Index Note: Page numbers in italic refer to illustrations, those in bold type refer to tables. Aachen-Midi Thrust 202, 203, 233, 235 Armorican affinities 132, 283 Acadian Armorican Massif 27, 29, 148, 390 basement 36 Armorican Terrane Assemblage 10, 13, 22 Orogeny 25 drift model 27-28 accommodation cycles 257, 265 magmatic rocks 75 accommodation space 265, 277 palaeolatitudes 28 acritarchs, Malopolska Massif 93 in Rheno-Hercynian Belt 42 advection, as heat source 378, 388 separation from Avalonia 49 African-European collision 22 tectonic m61ange 39 Air complex, palaeomagnetism 23, 25 Tepl/t-Barrandian Unit 44 Albersweiler Orthogneiss 40 terminology 132 Albtal Granite 48 Terrane Collage 132 alkali basalts 158 Ashgill, glacial deposits 28, 132, 133 allochthonous units, Rheno-Hercynian Belt 38 asthenosphere, upwelling 355, 376, 377 Alps asthenospheric source, metabasites 165 collisional orogeny 370 Attendorn-Elspe Syncline 241 see also Proto-Alps augen-gneiss 68 alteration, mineralogical 159 Avalon Terrane 87 Amazonian Craton 120, 122, 123, 147 Avalonia American Antarctic Ridge 167, 168, 170 and Amazonian Craton 120 Amorphognathus tvaerensis Zone 6 brachiopods 98 amphibolite facies metamorphism 41, 43, 67, 70 and Bronovistulian 110 Brunovistulian 106 collision with Armorica 298 Desnfi dome 179 collision with Baltica 52 MGCR 223 drift model 27 Saxo-Thuringia 283, 206 extent of 10 amphibolites, Bohemian Massif 156, 158 faunas 94 anatectic gneiss 45, 389 Gondwana derivation 22 anchimetamorphic facies 324 palaeolatitude 27 Anglo-Brabant Massif 233, 234, 236 passive margin 296 ANSYS program 218, 220, 357 separation from Armorican 49 Antarctica, flood basalts 170 southern margin 79 Variscan 52 Appalachian, Acadian Orogeny 25 and West African Craton 120 Appalachian Brachiopod Realm 13, 14 Avalonian Cadomian chain 108 aquifer systems, and heat transfer 250 Avalonian-Cadomian Orogenic Belt 131,132 Arabian-Nubian Shield 122 axial depth Aranograptus murrai 135 and enrichment factors 169 Aratrosporites saharaensis Microflora 16 metabasites 168 arc volcanism, Cadomian 13 Azores plume 167 arc-continent collision 213 Ardennes anticlines 202 back-arc basins, passive rifting 156, 192, 348 basement 36 back-arc spreading foreland 200 Brunovistulian 108, 109 volcanics 12 and lower crust heating 366 Arenig-Llanvirn boundary 5, 6 Rhenish Massif 49 Argentina, Precordilleran Terrane 5 Saxo-Thuringia 149 argon ages, Erzgebirge 323 336 Vosges Basin 442 argon diffusion rates 331 backthrusting 317 argon isotopic record 331-332 Baden Baden Belt 48 argon losses 332, 333 Badenweiler-Lenzkirch belt 48, 433, 442 argon spectra, Erzgebirge 326, 327 Baltic shield 39 argon storage 333-334 Baltica Armorica basement 96 crustal fragments 132 and Bohemia 122 rifting 110 drift models 27 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3860213/9781862394278_backmatter.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 446 INDEX extent of 9-10 heat sources 376-378 faunas 94 metabasites 155 174 Tornquist margin 88 metamorphic grades 157 trilobites 22, 94 Nd isotopic data 113-129 Baltica-Avalonia, southern margin 29 origin 122 Baltica-Gondwana suture 87-102 plutonism 158-- 159 Banda Arc 199 pre-Variscan ages 52 Bardo Basin 70-71 rifting 43 B/irentiegel Porphyroid 147 samples and ages 180-189 B~irhalde Granite 48 subduction-collision model 379 Barrandian Basin 133 terrane map 76 Barrovian zones Bohemian Shear Zone 390 Bohemian Massif 175, 189 Bohemian Terrane 52, 71, 75, 79, 338, 349 Rhenish Massif 212 Bohemicum 72 basal accretion 204, 212 Boppard Thrust 202, 203, 208 basal detachment Bothriolepis 14 Rhenish Massif 206 boudinage, large-scale 51, 52, 193 Saxo-Thuringia 290, 298 Bouguer anomalies 310 basaltic andesites 409, 410, 411 Bouvet plume 167, 170 basement cover relations 200 Brabant Massif, marine transgression 36 basin asymmetry brachiopods Rheno-Hercynian Basin 267 Arenig 5 Saar-Nahe Basin 245 Armorican terrane 28 basin closure, and slab break-off 393 distribution 13, 14 basin filling 257, 259, 263 phosphatic 94 basin geometry, turbidite basins 270 Branchian age 5 basin modelling 207, 236, 242, 252 Brannfi unit 184 Basin and Range Province 387 Bray Fault 272 basin width, Saxo-Thuringia 288 British North Atlantic Province 163 Bavarian Forest 45, 47 Brittany 147, 148 benthic organisms 10 microcontinent 12 Berbersdorf Granite 344 brittle domain 219 Berga Anticline 135, 284, 286, 287, 293 brittle failure 360 Bielawy-Trzebnica 72 brittle-plastic transition 200, 206, 209, 237 Bilfi Fault 75 Brno Batholith 97, 104, 106, 179 biogeography Brno Massif 104 Carboniferous 15-17 Brotterode Formation 290 Devonian 14-15 Brunia Microcontinent 114, 122, 123 East European Platform 94-95 Brunia plate Ordovician and Silurian t3-14 Cambro-Ordovician event 190 biotite dehydration melting 375, 376 underthrusting 189 biotite granodiorite 418, 423 Brunian domain 175, 184 Biteg Gneiss 46 Bruno-Silesia 94, 97, 99 Bittesch Gneiss 104, 180 Brunovistulian Block 103-112 bivalves, non-marine 16 geological map 105 Black Forest, see Schwarzwald metamorphism 106 107 Blambach Valley 134, 147 tectonic model 107-110, 108 Blansky Les 46 zircon ages 106 block rotation 132 Brunovistulicum 94, 114, 175 blueschist metamorphism 66, 68 Bukowa Quarry 97 Bochum Beds 243 Bunte Serie 45 Bohemia burial history microcontinent 12, 27, 29 Late Devonian 249 separation of 13 Rhenish Massif 238, 239, 245, 246 Bohemian Arc 78 Buschandlwand Amphibolite 45 Bohemian Margin 42 Bugin Fault 73 Bohemian Massif Armorican 110 Barrovian zones 175 Cadomian basement 120-123 arc volcanism 13 chronology 175-197 Avalonia 10 crustal blocks 157 back-arc basin 136, 148 Elbe Fault Zone 73 basement 27, 41, 66, 72, 94, 109 geological map 64, 176, 371 crust 185 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3860213/9781862394278_backmatter.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 INDEX 447 deformation event 22 continental collision zones 217-230 magmatic arcs 76 continental crust Orogeny 43, 145 mass balance 410 paragneisses 36 multi-element diagram 422 radiometric ages 28 Continental Deep Drilling 42 rifting 166 continental lithosphere, and rifting 169 stratigraphy 109 continents subduction 43, 75 early Carboniferous 16 unconformity 133 early Devonian 13 calc-alkali magmatism late Carboniferous 17 Bohemian Massif 156, 170, 192 late Devonian 15 Saxo-Thuringia 283 convergent plate boundary 223 subduction zone melting 391 cooling ages, Erzgebirge 326-328 Caledonian corals, Ktodzko 70 basement 36 Cracow Fault 93, 94 detrital micas 52 crenulation cleavage, Schwarzburg Anticline 286 foreland 201 Cretan Arc 199 quartz arenites 38 crust Caledonian orogenic event 29 felsic 402, 41 l Caledonides, Scandinavian 97 formation age 118 CaIloxylon 15 crust-mantle coupling 220 Cambrian, stage boundaries 5 crustal balancing 318 Caradoc Series, base of 6 crustal blocks carbonate facies, Laurentia 9 Bohemian Massif 157 Carboniferous, base of 7 Sudetes Mountains 156-157 Carboniferous Limestone Platform 38 crustal contamination 156, 163-164, 168 cataclasites 202, 206 crustal evolution cataclastic flow 211 Rhenish Massif 237 Catalan terrane 28, 29 Variscan orogeny 409 Ce/Yb ratios 159, 162 crustal extension Ce/Zr ratios 163 Rhenish Massif 233 Central Basic Belt, Brunovistulian 106, 107, 109 Saxo-Thuringia 284 Central Bohemian Batholith 44, 46, 47, 74, 377 crustal flow, lower crust 355-368, 356 Central Europe, structural map 88 crustal growth, mantle magmatism 408 409 Cervenohorsk6 sedlo Belt 114, 120, 183-184 chaotic assemblages, G6rlitz 68 crustal imbrication 328 China Margin 199 crustal melting 109, 395 chlorite thennometry 295 crustal models 411 Clanschwitz Group 133, 135, 140 crustal profile, Erzgebirge 328 clastic sediments, Rheno-Hercynian Belt 36, 37 crustal recycling 119 coalfields crustal residence time paralic 16 (~ervenohorsk6 sedlo belt 184 Ruhr Basin 234 Desnfi dome 180, 182 coalification 237, 240, 241,243, 252 Keprnik nappe 184 collision geometry 209 Lugian Domain 119 collision zones, asymmetry 218 Silesian Domain 120 collisional deformation, orthogonal component 50-51 Stronie 189 collisional orogeny crustal rocks, high-level 156 Alps 370 crustal shortening, Saxo-Thuringia 287, 288, 290 Saxo-Thuringian Zone 281-302 crustal stacking 324, 329, 347 compatible element ratios 419 crustal structure, Rhenish Massif 237 conglomerates crustal temperature 219 Permian 64 and deformation 220 Vosges 48 crustal thickening conodonts distribution 51 Arenig 5 model 220, 224 East European Platform 94, 95 and radiogenic heat 298, 355, 356, 388, 394, 396 Gnathodus Zones 341 crustal thickness, Rhenish Massif 250 Kaczawa 68 crustal thinning, Cambro-Ordovician 190, 192 Prioniodus variabilis Subzone 6 crustal velocities 304 contact metamorphism 106, 372 Crux Thrust 284, 287, 289, 290, 296, 298 contamination trends 165 cumulates, ultramafic 70 continental accretion 199 cyclic propagation 212 continental collision, models 218, 221 cyclic sedimentation, turbidites 265, 266, 267 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3860213/9781862394278_backmatter.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 448 INDEX D. deflexus Zone 5 Orlica-Snie2nik Dome 67, 114 dacite 180, 189 Saxo-Thuringia 349 dating methods 5 Schwarzwald 48 deep seismic profiles 222 Velk6 Vrbno 189 see also DEKORP Eger Graben 76, 346, 347 deformation, and crustal temperature 220 Eggenburg 104 deformation partitioning 298 Eibenstock Granite 310 DEKORP sections 204, 211,225, 229, 243, 262, Eifel Anticline 241 287-290, 298, 304 Eifel Basin 233, 236, 237 delamination 377, 393-394,
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