Turística, papers de turisme 1 (2020). Monogràfic: Informació turística ᅪ¹­¨­²«₩·¯­°°·₩­²₩ᅧ¥°¸₩ᅵ­°¥ Hector Bonet ᅦ¦·¸¶¥§¸ ᅪ¹­¨­²«₩¯­°°·₩­²₩Dalt Vila₩¥­±·₩¸³₩´¶³´³·©₩¥₩±³¨©°₩ª³¶₩¸¬©₩·¹§§©··ª¹° «¹­¨­²«₩³ª₩¥₩¸³¹¶Κ₩ᅳ³₩¸¬¥¸₩´¹¶´³·©Ζ₩¸¬©₩¥¹¸¬³¶₩¹·©·₩¸¬©₩ϐ­«¹¶©₩³ª₩©°°Ζ₩¥² ­±¥«­²¥¶½₩¸³¹¶₩«¹­¨©Ζ₩°©¥¨­²«₩¥₩«¶³¹´₩³ª₩¶­¸­·¬₩¸³¹¶­·¸·₩ª¶³±₩¥₩§¶¹­·©₩·¬­´ ²Κ₩ᅳ¬©₩¥§§³¹²¸₩³ª«³¸₩¨°³₩·ك¥¾­¦VilaΖ₩ᅬ Ο₩¸³₩ª³¹¶Ο¬³¹¶₩º­·­¸₩¸³₩Dalt©©¶¬¸³²₩¥₩ ¸¬©₩º­·­¸₩«³©·₩¸¬¶³¹«¬₩¥₩·©¶­©·₩³ª₩´³­²¸·Ζ₩·¹§¬₩¥·₩¸¬©₩´¶©Ο§³²¨­¸­³²·₩»¬­§¬ ±¹·¸₩¦©₩±©¸₩¦½₩¸¬©₩«¹­¨©₩¥²¨₩¬³»₩¸³₩«³₩¥¦³¹¸₩¸¬©₩¥§¸¹¥°₩«¹­¨­²«Ζ₩»¬­§¬₩¥¶© ¯©½₩¸³₩¥₩ ·¹§§©··ª¹°₩¸³¹¶Κ₩ᅳ¬©₩¥¶¸­§°©₩¥°·³₩´³·©·₩·³±©₩µ¹©·¸­³²·₩ª³¶₩¸¬© ¶©¥¨©¶₩¸³₩§³²·­¨©¶Κ Keywords: Eivissa₩ᅬ¦­¾¥Ζ₩«¹­¨­²«₩·¯­°°·Ζ₩Dalt Vila₩ᅨ­º­··¥₩₩ᅬ¦­¾¥Ή₩ᅳ³¹¶ §³±±©²¸¥¶½Ή₩ᅨ¼§¹¶·­³² ©·¹± ©¨₩¹­¸§©®¦³ك°₩ᅪ¹­¨­²«₩¯­°°·₩­²₩ᅧ¥°¸₩ᅵ­°¥₩Ϯᅳ©`§²­µ¹©·₩¨©₩ᅪ¹­¥₩¥₩ᅧ¥°¸₩ᅵ­°¥ϯ₩¸©g ´¶³´³·¥¶₩¹²₩±³¨©°₩´©¶₩¥₩¨¹¶₩¥₩¸©¶±©₩¥±¦₩©`¼­¸₩¹²¥₩º­·­¸¥₩«¹­¥¨¥Κ₩ᅦ±¦ ¥§­¸·ϐ­«¹¶¥ ₩ ¨© ₩ ©°°Ζ ₩ ¹²¥ ₩ «¹­¥ ₩ ¸¹¶]g ₩ ¥° ₩ ¥¾¸­°­¸¹ ₩ ¶³¸¹¥ك° ₩ µ¹©·¸ ₩ ´¶³´³`·­¸Ζ¥ 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Can you all hear me loud and ¦¹¸₩­¸₩­·₩³¯¥½₩¸³₩¨©¥°₩»­¸¬₩³¦®©§¸·₩¸»­§©₩³¶₩±³¶© clear? Good. First of all, welcome to the island ¸­±©·Ζ ₩ ±¥¯­²« ₩ ¸¬© ₩ ©¼´°¥²¥¸­³² ₩ ±³¶© ₩ §³±´°©¸© of Ibiza! We'd like to introduce ourselves up ©¥§¬₩¸­±©Κ₩ᅳ¬©₩¥¹¨­©²§©₩°­¯©₩­¸₩¦©§¥¹·©₩­¸₩¬©°´· here in the front. Our driver's name is ¸¬©±₩¸³₩¶©±©±¦©¶₩¸¬©₩­²ª³¶±¥¸­³²Κ Antonio, and my name is Bell. I'm going to be your guide on this tour to₩ᅧ¥°¸₩ᅵ­°¥. Yes,₩ᅧ¥°¸ ᅵ­°¥, but don't worry: you're not on the wrong ¥¸¥°¥² excursion: ᅧ¥°¸₩ᅵ­°¥ is the local name for the old town of Ibiza, the capital of the island. It The island's name, of course, is Ibiza, but means Upper Town, obviously because it's at you'll often see the Catalan version of the the top of a hill, the hill you can see on your name: ᅨ­º­··¥. The reason is the island was left. Anyway, we'll be walking through the conquered by the Catalans in the 13th century. town, visiting the highlights, and I'll be telling Until not many years ago, that was practically you all about it. And if there's anything you the island's only language. But being part of feel curious about that I don't mention, all you Spain, the Spanish language has been in use have to do is ask me, any time you like. After for many years too, and has lately overtaken the walk through the town, you'll have some Catalan in the number of users. free time to walk around by yourselves, and we'll meet the bus again at 1 p.m. to come So now there are two ofϔicial languages: back to the ship. Castilian Spanish and Catalan. The two are romance languages, so they have a lot of ©°°₩­²¸¶³¨¹§©·₩¬©¶·©°ª₩¥²¨₩¸¬©₩¸³¹¶Κ₩¬©₩¬³°¨· similarities, just like Portuguese and Italian, ¸¬©₩±­§¶³´¬³²©₩¥¸₩¸¬©₩§³¶¶©§¸₩¨­·¸¥²§©₩ª¶³±₩¬©¶ for example, two other Romance languages. ±³¹¸¬₩Ζ₩¸³₩«©¸₩¸¬©₩¦©·¸₩·³¹²¨₩´³··­¦°©Ζ₩¥²¨₩²©º©¶ The road-signs are often in Catalan, but ¸³³ ₩ §°³·© ₩ ¸³ ₩ ¸¬© ₩ ·´©¥¯©¶· ₩ ²©¥¶ ₩ ¬©¶Ζ ₩ ·­²§© ₩ ¸¬© they're easy to understand as the names are ª©©¨¦¥§¯₩´¶³¨¹§©·₩¥²₩©¥¶Ο·´°­¸¸­²«₩¬³»°Κ₩ᅦ·₩·¬© very similar to their Spanish translations. ·´©¥¯·Ζ₩·¬©₩¸¹¶²·₩¥¶³¹²¨Ζ₩°³³¯­²«₩¥¸₩¬©¶₩¥¹¨­©²§© ±³·¸₩³ª₩¸¬©₩¸­±©Κ₩¬©₩±¥¯©·₩·¹¶©₩¸¬©₩±­§₩¨³©·₩²³¸ ¥¸¥°¥²₩­·₩¥₩·©²·­¸­º©₩·¹¦®©§¸₩­²₩´¥­²Ζ₩¥²¨₩©°° ©¬¸₩¸Ζ₩¦¹¸₩¥²₩©¼§¹¶·­³²₩­·₩²³·³²­²­´³₩²«³₩¶©¬₩·¥¬ ·ك»³º©¶₩¬©¶₩ª¥§©Ζ₩¥²¨₩·¬©₩·­¸·₩´¶©¸¸½Ζ₩·³₩¦¶©¥¸¬­²§ ©¥·½Ζ₩¥²¨₩¬©¶₩º³­§©₩·³¹²¨·₩­¸·₩¦©·¸Κ₩Ϯᅮ§©²¾­©Ζ ´°¥§© ₩ ¸³ ₩ ±¥¯© ₩ ´³°­¸­§¥° ₩ ·¸¥¸©±©²¸·Κ ©·¶©ϯ ᅫ³°­¨¥½±¥¯©¶·₩¥¶©₩¹²¨©¶·¸¥²¨¥¦°½₩³ª¸©²₩¥ºڷڵڴڶ ¸³₩¸¬©₩¸³´­§Ζ₩¥²¨₩©°°₩­·₩¥»¥¶©₩³ª₩­¸Ό₩·³₩¥₩µ¹­§¯ ±©²¸­³²₩»­°°₩¨³Κ ᅵ­©»₩³ª₩Dalt Vila If you look to your left, you'll see Ibiza's ᅰ²₩¸¬©₩»¥½ famous skyline, with the cathedral at the top, the castle right next to it, and the city walls Here on your left we can see the encircling the old town, called ᅧ¥°¸₩ᅵ­°¥ by us Formentera Maritime Station. Take a good locals, which literally means Upper Town. You look at it, because this is where we shall be should know that Ibiza is one of the oldest meeting again at 1 o'clock to go back to the cities in the Mediterranean. It was founded in ship. Formentera, by the way, is our sister 654 BC by the Phoenicians, so it's much older island, and also a very popular tourist than London, for example, or Barcelona, destination: all sorts of boats take travellers Madrid, and many others. Through the constantly to and fro. centuries it has been inhabited by different peoples: Carthaginians, Romans and Moors, ©°°₩¸¥¯©·₩©º©¶½₩³´´³¶¸¹²­¸½₩¸³₩¸¥°¯₩¥¦³¹¸Ζ₩¥²¨ among others. ´³­²¸₩³¹¸Ζ₩´°¥§©·₩¸¬¥¸₩§¥²₩¦©₩·©©²₩ª¶³±₩¸¬©₩§³¥§¬Κ ᅳ¬©₩ §³¥§¬₩ ­· ₩ ²³¸ ₩ ¥ ₩ »¥°°©¨Ο­² ₩¥¹¨­¸³¶­¹±₩¦¹¸ ₩ ¥ ©°°₩¦©«­²·₩¸¬©₩§³±±©²¸¥¶½Κ₩Dalt Vila ₩ ­² ₩ ¸¬© º©¬­§°©₩¸¶¥º©°°­²«₩¥°³²«₩¥₩¬¹«©₩·§¶©©²Ζ₩·³₩¸³₩·´©¥¯Ζ Ο ¬³´©ª¹°°½₩±¥¨©₩­²¸©¶©·¸­²«₩¦½₩¸¬©₩«¹­¨©ί¨°¶³« ₩ ©¬¸ ₩ ·ك¸Ζ ₩ ¥§¶³·· ₩ ¸¬© ₩ ¬¥¶¦³¹¶Κ ₩ ᅬ©§¥²¸·­¨ ²Κ₩¬© ᅦ·₩¸¬©₩§³¥§¬₩±¥¯©·₩­¸·₩»¥½₩¹´₩¥¶¶©¶₩³¥²₩­§³g«³¸₩¨°³₩·ك¥¾­¦ª¥±³¹·₩´¥²³¶¥±­§₩º­©»₩³ª₩ᅬ
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