Yaroslav Bilinsky Tönu Parming THE HELSINKI WATCH COMMITTEES IN THE SOVIET REPUBLICS : IMPLICATIONS FOR THE SOVIET NATIONALITY QUESTION PART I I Note s Appendice s Reference s Supplementary References Chapter I NOTE S 'Testimony of one of the participants, Congresswoman Millicen t Fenwick ; United States Congress (94th Congress), House of Representatives , Committee on International Relations, Subcommittee on International Poli- tical and Military Affairs, Conference on Security and Cooperation i n Europe, Part II, Hearings .. November 18, 1975 and May 4, 1976 (Washington : U .S . Government Printing Office, 1976), pp . 7-8 . 2For example, see the United States Department of State, Publi - cation 8677 (Bureau of Public Affairs, September 1972), Current Foreig n Policy series, Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe . 3 For the historical backdrop and development see Roman Szporluk , "Nationalities and the Russian Problem in the USSR : an Historical Outline, " Journal of International Affairs, Volume 27 (No . 1, 1973), pp . 22-40 (re - printed as No . 87 in the series of the Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Michigan) . Also : Marc Raeff, " Patterns of Russia n Imperial Policy toward the Nationalities ;" Hans Kohn, "Soviet Communis m and Nationalism : Three Stages of a Historical Development ; " and John N . Hazard, " Statutory Recognition of Nationality Differences in the USSR , " al l three in Edward Allworth, ed ., Soviet Nationality Problems (New York : Columbia University Press, 1971) . For a general review : Robert J . Osborn , The Evolution of Soviet Politics (Homewood, IL : Dorsey Press, 1974) , chapters 13-14 . Chapter 2 NOTE S 1Edward Allworth, " Restating the Soviet Nationality Question , " in Edward Allworth, ed ., Soviet Nationality Problems (New York : Columbi a Univeristy Press, 1971), p . 13 . 2 The import of the affective-instrumental connection in social actio n has been most forcefully argued by Daniel Bell, " Ethnicity and Socia l Change, " in Nathan Glazer and Daniel P . Moynihan, eds ., Ethnicity Theor y and Experience (Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1975) . 3 For a review of the geographical growth of Russia, see W .H . Parke r An Historical Geography of Russia (Chicago : Aldine, 1969) . For th e historical pre-Soviet roots of the nationality problem, see S . Frederick . Starr, " Tsarist Government : The Imperial Dimension, " in Jeremy R . Azrael , ed ., Soviet Nationality Policies and Practices (New York : Praeger, 1978) , and Marc Raeff, " Patterns of Russian Imperial Policy toward the Nation- alities, " in Edward Allworth, ed ., Soviet NationalityProblems (New York : Columbia University Press, 1971) . 4For overviews of the development of Soviet nationality policies , see : Hans Kohn, " Soviet Communism and Nationalism : Three Stages of a Historical Development, " and John N . Hazard, " Statutory Recognition o f Nationality Differences in the USSR, " both in Edward Allworth, ed ., Sovie t Nationality Problems (New York : Columbia University Press, 1971) ; Roma n N2-1 N2- 2 Szporluk, " Nationalities and the Russian Problem in the U .S .S .R . : an His- torical Outline , " Journal of International Affairs, Volume 27 (No . l, 1973) , pp . 22-40 ; Helene Carrere d ' Encausse, " Determinants and Parameters o f Soviet Nationality Policy, " in Jeremy R . Azrael, ed ., Soviet Nationality Policies and Practices (New York : Praeger, 1978) . But also, Rober t Conquest, ed ., Soviet Nationalities Policy in Practice (New York : Praeger , 1967) . 5 See the following works for the development of the dissent move- ment : Abraham Rothberg, The Heirs of Stalin . Dissidence and the Sovie t Regime 1953-1970 (Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 1972) ; George Saunders , Samizdat . Voices of the Soviet Opposition (New York : Monad Press, 1974) ; Pete r Reddaway, ed ., Uncensored Russia . Protest and Dissent in the Soviet Unio n (New York : American Heritage Press, 1972) ; and Rudolf L . Tökes, ed . , Dissent in the USSR . Politics, Ideology andPeople (Baltimore : John s Hopkins University Press, 1975) . 6For case studies of two of these groups, see Thomas E . Sawyer , The Jewish Minority in the Soviet Union (Boulder, Colo . : Westview, 1979) , and Alan Fisher, The Crimean Tatars (Stanford : Hoover Institution Press , 1978) . 7 For background, see Robert S . Sullivant, Soviet Politics and th e Ukraine 1917-1957 (New York : Columbia University Press, 1962), an d Yaroslav Bilinsky, The Second Soviet Republic : The Ukraine After Worl d War II (New Brunswick : Rutgers University Press, 1964) . For recent trends, N2- 3 see : Roman Szporluk, " The Ukraine and the Ukrainians, " in Zev Katz, ed . , Handbook of Major Soviet Nationalities (New York : Free Press, 1975) ; Wsevolod W . Isajiw, "Social Bases of Change in the Ukraine Since 1964, " Mykola Stepanenko, "Ukrainain Culture in the Brezhnev-Kosygin Era : Som e Observations, " Konstantyn Sawczuk, " Resistance Against Russification i n the Ukraine Since 1964 : A Profile of Three Urkainians in Opposition, " and Bohdan R . Bociurkiw, "Religion and Nationalism in the Contemporar y Ukraine, " all three in George W . Simmonds, ed ., Nationalism in the USS R & Eastern Europe in the Era of Brezhnev and Kosygin (Detroit : University of Detroit Press, 1977) ; Yaroslav Bilinsky, "Assimilation and Ethni c Assertiveness Among Ukrainians of the Soviet Union, " in Erich Goldhagen , ed ., Ethnic Minorities in the Soviet Union (New York : Frederick A . Praeger, 1968), and his, "Mykola Skrypnyk and Petro Shelest : An Essay o n the Persistence and Limits of Ukrainian National Communism, " in Jeremy R . Azrael, ed ., Soviet Nationality Policies and Practices (New York : Praeger , 1978) . And Lesya Jones and Bohdan Yasen, eds ., The Ukrainain Herald . Issue 6 . Dissent in the Ukraine (Baltimore : Smoloskyp Publishers, 1977) . 8For the theoretical case for this, see Fredrik Barth, " Intro- duction, " in F . Barth, ed ., Ethnic Groups and Boundaries . TheSocia l Organization of Cultural Difference (Bergen-Oslo : Universitets Forlaget , 1969) . 9An integrative model of ethnic identity may be found in Tön u Parming, The Nature of Ethnic Identity (unpublished doctoral dissertation , Yale University, 1976) . N2- 4 10 See Jaan Pennar, " Nationalism in the Soviet Baltic, " in Eric h Goldhagen, ed ., op . cit .; V . Stanley Vardys, " Modernization and Balti c Nationalism, " Problems of Communism (September-October 1975) ; Janis Sapiets , " The Baltic Republics " in George Schöpflin, ed ., The Soviet Union an d Eastern Europe (New York : Praeger, 1970) ; Rein Taagepera, " Dissimilaritie s between the Northwest Soviet Republics, " in Arvids Ziedonis, Jr ., et al ., eds ., Problems of Mininations (San Jose : Association for Advancement o f Baltic Studies, 1973) ; Yaroslav Bilinsky, " The Background of Contemporar y Politics in the Baltic Republics and the Ukraine : Comparisons and Contrasts, " in A . Ziedonis Jr ., ed ., op . cit . ; V . Stanley Vardys, " The Role of th e Baltic Republics in Soviet Society, " in Roman Szporluk, ed ., The Influenc e of East Europe and the Soviet West on the USSR (New York : Praeger, 1975) : Frederic T . Harned, " Latvia and the Latvians " and " Lithuania and th e Lithuanians, " in Z . Katz, ed ., op . cit . ; Rein Taagepera, "Estonia and th e Estonians, " in Z . Katz, ed ., op . cit .; Tönu Parming, " Nationalism in Es- tonia Since 1964," in G .W . Simmonds, ed ., op . cit . ; Juris Dreifelds , " Latvian National Demands and Group Consciousness Since 1959, " in G .W . Simmonds, ed ., op . cit . ; Thomas Remeikis, " Political Developments [i n Lithuania] during the Brezhnev Era," in G .W . Simmonds, ed ., op . cit .; Tönu Parming, " Contrasts in Nationalism in the Soviet Baltic " (Paper, 15t h Southern Conference on Slavic Studies, University of Virginia, 1976) ; Tön u Parming, "Roots of Nationality Differences," in Edward Allworth, ed ., Nationality Group Survival in Multi-Ethnic States . Shifting Suppor t Patterns in the Soviet BalticRegion (New York : Praeger, 1977) ; Tön u Parming, "Population Processes and the Nationality Issue in the Soviet N2- 5 Baltic, " Soviet Studies (forthcoming, July 1980) ; Tönu Parming and Elma r Järvesoo, eds ., A Case Study of a Soviet Republic . The Estonian SS R (Boulder, Colo . : Westview Press, 1978) ; V . Stanley Vardys, ed ., Lithuani a Under the Soviets (New York : Praeger, 1965) . 11See, for example, Albertas Gerutis, ed ., Lithuania 700 Year s (New York : Manyland Books, 1969) . 12 See Royal Institution of International Affairs, The Baltic States (London : Oxford University Press, 1938) and Georg von Rauch, Th e Baltic States (Berkeley : University of California Press, 1977) ; also se e Stanley W . Page, The Formation of the Baltic States (Cambridge : Harvar d University Press, 1959) . 13 See the references to Lithuania in footnote 10, above ; es- pecially Thomas Remeikis, op . cit . 14 See V . Stanley Vardys, Th e Catholic Church, Dissent an d Nationality in Soviet Lithuania (Boulder, Colo . : East European Quarterl y Press, distributed by Columbia University Press, 1978) . 15 See sources referenced in fn 10, above, especially the thre e comparative ones on the Baltic by T . Parming, op . cit . 16 See T . Parming, " Population Processes .. .," op . cit . 17 See J . Dreifelds, op . cit . N2- 6 18 Mary Kilbourne Matossian, " Communist Rule and the Changin g Armenian Cultural Pattern," in E . Goldhagen, op . cit . ; Vahakn N . Dadrian , " Nationalism in Soviet Armenia : A Case Study of Ethnocentrism,"
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