Vic Roads Annual Report - INFRAS TRUCT URE I 052 VicRoads 1998-1999 Annual report :VicRoads Location: A-VR Barcode:31010000852279 Who we are Annual Report 1998-99 Contents he.: Road-; Corporation is a Vicroriaa st.atumry corporation operating under TLhe regisrered business name of VicRoads. VicHoads serves the community by managing rhe Victo1ian road system and its use as an Ke~r Highlighrs 6 inregral part of the overall Lranspon network Chief Ex.ecmive's Statemem 8 The organisation has an annual progr.ani expenditure (both capital and recurrt:nt) of Summary of Operations 10 $772m and collects approximately $l.59bn k>r the Srate Government and Transport Accident Our People 12 Commiss i.on (TAC) through licensing, registrq.tion and mhcr fees. Environment 16 VicRoads has 2296 staff who work in The Future 20 partnership with other government agencies, loc.:al govc.:rnmcm and the private sector lo Hoad System .Management 24 provide.: cost-effective products and services to the community. 1'he Metropolitan Rtng Road passe.d two 'fraffic and Hoad Use Management 32 lmpm1ant mlle.~torws in 1998-99. The Edgars Road oveJ'JHUs icas opened in]uly 1998, and the has Road Safety 38 Vi c.:Roa<ls four core businesses - Road seclf.mift·om Ed1t,ars Road to Dalton Road was Sy.o;tcm Management, lraffic and Road Use c<»nplet,ed ln Ma,• 1999. Together with the Western Regisrration and Licensing Services .'vtanagemenc, Road Safety, and Registration and Rt11g Road ti.forms tho MSO, providing a bigb­ Licensing - which provi.de a cle<ir focus for sl'andard road that links the ports ofMelbcmrne Corporate Performance 50 service delivery: and Geelong w ith .Melbourne Airport, and major interstate and intrastute rudial routes. Road Users' Charrer VicRoads is structured around five divisions. 56 Corporate Srruccure 58 • Business Operations comprises the four c.:ore services, bituminous :surfacing services and international project services. The divison also business departments. It is responsible for Statistical Summary 64 developing policy rccommc.:ndations, program provides corporate services including legal coun s~ l , exc.:cutivc services, corporate strategies and purchasing services. It. aslo Financial Management 66 inc.:ludcs three departments rhar provide ~ cc re tar i at, building and facilities management, printing and business cc.>rp0rntc-wide financial, human resources, financial Statement~ 70 and information technology and information services. telecommunications services. .\"mes to the financial Statements 73 • A group of business areas, that report to the • Regional Services is responsible for delivering Deputy Chief Exec.:u tivc, provide functions Appendices 96 annual programs co meer core business goals that support the.: managemem of the and for managing setv.ices provided on a wrpc.irat.ion as a whole. These include regional basis. Programs arc delivered through c.:ontrt.1.c.:t services, corporare planning, public.: seven rc.:gions and one support group, using relationi; and elecu-onic servic.:e ddivc.:ry. c.:omractors ancl in-house service providers. VicRoads delivers its scnriccs to the Victorian • Major Projects Le; responsible for developing community through a statewide network of environmental management policies, project offices and agencies. The net work comprises straLegie.~ and solutions to identified strategic seven rc.:gional otRces, located at Burwood Easr road .i.n.frastrucmre needs, and sec.:uring the and Sunshine in mersopolitan \1elbourne, and necessary planning and environmental Ballarat, Benalla, Bendigo, Gedong and approvals; managing implementation of Tt:aralgo.n. in rural Victoria; 40 Rcgi~tration and dt:signatc.:d major infrastrucLure projects; and Licc.:n::;i ng officc.::s; nine project offices; rhc managing acquisition, leasing and disposal of Telephone Information Service (located in Kew prnpenies required for road developments. ancl Ballarat); and the '!faffic Conrrol and Communicarion Centre. • Commercial Services provides technical, information and engineering services to Registration and li censing services arc al.so VicRoads and other organisations on a fully provided at scle<:tecl locations through agcms commercial basis. These services include land such as local governmem, the Royal Automobile information and survey, materials technology; Clt1b of Victoria (HA.CV), .Australia Post, the design services for road projecrs, information Westpac. bank and c.:h emist.s. 4 e I More tban ·10,000 young people and their parems The noise walls for atce.nded more than 100 Lh e Eastern Freeway Ki'YS Please parent.i e:Ktension won a learner driver infrmnacion VicRoa<ls achicvt:<l Y2K num ber of State an<l s~ i ons, organised in compliance for the national mban conjunction wiLh Vicr01ia many critical comput<..:r design awards. Police and Communiry Road applications that arc Safety Councils. More than vital to everyday 100,000 new learner drivers operations, including received Lhe booklet Getting traffic signal.~, vehicle 7bere: .From Ls to Ps. registration and driver licensing systems. Signing under the Statewide Route Numbering Sch.e.me was compleced for al I The Vasey Houghton M, J\ and F3 roads. Bridge on the \'lelba All contractors that Lender Ilighway; over the Y<irra for VicRoacls jobs must River, at Yarra Glen was now have Environmenral npcned. Ext.<..:nsiv<..: Management Syscems. community consultation and local input to the bridge design and landscaping helped achieve a successful Vicc01ia received an solution for commuters, excelle.nt racing in the.: surrounding industry Ausrroads Cser Tnrnsport Safety Services The Boronia Rail and the community. Satisfaction performance Ofllccrs Peter Schotleld and Crossing Project was Stewart Newt0n were the complc.:ted and o!llcially .indicator .survey, receiving equal highest firsL !Haff Lo he recognised The.: Vic.:Roads service opened to the public. rating across the States for outstanding service dc.:1i veq1 network was The project has reduced A partnership was under the VicRoads Staff The contribution of the traffic congestion and of Australia. expanded to enable formed between local Achievemenr Awards Better Roado:; Victoria rcuniLed che town. cuswmers to renew their government and other Scheme. The awards were program LO the road re~isu-arion ac Australia cenLre.. lt<; opening major road safely given for the officers' network topped Post offices, through an in April J.999 was scakeholders to tackle leadership in the Mass '$1 billi.on . agreement between the welcomed by road trauma in Management Assurance the community. Vkcotian Govcrrunem local communities. and QualiLy A~sured Bus and Australia Post. .\faintenance programs. 7 Chief guidelines and regulations to achieve consistent relationship with the Ministry of Communications on-road. enforcement of roadworthiness, and the (.tvlOC) in the Pcopk:s Republic of China (PRC). Ac, inrro<lucticn1 of higher mass limits for road-friendly an approved provider of training for tbe .MOC for trucks and huses. Vehicles operating at. higher World Bank projects, VicRoads conducted several Executive's mass li mits can now use more than half of training sessions during th<.: ycar. Victc.>ria's arterial roads. Othcr international accivities included an We achieved better customer scrvk:e through institutional strengthening project in .Fij i, and a Statement several important initiatives. In May 1999. we highway sr.a ndar<ls design manual for rhe MOC in arranged with Australia Post to provide vehicle China, hoth funded through the Asian regismttion renewal<; from their outlets. This wiU Developmenr hank. VicRoads undertook a furcher ictoria's transport system plays a vital add 600 additional rural outlets and 500 institutional strength<.:ning projt..-ct for the Roads role in supporting the State's metropolitan locations offering Lhis service. We and Buildings Department in Anclhra Pradesh, economic performance and the social introduced a new process for unreglstered vehicle India, funded by Lhe World Bank. Links with the well-being of the conununity, making permits to cnable cusromers tO conduct their Lniled Kingdom I Iighways Agency were also Victoria a better place to live, work str<.:ngthc.:ncd with a visit to and do business. per.mit business over the ------·-----·------ telephone and pay by Victoda received an exce.llent Victoria by a delegati.on led by its During 1998-99 VicRoads achieved substantial The improvements have reduced traffic credit card. rating in the Austroads User Chief Executive Laurit: Haynes. improvements to the condiLion, capacity and congestion along nornnia an~i Don;<.:t Roads and 11le two organisations will VicRoads contin ues to Satisfaction su:rvey safetv of Victoria's arterial road nerwork. We hav<.: have reunited the community centre of Boronia. cominue LO share their impn.wt: its business restortxl th<.: condiLion of Victoria's roads, having knowledge and expertise through Achicvemcms in :Melbourne's o uLer suburbs efficiency through treated half of the road nerwork during th <.: past an international staff exchange program. included upgrading High StreeL Road to a four­ introducing better systems and processes. five vcars. These results. documented in a fixmal lanc. divided road between Cathies Lane and f\ational performance indicators show Victoria has VicRoads helped tO establish the new Victorian puhlished this year, have been achieved rc:vi ~w Drive in W;i.ntirna South. We also the lowesL per 'Llllit cost in vehicle registration and Bicycle Advisory Council, which provides the through our continued commitment to long-Lenn iVlo~fo·av widened the .MooroOdL1C Highv.-"ay in Frankston. driver licensing by a significant amount. \1inister for Roads and Ports with strategic policy road maintenwce, as ~ct nut in the very important and progr-.il'n advice on cycling matters We also Stitch in Time strat<.:gy. In rural Victoria, 42 brid.gt::s were sLrengchened Protection nf the environment continued. to be an continued to play an active role in the Road or replaced to facilitate freight movements, important focus. All contractor.; that tender for A significant rnilescone was the opc:ning of a 3 km Freight Advisory Council and in the Victorian particularlr for B-double vehicles.
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