Accretionary Complex, 15 Acehnese People, 80, 81, 84, 85 Adat

Accretionary Complex, 15 Acehnese People, 80, 81, 84, 85 Adat

Index accretionary complex, 15 Artocarpus(nangka),47 Acehnese people, 80, 81, 84, 85 Asian values, 96 adat perpatih, 82 assisted immigration, 151 adat temenggong, 82 Austronesian, 83 agency houses, 136, 144; 204 Austronesian language, 79 agriculture, 67, 71, 143, 198, A vicennia, 49 201, 204, 205 Baccaurea (rambaz), 47 agricultural development, Bajau people, 83 132 Bako National Park, 188 agricultural resource Bakun, 204 expansion, 157 Balanocarpus, 48 agro-conversion 158 bamboo, 46, 48 commercial crop production, bananas, 50, 53 135 Bangsa Malaysia (Malaysian monoculture plantations, 'race'),95, 116 188 banteng, 57, 73, 74 peasant (subsistence), 132 Baram, 175 plantation agriculture, 135 Delta,33,35 plantation crops, 50 Delta basin, 35 plantations, 71, 84 District, 175 sendentary, 120 Barisan Nasional, 99, 110 swidden (shifting) Barringtonia, 49 cultivation, 80, 120, 123, barter trade, 145 133, 134, 135, 139, 158 base metal, 203 wet rice cultivation 123 Batak people, 85 Aliran,93 bauxite, 28, 29 All-Malaya Council of Joint beeswax, 143, 174 Action (AMCJA), 104 begonia, 49 Alliance government, 105, 106, belukar, 49 107,202 Bengal,83 Alliance-PAS coalition, 109, Bentong-Raub suture zone, 20 110,111 bezoar stones, 120 allochthonous terranes, II Bidayuh people, 83 aluminium, 29, 30, 37 bilik, 84 Anglo-Malay accord, 104 bilimbi, 50 angsana (Pterocarpus indicus), 53 binturong, 57 animistic beliefs, 80 biodiversity conservation, 182 Anisoptera, 48 biological dating 61 anthracite, 31, 32 birds, 56 antimony, 28, 30, 37, 124, 126, birds' nests, 174 129 bituminous coal, 31, 32 ape fossils, 58, 59 black bear, 73 apomixis, 46 boh-sia (sexual promiscuity), 96 211 212 Index Borneo, 57, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, cement, 204 68, 74, 75, 78, 185, 187, Ceno-Tethys, 13 190 Cenozoic, 15 Borneo Company, 29, 129, 131, Cenozoic sedimentary 142, 144, 148 basins, 33 Boyanese people, 81, 84, 85 Central Granitoid Province, 27 breadfruit, 50 Central Luconia Province, 34 breeding systems, 52 charcoal, 49 bridle paths, 148, 149 Chartered Company, 122, 131, British, 145, 155 133, 141, 143, 149, 153, colonial administration, 84 155 colonial policies, 78 Chartered Company British Borneo Timber Company administration, 145 Limited, 143 chemicals, 203 British North Borneo, 174; See chilli,50 also Sabah chimpanzees, 58, 62, 181 British North Borneo Chartered China, 78, 80 Company, 120; See also Chinese people, 78, 81, 83, 84, Chartered Company 95 Brookes, 120, 122, 129, 142, Babas (Peranakan Cina), 83 145, 148, 153, 200 business enterprise, 201 administration, 134, 144, Cantonese, 82 155 credit-ticket immigrant, 150 Charles, 142 cultivators, 141 James, 128 Hainanese, 82 Bruguiera, 49 Hakka, 82 Buddhism, 79, 81 Henghua,82 Buddhist, 83, 89 Hockchew,82 Bugis people (Buginese), 80, 81, Hockchia, 82 84,85, Hokkien,82 Bukit Cina, 90 K wongsai, 82 Bumbung Perak, 82 immigration, 124, 153, 198 bumiputra (Malays and other insurrection, 128, 129 indigenous people), 78, 89, interests, 198 99, 160, 202, 203, 206 labour migration, 153 Buy British Last policy, 113, language, 91 116 miners, 128 calcifuges, 49 mining organisation, 124 Calophyllum, 49 trading firms, 144 camphor, 120, 143 Teochew,82 canes, 174 Christians, 83 car assembly, 204 chromium, 30 cash crop production, 132, 135 Cimmerian continental, 20 Casuarina, 49 cinnabar, 129 Cathaysian, 20 citrus (limau), 47, 53 Index 213 civets, 57, 73 Datuk Mohd. Nasir, 111 class relations: Datuk Musa Hitam, 112, 114 ethnic chauvinism, 86, 87 Datuk Onn bin Jaafar, 104, 108, ethnic differentiation, 81, 85 111 ethnic tension, 85 Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, 114 ethnic groups, 85 Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir ethnic identity, 85, 86 Mohamad, 110, 111, 112, ethnic nationalism, 87 114 ethnic plurality, 87 Dayak people, 78, 81, 83, 84, ethnic polarisation, 86, 87 142 ethnic politics, 96 deforestation, 42, 43, 135 ethnic problems, 86, 96 Democratic Action Party (DAP), ethnic structure, 85 83, 110 ethnicity, 85,96 dicotyledons, 49 inter-ethnic interactions, 96 Dillenia (simpoh), 49 cloves, 50 dipterocarp, 175 coal, 23, 31, 37, 124, 126, 128, forests, 175 131 genera, 48 cobalt, 29 hill dipterocarp forests, 50 cocoa, 50, 135, 158 species, 48 production, 162 diversification programmes, 157, coconuts, 50, 135, 136, 137 158, 203 coffee, 50, 135, 136, 198 'divide and rule' policy, 84, 85, colugo,57 102, 153, 154 communalism, 85, 108 DNA hybridisation techniques Conference of Rulers, 113 61,62 Confrontation, 107 Donald Stephens, 108 Confucious, 83 dry/hill padi, 123 Confucianism, 81 Dryobalanops, 48 conifers, 49 dualistic economies, 197, 200 conservation, 42,43 Durio (durian), 47, 48 Constitutional (Amendment) Dusun people, 83 Bill,113 East Malaysia, 61, 62, 72, 119, continental, 13 160, 203, 204, 205 continental terranes, 15 Eastern Granitoid Province, 27 copper, 29, 30,37,175 ecological diversity, 56 corn, 123 ecological zones, 56 crocodile, 73 ecosystem, 190 culture, 78 ecotourism, 173, 177, 182, 185, cultural revivalism, 93 186, 187, 188 cultural competition, 94 Ecotourist Model, 184 national culture, 87,91,93 electrical/electronic industries, custard apple, 50 203, 207 dakwah,92 embryology, 52 Danum Valley, 72, 188 Emergency, 105, 107 214 Index endangered species, 58, 71, 73 flying fox, 74 Environment: foreign capital, 206 Ecotourism, 173 foreign investment, 207 environmental impact, 185 forest: environmental impact canopy, 56, 67, 179 assessments, 182 Forests and Forest Resource epiphytes, 46 Utilisation Policy, 143, 158 erosion, 178 management, 49 eucalypts, 49 mangrove, 46, 49 Eugenia (jambu), 47, 48 permanent forest estates, 49 Eurasia, 33 permanent production forest, Excoecaria,49 49 export economy, 119, 124, 196, primary, 49, 133, 175, 178 197 produce, 133 export-oriented development products, 120, 174 strategy, 161 protected forest, 45, 49, 75 fauna, 11, 20, 48, 56, 64, 75, reserves, 45,179,180, 181, 76, 173, 17~ 178, 180, 188 182, 185, 188 revenue, 175 Federal Land Development secondary, 49 Authority (FELDA), 157 Stateland Forests, 45, 49 Federal Legislative Council, 106 fossil fuels, 23, 31 federal structure, 101 Free Trade Zones (FTZs), 204, Federated Malay States (FMS), 205 101, 133, 136, 137, 147, Fresh-water swamp forest, 46 151, 141, 200 frogs, 57 Federation of Malaya, 101, 104, frugivores, 178 202 frugivorous, 177 Federation of Malaya Agreement, fruit trees, 46, 47, 53, 137 104 fruit tree species, 48 Federation of Malaysia 1963, fruiting 52 202 gambier (Uncaria gambir), 50, ferns, 46 135, 198 figs (Ficus), 48 Garcinia (manggis), 47 Filipinos, 84 gas, 23, 31, 35, 162,206 firewood, 49 gaur cattle, 57, 73 Flacourtia (rukam), 47 gene pool, 47, 48 flora, 11, 20, 42, 46, 48, 50, 49, genetic erosion, 181 64, 65, 74, 75, 76, 174, geological origins, 11, 13 182, 185, 188 Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia, 83, flowering, 43, 48, 52 107, 110 flowering behaviour, 43 germ plasm, 53 flowering plant species, 43, germination agents, 179 46 gesnerias, 49 flowering plants, 52 gibbons, 57, 58, 61, 62, 66, 181 Index 215 gingers, 46 ilmenite, 28 glacial periods, 62, 64, 65, 66 immigration, 78, 197 glaciation, 20 policy, 152 Gleichenia, 49 imperata (lalang), 49 global economic slumps, 197 import-substitution strategy gold, 23, 28, 30, 37, 124, 126, (ISI),202 131, 198 industrialisation, 203 mining, 129 manufacturing, 161 production, 129 India, 78 Gondwanaland, 11, 15,20 india rubber, 174 gorillas, 58, 181 Indian Immigration Committee, granitoids, 27 151 grasses, 49 Indianisation, 79,80 Great Depression, 139, 144,201 Indian people, 78, 81 GuaCha,78 indigeneity,89 guava,50 indigenous culture, 88 Gujarat,83 indigenous people, 173 Gunung Leuser National Park, Indo-Malaysian flora, 42 68, 181 Indochina, 13 Gunung Mulu National Park, Indochina terrane, 15 188 Indonesia, 78 Guthries, 144 Indonesian Forest Protection and guttas, 174 Nature Conservation, 181 gymnosperms, 49 Indonesian people, 81 Harrisons and Crosfield, 143, Industrial Coordination Act 144 (ICA), 160,204 Heavy Industries of Malaysia Industrial Revolution, 198 (HICOM), 204 industrialisation, 119, 161, 162, Hibiscus, 49 197, 198, 202, 205, 206 highland species, 48 export-oriented, 161,203 Hinduism, 79 import-subsitution, 203 Hindus, 81, 83, 89 policy 159 Hoabinhians, 78 insects, 57 Hoabinhian culture, 79 interglacial periods, 62, 64 hominoids, 58, 61 Internal Security Act, 108, 115 Hopea,48 International Rubber Regulation hornbills, 57, 73, 74, 178, 179 Agreement (IRRA), 139, hornbill beaks, 120 142, 143, 201 humans, 181 International Timber Trade hunting, 75, 76 Organisation (ITTO), 175 hunting and gathering, 123 International Tin Control hybridisation, 61 Scheme, 126 hydro-electric schemes, 204 Ipoh,84 Iban people, 84, 142 iron, 30 illegal capture, 71 ore, 28, 126, 197 216 Index Internal Security Act (lSA), 104, tenure, 132 108, 115, 204 landholding, 123 Islam, 79, 87, 91, 92 languages, 83 Islamic revivalism 93 langurs (Presby tis spp.), 57, 66 mCN/SSC Captive Breeding Laurasia, 20 Specialist Group, 181 Laurentia, 20 ivory, 174 lead,29 Javanese people, 81, 84, 152 lead-zinc, 30 Johor, 80, 82 Lee Kuan Yew, 107 Kadazan people, 78, 81, 83 legumes, 48 kangani, 151 lemur, 57 Kayan people, 83, 175 leopards, 57, 67 Kelabit people, 83, 175 Leptospermum, 49 Kelabit-Longbawan continental lignite, 31 fragments, 23 Limbang, 175 Kelantan, 78, 82 Limbang Trading Company, 175 Kenyah people, 83 liquified natural gas, 197 Kerala,83 lizards, 57 Kinabalu National Park, 188 logging, 71, 74, 75, 174, 177, kongsi, 124, 128, 151, 153 178, 180, 181, 182, 189 Kota Kinabalu, 185, 187 activities, 175 Kuala Lumpur, 84 boom, 175 Kuching,

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