FINANCE ACCOUNTS 2008-2009 D GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA F I N A N C E A C C O U N T S 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 9 GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S PAGES CERTIFICATE OF THE COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL OF INDIA .. .. i INTRODUCTORY .. .. 1-2 PART - I - SUMMARISED STATEMENTS No. 1 - Summary of Transactions .. .. 4-22 No. 2 - Capital Outlay Outside the Revenue Account .. .. 23-27 No. 3 - (i) Financial results of Irrigation Works 2008-2009 .. .. 29-31 (ii) Financial results of Electricity Schemes 2008-2009 .. .. 32-37 No. 4 - Debt Position .. .. 38-40 No. 5 - Loans and Advances by the State Government .. .. 41 No. 6 - Guarantees given by the Government of Maharashtra in respect of Loans, etc., raised by Statutory Corporations, Local Bodies and Other Institutions .. .. 42-48 No. 7 - Cash Balances and Investments of Cash Balances .. .. 49-50 No. 8 - Summary of balances under Consolidated Fund, Contingency Fund and Public Account .. .. 51-53 - Notes to Accounts .. .. 54-61 PART - II - DETAILED ACCOUNTS AND OTHER STATEMENTS A - Revenue and Expenditure No. 9 - Statement of Revenue and Expenditure under different heads for the year 2008-2009 expressed as a percentage of total revenue/total expenditure .. .. 64-65 No.10 - Statement showing the distribution between charged and voted expenditure .. .. 66 No.11 - Detailed account of revenue receipts and capital receipts by minor heads .. .. 67-83 No.12 - Detailed account of revenue expenditure by minor heads and capital expenditure by major heads .. 84-113 No.13 - Detailed statement of capital expenditure during and to end of the year 2008-2009 .. .. 114-150 No.14 - Statement showing details of investments of Government in Statutory Corporations, Government Companies, Other Joint Stock Companies, Co-operatives Banks and Societies etc., upto end of 2008-2009 .. .. 152-173 No.15 - Statement showing the capital and other expenditure (other than on revenue account) to the end of 2008-2009 and the principal sources from which the funds were provided for that expenditure .. 174-177 B - Debt, Contingency Fund and Public Account No.16 - Detailed statement of receipts, disbursements and balances under heads of account relating to Debt, Contingency Fund and Public Account .. .. 178-185 No.17 - Detailed statement of debt and other interest-bearing obligations of Government .. .. 186-197 No.18 - Detailed statement of loans and advances by Government .. .. 198-232 No.19 - Statement showing the details of earmarked balances .. .. 234-236 A P P E N D I C E S No. I - Statement showing total Government investments in shares of Statutory Corporations, Government Companies, Co-operatives Societies, etc., and dividend received thereon during 2006-2007, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 .. .. 238-239 No. II - Statement showing items for which allocation of balances as the result of reorganisation of States has not been finalised .. .. 240 No.III - Statement of Commitments -List of Incomplete Capital Works .. .. 241-259 No.IV - Details of Grants-in-aid given by the State Government to the Local Bodies .. .. 260-275 No. V - Expenditure on Salaries organised by Major Heads during the year 2008-09 .. .. 276-281 No.VI - Expenditure on Subsidy disbursed during the year 2008-09 .. .. 282-291 No. VII - Maturity Profile of 6003-Internal Debt of the State Government and 6004-Loans and Advances from Central Government .. .. 292 No.VIII - Changes in the Financial Assets of the Government of Maharashtra for the year 2008-09 .. .. 293 No.IX - Statement on Committed Liabilities of the State in Future .. .. 294-296 No.X - Statement on Implications for Major Policy Decisions during the year or New Schemes Proposed in the Budget for the Future Cash Flows .. .. 297-303 No.XI - Statement on Maintenance Expenditure of the State .. .. 304-309 No.XII - (i) Details of receipts under Minor Head 800-Other Receipts for the year 2008-09 .. .. 310 (ii) Details of expenditure under Minor Head 800-Other expenditure for the year 2008-09 .. .. 310-313 CERTIFICATE OF THE COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL OF INDIA This compilation containing the Finance Accounts of the Government of Maharashtra for the year ending 31st March 2009 presents the accounts of the receipts and disbursements of the Government for the year, together with the financial results disclosed by the revenue and capital accounts, the accounts of the public debt and the liabilities and assets as worked out from the balances recorded in the accounts. The Appropriation Accounts of the Government for the year for Grants and Charged Appropriations are presented in a separate compilation. The Finance Accounts have been prepared under my supervision in accordance with the requirements of the Comptroller and Auditor General's (Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service) Act, 1971 and have been compiled from the vouchers, challans and initial and subsidiary accounts rendered by the treasuries, offices, and departments responsible for the keeping of such accounts functioning under the control of the Government of Maharashtra and the statements received from the Reserve Bank of India. Statement Nos. 3, 6 and 14, explanatory notes to Statement Nos. 1, 2 and 4 and appendices III, IX and X in this compilation have been prepared directly from the information received from the Government of Maharashtra/Corporations/Companies/Societies who are responsible to ensure the correctness of such information. The treasuries, offices, and or departments functioning under the control of the Government of Maharashtra are primarily responsible for preparation and correctness of the initial and subsidiary accounts as well as ensuring the regularity of transactions in accordance with the applicable laws, standards, rules and regulations relating to such accounts and transactions. I am responsible for compilation, keeping of the accounts, preparation and submission of Annual Accounts to the State Legislature. My responsibility for the compilation, preparation and finalization of accounts is discharged through the office of the Principal Accountant General (A&E). The audit of these accounts is independently conducted through the office of the Principal Accountant General (Audit) in accordance with the requirements of Articles 149 and 151 of the Constitution of India and the Comptroller and Auditor General's (Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service) Act, 1971, for expressing an opinion on these Accounts based on the results of such audit. These offices are independent organizations with distinct cadres, separate reporting lines and management structure. The audit was conducted in accordance with the Auditing Standards generally accepted in India. These Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the accounts are free from material misstatement. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. On the basis of the information and explanations that my officers required and have obtained, and according to the best of my information as a result of test audit of the accounts and on consideration of explanations given, I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Finance Accounts read with explanatory 'Notes to Accounts' give a true and fair view of the receipts and disbursements for the purpose of the Government of Maharashtra for the year 2008-09. Points of interest arising from study of these accounts as well as test audit conducted during the year or earlier years are contained in my Reports on the Government of Maharashtra being presented separately for the year ended 31st March 2009. Date : 10 DEC 2009 ( VINOD RAI ) Place : New Delhi Comptroller and Auditor General of India I N T R O D U C T O R Y 1. The accounts of Government of Maharashtra are kept in the following three parts:- Part I - Consolidated Fund; Part II- Contingency Fund; Part III - Public Account. In part I, namely Consolidated Fund, there are two main divisions, viz. :- I. Revenue - consisting of sections for 'Receipt heads (Revenue Account)' and 'Expenditure heads (Revenue Account)'; II. Capital, Public Debt, Loans, etc. - consisting of sections for "Receipt head (Capital Account)' 'Expenditure heads (Capital Account)' and 'Public Debt, Loans and Advances, etc'. The Revenue division deals with the proceeds of taxation and other receipts classed as revenue and the expenditure met therefrom, the net result of which represents the revenue surplus or deficit for the year. In Capital division, the section 'Receipt Head (Capital Account)' deals with receipts of capital nature which cannot be applied as a set-off to capital expenditure. The section 'Expenditure Heads (Capital Account)' deals with expenditure met usually from borrowed funds with the object of increasing concrete assets of a material and permanent character. It also includes receipts of a capital nature intended to be applied as a set-off against expenditure. The section 'Public Debt, Loans and Advances, etc,' comprises loans raised and their repayments by Government such as 'Internal Debt' and 'Loans and Advances' made (and their recoveries) by Government. This section also includes certain special types of heads for transactions relating to Appropriation to the 'Contingency Fund' and 'Inter-State Settlement'. In Part II, namely Contingency Fund of the accounts, the transaction connected with the Contingency Fund established under Article 267 of the Constitution of India are recorded. In Part III, namely Public Account, the transactions relating to 'Debt' (other than those included in Part-I), 'Deposits', ' Advances', ' Remittances' and 'Suspense' are recorded. The transactions under 'Debt' , ' Deposits' and 'Advances' in this part are those in respect of which Government incurs a liability to repay the moneys received or has a claim to recover the amounts paid together with the repayments of the former ('Debt' and 'Deposits') and the recoveries of the latter ('Advances'). The transactions relating to 'Remittances' and 'Suspense' in this part embrace all merely adjusting heads under which appear such transactions as remittances of cash between treasuries and currency chests, transfers between different accounting circles, etc.
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