ACADEMY COLLECTION of SWEDENBORG DOCUMENTS Volumes I - X Comprising every known Document by or concerning Swedenborg including all available Transcripts and Translations thereof. Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania 1962 1 F O R E W O R D The ACADEMY COLLECTION OF SWEDENBORG DOCUMENTS (ACSD) is the only fairly complete record of its kind, the result of many years of careful labor. A full historical account of the various Collections which have been made in the past, and which have lead to the present Academy Collection, is to be found in S.O.Sigstedt’s typescript, “A Chronological List,” Bryn Athyn, Pa., 1943. This second edition of the ACADEMY COLLECTION OF SWEDENBORG DOCUMENTS (formerly known as the "Green Books") now consists of ten volumes in place of the former six. It accounts for every document by or concerning Swedenborg known so far, including those published in Tafel's Documents concerning Swedenborg, London 1875-1877. The numbering of the documents and the order in which the information is given - the name of the document, the date, number of pages, the place of origin or present deposit, translations if any – correspond to the numbering and order used in Alfred H. Stroh's typewritten Chronological List, Part III.* The usefulness of this Collection (ACSD) is now greatly increased, e.g.: a) The numbering system has been amended to facilitate future additions. (See Note on p.iii) b) The references to all the photostats owned by the Academy are now brought up to date, as a result of the previously set up Photostat File of the Swedenborg Documents owned by the Academy. c) A great many transcripts have been added from the Academy's Photostat Collection. Credit is here due to Mr. Lennart Alfelt's assistance in handling the more difficult Swedish handwriting, and in transcribing Danish letters. d) A great number of references have been added, e.g. to the Letters and Memorials of Emanuel Swedenborg, Bryn Athyn, Pa., 1948, 1955; the Lindh Documents (see Bibliography at end of vol.X); Swedenborg and his Scientific Reviewers (New Philosophy 1929, 1930-1934, 1945), and to the books contained in the Library of the Academy of the New Church. e) Cross references have been greatly increased throughout the ten volumes. In cases where the Academy does not possess a photostat, transcript, or printed text of the original, a yellow sheet has been used, indicating that the Academy would be glad to receive the document itself or a copy thereof. Loose-leaf binders are used for the material so that new items can be readily inserted. The entire Collection of approximately 3096 items has been microfilmed, and a set of these microfilms has been presented to the Swedenborg Society (Inc.) of London. Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania March 1963 2 page iii C O N T E N T S Abbreviations and References used in this Collection Volume I Nos. .00 - 169* Dated 1642-1718 Volume II " 170 - 369 " 1718(Dec.)- 1724(July) Volume II " 370 - 467.20 " 1724(July)- 1727(April) Volume IV " 468 - 558.16 " 1727(May)- 1734(July) Volume V " 559 - 689.12 " 1734(July)-1742 Volume VI " 690 - 837.12 " 1742-1761(Feb.) Volume VII " 838 - 1129 " 1761(Feb.)- 1769(Dec.) Volume VIII " 1130 - 1399 " 1769(Dec.)- 1770(Dec,) Volume IX " 1400 - 1615,13 " 1770(Dec.)- 1773(Sept,) Volume X " 1616 - 1679 " 1773(Sept.)-1905 Bibliography at end of Volume X *Note by Kenneth Rose: In order to consolidate the several systems used for inserting numbers between those already used, and to facilitate future additions, the numbers other than original integers have been modified as follows : A number between two existing numbers is a decimal fraction which is numerically between the neighboring numbers or fractions. Changes to this system from previous ones are made by replacing each symbol with two digits' i.e.,: (Col.1 = present system, col.2 = 1st edition) .00 = -A (for documents prior to no.1) .01 = 1 .02 = 2 .09 = 9 .10 = bis .11 = a (or A) .12 = b .13 - c .14 = d ... .36 a z bis Ex. 138al = 138.110110 3 ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCES USED IN THIS COLLECTION AA Dr. Alfred Acton - Notes by ACSD Academy Collection of Swedenborg Documents - contained herein (formerly known as the Green Books) ANC Lib. Library of the Academy of the New Church, Bryn Athyn, Pa. Annals Annals of the New Church (1688-1850) by the Rev. C.Th.Odhner Berg Goteborgs Stift under 1700-talet = v.4 of Samlingar till Goteborgs istoria, Got. 1891 Bok.G.Prot. BoLwetta Gillets Protokoll (H.SchUck, Ed.), 2 vols. in 1, Upsala 1918 DH Daedalus Hyperboreus, facsimile ea., Upsala 1910 Doc. See Tafel B. et A. Epistolae et Autographa Miscellanea, 2 vole., ANC 1934 Got.Docs. Gothenburg Documents - typewritten transcripts (made by The Rev. J.E.Rosenquist) of the original documents relating to the "Gothenburg Controversy." (In ANC Lib., Rm 15) H. or Hyde Bibliography of the Works of Emanuel Swedenborg, London 1906 Int.Rep. Intellectual Repository, London 1812-1881 Jon.Docs. Jonkoping Documents - typewritten transcripts (made by the Rev. J.E.Rosenquist) of the original documents relating to the "Gothenburg Controversy. (In iNC Lib., Rm 15) LM Letters and Memorials of Emanuel Swedenborg, 2 vole. (1948,1955) Lindh F.G.Lindh's private collection of Documents in Stockholm, a catalogue of which is in the ANC Lib. (Rm 15). L. or List See Stroh ML Morning Light - a General Conference journal, London, Eng. NCL New Church Life - a General Church journal, Bryn Athyn, Pa. N.K.Harolden Nya Kyrcka Harolden, 1903 NP New Philosophy, S.S.A., Bryn Athyn, Pa. Odhner MSS C.Th.Odhner MSS - handwritten transcripts made from documents gathered by him from the State Archives in 1895. (ANC Rm 15) OP Emanuelis Swedonborgii O pe a Poetica, Upsala 1910 OQ Opera Quaedam de Rebus Naturalibus Emanuel Swedenborg, 3 voles. Holmiae 1907,1908,1911 (A.H.Stroh, Ed.) SSA Swedenborg Scientific Association 4 Abbreviations page 2 Stroh, A.H. Chronological List of Swedenborgiana in three Parts: I - Comprising a list of al1 the origina1 works by Swedenborg, a revision of the pub1ished work An Abridged Chrono1ogical List (A.H.Stroh & G.Eke1of), 1910. In typed MS. II - Comprising a 1ist of all the original documents by Swedenborg, inc1uding brief references to Part I. In typed MS. III - Comprising documents concerning Swedenborg, inc1uding all known sources of information. In typed MS. Note: The present Co1lection (ACSD) is based on this 1ast Part III, but in greatly extended form, including all essential material in the two preceding Parts, and also such newly discovered material, published and unpublished. Sundelin Svedenborgisnismens Historia i Sverige, Upsala 1886 Swed.Letter Swedenborgiana Letter File containing Dr. A. Acton's File correspondence on this subject from 1920-1956. Tafel,R.L. Documents concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg, London 1875, Parts 1&2 in 3 vols: v.1 = Part 1; vols.2 & 3 = Part 2. Tafel MSS R.L.Tafe1 MSS- handwritten transcripts of Documents concerning Swedenborg. [See also Bib1iography at the end of volume X] 5 ACADEMY COLLECTION OF SWEDENBORG DOCUMENTS Volume I = .00- 169 1642- 1718 .00 BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES TO DANIEL ISAKSSON of SWEDE 1642 MS l p. 4:o In: Diarium öfwer åtskillige gamla Minnesmärken wid Stora Kopparberget, p.l51. "1642. Em. Daniel Isaksson på Sveden bodde förrut på Fremsbacka, men köpte nu Sveden för 22 Skppd Koppar. Bm. dog 1680 a.m. Anna Bullernesia. War Fader till Biskop Jesper Svedberg. Se Adel. Matr. 1056 och 1598. Atten härstammar iffrån en Bergsman Otto på Sundborn, hwars Son war Nils Ottesson på Hellsingborn, denne åter Fader till Em. Isak Nilsson på Fremsbacka, som war Fader till Dan. Ieakseon." 6 .000l FUNERAL ORATION OVER DANIEL BEHM l670 45 pp.small 4:o In Stockholm, the Royal Library. At the end are some interesting "Personalia." Dulce~amarmn Mortis Eller Dödzens bittra Söthma För een Christelig Lijk-Predikan Öfwer Hans Kong1. May.tz ti1 Swerige/etc. Troo Man och Hoffrådh aff Staten/ Then Ed1e och Wälb. Hr Daniel Behmer/ Til Ytterby-Nääs och Tuppen/ Widh then Sahlige Herrens Jordefärd och Begraffning/ som skedde i Stockhole och Riddareho1ms-Kyrkia den 14.August.An.l67O. uthförd och förk1arat Aff Nico1ao Rudbeckio, Th.Doct.Past.Holm.pr.& Consist.ibid.Praes. /vignette of coffin/ Tryckt i Stockho1m hoos Ignlatium Meurer/Åhr 1670. 7 .0002 JESPER SWEDBERG to MAGNUS PERSON 1682 Sept. 13, "Sweden" 4 pp. folio In Berghauptman And. And :son Lundstroms på Lönemåsa Samlingar, Tom. III, pp.13-16. Addressed: Ehreborn, Högachtat och Welbetrodde Herre, Hr. Magnus Person, Wallbesta1te Landziomare, öfwer Öster- och Westerdahler- na min H-de H-r Swåger och Welgynnare Krokfors. tienstl. The letter concerns the division of the inheritance after Swedberg's deceased father. dated: "Sweden d.13 September 1682. signed: "Jesper Swedberg." 8 .0003 MARRIAGE OF JESPER SWEDBERG AND SARA BEHM 1683 December 16 Copy in Lindh Documents. .0004 = 1.1110 .0005 = 2.1 9 138 NYA KYREANS .TIDNING. [September 1914] M E D D E LA D T. Swedenborgs födelseort och dop. För nagon tid sedan satt författaren af dessa rader i Rådhusarkivet och letade i ett register öfver fastebref från I600- och I7oo-talen. P]ötsligt föll min blick pa Jesper Swedbergs namn, och det befanns, att han under sin Stockholmsvistelse ägt en fastighet vid Regeringsgatan i Jakobs församling. Alltså, tänkte jag, kunde möjligen hans son, Emanuel Swedenborg, vara född i Jakob. Någon dag senare, det var för resten den I] september, gick jag till Stockholms stads årkiv, där Jakobs försåmlings äIdre kyrkoarkivalier äro deponerade, och, döm om min förtjusning, när jag vid närmare undersökning af församlingens dopbok för I600-talet fann, att min förmodan var riktig.
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