INTERNATIONAL EXPERIMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL - BUCHAREST 2010 FESTIVALUL INTERNAŢIONAL DE FILM EXPERIMENTAL - BUCUREŞTI 2010 INTERNATIONAL EXPERIMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL. 6 FESTIVALUL INTERNAŢIONAL DE FILM EXPERIMENTAL CONCEPT CONCEPT FESTIVAL TEAM 12 ECHIPA FESTIVALULUI COMPETITION JURY 16 JURIU COMPETIŢIE OPENING / CLOSING GALA 21 GALA DE DESCHIDERE / ÎNCHIDERE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION 31 COMPETIŢIE INTERNAŢIONALĂ EXPERIMENTAL EYE: 153 EXPERIMENTAL EYE: UNIQUE VISIONS IN EUROPEAN CINEMA VIZIUNI EXPERIMENTALE ÎN CINEMA-UL EUROPEAN FOCUS: 161 FOCUS: EXPERIMENT IN SOUTH AMERICAN CINEMA EXPERIMENT ÎN CINEMA-UL SUD-AMERICAN PANORAMA: 173 PANORAMA: ROMANIAN EXPERIMENTAL SHORTS SCURT METRAJ EXPERIMENTAL ROMÂNESC SIDE EVENTS 183 EVENIMENTE CONEXE ISBN: 978-973-1805-80-1 INTERNATIONAL EXPERIMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL BUCHAREST 2010 FESTIVALUL INTERNAŢIONAL DE FILM EXPERIMENTAL BUCUREŞTI 2010 SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENTS MULŢUMIRI SPECIALE Radu Luca UNATC Athanor Sixpackfilm Mihai Scorţea UNARTE Submarine Films Reynolds Film Horia Romanescu York University Filmbank Netherlands Media Art Răzvan Nicolescu Andrzej Wajda Master Female Economy Institute Laurenţiu Brătan School of Film Directing Animate Projects Pantalla Partida Răzvan Sabie University of Art and Design LUX Adinda Arian - Female Paul Negoescu Helsinki (UIAH) EYE Film Institute Economy Maciej Nowicki - Watch Docs Sigrid Gairing - Filmakademie Netherlands Danny Lennon (Festival Sales Human Rights Film Festival Baden-Württemberg Le Fresnoy Agent) Jan Najewsky FAMU Groupe Intervention Vidéo Gabriel Abrantes Adrian Bucur The Danish Film Institute (GIV) Salome Jashi - Sakdoc Film Cristina Toader Swedish Film Institute 90 Minutes Film Studio Aantarik Films Regele Ionescu CloroFilm Envie de Tempête Production Mihai Grecu Submarine NIMK Graeme Cole Glob Com Media Mutual Respect Productions Floris Kaayk La Doble A New Europe Film Sales Ulu Braun REC Produtores Associados Les Films du Nord Tuturor voluntarilor noştri. / Mf Films Desperate Optimists To all our volunteers. INTERNATIONAL EXPERIMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL Recently, Romania has been characterized by a cinema culture vigorous growth, to name at least the high density of the artistic activity reflected on screen. Thus, a festival of experimental film does not come as a surprise; it is a complementary piece in the big picture of Romanian events that accompany a serious industry. The International Experimental Film Festival is at its first edition and, convinced we are of this, it will soon become one of the Romanian cultural trademarks. May it reach many editions, enjoyed by a growing number of high quality cinema lovers! Eugen Şerbănescu General Director of The National Centre of Cinema, Romania Romania a devenit în ultimii ani o putere cinematografică, cel puţin sub raportul densităţii actului artistic pe centimetrul pătrat de ecran. Nu este, deci, de mirare apariţia unui festival al filmului experimental, care întregeşte complementar tabloul manifestarilor ce însoţesc, de obicei, o industrie serioasă. Festivalul Internaţional al Filmului Experimental se află la prima ediţie şi, suntem convinşi, va deveni unul dintre reperele de marcă ale vieţii culturale din Romania. Îi dorim cât mai multe ediţii şi un public îndrăgostit de cinemaul de calitate. Eugen Şerbănescu Director General al Centrului Naţional al Cinematografiei, România ON THE EDGE circuit and rarely on cinema screen, as we believe the border area between cinema and video art is INTERNATIONAL an extremely rich, creatively nourishing one, from where unique artistic voices constantly emerged EXPERIMENTAL FILM over the years like Peter Greenaway, David Lynch, Derek Jarman, Andy Warhol, Stan Brakhage and FESTIVAL. CONCEPT others. EXPIFF presents on one side an INTERNATIONAL EXPERIMENTAL SHORT FILM COMPETITION, consisting of the most representative productions of the last years. For this edition, we are extremely honored to be joined in our curatorial work by experienced international experimental film programmers PETER VAN HOOF ( Head of Short Film Department of International Film Festival Rotterdam), MIGUEL VALVERDE ( co-director of Lisbon International Independent Film Festival Indielisboa) and DIETER WIECZOREK ( director of Signes de Nuit Film Festival Paris). Each of them brings in front of Romanian audience a CARTE BLANCHE selection - part of our International Short Created under the patronage of NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF DRAMA Film Competition - comprised of the key titles from their last years programs. INTERNATIONAL FILM AND FILM BUCHAREST, NATIONAL ART UNIVERSITY BUCHAREST and FESTIVAL ROTTERDAM, LISBON INTERNATIONAL INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL INDIELISBOA and ROMANIAN NATIONAL CINEMA CENTER, with strong educational SIGNES DE NUIT FILM FESTIVAL PARIS are three of the most prestigious international film events purpose, BUCHAREST INTERNATIONAL EXPERIMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL in the area of experimental cinema, recognized worldwide for their consistent creative support of EXPIFF is the first and only showcase of experimental film in Romania, innovative radical filmmaking and visual art. aimed at bringing in front of the audience highly innovative films, both in content and style, filmmakers with strong personal views on On the other side, EXPIFF presents a number of ARTIST PROFILES dedicated to highly innovative contemporary reality, which also daringly explore the boundaries of filmmakers with unique visions on contemporary reality, which also uncompromisingly explore the cinema language. limits of cinema language. A cinema of total creative freedom and lack of compromise. This year EXPIFF is honored to open with REMBRAND J’ACCUSE, the last feature of PETER GREENAWAY, in director’s presence. PETER GREENAWAY is one of the key voices of avant-guard We believe EXPIFF is a highly necessary event, particularly for contemporary cinema, one of the most ambitious and controversial experimental filmmakers of our times. Trained as a painter and heavily influenced by theories of structural linguistics, ethnography, CONCEPT Romania, whose cinema already proved its amazing strength in the last years, through outstanding voices like Cristi Puiu, Corneliu and philosophy, PETER GREENAWAY’s films traversed often unprecedented ground, consistently Porumboiu, Cristian Mungiu, Radu Jude, and others, yet mainly exploring the boundaries of the medium by rejecting formal narrative structures in favor of in the area of realistic narrative fiction. On this flourishing creative awe-striking imagery, shifting meanings, and mercurial emotional tension, fascinated by formal background, EXPIFF comes as a natural complementary reaction, its symmetries and parallels, earning equal notoriety for its provocative eroticism as well as its almost main goal being to broaden perception, to open a whole new artistic self-conscious pretentiousness. He has an impressive body of work, consisting of 12 feature films territory both for the general and specialized audience, particularly for and 50 short-films and documentaries regularly nominated for the Film Festival Competitions of the film and visual art students. Cannes, Venice and Berlin, exhibitions, visual installations, VJ performances, paintings, books, 6 opera librettos. Therefore we present films that are “lessons” of experimental cinema, emblematic pieces, eye-openers about the unlimited possibilities During the festival days, PETER GREENAWAY will also offer a MASTERCLASS for cinema offered by the cinematic medium, about ways to transcend any possible and visual art students as well as for the general public, which will take place at the National borders between fiction/documentary/visual art, about transgression University of Drama and Film Bucharest. of boundaries on every level, from concept, structure, rhythm to the very shot construction. Copel Moscu, Festival Director Rik Vermeulen, curator - International Selection We are also dedicated to offer increased visibility to cutting edge visual Adina Pintilie, curator - International Selection artists, whose work is mainly accessible in museums and art galleries INTERNATIONAL EXPERIMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL prezentate în muzee şi galerii de artă şi doar rareori în săli de cinema. O facem din convingerea că FESTIVALUL zona de graniţă dintre cinema şi artele vizuale e un teritoriu extrem de fertil din punct de vedere INTERNAŢIONAL DE FILM creativ, din care au provenit de-a lungul anilor voci artistice unice precum Peter Greenaway, David Lynch, Derek Jarman, Andy Warhol, Stan Brakhage şi alţii. EXPERIMENTAL. CONCEPT Programul EXPIFF cuprinde, pe de o parte, COMPETIŢIA INTERNAŢIONALĂ DE SCURTMETRAJ EXPERIMENTAL, o selecţie a celor mai reprezentative producţii din ultimii ani. Suntem extrem de onoraţi de a avea alături pentru această ediţie curatori de talie internaţională din zona filmului experimental: PETER VAN HOOF ( Director al Departamentului de Scurtmentraj al Festivalului Internaţional de Film Rotterdam), MIGUEL VALVERDE ( co-director al Indielisboa, Festivalului Internaţional de Film Independent Lisabona) şi DIETER WIECZOREK (director Signes de Nuit Film Festival Paris). Fiecare dintre ei prezintă publicului din România o selecţie CARTE BLANCHE – parte Creat sub patronajul Universităţii Naţionale de Artă Teatrală şi componentă a Competiţiei Internaţionale de Scurtmetraj – compusă din titluri-cheie ale programelor Cinematografică Bucureşti, al Universităţii Naţionale de Arte şi al pe care le-au conceput în ultimii ani. Festivalul Internaţional de Film Rotterdam, Festivalul Centrului Naţional al Cinematografiei, Festivalul
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