.• i I ! - INSTYTUT PROBLEMOW J/\DROWYCH im. Andrzeja Sottana The Andrzej Softan INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR STUDIES ANNUAL REPORT 2002 .-T PL-05-400 OTWOCK-SWIERK, POLAND tel.: 048 22 718 05 83 fax: 048 22 779 34 81 e-mail: [email protected] http://www.ipj.gov.pl Editors: D. Chmielewska E. Infeld Z. Preibisz P. Zuprariski Secretarial work and layout: A. Odziemczyk K. Traczyk Cover design G. Karczmarczyk Printed by Zakted Graficzny UW, zam. 368/2003 ISSN 1232-5309 Annual Report 2002 CONTENTS I. GENERAL INFORMATION 7 1. MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE 7 2. SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL 8 3. DEPARTMENTS OF THE INSTITUTE 9 4. SCIENTIFIC STAFF OF THE INSTITUTE 10 5. VISITING SCIENTISTS 12 6. GRANTS 14 7. DEGREES 18 8. CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS ORGANIZED BY IPJ 18 II. REPORTS ON RESEARCH BY DEPARTMENT 19 1 NUCLEAR REACTIONS 19 2. NUCLEAR SPECTROSCOPY AND TECHNIQUE 39 3. DETECTORS AND NUCLEAR ELECTRONICS 59 4. RADIATION SHIELDING AND DOSIMETRY 71 5. PLASMA PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY 79 6. HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 99 7. COSMIC RAY PHYSICS 123 8. NUCLEAR THEORY 135 9. MATERIAL STUDIES 151 10. ACCELERATOR PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY 161 11. TRAINING AND CONSULTING 169 12. ESTABLISHMENT FOR NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT 177 III. AUTHOR INDEX 183 Annual Report 2002 PL0400128 Annual Report 2002 FOREWORD For Polish science the year 2002 was the year of struggle for survival. The state financing has reached the lowest-ever level. The sudden drop in this financing was like pulling a pillow from under a dying. Many a weaker man dies, many a weaker institution perishes. This Annual Report bears witness that we have managed to survive, though we did not emerge quite unscathed: our personnel had decreased in number by about 15 %, the number of our publications did not increase (about 200), no discovery worth the Nobel prize was announced, etc. We do, however, have some pieces of good work to brag about (see the forewords to various chapters in this Report by the department leaders). As examples, I'll mention two very different award gaining contributions. One is a piece of advanced mathematics applied elegantly to a rather general physical problem (see 8.22), the other is a piece of advanced electronics which has finally matured to commercialization (see 3.9) We have also started to explore new research territories. Thus e.g. we are now actively engaged in the fast growing international collaboration on the hottest subject in subatomic physics: the neutrino physics (as it happens, the topic of the latest Nobel lecture). Our belt tightening happens at the time of a natural "change of guards". Several of our senior colleagues retire and leave the institute or continue part time only. One of the presently most essential tasks for our long term survival is to fill the vacancies with "fresh blood". Against the odds, we can claim at least a partial success in this task, though far below the needs. In addition to our Ph. D. studies and to opening a few post-doc positions, we also engage in educational activities at other levels. We took active part in the "Warsaw Science Picnic" in the spring and in the Science Festival in the autumn, we managed to greatly enrich the permanent exhibition of our Training Department (notably with a rather sophisticated, 1:10 scale model of a nuclear power plant, a strong attractor for various visitors, the high school students first of all), etc. A European grant to the Training Department shows that this activity is gaining a wide recognition. The belt tightening resulted also in a long Christmas leave - two weeks of forced holidays. The traditional end-of-the year solemn session of the Scientific Council was postponed till January. As usual, this was an occasion to listen to a lecture on the latest Nobel prize in physics, to hand out various diplomas, to exchange best wishes with colleagues, etc. We have used the opportunity to also honour four retiring eminent members of the Council, the long time employees of the Tnstituie: professor Wojciech Ratyiiski, the director of the Institute in the years 1987 - 1996, dr Michal Annual Report 2002 Gryzihski, prof. Stanistaw Kuliiiski and MSc. Marian Pachan. Three of them have been awarded the Institute's medal of merit for the outstanding contributions to their respective fields of research (see reproductions of the medals inside this Report). Let me finish with a few wishes: may our funding authorities appreciate good research regardless whether it fits the rather peculiar priorities of the 6th Framework of UE or not , may their preaching about the "knowledge based society in Poland" come true, may we be successful in finding worthy successors in our trade, may all Colleagues inside and outside our institute enjoy a happy and successful year 2003. Professor Ziemowid Sujkowski Annual Report 2002 I. GENERAL INFORMATION The Institute is a state owned laboratory. It carries out pure and applied research on subatomic physics, i.e. elementary particle, low and high energy nuclear physics, plasma physics and related fields. The Institute specializes in accelerator physics and technology, material research with nuclear techniques, the development of spectrometric techniques, nuclear electronics and also in applications of nuclear techniques to environmental research, nuclear medicine etc. Apart from the scientific departments, there is a separate production unit operating within the Institute - ZdAJ (the Establishment for Nuclear Equipment). The unit specializes in medical equipment, notably in the production of linear electron accelerators for oncology. The main site of the Institute is Swierk near Otwock, but some of its departments (P-I, P-VI, P-VIII) are located in Warsaw, PL-00-681 Warsaw, 69 Hoza street, and one (P-VII) in the city of Lodz, PL-90-950 Lodz, 5 Uniwersytecka street. 1. MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE Director Professor Ziemowid SUIKOWSKI phone:(22) 718-05-83 e-mail: [email protected] Deputy Director, Research and Development Professor Marek MOSZYNSKI phone:(22)718-05-86 e-mail: [email protected] Scientific Secretary Dr. Danuta CHMIELEWSKA phone:(22)718-05-85 e-mail: [email protected] Annual Report 2002 2. SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL The Scientific Council was elected on the 7th of May 1999 by the scientific, technical and administrative staff of the Institute. The Council has the right to confer PhD and habilitation degrees in physics (DSc). Representatives of scientific staff: Helena Bialkowska, Assoc.Prof. Marian Pachan, MSc. Wiestaw Czarnacki, Dr. Jerzy Piekoszewski, Professor Stanislaw Gebalski, MSc. Stanistaw Pszona, Dr. Michal Gryzinski, Assoc.Prof. Wojciech Ratyriski, Professor Marian Jaskota, Professor Marek Sadowski, Professor, Deputy Chairman Roscistaw Kaczarowski, Assoc.Prof. Adam Sobiczewski, Professor Tadeusz Kozlowski, Dr. Ryszard Sosnowski, Professor, Chairman Stanislaw Kulinski, Professor, Deputy Chairman Joanna Stepaniak, Professor Jerzy Langner, Dr. Ziemowid Sujkowski, Professor Leszek Lukaszuk, Professor, Deputy Chairman Grzegorz Wilk, Assoc.Prof. Marek Moszvhski, Professor Slawomir Wycech, Professor Representatives of technical personnel: Genowefa Fajkowska, Eng. Edward Fronczak, technician Bogdan Gas, Eng. Andrzej Hilger, MSc. Jan Kopec, Eng. Jolanta Mozdrzewska, MSc. Jacek Pracz, MSc. Anna Sidor Iwona Zawrocka, MSc. Zbigniew Zero, Eng. External members: Andrzej Budzanowski, Professor Institute of Nuclear Physics,(IFJ), Cracow Andrzej Chmielewski, Assoc.Prof. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry (IChTJ), Warsaw Tomasz Czosnyka, Assoc.Prof. Heavy Ion Laboratory, Warsaw University Jacek Fijuth. Assoc.Prof. Institute of Oncology, Warsaw Janusz Mika, Professor Institute of Atomic Energy (IEA), Warsaw Zdzislaw Pawlovvski, Professor Warsaw Technical Institute Stanislaw Rohoziiiski, Professor Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University Janusz Zakrzewski, Professor Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University Annual Report 2002 3. DEPARTMENTS OF THE INSTITUTE - NUCLEAR REACTIONS (P-I) Head of Department - Assoc. Prof. Krzysztof RUSEK - NUCLEAR SPECTROSCOPY AND TECHNIQUE (P-II) Head of Department - Dr Tadeusz KOZLOWSKI - DETECTORS AND NUCLEAR ELECTRONICS (P-III) Head of Department - Assoc. Prof. Zbigniew GUZIK - RADIATION SHIELDING AND DOSIMETRY (P-IV) Head of Department - Dr Stanistaw PSZON A - PLASMA PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY (P-V) Head of Department - Professor Marek SADOWSKI - HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (P-VI) Head of Department - Assoc. Prof. Helena B1ALKOWSKA - COSMIC RAY PHYSICS (P-VH) Head of Department - Dr Jacek SZABELSKI - NUCLEAR THEORY (P-VIII) Head of Department - Assoc. Prof. Grzegorz WILK - MATERIAL STUDIES (P-IX) Head of Department - Assoc. Prof. Zbigniew WERNER - ACCELERATOR PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY (P-X) Head of Department - Dr Eugeniusz PLAWSKI Other units: DEPARTMENT OF TRAINING AND CONSULTING Director - Professor Ludwik DOBRZYNSKI tel.718-06-12, 718-05-71 ESTABLISHMENT FOR NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT (ZdAJ) Director, MSc. Jacek PRACZ tel.718-05-00, 718-05-02 • TRANSPORT DIVISION (ZTS) Director, Civ.Eng. Bogdan GAS tel.718-06-16, fax 048-22-718-06-15 10 Annual Report 2002 4. SCIENTIFIC STAFF OF THE INSITUTE PROFESSORS BLOCKI Jan Theoretical Nuclear Physics DABROWSKI Janusz (**) Theoretical Nuclear Physics DOBRZYNSK! Ludwik Solid State Physics 4. INFELD Eryk Plasma Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics 5. JASKOLA Marian Low Energy Nuclear Physics 6. KULINSK! Stanislaw Accelerator Techniques and Physics 7. LUKASZUK Leszek Particle Physics 8. MARCINKOWSKI Andrzej Low Energy Nuclear Physics 9. MOSZYNSKI Marek Nuclear Electronics, Technical Physics 10. MROWCZYNSKI Stanislaw (**) Particle Physics 1 1. NASSALSKI
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