701 What is Urban Tourism Landscape Parvaneh Parchekani evolutions of urban landscape in Iran, Manzar scape, In: J. Leighly (ed.), Land and life: A se- Journal, 9 : 30-33. lection from the writings of Carl Ortwin Sauer, • Mansouri, S.A. (2013). Iranian Landscape Cul- Berkeley, California: University of California ture, Manzar Journal, 23 : 56-57. Press, 315-350. • Papoli, M.H. & Saghaei. (2006). Tourism: Na- • Vincent, P. (2012). Comparison of Four Ap- ture and Concepts (1st Ed.) Tehran: SAMT Pub- proaches to the Management of Urban Land- lication. scape, Manzar Journal, 21 : 16-19. • Rahmani, M.T. (2011). Urban Tourism, Teh- • UNESCO World Heritage Center.(2009).Cul- ran: Sazman-e Shahrdariha va Dehyariha Publi- tural Landscape,available at : http://whc.unesco. cation. org/en/cultural landscape#1. • Sauer, C. O. (1925). The Morphology of Land- • Zarghami, H. (2013). The Overall Planning of Tehran’s Urban Tourism. 691 quarterly, No.13 | Autumn 2016 Conclusion Tourist landscape requires a new reading of historical records and antiquity, unique historical landscape that if it creates in relation with four elements, cultural attractions, religious, natural elements – residents, tourists, other landscapes’ or other aspects. Branding of Tehran in the field elements and attractive symbols –, it can delin- of tourism has been faced with serious problems eate a mental image and present a conceptual due to lack of urban management and planning rendering of landscape. Landscape architecture with landscape approach. Integrated manage- as an important area in management and plan- ment combined with the aim of delineation of ning of tourism can provide a better life space for tourist landscape in Tehran from the landscape residents, delineate the landscape of urban tour- approach can make this city appeal to residents ism, provide mental and objective memories for and tourists and create an optimal mental image visitors and earn a reputation potentially for the in visitors’ minds. Delineation of such a land- city; it plays a prominent role in urban citizens’ scape depends on due attention to relationships life like Tehran. between cultural, natural, and historical land- As a general rule, the landscape of urban tour- scapes as well as the coherence of them in terms ism in Tehran satisfies tourists’ needs in terms of of identity on the one hand, and architecture of spatial dispersion, special characteristics such as tourist branding in Tehran from the other hand. Endnote 1. Is a large desert lying in the middle of the Iranian plateau. 2. A salt lake in Iran which is located approximately 100 km east of the City of Qom and 60 km of Kashan at an elevation of 790 meters above sea level. Reference List • Ashworth, G.J. and Dietvorst, A.G.J. (Eds.) Stud-ies, available at http://www.icls.harvard. (1995). Tourism and Spatial Transforma tions: edu/language/whatare.htm. ? Implications for Policy and Planning. Walling- • Lacoste، Y. (2009)، À quoi sert le paysage ford: CAB International Qu’est-ce qu’un beau paysage ?، La Théorie du -Berque, A. (2008). Landscape, location, His- paysage en France (1974-1994)، Seyssel: Édi • tory. Translated by Mansouri,M. Bagh-e Nazar tions Champ Vallon. 71-72 . Journal, 9 : 81-90. • Lynch, K. (1997). Theory of good city, trans- • Cullen, G. (1998). Selection of Townscape. lated by Bahraini,H. Tehran: Tehran University Translated by Tabibian,M. Tehran : Tehran Uni- Press. versity Press. • Mahmoudi, A.S. (2006). Urban Landscape: a • Golkar, K. (2006). Urban Landscape Concept, review of some theories, Abadi Journal, 53:54- Journal of Abadi, 18 (53) : 38-48 61 • Ingerson, A. E. (2000). What Are Cultural • Mansouri, S.A. (2010). What is an urban land- Landscapes?, Institute for Cultural Landscape scape: a historical investigation of conceptual What is Urban Tourism Landscape 681 Parvaneh Parchekani The Golestan Palace, remained of Tehran’s cit- ings, museums, galleries, mosques, historical adel, dates back to 200 years ago, while Citadel sites, etc. constitute the heritage aspect of Teh- of Tehran itself dates back to Safavid dynasty. ran; additionally, forest parks such as Chitgar, Nothing of this citadel’s buildings has remained Lavizan, and Vard Avard, Ski resorts including today except Golestan Palace. Sa’dabad Com- Tochal, Darband, and Shemshak, Chitgar Ar- plex, Niavaran Complex, Malik National Mu- tificial Lake, Parks and numerous gardens in seum, Museum of Contemporary Art, Carpet Tehran, Milad Tower, Azadi Square and Tow- Museum, Geological Museum, etc. along with er, Modern Shopping Malls, Recreation Areas, mosques and historic houses constitute the most Sports Arenas, Public and Private Exhibitions, important elements of Tehran’s cultural land- sites of festivals and different occasions form the scape, which are generally located in north, cen- artificial landscape of this city. ter and old districts of Tehran, having no special According to the local, national and international planning and relationship with other landscapes. functions of different elements in natural, cultur- A large number of tourists visit the aforemen- al, and heritage landscapes of Tehran, delinea- tioned museums with the aim of being more fa- tion of the landscape of urban tourism consider- miliar with history and culture, spending spare ing delicate points can bring about development times or/and sightseeing; however, Tehran has of sustainable tourism, permanence and welfare never been pictured as a historical, natural or of residents, and creation of a positively mental modern city from the point of view of tourists and objective image of Tehran. and residents. Apparently lack of attention to distributive jus- Due to the religious and historical nature of Teh- tice of urban tourism, absence of a landscape ran’s people, the cultural landscape of this city approach toward urban tourist attractions, and also consists of noticeable religious elements, absence of a proper planning for synergy of dif- each of them has a potential in delineation of tour- ferent elements of landscapes are taken into ac- ist landscape in Tehran. Shah-Abdol-Azim Shrine count as the main reasons of sufficient inefficien- in the south, Imamzadeh Dawoud in northwest, cy of tourism in Tehran. Imamzadeh Zeid in Tehran Bazaar, Imamzadeh Provincial attitude and a non-specific look at Saleh in Tajrish, Imamzadeh Abdullah, Imamza- landscape issues and lack of due attention to ar- deh Ain-Ali and Zeinali in the west, Agha Mau- chitecture of tourist landscape generally in cities soleum, Mausoleum of Rouhollah Khomeini and especially in Tehran have caused a wide gap along with Imam Khomeini Mosque, Dar ul- in different urban landscapes such as historical, Funun School, Marvi School, Rajab-Ali Jameh natural, artificial and cultural ones in Tehran; as Mosque, Sepahsalar Mosque, Seyyed Azizollah a result of this, both residents and tourists of Teh- Mosque, Sheikh Abdol-Hossein Mosque, etc. are ran don’t have any image of tourist’s landscape among important cultural elements which com- of this city in their minds, then Tehran lacks a plement cultural-heritage landscape of Tehran special character and identity from residents and and are classified under national level in terms tourists’ viewpoint, finally the branding process of functionality. of this city runs into trouble. Generally speaking, historical and cultural build- 671 quarterly, No.13 | Autumn 2016 ing back to the time in which it was not a capital. rivers area. Perennial Rivers such as Karaj, Ja- In addition to natural and historical attractions, a jroud River, Lar, Hableh River, Shour River (or large number of recreation areas, tourist centers, Abhar River), and Taleghan River, forking off museums, amusement parks, luxurious residen- in different streams as well as numerous dams tial accommodations, modern sports arenas, etc. across these rivers resulting in creation of lakes are incorporated in Tehran. Tehran’s tourist at- in the vicinity of Tehran have played a major tractions have been distributed in three areas of role in expansion of gardens and natural pros- local, national and international in cultural, her- perity in Tehran. Darband, Darakeh, Tochal, itage, natural and artificial landscapes, the com- Dar-abad and so on as cold districts in North, pound of which is described as Tehran’s tourist Lar, Latyan, Amirkabir Lakes in East and West, landscape. Of the total sum of tourist attractions Cheshmeh-Ali, Cheshmeh-A’la, Cheshmeh-Ab in Tehran, typologically a 43.34 percent of them Ali-e Haraz, etc., mainly located in the vicini- is classified under artificial attractions, a 37.8 ty of Northeast of Tehran, in addition to water- percent under cultural ones and a 15.85 percent falls such as Dogholou, Soutak, Usun, Pasang, under natural ones (Zarghami, 2013), which is a Manzarieh, etc. in North, constitute the natural combination of cultural, historical, natural, and landscape of Tehran. Tehran’s nature involving artificial landscapes in Tehran. elements such as mountains, plains, springs, riv- Urban tourism, which can be construed as ‘sight- ers, lakes, and waterfalls is generally expected to seeing’, is an excursion arranged by tourists in play a central role in tourist landscape of Tehran cities to visit urban attractions, which doesn’t re- but this is not the way we think. Tehran’s natural quire any certain ground rules. The only ground attractions with a 15.85 percent have the lowest rule may be an urban geographical territory number of attractions which are utilized more by called ‘city proper’ (Harim-e Shahr) today (Rah- tourists within one day and their functionality is mani, 2011:46). Urban tourism is an interaction classified under local aspect (Zarghami, 2013), between tourists and citizens, creation of tourist however, they are utilized more by the residents. spaces via travelling to urban areas with differ- However, such natural elements considering ent reasons, a visit from attractions, and utiliza- landscape approach and human relationships tion of facilities and services regarding tourism, like tourists and residents can effectively delin- which have different impacts on urban space eate the landscape of urban tourism.
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