Issue 6 December 2012 ISSN:2241-438X L L A A N N O O I I MMaarrii//mmee IInntteerrddiicc//oonn OOppeerraa//oonnss jjoouurrnnaall T T nmio tc A A R R E E P P O O E E N N R R O O T T I I N N T T E E C C C I C I D D G G R R N N E I E I T N T N I I N N I A I A R R E E T T M M I I T T I I R R A A M M O O NNMMIIOOTTCC iinn SSuuppppoorrtt ttoo T T A A N N RReeggiioonnaall CCaappaacciittyy BBuuiillddiinngg NMIOTC MIO JOURNAL PUBLISHER NMIOTC Souda Bay, Crete Zip 73200, Greece Telephone:2821085716 DIRECTOR Commodore I. Pavlopoulos GRC N CONTENTS Commandant NMIOTC EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 4 COMMANDANT’S EDITORIAL Cdr G. Tedeschini ITA N by Commodore Ioannis Pavlopoulos GRC N Director of Transformation 11 VIP VISITS GALERY JOURNAL MANAGER Cdr. K. Sampanis GRC N 14 NMIOTC IN SUPPORT TO REGIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING IN AFRICA EDITOR 16 FROM MILITARY INTERVENTION TO JUDICIAL Lt Cdr G.Mantzouris GRC N PROSECUTION: BRIDGING THE GAP ASSISTANT EDITOR by Prof Henri Fouché LtCdr N. Ariatzis GRC N 26 WHAT IS THE NATO MARITIME C-IED Lt G. Georgiev BGR N INITIATIVE? WEB EDITOR By CDR Raymond Albarado, NATO ACT C-IED IPT CPO K. Boutsifakou GRC N 32 “MIO IN AN ERA OF CONVERGING – DIVERGING ADMINISTRATION AND MARITIME SECURITY OPERATIONS” DISTRIBUTION By Erik Sandahl, NATO HQ/Operations Division ENS K. Papanastasis GRC N 35 IS MARITIME SECURITY A WICKED PROBLEM? EDITORIAL BOARD by Dr. Alec Coutroubis and George Kiourktsoglou , PhD candidate Dr. Alex Bordetsky Dr Marios Efthymiopoulos 40 AD-HOC SENSOR NETWORKS FOR MARITIME Dr Joship Kasum INTERDICTION OPERATIONS AND REGIONAL Dr P. Michalas SECURITY Dr S. Desautel by LT Theofanis Kontogiannis Professor I. Koukos Professor G. Tsialtas 49 NATO AND IMO WORK TOGETHER TO BUILD Professor N. Nikitakos REGIONAL CAPACITY TO COUNTER-PIRACY: JOINT Professor F. Papoulias NATIONAL TRAINING FOR BOARDING TEAMS FROM COLUMNISTS DJIBOUTI CODE OF CONDUCT REGION Capt M. Holub CZE A by Mr Osamu Marumoto, IMO Project Officer (Operations) Lt G. Georgiev BGR N 52 THE FRIGATE ROS REGELE FERDINAND IN CONTRIBUTORS SOUDA BAY, CRETE Professor Henry Fouche by LtCdr Mihai Egorov ROU (N) Dr A. Coutroubis Mr. Erik Sandahl Mr. George Kiourktsoglou Cdr Raymond Albarado USA N LtCdr Mihal Egorov ROU N 2 Issue 6, December 2012 The NMIOTC MIO Journal is a professional publication of NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Center, aiming to serve as a forum for the presentation and stimulation of innova - tive thinking on NATO Maritime Interdiction related issues such as doctrine, concepts, force structure, employment and readiness. The views and opinions expressed or implied in the NMIOTC MIO Journal are those of the authors and should not be construed as carrying the official sanction of NATO. The NMIOTC MIO Journal is open to receive and publish articles at [email protected] . We reserve the right to make editorial changes. All articles within this issue not bearing a copyright notice ( ©), may be reproduced in whole or in part without further permission. Articles bearing a copyright notice ( ©) may be reproduced for any NATO purpose but without permission. If an article is being reproduced, the NMIOTC MIO Journal re - quests a courtesy line. To obtain permission for the reproduction of material bearing a copyright notice (©) for other than NATO purposes, please contact the author of the material rather than the NMIOTC MIO Journal. Issue 6, December 2012 3 >>> Commandant’s Editorial NMIOTC Journal COMMANDANT’’S EDITORIAL by Commodore Ioannis Pavlopoulos GRC N NMIOTC’s MISSION To conduct the combined training necessary ffor NATO fforces to better execute surfface,, sub- surfface, aeriial surveiilllance,, and speciall operatiions activiities in support off Mariitime Interdic- tiion Operations. NMIOTC Commandant’’s Vision Enhance Mariitime Security through MIO Training and remain Alllliiance’s crediible MIO expert.. Economic recession, uncertainty, low optimism, more specific basis NMIOTC is the only NATO illegal trafficking, maritime acts of terrorism, piracy, accredited maritime training facility that provides illegal flow of weapons and weapons of mass practical and useful products setting up the acceptable destruction and generally all forms of terrorism, are only NATO standards for participating in maritime some of the threats our contemporary society is facing. operations combating all types of illegal activities that Daily there are more and more governmental and an individual or a naval unit can meet in the sea. Of scientific / academic voices that ring the bell and express course, it is not worthy to mention that all of our their concern that the cohesion of our society is not as activities are being in close cooperation and by receiving healthy as it was in the past. guidelines from our Superior Commands, which in our case is Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk. On the contrary, another great number of experts Not to mention that NMIOTC has close cooperation believe that we now more than ever have the links with all of NATO’s critical maritime components mechanisms to control and effectively use our powers and operational commands such as SHAPE, MCC in order to efficiently spot illegal acts and restrict all Northwood and MCC Naples in order to receive up to those actions that tend to deorbit our society’s focus date operational requirements and provide to the from going towards a security framework. This approach students a most effective and efficient type of training has also become a tradition, specificaly, now having in that they could finally implement in an operational mind that our well- formed international institutions and environment. Generally, NMIOTC’s training is based on organizations have acquired and already implement the standards of pre-deployment training for operations, idea of confronting any illegal action for the sake of the executing mission rehearsal exercises that finally deliver common benefit. NATO, EU, UN and other well to the trainees a firsthand approach to the way NATO renowned organizations have made significant steps operations are being executed before they actually towards this direction and have altered dramatically the participate in the operation itself. A perfect example of way that our society responds to any illegal and that is the final tactical exercises that take place in our underground activity that takes place not only nationally training products, such as those conducted by the Dutch, or trans - continentally, but also on a global bases. A UK and the US Navy, as well as other teams that are shining example of that is how international coalition being trained in our center. forces are countering piracy and how modern network- based operations among different nations help Another important area of our activities that has centralized international command centers to take become a trend in the last two years is the increased decisions that affect positively the way of executing our participation of specialized teams benefit from our daily maritime business. advanced training products. These trainings seems to overwhelm our framework, especially in the last year, NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training where numerous highly specialized teams from different Center (NMIOTC), from its own operational post and countries have participated asking for more demanding being an active subset of NATO, supports the above training products, such as “Opposed Boarding” or idea and effectively contributes to this direction focusing “Detainee” operations. This fact proves that NMIOTC’s specifically on how training and transformational efforts training standards attract even highly specialized can bring a halt to current maritime illegal acts. On a personnel, and for us this is an honor as well as an 4 Issue 6, December 2012 NMIOTC Journal Commandant’s Editorial <<< opportunity to strengthen our instructional training • Border security, material and exchange valuable knowledge that could • MIO – NEO (Non Combatant Evacuation further enhance our initiatives and at the same time set Operations) linkages, NMIOTC as a primary training hub for pre-deployment preparation to maritime security related operations. • Support to real operations at an advisory role, At this point and taking into account that NMIOTC • Creation of a NATO MIO related exercise in counts only four years of functional operational the Eastern Mediterranean area where NMIOTC will capability, it is worth mentioning that our “customers” have a leading training and operational role, are mainly coming from NATO countries (82% • Increase of bilateral coordination among the representation in training are trainees from NATO Center and organizations / countries that lie outside the members states). The total number of students is scope of NMIOTC’s MOU, approximately 3.300; as for naval units 123 of them have berthed and received training in Souda bay Crete. A • Creation of a Knowledge Management crucial characteristic to refer to is that this last year there Database in order to increase research activities in has been an increase in the total training days that these NMIOTC, trainees choose to participate in NMIOTC. During • Creation of an academic board of directors for previous years the average was 3.3 days per unit or team bringing universities into the challenging maritime or individual, this year, however, even though there is an security and interdiction environment, especially after apparent global economic crisis, this number has the completion of the ACT Quality Assurance cycle, increased to 5.5 training days in NMIOTC. This apparently means that a student now remains and • Increase cooperation and coordination with receives training 30% more time than in the previous Global Maritime Lessons Learned Centers for acquiring academic years. Moreover greater quality has now access and analyze issues on a broader perspective, become a main objective for NMIOTC.
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