0=AFRICAN Geosector

0=AFRICAN Geosector

1= AFRO-ASIAN phylosector Observatoire Linguistique Linguasphere Observatory page 81 1=AFRO-ASIAN phylosector édition princeps foundation edition DU RÉPERTOIRE DE LA LINGUASPHÈRE 1999-2000 THE LINGUASPHERE REGISTER 1999-2000 publiée en ligne et mise à jour dès novembre 2012 published online & updated from November 2012 This phylosector covers 43 sets of languages (276 outer languages, comprising 683 inner languages) spoken by communities across the northern half of the African continent and in western Asia, constituting the "Afro-Asiatic" or "Hamito-Semitic" intercontinental affinity. The component phylozones are numbered in approximate clockwise order, beginning in Northwest Africa. Zones 10= and 11= cover 2 sets (and nets) of languages spoken or formerly spoken in northern Africa, otherwise known as "Berber" and "Egyptian". Zone 12= covers one set of languages spoken over an extensive area from northwest Africa to southwest and central Asia and northeast Africa: 10=TAMAZIC 11=COPTIC 12=SEMITIC Zones 13= to 16= cover 16 sets of languages spoken in northeast Africa, formerly classified together as "Cushitic". There is now evidence to suggest that the languages of Zone 13= (formerly "North Cushitic") and =16 (formerly "West Cushitic"), and probably also Zone 15= (formerly "South Cushitic" or "Paracushitic"), are more safely treated as separate components of the Afro-Asiatic affinity, and the term "Cushitic" is here restricted to the Central and Eastern languages (in Zone 14=) of a "wider Cushitic" hypothesis: 13=BEJIC phylozone 14=CUSHITIC phylozone 15=EYASIC phylozone 16=OMOTIC phylozone Zones 17= to 19= cover 24 sets of languages spoken in parts of Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria, constituting three groupings within a wider "Chadic" affinity, which itself forms the most complex component of the Afro-Asiatic intercontinental affinity: 17=CHARIC phylozone 18=MANDARIC phylozone 19=BAUCHIC phylozone Languages in zones 11= and 12=, and also 10=, were of particular importance in the early development of writing. Before consulting the following tables, please see Guide to the Register in Volume One Les données supplémentaires ou améliorées sur les langues Additional or improved data on languages and et communautés traitées sous ce secteur seront accueillies communities covered by this sector will ici : ré[email protected] be welcomed here : [email protected] COLUMN 1 & 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMNS 4 & 5 layers of reference other nomenclature and notes nation-states scale of (+ provinces) and speakers codes and reference-names "Tamazic", "Berber" or Tamasheq+Qabaylith set of languages; part of "Afro-Asiatic" or "Hamito-Semitic" inter- Algeria; Egypt; Libya; Mali; 7 10= TAMAZIC Mauritania; Morocco; Niger; continental affinity; comprising 1 set of languages (= 4 outer phylozone Tunisia; plus migration> France; languages) spoken by communities in the highlands, oases Israel and urban areas of Northern Africa: 10-A TAMASHEQ+ QABAYLITH Forms of the extended cover-name tamazigh or "wider" tamazight are here prefered to the exonym 'berber'. 10-A TAMASHEQ+ BERBER, tamazigh, "wider" tamazight, "tamazic", in [51=] Français: QABAYLITH set berbère 10-AA TAMASHEQ+ QABAYLITH chain 10-AAA TAMASHEQ+ QABAYLITH net 10-AAA-a Znaga tamazigh-SW., "tamazic"-SW., 'berber'-SW. Mauritania 4 10-AAA-aa znaga zenaga Mauritania (VI region) 4 page 82 The Linguasphere Register 1999 / 2000 edition 10-AAA-b Tamasheq Tuareg, tamazigh-C., "tamazic"-C., 'berber'-C.; tamahaq, tamachek, Algeria; Mali; Niger; Nigeria; 6 tamashekin, tomachek, amazigh; tuareg, touareg community; targi Burkina Faso; also Libya person traditionally Tifinagh script; also Latin script; Arabic script 10-AAA-ba ta-mahaq mahaq, tamasheq-N. Algeria (Oasis; Saoura); Mali 4 (Gao); also Libya (Awbari) 10-AAA-baa ta-masinin masinin, timasinin Zaouia-el-Kahla, Fort Flatters… (Oasis) 10-AAA-bab immidir tadjemout Tadjmout (Oasis; Saoura) 10-AAA-bac ahnet adrar n'ahnet Adrar n'Ahnet massif (Oasis) 10-AAA-bad ta-haggart haggart, tamanrasset, ahaggar-en, ahaggar, hoggar Ahaggar, (Oasis) Hoggar massif 10-AAA-bae ta-dghaq dghaq, tessalit, kidal Adrar-des-Iforas (Gao); Algeria (Oasis) 10-AAA-baf kel-ajjer ajjer, tassili, ghat, ganet, djanet Tassili-n'-Ajjer plateau … Djanet… (Oasis); (Awbari) Ghat 10-AAA-bb ta-majeq majeq, ta-mashekin, ta-machek, to-macheck, tamasheq-S. Mali (Gao); Niger (Niamey; 6 Tahoua; Aïr; Agadez); Burkina Faso (Dori); migration> Nigeria 10-AAA-bba ta-nslemt nslemt, ta-naslamt, timbuktu Tombouctou+ Goundam (Gao) 10-AAA-bbb ta-wllemmet-W. wllemmet-W., ta-wallammat-tan-ataram, ioullemmeden-W. Niger (Gao); (Dori) river-bend 10-AAA-bbc ta-wllemmet-E. wllemmet-E., ta-wallammat-tan-dannag, ioullemmeden-E. (Niamey); (Gao) 10-AAA-bbd ta-huwa huwa, ta-houa Tahoua (Tahoua) 10-AAA-bbe ta-yrt yrt, tayart, aïr, agadez Aïr massif (Aïr; Agadez) 10-AAA-bbf ta-nassfarwat nassfarwat, ta-magarast Niger 10-AAA-c Qabaylith+ Tashelhit Kabyle+ Shleuh, tamazigh-N., "tamazic"-N., 'berber'-N. Arabic Algeria; Morocco; Tunisia; Libya; 7 script; Latin script; recently Tifinagh script Egypt; migration> France; Israel 10-AAA-ca ta-shelhit shleuh "proper", shelhit, ta-shlhiyt, ta-chelhait, ta-chel'hit, tachilhit, ta- Morocco (Agadir; Tarfaya; 6 shilheet, ta-tshalhit, ta-soussit, susiua, shilha "proper", in [51=] Ouarzazate; Ksar-es-Souk); also Français: chleuh Algeria (Saoura) 10-AAA-caa oued-dra'a Oued-Dra valley (Agadir; Tarfaya) 10-AAA-cab jbel-bani Jbel-Bani massif (Agadir) 10-AAA-cac 'anti-atlas' Anti-Atlas mountains (Agadir; Ouarzazate) 10-AAA-cad agadir ihaham, "fishermen's" tashelhit Agadir… Ifni coast (Agadir) 10-AAA-cae sus sous Sous plain (Agadir) 10-AAA-caf 'haut-atlas'-W. Haut-Atlas-W. mountains (Ouarzazate) 10-AAA-cb ta-mazight tamazight "proper", mazight, tamazir't, beraber, 'shleuh'-C., 'shilha'-C. Morocco (Ouarzazate; Ksar-es- 6 Souk; Meknès; Fès; Taza-SW.; Oujda-S.); Algeria (Saïda; Saoura) 10-AAA-cba meknès Meknès (Meknès) 10-AAA-cbb 'moyen-atlas' Moyen-Atlas mountains (Ksar-es-Souk; Meknès; Fès; Taza-SW.) 10-AAA-cbc 'haut-atlas'-E. Haut-Atlas-E. mountains (Ksar-es-Souk) 10-AAA-cbd dadès Jebel Sahro, Sarre massif… Dadès valley (Ouarzazate) 10-AAA-cbe oranais-C. Tabelbala… Béchar (Saoura) 10-AAA-cbf ksurs Ksour mountains (Oujda-S.); Algeria (Saïda) 10-AAA-cc 'judeo'-tamazight "judeo-berber", "hebraicised berber" influence < [12=] Ivrit (Hebrew) Morocco; exodus> Israel 3 10-AAA-cca 'judeo'-tamazight-W. including Tifnit Morocco 10-AAA-ccb 'judeo'-tamazight-E. "émigré judeo-berber" Tel-Aviv exodus> Israel 10-AAA-cd ghomara ghmara, gmara, part of zenati-NW. Morocco (Tétouan) 3 10-AAA-ce senhaja rif-W., part of zenati-NW., in [51=] Français: senhaja de Srair Rif-W., Morocco (Taza; Oujda) 5 Riff-W. massif 10-AAA-cf ta-rift rift, ta-rifit, ti-rifie, rif, ruafa, rifia, rifi, rifeño, 'shleuh'-N., 'shilha'-N., Morocco (Oujda; Al Hoceima; 6 tamazight-N., part of zenati-NW., in [51=] Français: rifain, rifian Rif, Taza); Algeria (Tlemcen; Oran) Riff massif ¶the survival and linguistic status of the following communities need to be confirmed 10-AAA-cfa aït-amert amert, aït-amar Aït-Amar-ou-Said (Al Hoceima; Taza) 10-AAA-cfb aït-urrighel urrighel, aït-ouriaghel, beni-ouriaghel, beni-ouriarhel (Taza) 10-AAA-cfc ibeqqoyen Morocco 10-AAA-cfd ikebdanen Morocco 10-AAA-cfe iqrâyen Morocco 10-AAA-cff aït-saïd saïd, beni-bou-saïd (Oujda) 10-AAA-cfg temsaman Morocco 10-AAA-cfh aït-tuzin tuzin, aït-touzin Morocco 10-AAA-cfi igeznayen igzennaian Morocco 10-AAA-cfj iznacen beni-iznacen, beni-iznassen Iznassèn mountains… Moulouya valley (Oujda) 10-AAA-cfk djerada Morocco and/or Algeria 10-AAA-cfl lalla-maghnia Lalla Maghnia (Tlemcen) 10-AAA-cfm snus snous, beni-snous (Tlemcen) 3 10-AAA-cfn arzeu Arzeu (Oran) 1= AFRO-ASIAN phylosector Observatoire Linguistique Linguasphere Observatory page 83 10-AAA-cg menasser+ metmata menacer+ metmata-W., part of zenati-NW. Algeria (El Asnam) 4 10-AAA-ch tha-qabaylith-C. kabyle, qabaylith, tha-qabayil #from [12=] 'Arabiyya: qabayil Algeria (Tizi-Ouzou; Sétif); 6 =«tribesman» Grande Kabylie massif migration> France 10-AAA-cha zwawa zouaoua, agawawa Djurdjura (Tizi-Ouzou; Sétif) 10-AAA-chb tha-qabaylith-N. Grande Kabylie-N. massif (Tizi-Ouzou) 10-AAA-ci tha-qabaylith-E. qabaylith-E., kabyle-E. Petite Kabylie region Algeria (Sétif); migration> France 6 10-AAA-cj shawiya chaouia, shawia, zenaga, aurès, in [51=] Français: zenati d'Aurès Algeria (Batna; Annaba; 5 #from [12=] 'Arabiyya: shawia = «shepherds» Aurès massif Constantine; Tébessa); Tunisia (El Kasserine); migration> France 10-AAA-cja barika Barika valley (Batna) 10-AAA-cjb batna Batna (Batna) 10-AAA-cjc aïn-beïda beïda Aïn-Beïda (Constantine) 10-AAA-cjd oued-abdi abdi Oued Abdi (Constantine; Tébessa) 10-AAA-cje aurès-W. Aurès-W. (Batna) 10-AAA-cjf aurès-E. Aurès-E. (Batna; Tébessa) 10-AAA-cjg tebéssa Tebéssa mountains (Tébessa) 10-AAA-cjh djerid Djerid region Tunisia (El Kasserine) 10-AAA-ck tugurt tougourt, touggourt, part of zenati-sahara Algeria (Oasis) 4 10-AAA-cka oued-rihr rihr, oued-righ, oued-rir', oued-ghir (Oasis) 10-AAA-ckb tugurt-A. touggourt "proper" Touggourt (Oasis) 10-AAA-ckc témacine Témacine (Oasis) 10-AAA-cl wargla+ ngusa ouargla, part of zenati-sahara Algeria (Oasis) 4 10-AAA-cla wargla ouargla "proper", ouargli Ouargla (Oasis) 10-AAA-clb ngusa ngousa, n'gouça, ngoussi Ngoussi (Oasis) 10-AAA-cm mzab mzabi, part of zenati-sahara, in [51=] Français: mzabite M'zab valley Algeria (Oasis) 4 10-AAA-cma berrian berriane Beriane (Oasis) 10-AAA-cmb ghardaïa Ghardaïa (Oasis) 10-AAA-cmc melika Melika (Oasis) 10-AAA-cmd beni-izgen izgen, beni-isguen Beni-Isguen (Oasis) 10-AAA-cn gurara gourara, part of zenati-sahara Algeria (Saoura) 4 10-AAA-cna timimun Timimoun oasis (Saoura) 10-AAA-cnb badrian Badriane (Saoura) 10-AAA-co tuat touat, tuwat, part of zenati-sahara Algeria (Saoura) 3 10-AAA-coa tementit Tementit oasis (Saoura) 10-AAA-cob tittaf Tittaf oasis (Saoura) 10-AAA-cp tidikelt tidiheit, part of zenati-sahara Algeria (Oasis) 3 10-AAA-cpa tidikelt-A.

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