DOCUMENTATION AUSTRIAN WINE 2007 AUSTRIAN WINE December 2008 Edition available for download at: www.austrianwine.com Table of contents Documentation Austrian W ine 2007 Table of contents 1 Structure of the Austrian wine production 1 1.1 Austria œ The wine country 1 1.2 Grape varieties in Austria 1.2.1 Breakdown by share of area in percent 1.2.2 Grape varieties Brief description 53 1.2.3. Development of the area under cultivation until 1999 57 1.3 Climate change 3 1.4 Vintages 1.5 W ine-growers in Austria A current overall view 70 1. W ine-earnings 75 1.7 ,nventory 2007 77 1.8 Development of grape and wine prices 80 1.9 The Austrian W ine Boards 81 2 Marketing of Austrian W ine 85 2.1 .ualit/tswein of regional origin (DAC1 85 3 The Austrian M arket 88 3.1 Consumption 88 3.2 2arket Segments 91 3.2.1 The home consumption of Austrian wine Gf4 5oushold Panel 92 3.2.2 7ood retail trade 93 4 Austria‘s foreign trade in wine 105 4.1 ,nternational foreign trade in wine 2007 105 4.2 Austrian Imports and E9ports (7inancial :ear1 1989/90 œ 200 /07 107 4.3 ,mports and e9ports 0calendar :ear 2003 œ 20071 108 4.4 ,mports and e9ports 0Jan œ June 20071 110 4.5 Austrian wine e9ports sorted by product groups & major markets 200 2007 111 4. Austrian wine e9ports long term prognosis 11 5 The Austrian W ine aw 117 5.1 The W ine Law of 1999 117 5.2 The 2000 Amendment to the W ine Law 118 5.3 The 2002 Amendment to the W ine Law 119 5.4 W ine Law Amendment 2003 121 5.5 W ine Law Amendment 2004 123 5. W ine Law Amendment 2005 123 5.7 W ine Labelling Regulations in 4eywords 125 5.7.1 General points on naming and labelling 125 5.7.2 Austrian .ualit/tswein 0.uality wine1 12 5.7.3 Austrian Landwein 0Vin de Pays1 127 5.7.4 Austrian Tafelwein 0Table wine1 128 5.7.5 Austrian Schaumwein 0Sparkling wine1 129 6 The Austrian W ine M arketing Board 131 7 Important Addresses 132 1 Structure of the Austrian wine production Documentation Austrian W ine 2007 1 Structure of the Austrian wine production 1.1 Austria The wine country For the first time since Austria joined the European Union, Austria was required y the Regulation (ECC) No. 357,79 of the Council of the European Community to conduct a sur.ey of the area under .ines with a reference date of 31 August 1999. Also for the first time, data from the e/isting .iticultural land registers of the wine0producing states 1 2urgenland, Nieder3sterreich (4ower Austria), Steiermar5 (Styria) and W ien (6ienna) 1 were included and analysed as secondary statistics. The organisation 8Statistics Austria9 (Austrian Central Statistical Office) o tained the data of the other states y conducting a written sur.ey of the .ineyard owners. 2ased on this sur.ey of the area under .ines of 1999, it was determined that Austria had an acreage of 52,000 ha to grow .ines in 2007. This showed an increase of 4,000 ha in the .ineyard acreage from 1999 to 2007. W hile the acreage for growing white wines decreased y 15 percent to 35,609.87 ha since 1999, the acreage for red wine increased y 35.2 percent to 16,699.91 ha. Among the reasons for the decrease in .ineyard area were .ine remo.als in accordance with EU .ine pulling schemes and national reser.e campaigns as well as losses due to frost damage. The 1999 amendment to the wine law created a new wine0growing region called 8W einland Austria9. The ad.antage lies in the fact that wines from Nieder3sterreich and 2urgenland, a large area e.en y European standards, can now e used for the production of 4andwein. The 2002 amendment also changed the wine region Steiermar5>s name to 8Steirerland9. There are currently 4 wine0growing regions and 19 wine0growing areas defined in Austria. The four wine0growing regions are defined as W einland ?sterreich (including the states of Nieder3sterreich and 2urgenland), Steirerland (that is the state Steiermar5), W ien, and 2ergland ?sterreich (including the states O er3sterreich (Upper Austria), Salz urg, ABrnten (Carinthia), Tirol (Tyrol), and 6orarl erg). The wine0growing areas areC Nieder3sterreich, which geographically includes the wine0growing areas W ein.iertel, W achau, Aremstal, Aamptal, Traisental, W agram, Carnuntum, and Thermenregion 2urgenland, which geographically includes the wine0growing areas Neusiedlersee, Neusiedlersee0DEgelland, Mittel urgenland, and SEd urgenland Steiermar5, which geographically includes the wine0growing areas SEdoststeiermar5, SEdsteiermar5, W eststeiermar5, and W ien. 1 1 Structure of the Austrian wine production Documentation Austrian W ine 2007 W einland ?sterreich 91,79H W ien 2ergland W einland Österreich ?sterreich 0,04H Bergland Österreich W ien Steirerland 1,40H Steirerland 6,77H Fig. 1C Distri ution of wine-growing regions in percent1 Fig. 2C The wine growing regions2 Aamptal 7,97H W ein.iertel 32,74H Donauland 5,63H Thermenregion 4,80H Aremstal 4,48H W achau 2,87H Carnuntum 1,84H Traisental 1,41H Neusiedlersee 17,12H W ien W eststeiermar5 1,40H 0,89H SEd steiermar5 SEdost 3,59H Mittel urgenland steiermar5 3,87H Neusiedlersee0DEgelland 2,29H SEd urgenland 8,06H 0,92H Fig. 3C Distri ution of wine-growing areas y share of area in percent3 1 Graphics Austria W ine Mar5eting 2oard according to Statistics Austria 2 Austria W ine Marketing 2oard 3 Graphics Austria W ine Mar5eting 2oard according to Statistics Austria 2 1 Structure of the Austrian wine production Documentation Austrian W ine 2007 1999 2007 Total vineyards White wine red- und roséwine total wine Name Earnings in Earnings in Earnings in holdings area Productive Productive Productive area in ha Hektoliter area in ha Hektoliter area in ha Hektoliter total per ha total per ha total per ha AUSTRIA 32.044 48.557,67 28.988 1.583.184 54,6 15.214 1.044.837 68,7 44.202 2.628.021 59,5 4 Wine-growing regions: Weinland sterreich 27.692 44.567,53 25.787 1.408.147 106,5 14.246 976.339 137,1 40.033 2.384.486 119,5 Steiermark 3.821 3.290,83 2.831 158.751 56,07 846 61.717 73,0 3.677 220.468 60,0 Wien 497 678,3 354 15.607 44,1 106 6.046 57,2 459 21.652 47,1 -ergland 34 21,01 16 680 41,3 16 735 44,7 33 1.414 43,0 BUR ENLAND 9.654 14.563,62 6.213 314.966 50,7 7.007 482.414 68,9 13.220 797.379 60,3 Wine-growing areas: Neusiedlersee 3.268 8.326,34 3.870 198.395 51,3 3.169 213.023 67,2 7.039 411.417 58,4 Neusiedlersee-H.gelland 3.652 3.911,55 1.984 99.185 50,0 1.416 90.473 63,9 3.400 189.658 55,8 Mittel0urgenland 1.098 1.877,24 184 9.853 53,5 2.163 163.756 75,7 2.347 173.609 74,0 ,.d0urgenland 1.636 448,49 175 7.533 43,0 258 15.162 58,7 433 22.695 52,4 Table 1C 6ineyard areas 1999 and 2007 y comparison 1 Austria total and 2urgenland5 4 Shares of area for white and red wine according to State as y the sur.ey of the area under .ines conducted y the Cham ers of Agriculture 2004I shares of area for white and red wine as well as yields sorted y wine0growing regions on the asis of yield estimations as projected y wine e/perts of STATISTICS AUSTRIA. 5 Statistics Austria 3 1 Structure of the Austrian wine production Documentation Austrian W ine 2007 NIEDER&STERREIC( 18.038 30.003,91 19.573 1.093.181 55,9 7.239 493.926 68,2 26.813 1.587.107 59,2 Wine-growing areas: Thermenregion 1.282 2.332,30 1.083 35.647 32,9 1.032 40.186 38,9 2.116 75.833 35,8 1remstal 1.397 2.175,87 1.753 91.792 52,4 489 32.025 65,5 2.242 123.817 55,2 1amptal 1.491 3.868,87 2.804 138.637 49,4 743 47.805 64,3 3.547 186.443 52,6 Wagram (former. Donauland5 1.710 2.731,96 1.839 104.756 57,0 547 39.243 71,7 2.386 143.999 60,3 Traisental 706 682,54 483 22.660 46,9 155 8.855 57,2 638 31.516 49,4 Carnuntum 745 891,53 395 18.720 47,4 430 22.502 52,3 825 41.222 50,0 Wachau 867 1.390,33 1.062 60.339 56,8 200 14.181 70,8 1.262 74.521 59,0 Weinviertel 9.774 15.892,24 10.129 619.361 61,1 3.637 288.799 79,4 13.767 908.159 66,0 outside wine-growing area 66 38,26 24 1.268 52,4 5 329 68,1 29 1.597 55,0 STEIERMARK 3.821 3.290,83 2.831 158.751 56,07 846 61.717 73,0 3.677 220.468 60,0 Wine-growing area: ,.dsteiermark 1.066 1.741,04 1.626 96.281 59,2 235 20.283 86,4 1.861 116.564 62,6 Weststeiermark 491 432,85 154 6.884 44,7 311 18.861 60,6 465 25.745 55,3 ,.doststeiermark 2.254 1.115,16 1.051 55.586 52,9 299 22.573 75,4 1.350 78.159 57,9 outside wine-growing area 10 1,78 - - - - - - - - - Wine-growing region WIEN 497 678,3 354 15.607 44,1 106 6.046 57,2 459 21.652 47,1 7ther States 34 21,01 16 680 41,3 16 735 44,7 33 1.414 43,0 Table 2C 6ineyard areas 1999 and 2007 y comparison 1 4ower Austria, Styria and 6ienna6 6 Statistics Austria 4 1 Structure of the Austrian wine production Documentation Austrian W ine 2007 6ineyard areas 1999 ( y earning capacity,potential) Final results (areas in hectares) 8ineyard area by potential yield Total Name vineyards Total Productive Not yet productive planted area holdings area white wine red wine white wine red wine AUSTRIA 32,044 48,557.67 34,851.23 11,636.88 1,293.27 714.75 48,496.13 Wine-growing regions: Weinland 27,692 44,567.53 32,003.99 10,688.52 1,133.67 687.95 44,514.15 ,teirerland 3,821 3,290.83 2,291.44 846.81 129.15 15.27 3,282.67 Wien 497 678.30 545.27 93.42 29.19 10.42 678.30 -ergland 34 21.01 10.53 8.12 1.25 1.11 21.01 BUR ENLAND 9,654 14,563.62 8,958.03 4,935.28 298.64 347.54 14,539.49 Wine-growing areas: Neusiedlersee 3,268 8,326.34 5,974.32 1,890.30 230.63 209.61 8,304.85 Neusiedlersee-H.gelland 3,652 3,911.55 2,404.32 1,396.66 50.53 59.68 3,911.18 Mittel0urgenland 1,098 1,877.24 334.15 1,471.56 7.44 61.82 1,874.97 ,.d0urgenland 1,636 448.49 245.25 176.76 10.04 16.44 448.49 NIEDER& TERREIC( 18,038 30,003.91 23,045.96 5,753.25 835.04 340.41 29,974.66 Wine-growing areas:
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