JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY VOLUME 57 * MARCH 1986 * NUMBER 3 Arnold J. Levine, Editor in Chief Michael B. A. Oldstone, Editor (1988) (1989) Scripps Clinic & Research Foundation Princeton University La Jolla, Calif. Princeton, N.J. Thomas E. Shenk, Editor (1989) David T. Denhardt, Editor (1987) Princeton University University of Western Ontario Princeton, N.J. London, Ontario, Canada Anna Marie Skalka, Editor (1989) Bernard N. Fields, Editor (1988) Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. Harvard Medical School Nutley, N.J. Boston, Mass. Robert A. Weisberg, Editor (1988) Robert M. Krug, Editor (1987) National Institute of Child Health Sloan-Kettering Institute and Human Development New York, N.Y. Bethesda, Md. EDITORIAL BOARD James Alwine (1988) Hidesaburo Hanafusa (1986) Lois K. Miller (1988) Priscilla A. Schaffer (1987) David Baltimore (1987) William S. Hayward (1987) Peter Model (1986) Sondra Schlesinger (1986) Tamar Ben-Porat (1987) Roger Hendrix (1987) Bernard Moss (1986) Manfred Schubert (1988) Kenneth I. Berns (1988) Martin Hirsch (1986) Fred Murphy (1986) June R. Scott (1986) Michael Botchan (1986) John J. Holland (1987) Opendra Narayan (1988) Bart Sefton (1988) Thomas J. Braciale (1988) Ian H. Holmes (1986) Joseph R. Nevins (1988) Charles J. Sherr (1987) Joan Brugge (1988) Robert W. Honess (1986) Nancy G. Nossal (1987) Saul J. Silverstein Barrie J. Carter (1987) Nancy Hopkins (1986) Abner Notkins (1986) (1988) John M. Coffin (1986) Peter M. Howley (1987) J. Thomas Parsons (1986) Patricia G. Spear (1987) Geoffrey M. Cooper (1987) Alice S. Huang (1987) Ulf G. Pettersson (1986) Nat Sternberg (1986) Donald Court (1987) Steve Hughes (1988) Lennart Philipson (1987) Bruce Stillman (1988) Richard Courtney (1986) Tony Hunter (1986) Lewis I. Pizer (1987) Mark F. Stinski (1986) Clyde S. Crumpacker II Jack ]. Keene (1988) Craig R. Pringle (1986) James Strauss (1987) (1988) Thon&as J. Kelly, Jr. (1988) Carol Prives (1986) F. William Studier (1987) Thomas Curran (1988) George Khoury (1987) Robert Purcell (1986) Lawrence S. Sturman (1988) Walter Doerfler (1986) Elliott Kieff (1987) R. Frank Ramig (1988) William Summers (1988) Peter Doherty (1986) David Knipe (1988) Fred Rapp (1987) John M. Taylor (1987) Elvera Ehrenfeld (1986) Daniel Kolakofsky (1986) Dan S. Ray (1986) Howard M. Temin (1988) Robert N. Eisenman (1988) Michael Lai (1988) Gordon M. Ringold (1987) George F. Vande Woude (1986) Suzanne U. Emerson (1986) Robert Lamb (1988) Harriet Robinson (1988) Inder Verma (1986) Ellen Fanning (1988) Robert A. Lazzarini (1987) William S. Robinson (1986) Edward K. Wagner (1986) Emanuel Faust (1987) Myron Levine (1988) Bernard Roizman (1988) Raymond M. Welsh, Jr. (1988) S. Jane Flint (1987) Maxine Linial (1988) John K. Rose (1988) Gail Wertz (1988) Donald Ganem (1988) Douglas R. Lowy (1986) Naomi Rosenberg (1986) Reed B. Wickner (1988) Costa Georgopolous (1986) Robert Martin (1987) Roland R. Rueckert (1988) Eckard Wimmer (1988) Walter Gerhard (1986) Warren Masker (1987) Norman P. Salzman (1987) Owen Witte (1986) Stephen P. Goff (1988) Thomas Merigan (1986) Joseph Sambrook (1988) Charles Hamish Young (1986) Larry M. Gold (1988) George Miller (1987) Charles E. Samuel (1986) Julius S. Youngner (1986) Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications Board Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Journals Judith Nedrow, Production Editor The Journal of Virology (ISSN 0022-538X), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the dissemination offundamental knowledge concerning viruses of bacteria, plants, and animals. Investigators are invited to submit reports of original research in all areas of basic virology, including biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, immunology, morphology, physiology, and pathogenesis and immunity. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Department. The Journal is issued monthly, four volumes per year. The nonmember subscription price is $285 per year; single copies are $21. The member subscription price is $41 (foreign, $54 [surface rate]) per year; single copies are $7.00. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Department, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 (phone: 202 833-9680). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. 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Author Index Almond, Jeffrey W., 1187 Forghani, Bagher, 1195 Levantis, Pedros, 907 Schoenmakers, Harrie, 1037 Arias, Carlos F., 1207 Frenkel, Niza, 933 Li, Yen, 1065, 1073 Seifert, Jan-Marcus, 1084 Ariga, Hiroyoshi, 792 Fukai, Konosuke, 1113 Long, Le, 1198 Seriburi, Orrawadee, 1113 Arnheiter, Heinz, 922 Fukui, Yasuhisa, 792 L6pez, Susana, 1207 Shimizu, Norio, 1016 Aubert, Christine, 992 Lowy, Arthur, 1048 Shiroki, Kazuko, 792 Gahmberg, Nina, 899 Lucher, Lynne A., 839, 848 Silagi, Selma, 1048 Bacchetti, S., 1177 Galloway, Denise A., 802 Luria, Sylvia, 998 Simmons, Daniel T., 776 Barkas, Alexander E., 1073 Garreis-Wabnitz, Christine, Smith, Geoffrey L., 786 Baskar, John F., 1149 968 Makino, Shinji, 729 Smythers, Gary W., 826 Bauer, Eva, 1084 Gattoni-Celli, S., 1119 Marrero, Robert, 1145 Sodroski, Joseph G., 738 Baumann, Raymond P., 816 Geballe, Adam P., 864 Marshall, R. L., 745 Springer, Timothy A., 952 Bechade, C., 1191 Ghysdael, Jacques, 1198 Martin, P., 1191 Sriskantha, A., 1004 Beck, Ewald, 983 Gilden, Donald, 1195 Mathews, Michael B., 765 Staczek, John, 816 Begue, A., 1191 Gillespie, David A. F., 907 McClure, Marcella A., 917 Stanat, Sylvia C., 1149 Bennink, Jack R., 786 Gonze, Martine, 1198 McCorquodale, D. James, 875 Stanway, Glyn, 1187 Besemer, Juergen, 1084 Gordon, Siamon, 952 McCorquodale, Maureen M., Stavnezer, Edward, 1065, Beug, H., 1127 Graeve, Lutz, 968 875 1073 Bhat, Bheem M., 1155 Green, Kim Y., 893 Melief, Cees, 1037 Stec, David S., 715 Bissell, Mina J., 907 Green, Maurice, 839, 848 Meulemans, Guy, 1198 Stehelin, D., 1191 Blair, Edward D., 1023 Grodzicker, Terri, 765 Minor, Philip D., 1187 Sternglanz, Rolf, 875 Blaisdell, Peter W., 759 Grose, Charles, 1195 Mocarski, Edward S., 864 Stillman, Bruce W., 883 Bodnar, John W., 1094 Gurney, Elizabeth G., 1168 Moran, Elizabeth, 765 Stohlman, Stephen A., 729 Brackmann, Karl H., 848 Moran, Myriam G., 1113 Strebel, Klaus, 983 Brahic, Michel, 992 Harada, Shinji, 1159 Moreno-L6pez, Jorge, 1173 Strohmaier, Karl, 983 Breindl, Michael, 968 Hart, Kevin, 907 Morner, Torsten, 1173 Sullivan, Donna C., 816 Brennan, Lynn A., 1073 Haseltine, William A., 738 Moss, Bernard, 786 Swain, Margaret A., 802 Brodeur, David, 1073 Hatanaka, Masakazu, 1159 Muirhead, B., 1177 Symington, Janey S., 839, 848 Bruenn, J. A., 754 Hayashi, Kozaburo, 942 Murphy, Brian R., 721 Bums, Mary C., 1182 Hayman, M. J., 1127 Takada, Kenzo, 1016 Burny, Arsene, 1198 Hayward, Anthony R., 976 Nemeroff, M. E., 754 Tamowski, Susan, 1168 Hemming, Val G., 721 Teumer, Jeffrey K., 1065 Calothy, C., 1191 Hengartner, Hans, 1139 O'Callaghan, Dennis J., 816 Thompson, Richard L., 1023 Cardosa, M. Jane, 952 Henry, C., 1191 Odenwald, Ward F., 922 Tibbetts, Clark, 1055 Cerny, Andreas, 1139 Hirsch, Stan, 952 Ogra, Pearay L., 1203 Turck, Claudette Magarian, Chamorro, Mario, 992 Horowitz, Mia, 998 Ohshima, Kiyoshi, 792 1065 Chanock, Robert M., 721 Horswood, Robert L., 721 Ono, Yasushi, 1016 Charan, Shiv, 1139 Horzinek, Marian C., 1010 Ooka, Tadamasa, 1105 Vafai, Abbas, 1195 Chen, Tsai-E, 1048 Hosaka, Yasuhiro, 1113 Oroszlan, Stephen, 826 van der Zeijst, Bernard A. Chow, Marie, 1094 Hsiao, W.-L. W., 1119 M., 1010 Chowdhury, Rukhsana, 960 Huang, Eng-Shang, 1149 Perrault, Jacques, 917 Vennstrom, B., 1127 Clark, Steven, 1182 Huegin, Ambros W., 1139 Pettersson, Ralf F., 899 Verderame, Michael F., 857 Cole, Gerald A., 715 Hughes, Pamela J., 1187 Pettersson, Ulf, 848, 1173 Virtanen, Anders, 848 Constantinou, Andreas, 875 Hunter-Laszlo, Mary, 976 Pintel, David, 1163 Voelkel-Meiman, Karen, 875 Copeland, Terry D., 826 Pinter, Abraham, 1048 Wach, M. P., 1004 Cortez, Nenita G., 1048 Iwasaki, Yazo, 942 Pollack, Robert, 857 Waddell, Anna, 715 Costa, Robert H., 1023 Polvino-Bodnar, Maryellen, Wagner, Edward K., 1023 Cuypers, Theo, 1037 Jacobs, Liesbeth, 1010
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