•una KKSXTuSA (§GQ3slE (&W ©OCR G03&7 [J«§@8 (Downtown in the Lethbridge Hotel) RESERVATIONS 328-6099 L. Q career and Opportunities The Meliorist | Thursday, 10 October 2002 | Page 02 careers and •.••!• rtunities copies of postings, and made aware of Upcoming opportuni­ • International Accommodation Guide, Independent Sales AREER & EMPLOYMENT SERVICES IS A STUDENT SERVICE contractors/Salespeople (ASAP). office dedicated to assist you in your job search ties. v * U of L Registrar's Office - Admissions Assistant - temporan and career planning. We're located within the TELUS, Burnaby and Edmonton - Finance/Accounting C (Oct 18). Career Resources Centre along with the two Cooperative Management Trainees (Oct 14 at noon sharp in CHS). * Cargill Poods, Management Trainee - Marketing Education and Applied Studies programs. We relocated this * Cargill Poods, Management Trainee - Marketing, Operations Management, Accounting, Food Science/Quality summer to new premises in Room B6l0 - across from C.J.'s Operations Management, Accounting, Pood Science/Quality Assurance, Human Resources (Oct. 11 to employer. Position Cafe in the Atrium. CRC office hours are Q-Noon and 1-4 pm. Assurance, Human Resources (Oct. 11 to employer). to start next May). Some of our services include: TELUS, Burnaby and Edmonton - Finance/Accounting • Career Resources library contains University and And now for those positions that are not part of On-Campus Management Trainees. (See OCR section above. Oct 14 at College calendars across Canada, employer information, Recruiting: noon sharp in CES. Position to start next May). handouts on standardized testing such as LSAT, MCAT, an Part-time * Kraft Canada - Sales Representative for Lethbridge and sur­ array of Career Planning information and job binders. We * International Accommodation Guide, Independent Sales rounding area (See OCR section above. Oct 10 at noon sharp maintain a job board, conduct workshops in resume writing contractors/Salespeople (ASAP). and interviewing, and organize the annual Career Fair. Stop * YWCA - Office Assistant (Oct. 14). in CES. Position to start ASAP). by and talk to Pat, Diane or Cheryl about our services. We're * Southern Alberta Community Living Association - Part-time * Communications Security Establishment - Careers in here to help you! You can also check out our website for more contractors to provide caring home environment to children Languages (Dec. 15). detailed information: www.uleth.ca/reg-ces/ with developmental disabilities (ASAP). * Mills Unrau Gerlock - Articling Student (ASAP). • Job Board in University Hall, across from the Pizza Hut * Responsible, Trustworthy and fun person needed to accom­ * Vector Marketing Canada - Customer Service/Sales Express where we post all part-time, full-time, volunteer, pany male quadriplegic to the Halloween Cab on Oct. 31 Representative (Oct 31). summer and international positions. The positions may start (ASAP). right away, or they may not start until next summer. NOW is * Tutors for grades 2-12 (ASAP). Summer (check the Job Board or Binder in CES) the time to be watching. The Current Jobs binder in the * Lethbridge Family Services, DaCapo Program - Community * Library of Parliament - Parliamentary Guides (Nov 18). Resource Library enables you to photocopy any of the posi­ Rehabilitation Workers - Relief workers for weekdays, * The Public Service Commission of Canada is launching the tions (at your own expense!) you see on the Job Board. So if evenings and weekends and some scheduled shifts (ASAP). 2002/2003 FSWEP (Federal Student Work Experience you want to make copies of any positions, come in. Program) campaign on Oct. 21st. Check the website at: On-Campus Recruiting (OCR) is in full swing! CES Full-Time (check the Job Board or Binder in CES). jobs.gc.ca to find out more. These are summer and tempo­ organizes recruiting for employers year-round. In most cases Don't forget to check the OCR full-time positions (above) rary jobs to start next year! we collect your resumes, forward them to the employer, set which don't start until between May and September 2003. up interview schedules and host employers on campus when * Western HR Consulting - Management Development posi­ INFORMATION SESSIONS (to date) they come to interview you. tions (ASAP). We have a number of companies and government depart­ * Kainaiwa Children's Services Corp. - Child Care Counselor Monday, November 4, 12:15 - 1:30, Room C756 ments who are recruiting December and April grads, as well (Oct. 15). * Institute of Chartered Accountants as summer students right now for positions in 2003! You could have a job contract signed before Christmas. Come in to B610 for more information. See below for lists of new graduate and summer OCR positions. Pronghorn Hockey Pool 2002-03 On-Campus Recruiting (OCR) Permanent Full-time OCR (Positions beginning May-Sept. 2003) This \s thc Fourth Annual Pronghorn Regular Season Hockey Pool. The cost is $25. The To participate in OCR, you must sign up for a session nd t tf, th in our office (B610). In the session, you will register prize money is l^lOOO, 2 -$500, 3*-$300, 4 *-$250, 5 -$150, e^lOO, 7 - and receive detailed information about how to apply, 10th-$50. Checks are payable to Pronghorn Hockey and can be mailed to l\Aen's Pronghorn Hockey 4401 University Dr., Lethbridge, Alberta TIK 3M4 or Faxed (Attn: lien's Hockey) to 403-329-2709. All entries must be received or postmarked by October 15th, 2002. The pool will be updated daily on the Internet at www.officepools.com ID- pronghorns, password- horns. If there are any questions or concerns please coniaci Bill 403-329-2229 or Dino Student Newspaper of the university of Lethbridge 403-329-1151. **AII entries must be paid by October 20, 2002. An autonomous body, separate from the U of L Students' Union SU-166,4401 University Drive West, Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4 Please pick TWO players from each box. mel*io*rism (meel ye riz'm, me'le e-), n. the doctrine Lemieux Pit Sakic Col Bertuzzi Van Geurin Dal Selanne SJ that tbe world tends to become better or may be made better by human effort Forsberg Col Modano Dal Kariya Ana Amonte Pho Palffy LA The Meiorist is the student newspaper ol the Univereity of Lethbridge, Lindros NYR pubfched most Thursdays throughout the academic year by The Kovalev Pit Fedorov Det Nolan SJ Alfredsson Ott Meiorist Pubishing Society, an autonomous incorporated body. Please address al correspondence to The Meiorist, 4401 University Sundin Tor Bure MYR Iginila Cal Bondra Was Hejduk Col Drive. Lethbridge, Aberta, TIK 3M4, or drop it off at room SU-166. Deadine for submissions is Sunday at noon. The phone number is (403) 329-2334 a fax us at 329-2333. The Meiorist appreciates ana Yashin NYI Naslund Van Fleury Chi Oates Ana Sykora Ana encourages the writing of thoughtful, concise, timely letters. However. The Melorisl w* ont/ consider for pubfcatbn those letters which are signed by the author (special arrangements may be made for those Murray Bos Daze Chi Doan Pho Kovalchuk Atl Elias NJ wishing anonymity, but absoluteV no pseudonyms), contain fhe authors legible name, address, telephone number and student iden­ Hull Det Gaborik Min tification number (address. I.D. and phone number not for pubfca- Kapanen Car Smyth Ed Tkachuk St.L tion). Letters may be edited for brevity, clarity and legalty. The Meiorist reserves the rightt o edt submissions and wi not print fbetous material. Recchi Phi Comrie Ed Heotley Atl Tanguay Col Shanahan Det Hossa Ott Datsyuk Det Zednik Mon Deadmarsh LA Leclair Phi Editor-in-Chief | Chris Brown Mogilny Tor Briere Pho* Business Manager | .Joe Fink Carter Ed Arnott Dal Thornton Bos Copy Editor | Robbie Chernish Gagne Phi Weight St.L Nieuwendyk NJ Blake Col Sydor Dal News Editor | Alicia McKenzie Rolston Bos Bank Ott Morrison Van Lidstrom Det Chelios Det Sports Editor | Craig Hamilton Tucker Tor Photo Editor | Lance Semak Holik NYR Stumpel Bos Gonchar Was Redden Ott Entertainment Editor | Danielle Grassland O'niell Car Allison LA Sullivan Chi Niedermayer NJ Jovonovski Man Froduetion Manager | .Jeff Stauffer McEachern Atl Francis Car Conroy Cal Leetch Nyr Rafalski NJ Office Assistant | Tamara liischke Distribution Manager | Curtis Home Creative Designer | Abi Uuijnh Advertising Manager | Scott Zagorsky Name: WebMaster | Roopi Dhaliwal Printing | Southern Alberta Newspaper Group Address:. (jmlnhilun Rt.mAiuhwn.i'iiUi KMIVIIIUI. /./; Pitta, Irn llnut City: Postal Code: On the Cover Beefcake lops off LCCSA locks Phone Number:. \in.11m. tktptiam. wluuiU. !,itnJi/ut) \uLu\ tyitcromdty tynnp$jtitm, >t.in vtmtAvmj Sold by: 41 Letters to the Editor The Meliorist Thursday, 10 October 2002 Page 03 Americanized. with the idea that foreign students EAR EDITOR, I HAVE JUST What makes Canada is us. Our add to and enrich the post-second­ read last week's editori­ local talents, our friends, and fami­ ary experience. However, I do D al "And we complain ly. Our flag and patriotism are just believe that they should have to pay about Americans," written by News decorations. We know we are their fair share to attend here. We, Editor Alicia McKenzie. My opin­ Canadian and we will be forever. mostly through our parents, have ion is that we aren't much less letters superficial, egocentric, or pushy This i.s something that we cannot already contributed a large sum of define, it cannot be put into words. to the money to our education before we than our old cousins - and we do I know that I am very proud to be • « joine ever set foot on a university cam­ have our economically greedy Canadian. pus. By charging higher rates to aspects. Our multinational corpo­ foreign student universities arc not rations are very exploitive, and I feel safe here with no handguns. taking advantage of them, but only have made us very unpopular in I feel proud to breathe our clean editor making them contribute a portion some parts of the world.
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