II. HISTORICAL E NOTICEFAMILTH F F KINO YO S G JAMEE TH S FIRS SCOTLANDF TO , CHIEFLY FROM INFORMATION COMMUNI- CATED BY JOHN RIDDELL, ESQ., ADVOCATE. BY DAVID LAING, ESQ., F.S.A. SCOT. n attemptinI o cleat gp som u r e obscure points connected wite th h alliance Hepburnsth f o e , Earl f Both-wello s e Bubjecon , f inquiro t y relatee filiatioth o t d f Janno e Douglas, wif f Patricko e , first Earf o l Bothwell, as the daughter of James, first Earl of Morton. I took occa- . Misc. v., App. to Preface, p. 70, note. 88 PROCEEDINGS 0V T1IK SOCIETY OP sio submio t n t this matte Joho t r n Eiddell, Esq., advocate Felloa , f wo this Society, and allowed to be our great authority in all matters of peer- age-la genealogyd wan t i afford d muce an m ;s h pleasur expressinn ei g my obligations for the kindness which I have experienced, when applying from time to time for a solution of like difficulties. Mr Eiddell, in his reply, acknowledged he could not solve the question at issue by legal o entet d rle upos evidencewa n e thh et discussiobu ; a collatera f no l subjec t lesno s f interesto t namee th ,marriage d san daughtere th f so f so our first King James. I should have greatly preferred had he himself put the notes he sent me into the form of a regular communication to Societye th t whilbu ;decline e eh d e doingav h e ful , m elg so poweo t r make what use of them I might think proper for this purpose. Mr Eiddell says mentioe , "Th illustrisf no domine Johanne, mothee th r of Johanne and Elizabeth (the wife and daughters respectively of James, first Ear f Morton)o l s MLIa , B XEKCIE excellentissirni ac metuendissimi principis Jacobi P'rimi lone memorie quondam Regis Scotorum illustrissimi, ' Eegistru e inth m Honori Mortone d s . 238-9)' (volpp . ii valuable.s i , , an dI thin k might have elicited fro editoe mth pointedra notice, instead of a bare one in the Preface. It is not often that the comparative seniority of a daughter, even in the oase of our first families, is so speci- fied ; and it here serves in part to fix the seniority, and correct a glaring e accounterroth n i r s hitherto give f Jameo n First'e th s s daughters. e PrincesTh s Johanna, Jean r Janeto , s hencwa , e clearl e wiff yth o e James, first Earl of Morton, instead of being, according to Wood's Douglas (Peerage ,. 50)p vol . i ,. married first Jameso t , third Earf o l Angus, without issue; secondly, in 1447, to George, second Earl of Huntly e firsTh t . alliance, indeed t wouli , e difficulb d proveo t t d an , e secon th mosa s i dt palpable fable t beini , g legally fixe authentiy db c deeds I have seen, both in the Gordon charter-chest and in Guichenon's elaborate Histor f Savoyyo , that this Ear f Huntlo l s marrieywa o dt quite a different daughter, the Princess Annabella, clearly a younger one, after being sough declined an t Coune matca th s da f y Savoy o b th , who howeve moneyf o paid m expenser rsu an d, he gava r ehe s backe Sh . seem havo st e been curiously bartered about r Woodfo ; t contenteno , d with the above error, with as much reason further marries Annabella, to the prejudice and indignation of Johanna had she known it, to the ANTIQUARIE9 8 P SCOTLANDO S . identical James, Ear f Mortono l , husban e latterth whomy f b o d, e h , issued ha adds e ! (sesh , e ut supra, . 51.) p referencn [I " thio et s charge, observey ma I , that eve n contemporari n y statementse , th suc s a h " Chronicl f Jameo e e Second,th s " preserve Asloan'n i d s Manuscript, . GenealogMS a an n i d ye yea dateth r n i d1484 , quote Pinkertoy b d n (History ,. 142) p vol . i ., various discrepancies oqcur d thereforan , e w e nee lese db s surprised thainaccuraciee th t r AbercrombD f so y (Martial Atchievements of the Scots Nation, 1711), of George Crawford (History Stewartse oth f , f Dunca1710)o d an ,n Stewart (Eoyal Famil f Scotyo - land, &c., 1739), should have been repeated in the Peerages of Sir Robert Douglas and Mr Wood, as well as in later works.] JAME FIRSTE STH , KIN SCOTLANDF GO , befor s returhi e n from England to his native country, from a captivity of eighteen years, married Jane, daughte Johf ro n Beaufort, Ear Johf f Somerseto lo Gauntf n no so e ,th , Duk f Beauforteo ,f Edwarfourto n so hd III., Kin f Englandgo . This wa Februarn i s e timy th 1424 et wheA e .King th nmose th , t accom- plishe monarchsr ou f do barbarousl s wa , y murdere t Perth21se da th tn o , February 1436-7, in the forty-fourth year of his age, his family consisted of a son and six daughters. The eldest son, Alexander, having died young, James succeedeo e wh ,throne th bors o t d Octobe n wa n,i r 1430. The widowed Queen, Jane Beaufort, survived till the 15th of July 1449, having marrier seconhe r dfo d husband n 1439i , r JameSi , s Stewart, usually called the Black Knight of Lome, by whom she had three sons, John, Earl of Athole, who died in 1512; James, Earl of Buchan (1469-1500) ; and Andrew, Bishop of Murray (1482-1501). KING JAMES THE SECONDs accessioe timhi th e f throne o et th a , o t n , was in the seventh year of his age. In 1449 a treaty of marriage was concluded Maryd betwixan ,m daughtehi t Arnoldf ro , Duk Gueldresf eo , .and niece of Philip, Duke of Burgundy. The youthful princess in the same yeas conductewa r s o Scotlant d e wa LorVerea l o th e dy d wh , b d chose r thifo ns purpose because e historiath s a , n Matthie Couce d u y powerfus stateswa e marinh ,n i l weld ean l acquainted wit e passagth h e by sea, besides being e Kinallieth f Scotland o go t n dhavin so s ghi , married the sister of the said King. The King, it is well known, was killed by the bursting of a cannon at the siege of Eoxburgh Castle on f Auguso d 3 te 1460th s QueenHi .e founde th , f Trinito r y College, 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF Edinburgh, died on the 16th of November 1463. Their descecdants do t requir enumeratede no b o et . daughtere Th Kinf so mentionee b g Jamew e th no Firse y n dsth i tma probable orde seniorityf ro . MAKGAKET1 e eldesth , t daughter s contractewa , n marriagi d e with 'Louis, Dauphi Francef no 1430n i , , afterwards known I Louis na . sXI viee th completinf wo marriagee gth Frenco tw , h envoys having arrived Scotlandn i yeae th r n i ,143 e Princes6th sens o Francet swa t , wita h fleet consisting of three large ships1 and six barges, under the command of William St Olair, Earl of Orkney, Lord Admiral of Scotland, accom- panied wit largha e retinu f personeo f distinctioo s ladied nan f rankso . They sailed from Dumbarton d havinan , g lande t Eochelleda , then pro- ceede Tourso dt , wher celebrated marriage e b eth o t Monus s "n eLe wa I . - mens de la Mbnarchie Frangoise," by Montfaucon, vol. iii. plate 38, and in Johnes's " Illustration Monstrelet'o st s Chronicles," vol plat, , v. e23 arrivae Dauphinese th th f o l s is represented fro illumination ma "thn ni e Colbert MS." of Monstrelet. Some years ago I examined that MS., but owin somo gt e wrong referenc eI faile observo dt illuminatione eth t bu ; in the interesting collection of prints and drawings illustrating the history of France, knowEecueie th s Gaignieresna e d l "e Biblioth n ,i vol . - vi . theque Imperiale," it is there copied in fac-simile with this title, " Entree de Madame la Dauphine Marguerite Stuart, femme de Louis, Dauphin de France, depui Louiy s leEo s XI., a Tours Juin e n 1436. Suivie d e Madam Eocha plusieure l d e et d e s autres Dames: les Sgrs Maille d . e G-amache d t e e estan pieta d priren haquenea ts deus ede x cote 1'entreza e de la Ville, et la couduisirent j'usqu'au Chasteau, on estant descendue, VendosmeMe d r n Comtu t e . e d'Escosse lui donneren a mainl a t l t e , menerent en.haut." Pinkerton, in reference to the portrait engraved in Montfaucon, says, " The likeness may be verified by the plate next given fro same mth e MS. whicd ,an h present genuinsa e portrai Charlef to s VII." At this time the Dauphin being twelve and the Princess eleven year boto e pontificas f th ageh d o s y withib an , e l ag nlaw dispensaa , - tion was granted by Philip, Archbishop of Turonne or Tours as Diocesan, on the 13th of June, and the marriage took place on the 6th of July 1 Forduni Scotichronicon, vol. li.485. p .
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