Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1967-68 The thI acan: 1960/61 to 1969/70 9-8-1967 The thI acan, 1967-09-08 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1967-68 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1967-09-08" (1967). The Ithacan, 1967-68. 1. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1967-68/1 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1960/61 to 1969/70 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1967-68 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. - A Weekly Newspaper, Published by and for the Students of Ithaca College. '/ol, 40--No. 1 Ithaca, New York Friday, September 8, 1967 1,070 FRESHMEN ARRIVE By ALAN HYMEN Sound off, frosh! Hey, tip that ed parents and incoming students beanie! Whata' ya mean you don't find their way on campus. know the slogan-It's not bow Sunday night President Dil­ long you make it, it's bow you lingham welcomed the members make it long-Now don't forget it of the Class of '71 and a dance followed. or next time you'll be in Kan­ Beginning early Monday morn­ garoo Court. These familiar ing, freshmen met with their de­ words have greeted freshmen for partment chairmen and were also the past week. Now orientation subject to a battery, of tests. The and registration are all behind new Dean of Students, Paul and classes are in session. Orien­ Brown, spoke to the students that tation, 1967 has unofficially end­ night, as did Dr. Eastman and Dr. ed and the members of the Class Hammond. The boys were sep­ of '71 will take their places with arated from the girls briefly as the other classes at Ithaca Col­ WGB and MGB met with the lege. freshmen. Next, it was time for Dieter Scherer, orientation "Uncle" Jess Nadleman leading chairman explained, "If the fresh­ the counselors and freshmen in men are happy and friendly as a singing the fight song and also result of orientation, then it can Happy Birthday to Dr. and Mrs. be deemed a success." At Sunday Dillingham. at wasn't either's night's dance, Monday's bonfire, birthday). " and all during the week the Tuesday saw more tests, more freshmen seemed scared at first, free time and the candle lighting and then a little more at ease, closing ceremonies to mark the after some careful planning by end of orientation. the counselors. On both Monday and Tuesday Upperclassmen were on hand to Freshmen began arr1vmg on afternoon Kangeroo Court was in move the freshmen Into their Saturday with the courtesy desk session. Freshmen were sum­ ~ms. This particular member and beanie distribution tables in moned there for such "crimes" ~f the class of '71 seems a bit the Union until late Sunday: The as: not tipping their beanies to "'tlismayed by such efficiency. registration went quite easily as upperclassmen, talking back to 417 frosh responded that they counselors, illiteracy, and some­ would arrive on Saturday and times for just not having any 1,070 time& shoes and levies and And It didn't take long for the 425 actually came that day. Six summonses at all. sweaters .•. dorm room to be'come ''home". hundred arrived on campus on Miss Sharon Staz, Administra­ Sunday. The Properties Depart­ tive Director of orientation, men­ ment spent several hours design­ tioned that although there were ing four maps of the different not enough male counselors most areas of the campus which help- Please tum to page 7 SUNDAY: Feature Movies Shown at 7 P.M. and 10 P.M. MONDAY-WEDNESDAY: Olde Tyme Fliques Shown Continuously From 8 to 7: Also our TDEIJIOXCAR leads along · the track 1l'o Great Sandwich Special THURSDAY MITE and nightly entertainment, delicious sandwiches, !FRIDAY AFTERNOON Live Rock and Roll ice cold draught beer, and your favornil'e From 9 P.M. - 1 A.M. From 4 ,P.M. to 7 P.M. mixed drink. !FRIDAY and SATURDAY: Smooth Music from 9 - 7 Rte. 13 and Dryden !ltd. (Tie & Jacket requested) 0 WHEN YOU:'RE TIRED. OF FOLLOWING THIE CROWD TIHIERE S 0 0 0 0 Open: Sun. - Thurs. rFrii. 4 3 Bloody Mary's 50c - auoon to 7 on Saturdays 108 N. Auroro Streell' 11 "Happy •• To Seirve V OM ~-----------------------------------------------------------------------·t THE ITHACAN, SEPTEMBER 8, 1967, PAGE 2 . ~ Recording Secretary Sunday Night At The Movies Student Officers Welcome Frosh arreri t,~ Sept. 10 "OUR MAN FLINT" (C-CS) -W l J amcs Coburn, Lee J. Cobb Ithaca Colleges Student Coun- power to other student organiza­ 17 "ON THE BEACH" (B-W) eil officers offer a warm word of tions. Benson Grc_gory Peck, Ava Gardner, Fred Astaire welcome to the incoming fresh­ 24 "SERGEANTS THREE" (C-CS) men and transfer student starting Goes to Oct. 1 "THE HILL" ( B-W) at IC this fall for the first time. Scan Connery, Michael Redgrave We also welcome back the up­ 8 to be announced perclassmen who are already Eastman 15 "MR. ROBE.RTS (C) familiar with the campus idiosyn­ James Cagney, Jack Lemmon, Henry Fonda crasies. Composer W.arren Benson of 22 "THE LONGEST DAY" (CS-BW) For those of you who find Ithaca College has been named John Wayne, Red Buttons, Robert Mitchum themselves in the former cata­ professor of composition at the 29 "VON RYAN'S EXPRESS" (C-CS) gory, may we take a moment .to Ealjtman School of Music, Frank Sinatra, Trevor Howard explain that Student_ Council is University of Roch.ester~ He will Nov. 5 "REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE" (C) , the primary legislative body of Diane - Physical begin teaching there Sept. 18. , James Dean, Natalie Wood, Sal Mineo the student government at Ithaca Therapy · major from Newton, Benson, here for 14 years, has 12 "TEN LITTLE INDIANS" ( C) It's purpose is "the creation of a Massachusetts. Pi Theta Phi, been composer in residence and Hugh O'Brien, Shirley Eaton, Fabian self governing student commu­ President's Host Committee. professor of music at Ithaca 19 "OPERATION CROSS.BOW" (C-CS) nity through responsible citizen­ College. Geor_p;e Peppard, Tom Courtenay, Sophia Loren ship." Janet Bulan: 1968 - Psychology Student Congress -also extends Some 30 or more of his com­ this invitation to those who find Dec. 3 "THE LOVED ONES" (B-W) . from Woodstock, N. Y. positions have been publishe~ Jonathan Winters, Sir John Gielgud Phl Zeta, Student Con- themselves in the latter category as well as a dozen records and President of upperclassmen. Participation 10 "SHE" ( C-CS) gress. a book, "Creative Projects in Ursala Andress, Peter Cushing, John Richardson is urged by the entire student M~sicianship," brought . out un­ body in order to have a truly ef­ der the imprimatur of "Music 17 "WHAT A WAY TO GO" (C-CS) Voting membership in Con­ Shirley McLaine, Dean Martin, Paul Newman fective government. Educators National Conference. gress consists of elected depart­ and the Ford Foundation. Jan. 21 "KING RAT" (B-W) mental representatives, represen­ George Segal, Tom Courtenay, James Fox tatives from each living units, Vic~ President His music was performed in . 28 "CLEOPATRA" ( C-CS) from the WGB, MGB, IFC, as well some 32 foreign countries last Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton as the class presidents. year as well as in the U.S. Feb. 4 "FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX" (C) It is important to the function­ His ballet, "Bailando," was : Rock Hudson, Rod Taylor ing of Congress that the people selected ror the opening or the I; 11 "'THE BEDFORD INCIDENT" ( B-W) whom you elect to represent you first International Society of) James McArthur, Sidney Poitier, Richard Widmark are well qualified and have a Music Educators meeting to be~· "NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS" (B-W) held in this country; last yer - 18 sincere willingness to participate 1 Andy Griffith, Don Knotts, Nick Adams and contribute their time and ef- at the Interlochen, Mich., Mus-ll 25 "LORD JIM" (C) Camp, with 24 dancers and fl Peter O'Toole, James Mason, Curt Jergens Pete Burrell: 1968 - Radle>-T.V. fort. Regardless ';>f wb:!ther or . 105-piece orchestra interpreting· Mar. 3 "YOUNG CASSIDY" ( C) major from Rochester, N. Y. Jr. _not you are a votm~ member of li.t: the composition. , "THE CINCINNATI KID" (C) Class President. Chairman of Congress, everyone 15 more than ;/'J:, 31 s Week d - welcome to attend the Thursday -, , The Benson family, which bas Steve McQueen, Edward G. Robinson, Ann pr Ing en · evening meetings and offer their m~de a home in Ithaca 13 years, Margaret comments and suggestions. will move to 46 Musket Lane, .: Apr. 7 "A PATCH OF BLUE" (B-W) Pittsford. ~ Sidney Poitier, Elizabeth Hartman, Shelly Winters This is achieved by close com­ Skip Pannella: 1968 - Business Mrs. Benson, an artist, b 14 "THE LOST COMMAND" (C) munication and cooperation be­ major from Port Chester, N. Y. taught art here in the adult Anthony Quinn, George Segal, Claudia Cardinale tween students, faculty and the Pl Lambda Chi. Sprin9 Weekend education program for Senior 21 "SANDS OF KALAHARI" (C-CS) several administration. Several Committee, Donn Advisor, Citizens for the past year. Susannah York, Stuart Whitman responsibilities of the Congress ;:~ Benson organized and became 28 "IN HARM'S WAY" ( BW-CS) are: Student Grievances, Orienta- r· chairman of the Department of John Wayne tion for freshmen and transfer r? EGBERT UNION HOURS Music History at Ithaca CollegiCl May 5 "THE CHASE" (C) students, Student Services (laun- i, He has received awards fl"Oll.
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