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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07575-7 - Women Writing Art History in the Nineteenth Century: Looking Like a Woman Hilary Fraser Index More information Index Abati, Niccolò, 120 Bartolozzi, Francesco, 52 Accademia, Bologna, 84 Bassi, Laura, 123 Accademia, Florence, 84 Baudouin, Pierre-Antoine, 128 Accademia, Venice, 84 Beckford, William, 124 Ady, Cecilia, 29 Bellini, Giovanni, 93 , 113 Albrizzi, Isobella Teotocchi, 122 Madonna and Child with Sts Nicholas, Peter, Allen, Grant, 96 Benedict and Mark , 53 Allingham, Helen, 169 Benjamin, Walter, 75 Alma-Tadema, Laura, 172 ‘ Th e Task of the Translator’, 75 , 82 Alma-Tadema, Lawrence, 31 Berenson, Bernard, 2 Althann, Countess, 122 his circle, 11 Altick, Richard D., 153 competitiveness, 37 Angelico, Fra, 77 , 79 , 81 , 95 and Edith Cooper, 1–2 Anguissola sisters, 109 and Mary Costelloe, 25 Anstruther-Th omson, Kit, 118 and Maud Cruttwell, 35 , 41 ‘Beauty and Ugliness’, 41 on Maud Cruttwell, 34–5 and Bernard Berenson, 37 and Michael Field, 83 , 93 and Michael Field, 92 Florentine Painters of the Renaissance , 83 lectures on aesthetics, 74 Harvard University, 29 Antonello da Messina, 85 on Vernon Lee, 2 Anzon, Madame, 170 Venetian Painters of the Renaissance , Th e , Arnold, Matthew, 90 25 , 92 Art Journal , 6 , 156 Berenson, Mary, 26 , 40 , see also Costelloe, Mary Art Magazine , 162 and daughter Ray Strachey, 29 Arundel Society, 12 and Elizabeth Eastlake, 39 Athenaeum , 170 and Maud Cruttwell, 35–6 Atlantic Monthly , 165 professional status, 34 Audley, Lady, 161 Berlin Gallery, 22 Ayzac, Félicie d’, 22 Bhabha, Homi, 34 Boccaccio, 105 Baedeker’s Guides, 66 Th e Decameron , 41 Barrett, Elizabeth, 142 , 144 , 146 , see also Browning, Bonheur, Rosa, 172 , 173 Elizabeth Barrett Borgia, Lucrezia, 111 photography, 138–9 Botticelli, Sandro, 31 , 38 , 87 , 93 Barrington, Mrs Russell Birth of Venus , Th e , 107 Essays on the Purpose of Art , 31 Primavera , 107 Life, Letters and Work of Frederic Leighton , Boucher, François, 128 , 132 Th e , 31 Braddon, Mary Elizabeth Reminiscences of G.F. Watts , 31 Lady Audley’s Secret , 13 , 43 , 58–9 Barthes, Roland, 139 Bradley, Katharine, 1 , 11 , see also Field, Michael Bartolomeo da Veneto, 87 , 116 on Maud Cruttwell, 35 221 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07575-7 - Women Writing Art History in the Nineteenth Century: Looking Like a Woman Hilary Fraser Index More information 222 Index Bradley, Katharine (cont.) and historiography, 12 , 112–14 and John Ruskin, 11 Mantegna and Francia , 31 professional status, 34 professional status, 17 , 26 British Museum, 70 , 97 , 143 on women in the Renaissance, 111 Brontë, Anne, 45 Cassatt, Mary, 172 , 173 Tenant of Wildfell Hall , Th e , 13 , 44 Castiglione, Countess, 122 Brontë, Branwell, 48 Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista, 24 , 38 Brontë, Charlotte Cesarotti, Melchiore, 122 Jane Eyre , 13 , 55 Chambers’ Edinburgh Journal , 156 Villette , 43 , 55 , 57 Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon, 128 , 130 Broughton, Rhoda Charpentier, Constance Marie, 170 Belinda , 28 Chautauquan , 163 Brown, Emma, 77 Cherry, Deborah, 2 , 18 , 30 , 43 , 58 , 77 , 104 , 105 , Brown, Ford Madox, 167 114 , 135 , 178 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, see also Barrett, Chicago World’s Fair, 172 Elizabeth Chopin, Kate, 40 Aurora Leigh , 50 Christina of Denmark, 112 Browning, Robert, 110 Clairon, Mademoiselle, 132 ‘Inapprehensiveness’, 179 Clarke, Meaghan, 6 Ring and the Book , Th e , 118 Claude, Gelée, 180 Bryson, Norman, 85 , 90 Clayton, Ellen, 23 , 32 Bulgarelli, Marianna, 122 English Female Artists , 23 , 111 , 170–1 Bunnett, Fanny Elizabeth, 73 Female Warriors , 171 Burckhardt, Jacob, 73 generic range, 62 Burlington Gallery, 84 Clough, Mrs A. H., 73 Burne-Jones, Edward, 7 , 31 Colby, Vineta, 35 Burney, Charles, 122 , 123 , 124 , 125 Comte, Auguste, 72 Burney, Fanny, 117 Cooper, Edith, 1 , 11 , see also Field, Michael Butler, Elizabeth, 169 , 172 and Bernard Berenson, 1–2 , 11 feminism, 175 on Maud Cruttwell, 35 Byron, Lord, 124 professional status, 34 Cooper, Robyn, 67 Caird, Mona, 40 Corilla Olimpica, 120 , 123 Callcott, Augustus, 30 Cornforth, Fanny, 77 Callcott, Maria, 33 , see also Graham, Maria Corot, Jean-Baptiste, 6 Essays Towards the History of Painting , 74 Correggio, 84 , 158 generic range, 62 St Sebastian , 95 Pre-Raphaelitism, 67 Costa, Giovanni, 167 Callen, Anthea, 137 Costelloe, Mary, 93 , see also Berenson, Mary Cameron, Julia Margaret, 141 , 142 , 145 and Elizabeth Eastlake, 37–9 Annals of My Glass House , 140 and Michael Field, 83 , 93 compared with Alice Hughes, 143 and Vernon Lee, 2 feminisation of photography, 140–1 on Walter Pater, 25 ‘La Madonna Aspertante’, 140 on John Ruskin, 25 photographs of Marie Spartali, 104 , 114 professional status, 25 , 27 on photography, 139 , 147 ‘Venetian women & Venetian pictures’, 38 Campo Santo, Pisa, 67–8 , 84 Cowie, Elizabeth, 77 Canova, Antonio, 123 craftwork, 11 , see also decorative arts Capel, Laura, 104 Emilia Francis Dilke on, 128–9 , 130 Carlyle, Th omas, 23 , 140 , 163 , 180 feminist criticism of, 137–8 , 149–50 , 154 Carriera, Rosalba, 109 , 133 and Middle Ages, 154 Cartwright, Julia, 17 versus art, 143 and daughter Cecilia Ady, 29 Craik, Dinah, 45 on Isabella and Beatrice d’ Este, 13 , 26 , 112–14 Olive , 13 , 44 , 46 , 47 , 48–50 , 54–5 feminism, 100 Crane, Lucy, Art and the Formation of Taste , 31 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07575-7 - Women Writing Art History in the Nineteenth Century: Looking Like a Woman Hilary Fraser Index More information Index 223 Crane, Walter, 149 professional status, 17 , 27–8 , 34 , 104 Crary, Jonathan, Techniques of the Observer , Renaissance of Art in France , Th e , 103 3 , 179 and Royal Academy, 168 Crowe, Joseph Archer, 24 , 38 and John Ruskin, 11 , 102 Cruttwell, Maud, 18 on John Ruskin, 100–1 on Berenson, Bernard, 41 ‘ Th e Use of Looking at Pictures’, 103 and Berenson circle, 11 , 34–7 on women in the Renaissance, 111 , 115 books on Italian artists, 31 Diploma Gallery, 168 and feminism, 42 Dixon, Ella Hepworth, Story of a Modern and Vernon Lee, 29 Woman , Th e , 47–8 on Vernon Lee, 37 , 41–2 Dresden Gallery, 84 , 85 Fire and Frost , 40–2 , 60 dress, 14 , 138 , 155–63 Guide to the Paintings in the Florentine Mary Merrifi eld on, 33 , 42 Galleries, A , 72 and photography, 140 , 142–3 Luca and Andrea Della Robbia , 26 Ducal Palace, Venice, 84 on Madonna della Stella , 78 Duse, Eleanora, 8 professional status, 26–7 , 34 Duvaux, Lazare, 128 Dabby, Benjamin, 155 Eastlake, Charles, 2 , 21 , 22 , 147 , 149 , 168 David, Jacques-Louis, 128 , 170 Eastlake, Charles Locke, 137 , 162 Davis, Natalie, 100 Hints on Household Taste , 149 De Morgan, Evelyn, 106 , 107 Eastlake, Elizabeth, 176 , see also Rigby, decorative arts, 14 , 148–55 , see also craftwork Elizabeth Emilia Francis Dilke on, 103 , 126 , 129–30 , 137 and Mary Berenson, 39 Cecilia Waern on, 165 on Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle, 38 and Pre-Raphaelitism, 167 and Mary Costelloe, 37–9 Degas, Edgar, 167 critical of British art criticism, 22–3 Denon, Vivant, 131 on Joseph Crowe Archer, 38 Dicksee, Margaret Isabel, ‘Miss Angel’ – Angelika ‘Giovanni Morelli Th e Patriot and Critic’, 24 Kauff mann, introduced by Lady and Anna Jameson, 22 , 25 , 39 Wentworth, visits Mr. Reynolds’ studio, 5 2 Five Great Painters , 22 Didron, Adolphe-Napoléon, 22 historiography, 12 Dilke, Charles, 28 , 104 Kugler’s Handbook of the History of Dilke, Emilia Francis, 10 , 18 , 102 , 176 , Painting , 73 see also Pattison, Emilia and Giovanni Morelli, 24–5 Art in the Modern State , 111 , 127 on Giovanni Morelli, 38 Claude Lorrain , 31 photography, 24 decorative arts, 14 , 137 on photography, 33 , 145–7 female artists in the French Academy, 133 professional status, 17 , 23–5 , 27 , 38 feminism, 43 , 100 on John Ruskin, 174 French Engravers and Draughtsmen of the Society of Female Artists, 175 XVIIIth Century , 131 Works of Art and Artists in England , 22 French Furniture and Decoration in the education, 20 , 29–30 , 170 , 177 XVIIIth Century , 129 in fi ction, 45 , 49 , 57–8 French Painters of the XVIIIth Century , life classes, 159–60 126–9 , 132 Egg, Augustus, 168 French Renaissance, 103–4 eighteenth-century art gendered nature of her work, 129–33 Emilia Francis Dilke on, 14 , 27 , 126–33 , 137 historicism, 103 Vernon Lee on, 117–26 intellectual marginalisation, 29 Rosamund Marriott Watson on, 152–3 model for Dorothea in Middlemarch , 28–9 ekphrasis, 1 , 13 , 63 , 76–92 , see also translation and Walter Pater, 103 Elie, Madame, 170 on Walter Pater, 28 Eliot, George, 72 , 135 , 150 on Pompadour, Madame de, 132–3 Middlemarch , 28 , 43 , 56–7 , 95 preoccupation with the ‘foreign’, 134–5 Mill on the Floss , Th e , 153 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07575-7 - Women Writing Art History in the Nineteenth Century: Looking Like a Woman Hilary Fraser Index More information 224 Index Eliot, George (cont.) Francia, Francesco, 31 outside art profession, 33 French Revolution, 127 Romola , 13 , 81–2 Freud, Sigmund, 151 ‘Silly Novels by Lady Novelists’, 175 Frith, William Powell on Sistine Madonna , 95–6 Derby Day , 168 Ellet, Elizabeth, Women Artists in All Ages and Fry, Roger, 19 , 174 Countries , 23 , 32 , 111 , 170 Fuller, Loie, 163 Este, Isabella and Beatrice d’, 26 , 112–15 Gainsborough, Th omas, 142 , 158 Farinelli, 120 galleries, see individual galleries Farquhar, Maria, 30 Gaskell, Elizabeth, 150 Feltes, N. N., 19

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