28 CONGRESSIO J.A_L REOO.RD-SENATE. DECE}.fBER 2, mi.Ds "bill to the Committee on Interstate :mil .Foreign Com- Also, ·:peti_iion of Pennsj1v::rnin Stat~ R u_ rnti_o:n of Labo:, -~- meree. ' ~esting agru.nst jp~ge at the Cummms btll w1~ll the antistrike Also, petition of Alabama State ¥ederation of Lab?!', opposing clause; to t.h~ Committee on I~terstate aml For~1gn Comm~ce. the ·Cummins bill the Esch-Pomerene bill .and urgmg support Also, peb:hon of ·Pennsylvamn State Federation of Lal>or, pro­ of the Sims ·bill, No. 10367; to th-e Committee on .Interstate and · testing ag~inst the arr:st of Hindus a?min,r to tJ~is eotmtry; to Foreign Commeree. the Comnnttee on Intel state and Fore.1gn GonDllel ce. A1so, petition ·of Metal Polisher ' Local Union No. G, of Chi- cago, IlL, m·ging Congress io grant a complete amnesty . to all political ami indu trial prisoners convicted under the espiOnage act and the repeal of all such laws a.s interfere with the moral SENATE. exercise of the American liberties guaranteed under the Con­ stitution; to til" Committee on the Judiciary . TUESD1\Y, December fJ, 1910. .Also, petition of Hebrew · eterans of the Wars of the Repub­ lic, condemning the atrocities inflicted on the Jewi-sh peoples jn The Cha:p}ain, lllev. •Forrest :J. Prettyma11, D. D., offered the Ukraine ; to the Committee ·on Foreign Affairs. following 1Jl'flYer : Also, l}etition of members of the Tara Club~ of Brooklyn, N. Y., Almighty God, Thy servants ba:ve been called t-ogether in the congratulming the United States Senate on its action with the Senate to give dh·ection to the public policy of this great Nation. peace treo:ty, ,becal.J:Se it 'tends to guarantee-the territor~l integ­ The prob1ems that confront us chaTienge the wisest statesman­ rity to Great .Brit .in at the ~se of Americn's ove.re~gnty; to ship of all the ages. · The world is in the remaking. 'The forces the Committee on Foreign Affairs. of civilization lie :plastic in our hands. We pau e at the begin­ AI o, petition of citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachu­ ning of the great work committed to our hand · to in;-oke the set a sembled in Tremont Temple and Fanenil Hall, Boston, divine blessing. Lord God of Hosts, be witll us yet, lest we for­ on armistice day, No-vember ll, 19-19, urging relief to the :Suffer- get ; lest we forget. May wis<1om preside over our couu<=;iL~. ing pe-qples of Uu Ria ; to 'the Committee on Foreign .Affairs. , l\lay brotherly love prentil. May tbe unity of purpose and sputt l\1, o,a>ctition of ,the real estate board af New Yor~ City, urg- of this lbady be to us the ·prophecy of the successful issue of .our ing -support of .House bill 8080; to the Committee on Ways and 1 great spiritual enterprise. ..For Christ's sake. Amen. Means. OsCAR W. UNDERWOOD, a Senator :fron1 the State of Alabama; ..Also. !petition of.Federal Retirement A ociation ?f. New York DATID .I. W ..USE, a Senator from rfhe State of Ma s.a.chusetts; City, urging the -pas. a,.,.e -of the Lehlbaeh bill, .Pronding :for -the JoSIAH 0. ·waLcoTT, a Senator :from the State of Delaware; LEE retirement of superannuated Federal emplqyees; to the Com­ S. Ov.lm:M.A~ a Sen~ tor ftom the State of North Carolina; Jas:N mittee on Reform in the Ci\il SerYice. W.:.AI:I:ER S:m.nr, a Senator from "tbe State of Maryland; and .A1so petition of Adolph Lewi:sohn, of New York City., m:ging .A.T.m:J:IT R. F.n.r:r., a .senator :from the State of ~ew .Mexico, a.p­ penre<l in iheir seats to-day. a stnndmg army of not more than .250,000 .men, a n~ti~nal mili­ tia .made ·up of .voluntary enlistments and no conscr:wtions, and 'The Secretary proceeded to .read the J ouTllal of yesterday's .Mr. nonmilitary athletic exe.rci s in tile ·schools and colleges; to the proceedings, when, on request of Cu:RTrs and by urumimou consent, the fnrther reacling was dispensed with and the ..Jour­ Committee on Military .Affairs. nal wa approTed. Also, .::Petition of Union of .Technieal Men, ·of New Y01:k O~ty, opposing the Cummins bill or tlle enactment of aey legislation LETTER FROM :MISS "LUCY DAY llil.A.UTIN. whieh would destroy or irn}lair the rights and freedom of the The VICE PRESIDENT. Tl1e Chuir lays before the Senate the wa:ge earners, whether they are .raih-oad worker or others ; to followi:I)g l-etter from Miss Lucy Day 1\lartin, wbicll will ·be Tead. the Committee ·on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. The Secretary read as follows: Also petition uf the ·board of directors of the Brooklyn Ooal Ul\""lVEllSI'l"Y, v A. Exc:b~ge, .urging the Interstate Commeree Coru~ssio:n to give Bon. THOMAS R. MARSHALL, the matter consideration and grant whatever relief :may be _pos­ United Stmes enate, Washington, D. C. sible in the C[t e of the repmliation by the :llailroad .Administra­ tion of the agreement made last 1\Ia.rch with committees of the DE.A:R 1\ln. PR.ESIDENT: I wish personal1y to express to you and National ill.etail Coal .Merchants' A.-'Ssociation and other bl:fillches tbe Members of the Senate the deep gratitude of the frunlly of of the coal industry; to the Committee on Interstate .and For­ the lute Senator 1».nTIN for -your 1teeent very profound m-ani­ eign Commerce. festation of affection and esteem for my iather. We shall ever hold this tribute and the expre si-on 'of sym­ .By Mr. JOHN W. RAil~~: Petition of the cFinrt Di~'lsion pathy Tor tbe f-amily in most grateful remembrance. uxiliazy, No. 1, American Expediti?nnry Fore of ~hiea.go, rery sincerely, your , Ill "favarin"' bonn of 360 to sold1er \l:llO served With the AJ~erican E~editionary Forces; to the Committee Em Military LUCY D.1 Y MAl:.TIN. Affairs. NOTIFICATI~ TO THE PllliSIDENT. By 1\Ir. SL ~CLAIR: Petition o~ Intern_ational .Assoc~ation of Mr. LoDGE and Mr. 'HlTCHCOCR:, the committee .appointed on Railroad SupeiTi ors of l\Iechamcs, askmg :for ereat10n af a tile :part of the Se-nate, .appeaTed, and l.Ir. LonGE said: s~al board ar tribunal to .hear inuustrial grievlll1ees oi minor .Mr. Presitient, the . ommittee -which wns appointed yesterday officials in rnilroac1 servie~; to the Committee on Interstate and to :notify the President i:ha.t tbe ·Senate was organized and pre­ Foreign Commel'ce. T • pared 1:o recei-ve nny comnmni.ca tion he might be pleased to Also, petition of executi-ve boar~ of distnct No. ~7, Umted make presented the notification a:t tbe White House, nnd l senll Mine ;w .orkers of America, appealing, on bebalf of ~.000 or­ the !following reply to tbe desk to be Tead. ganized miners, tllat Congress immediately . end~ a sp~l _corn­ The 'VICE J?RESIDE...~T. Tlle Secretary will read. mission .mto the -Guyan coal field in s uthenn \\est ¥~rgnna to The -Secretary rend a.s follows.: investiga:te and Et>port 11PIDl alle~ed numero~s acts of VJo~encE; by THE WmTE HousE, private rruard.s and -aunmen ar;run t coal mmers and the1r WIVes TV asllington, December 1, 1919. and chil>::>dr~n; also ' lli~ -denial cr.f .civil_ and industrial rjgh~ to the emu miners by coal OIJerators 1ll thl fteld ; to the Comnnttee GENTI..EXEN : The President has asked me to thank yon for on Mines and 1\Iin.ing. the court y of your lletter ().f Deeember 1, notifying him that is Also, -petition of Brotherhood of ll~lway Carmen of ~eri_ca, a quorum of eaeh House assembled and that Congress is at Portal, :N. Dak., il.'Otesting agamst propOl ed legu;lation ready to receive any eommnnication which he 1Illly be pleaseti to make. The President will have pleasm·e in ending a mes­ against strikes, declaring that "or~aniz~? Iaoor r_efuses to. go sage in writing to the Congress to-morrow, Decem})er 2. back to the dn:ys of involuntary serntude, and m·g:mg reten~on for at least two more years of Government control, asserting Sincerely, yonr , JOSEPH 'TRllULTY, that " ·prh·a:te corporations could not l'lm tl1e ·r?ads 1'01·. one cent P. cheaper ll.nd in fact we know that corporation officul.ls to a Hoa H. c. L<mGE, Secretary to the Prmrident. lar"'e e:tient lla\e not exerted themselves to make a ucces of Hon. G. l\L HITCHCOCK, tlle.,-admini.stration"; to the <Committee on Interstate and For- Hon. F. w. MoNDELL, eign Commerce. _ . Han. JAMES \V. Goon, and . By Mr. ¥ARE: PetitiOn of Presb!terJ.~ l\Iirusterutl .Assocm- Ron. CLAuJJE KITCHIN, · tion of Phllaclelphia, asking the con.tin~ation of the moral ·safety Washmgton, D. a. zones in the vicinity of navy yards m trme of peace; to the Com- SENATOR FROM vmamu. mittee on the Judiciary. I T ch.,: 1 bef th s t Also, petition of Grand Lodge, Order .of Ellrs, aski:ng passaoo-e The ' .IC?EJ iPRESIJ?'ENT. ~he . U(.U.r "ays ore e enn e of Horu;e bill "1412; to the Committee on the Public Lrrnds. the followmg credcnttaJs, which will ·be read.
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