . SISTANCE BILL wrote this story, l understand, is known She was the ranking minority member as Prune Face and they do not call him Mr PASSMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ·ask of the House Banking and Currency Sub­ Prune Face for nothing. He has more committee, and as many of ber former unanimous consent that the Committee wrinkles than an unmade bed.
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