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Learn more about the unique offers and benefits available to World MasterCard credit cardholders at priceless.com/world © Lonely Planet Publications 721 Index A Alevi Muslims 55, 481 Antalya 391-401, 392, 395 AbanaABBREVIATIONS 543 Alexander the Great 30 accommodation 396-8 AbantACT Gölü Australian284 Capital Alibey Island 211-12 drinking 399 Territory accommodation 19, 653-5 Allianoi 218 entertainment 399-400 NSW New South Wales language 699-703 Altınkaya 404 food 389-9 NT Northern Territory activities 357-64, 656, see also Altınkum 234 sights 393 Qld Queensland individual activities Altınkum Beach 260 tourist offices 393 SA South Australia Adada 320 Altınsaç Kilisesi 643 travel to/from 400 Tas Tasmania Adamkayalar 424 Altıntaş 638 travel within 400-1 Vic Victoria Adana 427-31, 428 Altıparmak 563, 580 Antep 598-605, 600 WA Western Australia Adatepe 207 Amasra 540-2 Antiocheia-in-Pisidia 320 Adilcevaz 644 Amasya 469-74, 470 Antique City 531 Adrasan 390 Amazons 549 antiques 156, 660 Aegean coast Anadolu Kavağı 123 Anzac Cove 181-4 north 196-237, 198 Anamur 415-18, 416 Anzac Day 185, 189, 662 south 238-81, 239, 277 Anatolia aqueducts Afrodisias 328-30, 329 central 440-93, 441 Anavarza 432 Afyon 310-12 northeastern 569-96, 570 Aspendos 404-5 Ağrı Dağı, see Mt Ararati southeastern 597-652, İncekaya aqueduct 462 Ahlat 644 598-9 İstanbul 113 INDEX air travel western 282-330, 283 İznik 288 airlines 676 Anavarza 431-2 Lyrbe 411 airports 675-6 Anazarbus 431-2 Selçuk 242 to/from Turkey 675-7 Andriake 386-7 Arab people 32 within Turkey 684 angora wool 451 archaeological sites & ruins 27 Aizanoi 308 Ani 587-90, 588, 10 Adada 320 Ak Han 328 Ani area 591 Afrodisias 329-30, 329 Akbil 162 animals 74-5 Alacahöyük 28, 468 Akçaabat 552 birds 75 Alexandria Troas 204 Akçakale 552 cats 75 Allianoi 218 Akçay 207 doctor fish 482 Amasya 471 Akçekale Island 590 dolphins 78 Anamurium 416-17 Akdamar 643 Kangal dogs 74 Anavarza 432 Akkum 236-7 seals 220 Ani 587-90 Akpınar 319 silkworms 295 Ankara 448 Aksaray 532-3 storks 75 Aslantepe 626 Akyaka 333-4 turtles 75, 348, 350 Aspendos 403-4 Ala Dağlar National Park Anıt Kabir 446-7 Battalgazi 626 525-6 Anıtli 638 Behramkale 205 Alacahöyük 28, 468 Ankara 441-54, 442 Belkıs-Zeugma 605-6 Alaçatı 234-6 accommodation 448-50 Bergama 214-16 Alagöz 638 drinking 451 Bodrum 271-2 Alahan 422 entertainment 451 Çambazlı 424 Alanya 411-15, 412 food 450-1 Çatalhöyük 491 Alarahan 415 shopping 451-2 Çavdarhisar 308 alcohol 68-9 sights 444-7 Çayağzı 387 tourist office 444 Çevlik 439 000 Map pages travel to/from 452-3 Dalyan 346-7 000 Photograph pages travel within 453-4 Dara 637 Antakya 434-8 Didyma 262 722 Index (A-B) archaeological sites & ruins continued architecture 58-9, 61 Bağbaşı 577 Ephesus 246-50, 247 Bodrum Peninsula 279 Bağlarbaşı 638 Euromos 266-7 building houses 61 Bagnair Monastery 591 Fethiye 352-3 Ottoman Empire 58-9 Bahçesaray 650-1 Foça 219 Seljuk Turks 58 baklava 69, 70, 147, 603, 147 Gordion 454 Ardahan 583 Balıklı Kaplıca 482 Gülpınar 204 Ardanuç 583 Ballıca Cave 478 Gümüşlük 278 Armenian churches ballooning 510, 656 Harran 614 Akdamar Kilisesi 643 Bana 578 Hattuşa 466 Ani 591 Bandırma 197-200 Herakleia 264 Bana 578 bargaining 145, 669 Hierapolis-Castabala 433-4 Beşkilise 592 Barhal 580 İznik 287-8 Çarpanak 643 Barıştepe 638 Kale 386 Diyarbakır 630 basilicas Kaleköy 385 Kayseri 536 Antiocheia-in-Pisidia 320 Kanlıdivane 424 Armenian people 38, 49, 433, 439 Assos 205 Karatepe-Aslantaş National Park Arsameia 618-19 Bergama 215 433 art galleries 117, see also museums Hierapolis-Castabala 434 Kaş 379 arts 56-64, see also individual art forms Laodicea 328 Kıyıkışlacık 267 Artvin 582 Selçuk 240 Labranda 266 Artvin area 583 Side 407 Laodikya 328 Aşağı Soğanlı 525 basketball 50 Letoön 372 Aslantepe 626 bathrooms 671 Lyrbe 411 Aspendos 403-5 Baths of Lady Hürrem 99-100 Milas 265 Assos 204-7 Batık Şehir 385 Miletus 262, 262 asthma 414 Battalgazi 626-7 Nyssa 321 Asthma Cave 414 Battalgazi mosque complex 303 INDEX Olympos 387 Astım Mağaras 414 Bay of Edremit 207 Ören 280 Atatürk 40, 660 Bayburt 560 Pamukkale 324-6 houses 223, 413, 424, 536, 553 Bayır 341 Patara 373 mausoleum 446-7 Bayramaliler 304 Perge 402-3, 403 museums 302, 429, 447-8, 480, bazaars 144-5 Phaselis 391 547, 554 Antakya 436 Pınara 371-2 presidency 39, 81, 182 Gaziantep 601 Priene 261-2, 261 War of Independence 40 Grand Bazaar 109-10, 116, 145, Sagalassos 313-14 WWI 37-39, 179, 183 155, 144 Sardis 231 ATMs 666 İzmir 145, 224 Selge 404 atom shake 147 Kapalı Çarşı 145, 293 Side 407 attar of roses 313 Kütahya 306 Sidyma 372 Avanos 511-13, 512 Malatya 623 Sobesos 526 avian influenza 694 Muğla 332 Şuayb City 615 Aya Sofya (İstanbul) 98-9, 99 Şanlıurfa 145, 610 Tekkale 581 Ayancık 543, 546 Spice Bazaar, İstanbul 111-12, 145 Teos 236-7 Ayazini 304 Bazda Caves 615 Termessos 401, 402 Ayder 566-8 beaches 142-3, 142-3 Tlos 370-1 Aydıncık 192 Black Sea coast 543, 546, 550 Troy 197-9, 200 Aydos Canyon 543 cleanliness 78 Uzuncaburç 422 Ayvacık 207 eastern Mediterranean area 407, Xanthos 372 Ayvalı 522 413, 416-17 Yalvaç 320 Ayvalık 147, 207-11, 208 İstanbul area 126, 165 Zından Mağarası 320 northern Agean area 201, 207, B 219, 234, 235, 236 000 Map pages Baba Dağ 365 southern Aegean area 251, 255, 000 Photograph pages Badavut 143 258, 259, 264, 278, 280 Bafa Gölü 20, 263 Thrace 177, 180, 192, 194 Index (B-C) 723 western Anatalia 316-17 entertainment 275 Çalış 353 western Mediterranean area 333, food 273 Çambazlı 424 336, 339, 350, 351, 353, 365, sights 269-72 camel wrestling 20, 51, 242, 245 370, 373, 374, 379, 387, 394 tourist office 269 Çamlıhemşin 565 Beçin Castle 266 travel to/from 276 Çamlık Steam Locomotive Museum beehive houses 614 travel within 277 251 beer 68 Bodrum Peninsula 277-80, Çanakkale 187-92, 188 Behramkale 204-7 277 Çandarlı 218-19 Bektaşi sect 516 Boğazkale 464-8, 465 canoeing 361-2, 381 Belisirma 530 Bolu 284 canyoning 362, 381, 390 Belkıs-Zeugma 605-6 Bolu Dağı 284 Cape Yason 550 belly dancing 64, 659 bombings 660 Cappadocia 74, 359, 494-538, 495, Bergama 212-18, 213 books 19-21, 20 7, 359 Beşiktaş football club 50, 154 Atatürk 20 tours 496 Beşkilise 592 cinema 62 travel to/from 495-7 Beşparmak Dağı 263 cooking 65 car travel 686-8 Beydağları Sahil National Park 387 culture 43, 49 Black Sea Coastal Highway Beypazarı 455 history 19, 20, 28, 31, 33, 35, 547 Beyşehir 320-1 39, 40 hire 687-8 Bezirgan 377-8 politics 43 road rules 688 bicycle travel 317, 390 religion 53 caravanserais 59 Biga Peninsula 204 border crossings 438, 635, 677-83 Ağzıkara Hanı 534 Binbirkilise 493 Bosphorus 121 Ak Han 328 birdwatching 75, 590, 606, 656 Bozburun 340-1 Alarahan 415 Birecik 606 Bozcaada 200-3, 202, 11 Alay Hanı 534 INDEX Birgi 253 Boztepe 550 Battalgazi 626 Bitlis 641 Bozyazı 418 Beçin Castle 266 Black Sea coast 539-68, 540-1 Bulak Mencilis Mağarası 461-2 Diyarbakır 628 Black Sea Coastal Highway 547 Burdur 314 Egirdir 316 Blue Mosque 100, 8 Burgazada 165 Gaziantep 601 boat tours 272 Bursa 289-300, 290, 147 Han el Ba’rur 615 Alanya 413 accommodation 296-8 Kastamonu 462 Amasra 541 drinking 299 Safronbolu 457 Antalya 396 entertainment 299 Şarapsa Hanı 415 Beyşehir 321 festivals 296 Sarıhan 513 Çeşme 232-3 food 298-9 Sultan Han 538 Dalyan 347-8 sights 291-6 Sultanhanı 493 Egirdir 317 tourist offices 291 Taş Han 473 Ekincik 345 travel to/from 299 Tepesidelik Hanı 534 Fethiye 353 travel within 299-300 Tire 253 Foça 220 bus travel Tokat 476, 476-7 gület 363 to/from Turkey 678-82 Trabzon 555 Halfeti 606 within Turkey 685-6, 689 Çarpanak 643 İstanbul 121-5 business hours 656-7 carpets 57-8, 207, 668, 7 Kaş 379-81 Butterfly Valley 368-9, 10, 361 castles, see also fortresses Köyceğiz 345 Büyükada 165-6 Alahan 422 Marmaris 336 Büyükdere 123 Amasya 471 Ölüdeniz 365 Byzantium Empire 32-3, 80 Anamur 417 Olympos 390 Bitlis 641 boat travel C Bodrum 269-71 to/from Turkey 18, 682-3 cabbage 561 Bozyazı 418 within Turkey 18, 684-5 Caesar, Julius 31 Çanakkale 187 Bodrum
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