NEWSLETTER Vol. 40, No.2 Animal Behavior May, 1995 Society A quarterly publication Susan A. Foster, Secretary Harleigh E. Willmott, Editorial Assistant Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, 72701, USA TRAVEL FUNDS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ETHOLOGICAl. ASS RESEARCH AWARDS CONFERENC~ HONOLULU This year we received 40 outstanding applications for TIle United States Ethological Conference Committee ABS Research Awards. Only eight could be funded. has applied for a travel grant from lhe National We congratulate lhose who were funded and thank all Science Foundation to provide partial travel support applicants for their efforts in applying. for more junior ethologists to attend lhe International Ethological Conference meeting in Honolulu in Allison Abell, University of Chicago. "Sexual August, 1995. If the funds arc received, they win be selecLioll in the striped plateau lizard (Sceloporus used to support elhologists who have received their virga/us): molecular evaluation of behavioral Ph.D. between 1990 and 1995 or who expect to cstimates mating success". or complete PhD.s in 1995 and who arc US eilizens or residents. To apply for a travel award, submn the Michael Armstrong. Binghamton University. following to Dr. Charles T. Snowdon, Dept. of "Population differences in rcd-willged blackbirds' Psychology, University of Wisconsin, 1202 W.. defense against brown-headed cowbirds". Johnson St., Madison, WI 53706-1696 to be received 110 later than June 1995: Marc S. Dantzker, Duke University. "Disputing the (a) 7 copies of a I to 2 pg. curriculum vitae lack of sexual selection on male mating calls in (b) 7 copies of lhe ahstraet you have submitted for the genus BOlllbina". consideration by lhe Conference (cl Two letters of nomination lhat address the " Todd M. Freeberg. Indiana University. "Experimental applicant's expected contri hution to and henel1l approaches to studying cultural transmission of from lhe Conference, eilher sent with the mate recognition system behaviors in brown­ application in sealed, signed envelopes or sent headed cowbirds". separately to arrive by June 1. We wilt notify applicants of lhe funding outcome as Julie C. Hagelin, University of New Mexico. soon as possible, although checks may not be sent "Sexual selection, plumage ornamentation. and until just before lhe meeting. Travel reservations parental care in two species of New World quail". should be made before llotification or fUllding. [f you have questions contact Charles Snowdon at (608) Susan M. Kain, Cornell University. "TIle adaptive 262-3974 or SNOWDON(g)MACC.WISC.EDU. significance of variable reproductive behavior in the water strider Limnopours dissonis". 1995 ASS ANNUAL MEETING Ken Otter, Queen's University. "Mixed reproductive strategies of female black-capped chickadees". The ABS annual meeting witt be held from the 8-13 July at lhe University of Nebraska in Lincoln. For Denise S. Pope, Duke University. "The function of information, contact Dr. Al Kamil, School of lhe fiddler crab claw waving display". Biological Sciences, Manter Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0118, USA. 1996 ABS ANNUAL MEETING DIRECTION OF CORRESPONDENCE The 1996 ABS annual meeting will be held from the ABS Newsletter and general correspondence 3-8 August at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, concerning the Society: Susan Foster, Dept. of AZ. For information contact Con Slobodchikoff, Biological Sciences, University of Arkansas, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona Fayetteville, AR, 72701, USA. Deadlines are the University, Flagstaff, AZ 86011, USA. 15th of the month preceding each Newsletter. The next deadline is July 15, 1995. IN SEARCH OF MEETING SITES Articles submitted by members of the Society and judged by the Secretary to be appropriate are Sites for ABS meetings are needed for 1997, 1998, occasionally published in the ABS newsletter. The 1999. Anyone wishing to host one of our meetings publication of such material does not imply should contact Hugh Dingle to discuss requirements endorsement by the ABS of the opinions expressed. and to receive further information. We are especially interested in meeting sites in the eastern USA and in Animal Behaviour: manuscripts and editorial Canada given the recent geographic locations of our matters: Animal Behaviour Editorial Office, meetings. University of Washington, 119 Guthrie Hall, Box 351525, Seattle, WA 98195-1525, USA. Change of Address: missing or defective issues of ABS NOMINATIONS FOR 1995 Animal Behaviour: Randall Breitwisch, Dept. of ELECTION OF OFl"ICERS Biology, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Dayton, OH, 45469-2320, USA. Elections will be held this year for the following ABS offices: Second President Elect, Secretary, and Member-at-Large. The slate of nominees provided by ARS OFFIC"~RS the ABS Nominating Committee will appear in the August Newsletter. The election ballot will be President: Hugh Dingle, Dept. of Entomology, published in the November Newsletter. Additional University of California, Davis, CA, 95616, USA. nominations may be made by letter to the E-mail: [email protected] Nominating Committee Chair Zuleyma Tang­ First President-elect: Lee Drickamer, Dept. or Martinez, Department of Biology, University of Zoology, Southern lIlinois University, Carbondale, Missouri, St. Louis, MO, 63121, USA. IL, 62901, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Nominations must be signed by five or more ABS Second President elect: Susan Riechert, Dept. members in good standing (ABS Constitution, of Zoology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, Article 8, Section l) and must be received by June 37996-0810, USA. E-mail: pa34628@ 10, 1995. utkvm Past President: Zuleyma Tang-Martinez, Dept. of Biology, University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO. 63121, USA. E-mail: szthalp@umslvma Treasurer: Randall Breitwisch, Dept. of Biology, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Dayton OB, ABS IN THE NEWS 45469. USA. E-mail: breitwis@ Lee Dugatkin, winner of the ABS Outstanding Secretary: Susan Foster, Dept. of Biological New Investigator Award in 1994, has recently been Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, featured in articles in a number of newspapers for 72701, USA.: E-mail: [email protected],cdu research conducted in collaboration with R. Craig Program Officer: John Byers. Dept. of Biological Sargent at the University of Kentucky, Lexington. Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow. ID, 83843, The ABS award was mentioned in both the Columbia USA. E-mail: [email protected] Daily Tribune and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The Parliamentarian: George Waring, Dept. of research that generated the attention was: Zoology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Dugatkin, L.A. and R.C. Sargent 1994. Male-male IL, 62901, USA. E-mail: [email protected] association patterns and female proximity in the Editor: Michael Beecher, Dept. of Psychology NI­ guppy, Poecilia reticulata. Behav. Eco!. Sociobio!. 25, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, 35:141-145. USA. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Members-at-Large: Patricia Gowaty, Institute of Revenue Received: Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 30602, Membership Dues USA. E-mail: gowaty@ Regular 67,759 Christine Boake, Dept. of Zoology, University of Student 19,784 Tennessee, Knoxville, lN, 37996-0810, USA. Emeritus 840 E-mail: [email protected]. Multiple (joint) Memher 1,449 Katherine Wynne-Edwards, Dept of Biology, Queen's Fellow 2,058 University, Kingston, Canada, K7L 3N6. E-mail Late Fees 2,641 [email protected]. Interest 6,073 Historian: Donald Dewsbury, Dept. of Psychology, Label List Sales 1,827 University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 32611, USA. Professional Certi fication Fees 765 E-mail: [email protected]. Graduate Programs in Behavior Booklet 358 Newsletter Only Subscriptions 668 ABS Officers-elect: Program Advertising 490 Contrihutions to Unrestricted Fund 904 The following new offtcers will take office at the end Contributions to Research Award Fund 2,667 of the 1995 annual meeting: COl1trihutions to Ethnic Diversity Fund 740 David Duvall, Second President-elect. Department of Miscellaneous Income 42 Life Sciences, Arizona State University West, P.O. Box 37100, Phoenix, AZ 85069, USA. Total Revenue Received 109,065 Kimberly Sullivan, Parliamentarian, Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322­ Total }'unds Available 272,367 5305, USA. Anne Clark, Program Officer, Department of Expenditures Biological Sciences, State University of New York, Editor of Animal Behaviour 50,991 Binghamton, NY 13901. USA. Secretary 14,186 Jean-Guy Godin, Member-at-Large, Department of Treasurer 9,965 Biology. Mount Allison University. Sackviile, N.B. President 918 EOA ::ICO. Canada. Second President Eject (Allee Award) 395 First President Elect (Poster Award) 100 Par! iamentarian 131 Memhcr-at-Large (Research Grants) 7,250 ABS TREASURER'S REPORT Program Committee 7,426 Professional Certi fication Committee 935 Memhership Committee 749 STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND Education Committee 359 DISBURSEMENTS Film Committee 345 I JULY 1993 TO 30 JUNE I 993 Puhlic Affairs Committee 80 Animal Care Committee 1,125 Beginning Balance: AIBS Annual Affiliation Fec 780 Nations Bank, Athens, GA Total Expenditures 95,735 Checking Account -1,594 Money Market Account 40,499 Ending Balance University Employees Federal Credit Union, Athens, Nations Bank, Athens, GA GA Regular Checking Account -7,930 Certificate of Deposit
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