July 11, 1985 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 18903 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS METHANOL AND CAFE place. Also, our continued dependence "06) The term 'methanol powered auto­ on foreign oil for gasoline production mobile' means an automobile capable of op­ will cease-for generations. Last, but erating on not less than 85 percent metha­ HON. ROBERT E. WISE, JR. not least, if more methanol is needed nol."; and to fuel our automobiles, more domes­ (2) in section 503(d) 05 U.S.C. 2003Cd)) by OF WEST VIRGINIA adding at the end thereof the following new tic coal and natural gas will be needed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES paragraph: to produce it. The jobs created in West "(4) If a manufacturer manufactures Wednesday July 10, 1985 Virginia alone would be staggering. methanol powered automobiles, the fuel •Mr. WISE. Mr. Speaker, I have I am excited about the positive influ­ economy calculated for purposes of this today introduced legislation designed ence my legislation, if enacted, would title, except for the purpose of labeling to give American auto manufacturers have. Many more of our Nation's coal under section 506, shall be based on the fuel miners could be working; our air would content of the methanol mixture used to op­ a break if they start to produce cars erate such automobiles. For purposes of this that run on methanol. My bill has be cleaner; we would not be subject to section, a gallon of the methanol mixture been introduced in the other body as blackmail by the OPEC oil cartel, and used to operate such automobiles shall be well, and will be the subject of a our domestic auto industry would be considered to contain 15 one-hundreths of a Senate Commerce Committee hearing given a tremendous "shot in the gallon of fuel.".e on July 17. arm" -something it desperately needs. The so-called Corporate Average I urge my colleagues to join me as Fuel Economy [CAFE] standard, de­ cosponsors of my bill. A copy of it is RETIREMENT OF THE veloped in the 1970's to reduce the Na­ printed below. HONORABLE ELDON RUDD tion's dependence on foreign oil, is the H.R.- focus of my effort. My bill gives car A bill to amend the Motor Vehicle Informa­ HON. BOB STUMP manufacturers who, under CAFE, tion and Cost Savings Act to provide for OF ARIZONA must meet certain mileage standards the appropriate treatment of methanol, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and for other purposes using the average of the miles-per­ Wednesday, July 10, 1985 gallon ratings of all the models they Be it enacted by the Senate and House of produce, a credit toward meeting this Representatives of the United States of •Mr. STUMP. Mr. Speaker, in the 73 industrywide standard. America in Congress assembled, years since our statehood, Arizona has For example: Suppose that Compa­ SECTION I. SHORT TITLE. had but only 17 people who have ny X produces a car designed to oper­ This Act may be cited as the "Methanol served its residents in the U.S. House ate on 85-percent methanol <the ac­ Vehicle Incentives Act of 1985". of Representatives. No matter their cepted definition of a methanol car) SEC. 2. FINDINGS. length of service, each one who has and 15-percent gasoline; its fuel econo­ The Congress finds that- served and since left these Chambers my standard should be based on how ( 1} transportation uses account for more has made lasting contributions to his much gasoline it consumes. A car that than 60 percent of the oil consumption of district, our State, and this Congress. travels 24 miles per gallon on 85-per­ the Nation; Recently, my good friend in Con­ (2) continued reliance on imported oil is gress from Arizona's Fourth Congres­ cent methanol fuel would, in effect, be detrimental to the economy and security of traveling 160 miles per gallon of gaso­ the United States; sional District, ELDON RUDD, has an­ line. For an automaker struggling to (3) methanol is a proven transportation nounced his retirement at the end of meet a prescribed CAFE standard, the fuel that burns more cleanly and efficiently the 99th Congress. ELDON joined that advantage of selling such highly rated than gasoline; and small but significant number of Arizo­ cars is obvious. (4) conversion of a portion of the trans­ nans who have contributed to Arizo­ Many of us were shocked when the portation fleet of the Nation to methanol na's history and future by serving in Japanese announced this spring that would stimulate development of a domestic the House of Representatives. He has coal-to-methanol industry, create jobs, served his district and State admirably they would increase the shipment of reduce air pollution, and enhance national their imported automobiles to the security. throughout five terms, remaining dedi­ cated to the principles upon which United States. A significant number of SEC. 3. PURPOSES. us in the Congress had been working The purposes of this Act are to- this county was founded. hard to keep the imported auto "Vol­ o) provide for the appropriate application The Arizona Republic editorialized untary Restraint Agreement" in place; of fuel economy standards to methanol pow­ ELDON'S announcement in a way which we lost. My legislation will kill two ered automobiles; and aptly portrays our colleague and his birds with one stone: First, American (2) increase the availability of methanol dedicated public service career. The companies will be greatly encouraged and methanol powered vehicles to consum­ test of the editorial follows and I com­ to manufacture small, highly-efficient ers. mend it to you. methanol vehicles to compete with SEC. 4. MANUFACTURING INCENTIVES FOR METHA· Never flamboyant, Republican Rep. Eldon NOL POWERED AUTOMOBILES. Rudd just went about being a congressman what the Japanese are trying to sell The Motor Vehicle Information and Cost dedicated to Arizona and Arizona issues. here and, second, create a market for Savings Act 05 U.S.C. 1901 et seq.) is Voters in the sprawling 4th District with a methanol fuel in the United States. amended- heavy GOP concentration liked what they My legislation is a · simple way to 0) in section 501 05 U.S.C. 2001> by saw in Rudd, a conservative idealogue. They take care of a number of problems pre­ adding at the end thereof the following new returned him to Washington every two viously associated with methanol car paragraphs: years since his first narrow victory by just production. If American companies are The term methanol mixture means the 719 votes in 1976. producing methanol cars, the market mixture of methanol with other fuel, if any, He consistently ran strong-so strong that used to operate a methanol powered auto­ by last year, no Democrats took him on, for fuel will skyrocket, providing in­ mobile. giving Rudd an enviable free ride which, un­ centives for service stations to put in "05) The term 'methanol mixture' means deniably, pinned the "unbeatable" label on tanks and pumps, something desper­ the mixture of methanol with other fuel, if him for future elections. ately needed if long-distance driving in any, used to operate a methanol powered So it was with great surprise that Rudd, methanol cars is to become common- automobile. 64, announced that the remainder of his e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 18904 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 11, 1985 term would be his last, a statement that has phia Electric Co.; G. Fred DiBona, Jr., We shall design and build quality into sent would-be successors scurrying about in president, Greater Philadelphia every product and service. what promises to be a free-for-all scramble Quality must focus on continuous im­ in 1986. Chamber of Commerce; and Edward Toohey, president, AFL-CIO, Phila­ provement and innovation. Quality cannot Rudd made his announcement in his own be "inspected" into a product by sorting the inimitable way without fanfare or hoopla-a delphia Region. The purpose of this good from the bad. Management and the press release late Friday afternoon on the Declaration is to reaffirm our commit­ workforce must work together to build qual­ Fourth of July weekend when revelers ment to the American values and initi­ ity into every product and service. would be more engrossed in hot dogs, camp­ ative which made our country great Price alone shall not be the basis for pur­ fires and swimming than in what a congress­ and to provide a foundation for a new chasing materials and services. man was saying. and continuing prosperity. The lowest priced product or service is not Not even members of the state's congres­ The signers of this Second Declara­ necessarily the best value. Competitive high sional delegation had more than a moment's tion recognize that when new chal­ quality can never be achieved if inferior ma­ advance warning. That in itself showed it terials or services are tolerated. We must was a personal decision between himself and lenges arise which threaten the pros­ refuse to award business solely on the basis his family; not one that he sought advice on perity, values and opportunities on of price. Quality must be an intrinsic com­ from colleagues or others. which this great Nation was conceived ponent of the process from the start. At­ Skeptics may scoff at his stated reason: and built, it becomes necessary for a taining the highest possible quality at the "In my view the Founding Fathers contem­ new vision and a new focus of atten­ lowest total cost requires the development plated a citizen legislature, with a reasona­ tion, so that all people may join to­ of long-term working relationships between ble and continuing turnover in member­ customers and suppliers.
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