DOCUMENT RESUME ED 1?"/ 217 SO 009 270 AUTHOR Faxon, Pookie, Comp.; 1olint, Mary, Comp. TETIE Films by and/or about Women,' 1972: Directory of Filmmakers, Films, and Distributors; Internationally; Past agd Present.- . INSTITUTION ' Wdmen's BiStory Research Center, Inc., Berkeley, Calif. , PUB .DATE' Oct 72 NOTE 77p. if AVAILABLE FROM Women's Histoiy Research Center, 2325 OakStreet, Berkeley, California 94708 ($5.00, $3.00 for .individual women) - a EDRS-PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. BC Not kiailable frok EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Biographies; Birth Rate; Child Care; *Directories; Documentaries;,*FeMales; *Films; Fine Arts; Marriage; *Resource Guides`; Hex Disctiminatj.on; Sex ,Stereotypes; Sexuality; Single Concept Films; Social Problems; *Womens Studieg; Working Women v IDENTIFIERS *Filmmakers ABSTRACT s . This dire&tory listp & variety of films. about women. Reflective of the content, the directory is divided into categories: animated; anthropoldgy, ethnology, sociology, and science,; birth and control of birth; careers and jobAiscrimination;.children andchild care; documentaries;16xperiiental, avant-garde, and classics; male-female,relations and marriage; feMale portraits and biographies; performing art's; sensuality- and sexuality; social protest; and Third World. Filmmakers included both women and men. In addition to other' "films, slide showsrand videotapes are presented. Each entry provifts title, time length, film type, color or black/white, price, date, producer, source and a ,short annotation written by the filmmaker. Also included are an indei of the films by'female filmmakers and, lists of film distributors and their addresses, films in progress, films without complete information, ind last minute additions. (ND) f. , ,*********************************************************************** * Documents acquired by ERIC include many informalunpublished, * materials not available -'from other sources.ERIC.,pakes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items ofmarginal * * 'reproducibility are often encountered and this affectsthe quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopyreproductioni ERIC makes available .*. * via the ERIC Document Reprod ction Strvice (EDRS) . EDRSis not * responsible for the quality oI the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by BUS are the best that can be made from theorigin'al. ,* , ************************4*****%***********4**************************4* - 4 ) FILMS BY AND/OR ABOUT U S DEPARTMTV OFHEALTH EDUCATION MINELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PERMISSION TO RE PRODUCE THIS EDUCATION' COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL BY MICRO THIS DOCUMENT HASPEEN REAR° FICm ONLY HAS PTL N GRANT OuCE0 ExAcTL y ASRECEIVED, FROM WOMEN ORGAN,24/TION'OR,GIN THE PERSON OR OR CrP,NQNS AT1NG IT RO,NTS.OF EVY REPRE A TIONS OPERA/ STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY TO ERIC AND OPG ,NST,T,J,E OF I NC, UNDER AGREEMEN TS WITH T.HE NA SENT OFF C,AL NATIONAL EDUCATION POSITION OPPOI.Av TIONAL T (LICE OF EDUCATION uR INEW°REPRODUC TION OUTSIDE Alf F RIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PERM'S 1972 SION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER Directory of Filmitakers, Films, and Distributors nternation411y, Paq and,Present Copyright 1972 Women'a History ResearCh Center,Inc. 2325 Oak Street, Beesley,CA. 94708 DEDICATED TO ALL WOMEN LAUGHED AT FOR DREAMING 1T-TECHNICOLOR About This Fild Directory: s'\ This is the second in a series of film directories fofwhich we need your-sideas, time, material. office supplies and any fund'srou can spare. These donations in the ave helped -4 us to read about firms. track them down, talk totheitilmmakersand sometimes een the films. They also l'ave helped and will helpinthe organization of matemfallsent to us,. as' 0 weld as. the printing, publicity and distribution costs. We are especially griteful fOr the devci- 1. tioh of the FRIENDS Of THE WOMEN'S HISTORY LIBRARY in seeing us through this-p-ro4ect. Our leads to these films came,frpm many differe'nt soucces- letters from individual people, film buffs' patient anoRers to questioes4 film distributors' cataltgs, and film magazines; Out mostly the tireless efforts of the Women'i Periodical Department of the Women's History y I -1 ',ibra'ry: oho clipped every mehtion of, a film anyone wasthinkingof doing, 'ad in progress, I or was ,s-howing for their group in the past four years, The next stp was the arduous task of tracking down the omplete Informati6n, something notalways positble..The funds 'k for the Periodical and other departments. and the periodicals themselves, are donated . , .. hy the thousands of members of the Library internationally. wr . We hope any readers*new to the Library will write us what t4k, think about fills and what' they know about films in progress. We don't charge anyone we are listing herein for the Publicity of their films, because we are providIng a service to both the people who want to she. films for their classes or groups, and also to the people who care about the recording of our history. "bur history has been stolen from us".. asa Poster on our r say ;, so we want to document it.as completely as possible 6 4. a; About the Women's History Library: To be as complete as posstble means we need Your continued support for this and other' directories that the,Library produced, such as those of- tapes, research projects, women's periodicals, female artists and bibliographies ind'course outlines.Those projects seeking funds are on children, Black women, rape, lbOrtion, and music (listings of poetry, books,, clippings, periodicals, tape etc). The Women's periodicals are availab 11 3 1 bn microfilm from 841 S Howell, and the Library has also produced a newsletter (1969), a Synopy1s of Women in World History, "and the Women's Songbook. Send a donation and a'\ ./ busi/fess-sized,stamped, self - addressed envelope, for our latest price list .and micro- filMipg sews. l/. We believve that Herstory,- OURS - is especially important t be captured visually an , 4 . / films as well as on the tapes we did for the Songbook, Acause U ESCO says that over 70Z of the world's ncin-literatd people are women. We need to communicat to each other as raptilly, accurately and fully as possible in order to.change the conditions of our lives. We are proud Old delAghted_ to find, in lookipg over the'contents of these films, that their enormo/us variety proves what we knew all along: there is nothing that women aren't involved in, historically or cross - culturally. This isovisible both,in.the Ulms about , . women by Womiii, men and organizations, and also in the myriad interests of the female ,filmmakers themselves. 4 The Women's History Research Center is particulary grateful to those of its Library , staff wofking directly in .the film projectr Anne Bishop, Chrkistine Cunningham, Hope Friedman, Janet Kahn, Labra King, Carolyn Pang; and4so Kelley Camp, Sharon HileMan: and Carol Rank of the Women's Periodicals Deparqment, who clipped the leads which Helen Dutton, Esther Gabriel, ;fee Sen Lee and Laura X organized and distributed. The Centex is indebted to Dan Bickley and the staff of the University of California 0 Extension Media Center in Berkeley for endless research and production aid. Laura S Berkeley, California Director, . October 1, 1972 Women's History Library 0 Also dedicated to Julie and Terry who live movies; to Linda and Ken who are too overworked to go to movies anymore: and tq Laura Murra who writes"filmically" about women land ***0 Second Printing, May 1973 "" Organized by Pooki ;!axon and Mary Bolint. Pilo Sources Many Mks rpvailble from seoondarY distributors nationwlde. You might check with'local media resources first (universitios,librariss, filmalistrkbutors in the phone book) before you write to the source listed here. Me hope you will milkean effort to pationize pro rowan resources. Imerican Documentary Films is now defunct. Most of n their films can be orderid,trom Impact or New Day (seeIndex, p.49). Those films indicated m by (vi are currintlm available from the Extension Media Center, Berkeley. Comments, criti cism, and additional informationwauld be appreciated by the Library. 111 TABLE OF CONTEli HOW TO u51 "Acifc,oRf . .The Frms ,11. sources. 1) Films by women on any.subject , am . , 2) Films by.-en or orga';1'zati.:..s which 10:strace something a women's group h.as wanted.tot communicile about wo-en, 3) Films ,by.men about' .3, 4.irticular woman or-women's event. The Films are listedi topically becaUse th.dtis the way people have been asking us for the information over the past four years. Films by women are indexed by filmmaken.becauce of their herstorical iinortance. Slide shows or video tapes -dare included in the directory and its addendas. The descript)ons of the,films are written by the filmmaker-or diste4uter, with,some exceptions. .. DIRECTORY OF FILMS -BY CATEGORY (COMPLETE INFORMATION ON FILMS)' . Animated Antnropology, Ethnology, So/foloqi.;, 5.clence pp 3 5 Birth and Control oC Birth - -a ,0/ pp.6 - 7 Careers and Job Discrimination pp 7 - 8 Children and Child Care pp 9,"- 10 Documemtaries' , pp 10- 12 Experimental, Avant Garde, Classics pp 13 - 21 Male Female, Marriage pp ,22 .. 24 c.,..4 Female.Portraits - Biographies pp 24 - 31. Female Liberation Movement . ph 32 - 35. 0 Mile Portraits - Biographies pp 36 - 37 Performing Arts . pp 37 - 39 Sensuality - Sexuality .- .. pp 39 - 40 Social Protest it"41 / Third World pp 41- 44 0 INDEX OF FILMS BY FEMALE FILMMAKERS pp 45- 48 INDEX bF FILMS BY DISTRIBUTORS pp49- 52 FOR FURTHER INTEREST p 53 Films in Progress . Films Without Complete.Information. pp 53 - 57, Filmmakers Without Complete'Information pp 58 - A8 Last MinOte Additions -this includes films. pp 69 - 71 filmmakers, periodicals, and all other chance information that came up at Ihe last minute. J - . s. Animated ff's1 featie.rkts A(9 ird). If It Is 1 ird Title The AmrritColossal an 114:m , ,Sgund 1'1'617,11 c.r.'1, minutes ---Imm.' c-O-1-or 14entel $8 14964 Fil raker! raticlla Par.s10g Filmmaker: Yvonne Andersen Industrial rent-r Source.
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