: - •-' -. ci " -'• '••"• ;-.• island TO MPi-L «I'!J CA"1IV; , Coping v/ith elderly Captiva Ore and rescue 1 personnel gct°special r training in sensitivity 1 !! ( < 1 .[ , I . Stingrays near shore; •'Imffle recommended It U r r in u I ki. L u I 1 in U i i ! 1 II] I 1 HAITIAN ART-/titqti£ Richard I fury has brcuyht -u n r[o hi ir<l Uf** Itaiitans cridtin. in "To Market ' tip photo I aith M f r h< ttjm finoto is 11) I'rosper J it mtouis v.ho is oj of «i n f / ort srs inifdin i fi )s< ; aintuii'- in m/lu nc* I j \ •* i H«! « "-J1 trie ri fdJrtf strr /nru n/t f?l ' ?i!- a. flop, i 111 •\) 'r \st n'ir d oac (/hi fish < FISH • frfrom page 1A .. oj^, "Anything you do {architecturally) attracts Ascn. "but their location has changed a few «- attention to your building," said Ascn.' . feel." . •-• '' • i~ of "It seems like the city of Sanlbel wagls to The moulded stucco shutters around some j have invisible buildings so all you cjiri'sec is nf ilic windows of the building were made in Boys & Girls club benefits • basically the same way as the fish, according cc the birds and the trees." said AseftY from Publix campaign o j^ The decorative fish, all around stx-fect to Asen. but have not caused any uproar. D rj across, were drawn to scale by Ascn himself, Asen was scheduled to meet city planner Managers of Publix supermarketsThrough- |r a"'i then moulded into the stucco that covers Jcanlsley yesterday morning io discuss the out Lee County made a joint presentation of [ff the exterior walls of the building. fish, He will be armed.wlih a number of peti- $1,267.20 to the Boys & Girls Club or Lee CC Ascn admits that the fish are attractive, bin tions supporting his fish.' saying, in effect, County on April II. ' .• 0 says he has received nothing but positive (hat they are keepers. The money raised was a percentage of re- UJ comments from all who have seen them "Let the people make the decision." said 1 T cent sales of Proctor & Gamble products at all 1'vccpl the code enforcement board) and does .Ascn. ; -• PubJix locations. =^ § nol'iltink the fish take away from the buJld- TJic Br.ys & Girls Club of Lee County is a <j i'lfis archllcclure. If the city deckles th^ftsh must go, the city jouth agency open five days a week, 50 weeks 01 However, the original plans lor the building could withhold the necessary occupational li- -=-year offering recreational and educational did not Include having six-foot fish on the cense needed to run a business on the,ls!and; programs for yo'ith after school and during =' walls. They did provide for sculptured fish The city, could ilcll him to'-throw the fish the summer months.- - "'••:. ^ .md sea horses to be carved into the buildings hack or simply scale them down, but cither fur additional information, call 332-5103 h md rails; way Ascn has netted a good deal nf publicity. or'133-5006. When carved hand rails proved to be more ' Af>cn, who also owns The Prawn Broker in expensive than Ascn had planned, he came up Fort Myers added that he has never had these lypes of fishy problems before he came to Honoring 'the^heart „ with the idea of adding them to the stucco. 1 'They are the san;c.b;isic fish design." said Sanlbel. '" . & of the community COPING - — Two organizations that annually recognize • from page 1A o ^•outstanding service to the community will Hearing loss was also explained by Silvers Link." . Join together for a community service awards through a. recorded demonstration. luncheon on Tuesday^ April 23, from noon to Tihcn-Sarchel described the;organization 1:30 p.m. ot the Ramada Hotel, 12635 Cleve- as a private, non-profit organization financed land Ave. ^ ' ~ She said Initial loss of hearing usually in- chiefly by federal and stale grants that pro- volves the loss of high pitch, and urged the of- Fort Myers Mayor Wilbur Smith will speak. u vide telephone assistance for adults living in .i : For the. sixth consecuttve year, the commu- ficers, when communicating with older . Lee County who are 60-years old or older. nity coordinating" council will recognize out- adults, to face them squarely, talk slowly and "We help them solve their problems by distinctly/ standing organizations and businesses In Lee ••> assessing the resources available and pulling County. The Voluntary Action Center will Silvers also discussed arthritis; the loss of a plan .together." Tlhen-sgarchet corrf&icnted. acute sensation; the ability of older adults to continue its tradition of honoring outstand- '.y/c arc the brokers in community services. ing citizen volunteers. - •• right themselves and resultant danger of We try lo coordinate the kind of services in the falling. ^ ?, "Contributions that these organizations o community that the Individual needs," she and individuals make are vital to our com- Silvers also emphasized depression as a added. munity. This luncheon Is a way of saying Common disorder with older adults that can 'thank you.1"' said Darlene Grossman, lun- rr ultefrom the loss of friends, family, fi- To obtain Ihc services of Age Link, either in clicon coordinator nances, self esteem and self image. the areas of health or human services, resi- The cost of the luncheon Is S9, and is open Silvers said that depression can cause dents may call 337-1179. to the public. "•?'.• , ,, withdrawal and appetite and thinking Anothef speaker was Teresa Frank" a pro- For reservations or further information, changes. fessional at Lee Memorial Hospital In the call the community coordinating council al The three possible treatments for depres- older adult services unit. W 433-2000 or Voluntary Action Central 433- sion. Silver related, are people therapy, Frank reported that 30,9 percent of the to- 5301. _ . 'because many of these people are lonely"; tal Lee County population of 346.852 is 6G or counselling and medication. over; 23.2 percent is 65 or olden -S.5 percent is Also on the program was David Day, of the 75 or older, and -1.02 percent Is 80 or older. Physician referral Stale Department of Health and Rehabilita- The number of people In Lee County 60 and tion Services Fort Myers office. , over is 106.117, Frank reported. service now available - The program was coordinated and chaired Day explained that the Office of Aging and by David G. Kainrad, Administrative Manager Gulf Coast Hospital, the newest medical fa, cility in Fort Myers, has established a physi- Adult Services in Fort Myers investigates.al- for the Lee County Division of Emergency : legations of abuse, neglect and exploitation, Medical Services. cian referral service which is now available to and can order emergency removal and place- the community. Gulf,Coast's Physician Referral Service has , ment in severe cases. Kainrad explained the need for special In- t The Captlva officers also learned from Day the capability to directly connect the caller structions for dealing medically with older ;with the referred medical office and locate a that the Aging and Adult Services Office is adults was recognized back in 1986 at Lee also Involved In home care for the elderly; physician who can see the calleV within two to Memorial Hospital and a task force orga- three days. provides referral service. lo community nized. providers such as meals on wheels and trans- This free community service assists new- portation: screens and approves Mcdicald for Kainrad safci the instruction program comers or residents who do nol have a per- ; middle income people who have major medi- started In May of J987. sunal physician in locating a doctor who Is cal bills, and screens and approves for Medt- The program has been coordinated with Age qualified in meeting specific medical needs. ca'id nursing home admission. Link which originally received 40 calls the All of the healthcare professionals listed In first year, but last year lopped 1,400 and is ex- '-Physician Referral Service have met the strict Day said investigations of older adult abuse pected to top 2.000 this year. criteria established by the board of trustees of for persons over 60-years-okI will be made by Gulf Coast Hospital^ _ -1 calling 1-800-96-ABUSE. and informants Age Link has'received a^grsht from both the . " The physicians in the program accept new identity kept confidential. Ue* County and State Emergency Medical Ser- patients in a timely manner - many within 48 Day also distributed a list of "indicators," vices programs, according to Kainrad. to 72 hours! Many of the doctors have special which the officers could use as tell-tale signs Among the police, fire and rescue personnel interests in areas such as weight control, pe- that the person has been abused, neglected or altcndlng the instruction session this'week diatrics, arthritis f.r sports medicine. _ exploited. ' '~ .; was Captlva Fire Chief John Bates and Deputy i> For an immediate referral, an individual Another speaker was Marilec Tihen- Sheriff Roiy VanDeusen. the Lee County offi- can call the Physician Referral Service at 768- Sarchel. Executive-Director of an older adult cer assigned permanently and full-time to 3-114. Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to information referral service, known as "Age Captlva. ~ •= 4:30 p.m. ._-,.- I"? Etfilotld office: 472-1587 License plates boost panther recovery efforts Display arlwrtiilng: 472-1587 .. ••- Classified advertising: 482-7788 If Von Can ReatKThis, You're Too Close!" "Sure; a specialty plate cusls a lilile more •\\ arriing: This Car istops for Garage Sales!' than your everyday license plaie." said Tom Bwbttttofftct: 574-1551 Don't Laugh .
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