JOURNAL OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE. 'VOL. XXXIV. JOURNAL OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF IDht ijittoria Jnstitut~, ou, . Jhilosopbirnl jotiet~ of ®nat ~ritnin. EDITED BY THE SECRETARY. VOL. XXXIV. LONDON: (:I.Bttlllisbclt ll!! ttc :IEttstitutc, 8, <!llclpbi et:crracc, <1'.,barinn <1:,rosli, •.et.) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 1902. LONDON: HARRISON AN!> SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO lIIS MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN'S LANE. CONTENTS. --+- PAGE THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD IN THE HousE OF THE SOCIETY OF ARTS. MONDAY, MAY 26, 1902. THE PRESIDENT, Sm G. G. SToKEs, BART., LL.D., D.Sc., F. R.S., IN THE CHAIR 1 THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPOR1' .... 1 THE ANNUAL ADDRESS ON "THE WATER SUPPLY OF JERUSALEM." BY MAJOR-GEN. Sm C. W. WILSON, R.E., K.C.M.G., F.R.S. 11 SPEECHES BY- THE PRESIDENT 25 THE RE'1. CANON GIRDLESTONE. MAJOR-GEN. HALLOWES. DR. W Ai•rER KIDD. MR. DAVID HOWARD. DR. THEOPHILUS PINCHES. THE REV. DR. w ALKER. THE REV. JORN TucKWELL, AND THE SECRETARY. ON THE SPRINGS m' CHARACTER. BY ALFRED T. ScHOFIELD, EsQ., M~ ~ Trrn DISCUSSION. REMARKS BY- THE CHAIRMAN, PROFESSOR HULL, LL.D. REV. DR. w ALKER, F.L.S. PROFESSOR LANGHORNE ORCHARD, B.Sc. MARTIN L. RousE, EsQ., B.L. REV. DR. PORTE. THE HON. SECRETARY (THE LATE CAPT. F. PETRIE). THE AUTHOR'S REPLY. a 2 vi CONTENTS OF VOL. XXXIV. PAGE MODIFICATIONS TN THE < IDEA OF Gou, PRODUCED BY MODERN THOUGHT AND SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. BY 1'HE REV. CHAN- CELLOR LIAS, M.A. .... 42 THE DISCUSSION. REMARKS BY- THE CHAIRMAN, DAVID HowARD, EsQ., D.L. REv. CANON GmnLESTONE, M.A. REv. JOHN TucKWELL, M.R.A.S. REV. PREBENDARY w ACE, D.D. PROFESSOR LANGHORNE ORCHARD, B.Sc. DR. J. H. GLADSTONE, F.R.S. CoMMUNICATIONS FROM-- REV, PROFESSOR CALDECO'rT, B. D. REV. w. F. KIMM, M.A. PROFESSOR .J. LOGAN LOBLEY, F.G.S. REV. G. F. WHIDBORNE, F.G.S. REv. L. G. BoMFORD. Trrn AUTHOR'S R~;PLY AND POSTSCRIPT. THE PREPARATION OF THE EARTH FOR MAN'S ABODE. BY PRO- FESSOR J. LOGAN LOBLEY, F.G.S. .... 83 THE DISCUSSION. REMARKS BY- THE CHAIRMAN, REV. DR. w ALKER, F.L.S. THE SECRETARY, PROFESSOR HULL, F.R.S. REv. ,JOHN TucKWELL, M.R.A.S. REV. CANON GIRDLESTONE, M.A. THE AUTHOR'S REPLY, COMMUNICATIONS FROM- COLONEL WILLTAM CAREY, C.B. WILLIAM MILLER, EsQ. ADAPTATION AND SELECTION IN NATURE; THEIR BEARING ON DESIGN. BY W AL'rER KIDD, EsQ., M.D., F.Z.S. 107 THE DISCUSSION. REMARKS BY- MARTIN RousE, EsQ., B.L. REV. F. A. w ALKER, D.D. PROFESSOR LANGHORNE ORCHARD. THE CHAIRMAN, REv. CANON GmDLESTONE, M.A. THE Au•rnoR·s REPLY. CONTENTS OF VOL. XXXIV. Vll PAGE THE PHYSICAL HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIAN FJORDS. BY PRO- FESSOR EDWARD HULL, LL.D., F.R.S. (WITH MAP) .... ••• 125 THE DISCUSSION. REMARKS ·BY- DR. R. LOGAN JACK, F.G.S. MARTIN L. Rousu, EsQ. COMMUNICATIONS FROM- REV. DR. w ALKER. CAV. w. P. JERVIS, F.G.S. POSTSCRIPT BY THE AUTHOR. THE PHYSICAL HISTORY OF THE FJORDS OF NEW ZEALAND. BY J. MALCOLM MACLAREN, EsQ., B.Sc., F.G.S. 152 THE DISCUSSION. REMARKS BY·- THE CHAIRMAN, MARTIN L. RousE, EsQ. DR. J. LOGAN JACK, F.G.S. THE AUTHOR'S REPLY. lcELAND: !TB HISTORY AND INHABITANTS. BY HERR JON STEFANBSON, PH. D. 164 THE DISCUSSION. REMARKS BY- THE CHAIRMAN, REV. CANON GIRDLESTONE. THE SECRETARY, PROFESSOR HULL, F.R.S. MR. MARTIN ROUSE, B.L. ARTESIAN WATER IN THE STATE OF QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA, BY R. LOGAN JAcK, EsQ., LL.D., F.G.S. 18:? THE DISCUSSION. REMARKS BY­ MR. W. GIBBONS Cox. MR. JAMES STIRLING. MR. E. T. ScAMMELL. MR. WOODFORD PILKINGTON. THE AUTHOR'S REPLY. LOCUSTS AND GRASSHOPPERS, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO BIBLICAL SPECIES. BY REV. F. A. WALKER, D.D., F.L.S. 19i THE DISCUSSION. REMARKS BY- THE CHAIRMAN, DR. WALTER A. KIDD, F.Z.S. MR. w. F. KIRBY, F.L.S. THE SECRETARY, PROFESSOR HULL, F.R.S. PROFESSOR .J. LOGAN LOBLEY, F.G.S. MR. MARTIN RousE. Vlll CONTENTS OF VOL. XXXIV, PAGE WATER ESSENTIAL TO ALL LIFE. BY PROFESSOR LIONEL s. BEALE, F.R.C.P., F.R.S. (ADDRESS) •... 216 (DISCUSSION OF A GENERAL CHARACTER FOLLOWED.) PROCOPIUs's AFRICAN MONUMENT OF JOSHUA'S CONQUEST OF CANAAN. BY MARTIN L. RousE, EsQ. (BARRISTER-AT-LAW) 234 THE DISCUSSION. REMARKS BY- THE CHAIRMAN, DAVID HowARD, EsQ., D.L. .. •• 251 THE SECRETARY, PROFESSOR EDWARD HULi,, LL.D. PROFESSOR ORCHARD, B.Sc. MR. WOODFORD PILKINGTON, C.E. COMMUNICATION BY THE SECRETARY ; ON THE i;,UBMERGED RIVER· VALLEYS OF THE WESTERN ATLANTIC OcEAN 25;3 0N SOME DISE.\SES MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE. BY THOMAS CHAPLIN, EsQ., M.D. 255 THE D1scuss10N. REMARKS BY­ THE CHAIRMAN, REV. DR. .-w ALKER •.. 269 PROFESSOR LIONEL ~EALE, F.R.S. THE SECRETARY, PROFESSOR HULL, F.R.S. _ PROFESSOR ORCHARD. REV. JOHN TUCKWELL. C◊MMUNICATION FROM- DR. E. W. MASTERMAN,_ F.R.C.S. (oF THE ENGLISH MISSION HOSPITAL AT JERUSALEM) 276 INTERESTING LE•rTER TO THE SECRETARY FROM CHEY. W. JERVIS, F.G.S., DATED APRIL 26, 1902 280 CORONATION ODE. BY GERTRUDE DARLow, Los ANGELES, CALI- FORNIA .... 285 MAP OF MADAGASCAR. FoR REFERENCE TO REv. G. A. SHAW'S PAPER IN VoL. XXXIII, p. 334. LIST OF MEMBERS AND ASSOCIATES 289 CONTENTS OF '.!'HE VOLUMES OF THE JOURNAL 1''ROM VoL. I. TO VOL. XXXIII. *** The Institute's object being to investigate, it nmst not be held to endorse the vaiious views expi·essed at its meetings. PREFACE.-- N the preparation of this Volume of the Jou1'nal of I 11·ansactions, I have to express my acknowledgrnents to the Authors of the paperA for the pains they have taken to render the published matter as free from inaccuracies as possible. I would also esteem it a favour if Members and Associates would not only send communications on subjects they think interesting and suitable for bringing before the Institute, but also suggest titles of such subjects and the na1;nes of persons they consider qu<tlified to deal with them. EDWARD HULL, Secreta1'y and Edito1'. August 2nd, 1902. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD AT THE HOUSE 01<' THE SOCI,ETY OF ARTS, MONDAY, MAY 26, 1902. The President, Sir GEORGE GABRIEL STOKES, Bart., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S., IN THE CHAIR. The Secretary, Professor EDWARD HULL, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., read th~ following Report of the Council :- 1. In presenting the THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT, the Council has the pleasure· of stating that the position of the Institute is satisfactory, both as regards membership and funds. Notwithstanding the period of financial stress through which this country has passed during the year 1901-when increased taxation and reduced income have pressed heavily on the classes which are the chief supporter~ of the Institute-we are able to show an increase in both directions. The stated credit balance of £18 3s. 7d. for the previous year (1900) was obtained by placing the sum of £196 9s. arising from the sale of £200 Consols of the Reserve Fund to the " Receipts." But if this sum, which in reality reduces our resources, had been omitted there would have been a deficit of £178 10s. 10d. For the past year, when there has been no sale of Reserve Stock, the deficit ,only amounts to £10 lls. 3d. ; so that the Institute is really in a better financial position than on the last day of 1900. It should also be mentioned that we commenced the present year without debt of any kind. 2. As regards Membership, there has been an increase in the number of Annual Associates to the extent of 31, . n 2 ANNUAL MEETING. as compared with the previous year, while the numbers under the head of Life Members, Annual Members, and Life Associates remain nearly the same. There is a slight diminution under the head of Hon. Corresponding Members, only a few of whom pay the half-guinea which entitles them to receive the Annual Volume of Transactions. The follow­ ing is an approximate statement of the constituency of the Institute at the end of May, 1902 :- Life Members 42 in number. Annual ,, 195 Life Associates 64 " Annual ,, 511 " Hon. Corresponding Members 177 ,," Total 989 The Council last year expressed the hope that during the coming year an effort would be made to bring the adherents up to the number of one thousand; it will be observed that this hope hq,s been nearly realised, and it ought to be fulfilled before the. next report is issued. 3. The following is the new list of the Officers and Council:- IJresillmt. Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Bart., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S. lll'itt-:\;}millmts. The Right Honourable The Lord High Chancellor, F.R.S. Sir T. ~·owell Buxton, Bart., K.C.M.G. Sir Joseph Fayrer, Bart., K.C.S.I., M.D., F.R.S. Professor Lionel S. Beale, F.B.C.P., F.R.S. W. H. Hndleston, Esq., F.R.S., PMt President of Geological Society, AlexanderMcArthur, Esq., D.L., J.P. The Ven. Robinson Thornton, D.D., F.B.Hist.S., Archdeacon of Middleaex. Jomrcar11 (!J;orrtSJ!Onlltnb. The Bight Hon. Lord Kelvin, Past P.B.S. Professor A: Agassiz, D.C.L., F.R.S. I l'rofessor R. Virchow, F.R.S. Profe,sor Etheridge, F.R.S. Professor Fritz Hommel, Ph.D. Professor E. Naville (Geneva). Professor A. H. Sayce, D.D., LL.D. Professor Maspero (Pa'ris). Professor Sir B.
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