THE JOURNAL OF REGIONAL HISTORY The great Russian Revolution of 1917: Regional dimension Online scientific journal 2017 Vol. 1 No. 4 Cherepovets 2017 Publication: 2017 Vol. 1 No. 4 DECEMBER. Issued four times a year. FOUNDER: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education ‘Cherepovets State University’ The mass media registration certificate is issued by the Federal Service for Supervi- sion of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor). Эл №ФС77-70013 dated 31.05.2017 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: O.Y. Solodyankina, Doctor of Historical Sciences (Cherepovets State University) DEPUTY EDITORS-IN-CHIEF: A.N. Yegorov, Doctor of Historical Sciences (Cherepovets State University) E.A. Markov, Doctor of Political Sciences (Cherepovets State University) B.V. Petelin, Doctor of Historical Sciences (Cherepovets State University) A.L. Kuzminykh, Doctor of Historical Sciences (Vologda Institute of Law and Economics, Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia) EDITOR: N.G. MELNIKOVA COMPUTER DESIGN LAYOUT: M.N. AVDYUKHOVA EXECUTIVE EDITOR: N.A. TIKHOMIROVA (8202) 51-72-40 PROOFREADER (ENGLISH): N. KONEVA, PhD, MITI, DPSI, SFHEA (King’s College London, UK) Address of the publisher, editorial office and printing-office: 162600 Russia, Vologda region, Cherepovets, Prospekt Lunacharskogo, 5. OPEN PRICE Pictures on the cover of the issue are borrowed from the source https://yastatic.net/lego/_/La6qi18Z8LwgnZdsAr1qy1GwCwo.gifhttps://yastatic.net/lego/_/La6q i18Z8LwgnZdsAr1qy1GwCwo.gif https://gorodovod.ru/images/yootheme/Socolov-Skalia-1939.jpg; ISSN 2587-8352 Online media 10 standard published sheets Publication: 15.12.2017 © Federal State Budgetary Educational 1 Format 60 84 /8. Institution of Higher Education Font style Times. ‘Cherepovets State University’, 2017 Contents Editorial ........................................................................................................................ 4 Research Egorov A. Public sentiments of the population in Vologda Governorate on the eve of the February Revolution ............................................................................... 7 Holyaev S. The year of 1917 in Yaroslavl .................................................................. 26 Hajiyev A. Socio-economic and military-political status of the Southwestern Caucasus on the eve of collapse of the Russian empire ...................................... 39 Shchukin D. The revolutionary year of 1917 in Russia – reaction to events and everyday life in the diaries and memoirs of political figures of the era: From the Kadets to monarchists ..................................................................................... 57 Discussion platform ‘Reflections of a historian’ Aronov D. The post of President in the liberal projects of state structure in the Russian Democratic Republic in the early 20th century ....................................... 75 Reviews Goldin V. Rethinking on the eve of the century: Historians of the February Rev- olution [Book Review: The February Revolution of 1917: Problems of His- tory and Historiography: A Collection of Reports of the International Scien- tific Conference] .................................................................................................... 85 Chronicle of Scientific Life The research of a scholar from Cherepovets printed by the British publisher ‘Routledge’ ............................................................................................................ 91 All-Russia academic seminar ‘State, capitalism and society in Russia in the sec- ond half of the 19th – early 20th centuries’ ............................................................ 94 Guide for authors ..................................................................................................... 97 3 EDITORIAL Dear readers, We are pleased to present the fourth issue of ‘Historia pro- vinciae – the journal of regional history’. It is devoted to the most important event not only in the Russian but also in the world history – the Great October Socialist Revolution, the cen- tenary of which is being celebrated this year. It goes without saying that our journal could not take no notice of such a sig- nificant event, however it would be incorrect to consider this issue as a response to this anniversary only. The Russian Revo- lution of 1917 left such a deep trace in our history that its study will always remain the most important trend andn an area of activity for historians and other specialists in the humanities knowledge. The scientific interests of the authors in this issue are related to the revolutionary topic, and their articles were not only prepared because of the ‘anniversary’ date, but rather reflect the current trends of the research. Following the subject theme of our journal, we are publishing the materials of researchers from various regions of this country: Arkhangelsk, Yelets, Oryol, Cherepovets and Yaroslavl. The article of A.N. Egorov is devoted to the analysis of mass public sentiments among the population in Vologda Governorate on the eve of the February Revolution. At its basis are the reports of gendarme and the constabulary to their headship, ade- quately reflecting the state of affairs at the local level. The timeliness of this subject matter is in the intention of several historians, politicians and public figures to fix the idea in the public perception that there were no objective reasons for czar’s demise, and the revolution took place because of destructive activity of masons, liberals and other opponents of the existing established order. Entering polemics regarding this point of view, А.N. Egorov shows at the example of one of the peaceful governorates of Russia, the naturally-determined nature of the February Revolution, in many as- pects caused by the inability of the authorities to solve one of the most important problems in the country’s life. In the article of S.V. Kholyaev, at the example of Yaroslavl, the mutual influence of events is shown with regards to the course of revolution, that were taking place both in the capital and in the provinces. The author shows that the major problem in 1917 became the disaccord of the central and the regional authoritiies, whereas the re- fusal of the Provisional Government to recognise the priority of committees for pub-- lic security, influential at the local level, led to the crisis of the whole system of re- gional governance. The rise to power of the Bolsheviks prevented the disintegration 4 THE JOURNAL OF REGIONAL HISTORY 2017 • Vol. 1 • No. 4 http://hpchsu.ru of the country, once again securing support for the central government on part of most of the principal towns of the provinces. The most important problem in 1917 became the issue of inter-ethnic relations, splitting apart the Russian Empire. In the article of А.N. Hajiyev, the factors of so- cial-economic and socio-political development of the Southwestern Caucasus are considered, which set the prerequisites for formation of democratic republics in Tran- scaucasia. The revolutionary upheavals of 1917 caused the natural growth of national movements in Transcaucasia, and the rise to power of the Bolsheviks and their with- drawal from World War I created the real conditions to change the state-territorial status of Caucasian regions and provinces. Under such conditions, as the author shows, the creation of independent republics in Transcaucasia was becoming inevitable. Up to now, the debates go on with regards to responsibility for the revolution that various politicians and public figures would assume. A certain contribution to this discussion is made by the article of D.V. Shchukin devoted to consideration and re- flection of the image of historical people and the revolutionary events of 1917 in dia- ries, memoirs and letters of political personalities of the considered epoch. The author emphasizes that those events left a strongly pronounced emotional colouring in their contemporaries’ memory, and such colouring passed onto the historiography of the Russian Revolution from private sources. Of polemical character is also the article of D.V. Aronov on the place and role of President in the liberal law-making in the early 20th century. Having analysed the texts of the liberal projects of the Constitution of Russia (Basic Law) in the early 20th century and the law-making process of the Special Committee and the Minister of Justice in the Provisional Government, the author made a conclusion about inappre- ciable influence of liberal ideas on the statutory law making in 1917. In the opinion of D.V. Aronov, the project of introducing the post of Acting (Provisional) President con- firms the overall conclusion that the liberal, based on rule of law, ‘recipes’ for over- coming systemic crises do not work in the revolutionary time, when the choice of the society gravitates towards other ways of reforming the social reality and crisis recov- ery, offering simple and understandable solutions for the ordinary people. The materials published in the journal are complemented by the review of V.I. Goldin for the collection of reports at the international scientific conference that took place in March 2017 in St Petersburg ‘February Revolution of 1917: Problems of His- tory and Historiography’. In the section ‘Chronicle of Scientific Life’, the informa- tion regarding All-Russia (with international participation) academic seminar ‘State, capitalism and society in Russia in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries’ arranged by
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