Every Aloha Airlines flight to Hawal'i features signature cUisine by Alan Wong, as well as complimentary Mal Tals, milk and warm cookies, and free movies In both first and coach cabins. We also offer a choice between United Mileage Plus or AlohaPass' miles. com For reservations call your travel agent or Aloha Airlines at 1-877-TRY-ALOHA, Or visit www.alohaairlines. A R L Expect more.• 1--.£.1 Aloha Air/in &'OHANA Magazln HAWAII·S ECONOMIC UPDATE A PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE ECONOM IC DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE OF HAWA II AN D 'OHANA MAGAZINE C o N TEN T S···················· Aloha and we lcome to the first issue of Hawaii's Economic Update, a column on economic d evelopment interests sponsored by private-sector economic development boards and partners, and 'Ohana Magazine. In this first edition we'll introduce the playe rs and our priorities. FEATURES DEPART~ I E NT S COi'1 T I "LE D Kaua'i Economic Development Board --f'~ THE FAMED Maui Eco nomic Development Board (M EDB) LAS VEGAS C' (KEDB) 590 Li poa Parkw ay # 103, Kihei, HI 96753 4290 Rice St., Lihue, HI 96766 "100TH" . ......... .. 10 ,.,..-~ 808-875-2300 POTPOURRI , 2 8 808-245-6692 ", ~J www.medb.org M ARCH -M A LAK I • A PR IL - 'A PE LIL A www. kedb.com SPORTS B ETIING . 2 9 MEMOR IA L I N D.C. .. 5 LETIERS TO TH E EDITOR. ,9 Hawaii Island Economic Development Board Pa cif ic International Center for High Technology I(AUA'I LOSES T wo (H IEDB) Research (PICHTR) 200 Kanoelehua Ave, #103-28 1, Hilo, 1020 Auah i Street, Bldg. 5, Bay 14, M ORE SUGAR PLA N TATIO N S . , .. _ . 8 " NINTH ISLAND" . , , , , . ,. 21 HI 96720 Honolulu, H I 968 14 808-966-54 16 808-591-6490 OLINDA RECORD ARTISTS. www.hiedb.org www.pichtr.htdc.org W AR W AR II .6 EXODUS TO KEETLEY, PART II .. _ . 14 The partners are nonprofit corporations founded in the 1980s, and were incorporated in an umbrella alliance in 1999, The RECI PES , .. .. 27 collective mission is to identify and nurture balanced economic progress, education. job growth and quali ty career opportunities A 1 0 0 T H B N SOLDI ER'S STORY, . ,.16 throughout th e islands in keeping with our unique cultural identity, and to preserve and protect our quality of life and outstanding natural resources. Each organization brings special volunteer talents and partnership funding resources toward common goals and " PI CT URE BR I DE", , , . , , , , , . , , . , , . 17 Cover Photo by objectives in key areas including science and technolog y, diversified agriculture, tourism product development. dual-use technology, Brian Janis - Phototechnik busmess attractIon and retention, During the last few years, Hawaii's economy has started a dramatic turnaround process wIll lots • LI V I NG I N UTAH. , , . , 18 of new opportunities. We know that not all of our keiki 0 ka'aina can or would return home, but for those that are thinking about it, consider these possibilities: D EATH V A LLE Y - SEE IT! . .. .••. ,23 KAUA'I MAUl Currently KEDB's largest project is wo rk ing on design and MEDB and Technol09Y Meetings magazine co-presented a construction of Pha se II of the Kaua'i Technology Center. major conference targeted to meetin9 planners of techni ca l This building will house six to eight high technology companies entitled "Meeting Visions 2000: Emerging DEPARTMENTS tenants and will have a state-of-the-art video Technology and the Meeting Planning Industry," teleconferencing center. KEDB also is coordinating a Approximately 50 experienced meeting planners attended visitor development program to enhance the Kaua'i from such companies as Nortel, Dell Computer Corporation, ALOHA FROM Visitors Bureau and Hawai'i Tour ism Authority'S initiatives. IBM, Honeywell International, Cisco, American Express, SOUTH ERN CALI FORNIA KEDB is host and organizer for the NFL Quarterback Hewlett-Packard, Oracie, Micron Sem iconductor, UCLA , and Challenge, one of the biggest productions in the islands many others. Our roster of speakers addressed five broad by Aloha Joe® , _ ." .. , ' ,7 from a television viewer stan dpoint, which wi ll be held on stroke areas - Data Management, Imaging, Internet. Smart February 8, 2001. Faci li ties and Wire less/Wi reline Communications, CALENDAR AND REUNIONS .9 PICHTR HAWAII ISLAND PICHTR oversees a wide range of high-tech activity HIEDB organized two outreach programs to Seattle and Sa n CLAS S I FI ED through management of projects on all islands - the Jose entitled "Kama 'aina Come Home" with the acclaimed Biosystems Technology Program, focusing on dual-use Kamehameha Schools Alumni Association Choir (Hila), the LAS VEGAS .,. "" .. , . , . 3 1 commercialization activities in agriculturally- based science Unive rSity of Hawai i at Hila, public and private partners, and se rvices; the Pacific e-Health Innovation Center with HIEDB also brought paniolo to Las Vegas for t he grand entry SOUTHERN CAL ,25 Tripier Army Medical Center and distance diagnostics eve nt at the National Fina ls Rodeo. At home, HIEDB systems statewide and throughout the Pacific; seve ral su pported initiatives and potentials for thousands of jobs ,,4 renewable energy programs; and others, including through va rious major high-tech initiatives in agr i ~u l t u r~, EDITOR'S NOTES. , tropical fish breeding, open ocean ranching and disaster health ca re, food processing and educa tion. The diverSified management/mitigation activities. PIC HTR also ran the agriculture program includes 86 statewide projects, almost HEA LTH - HELP Y OURS ELF'!! .32 first bench-sca le Ocean Th ermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) 1,200 jobs on more than 16,000 acres of former sugar land, project that has outstanding implications for renewable energy management. I S L AND H OPPING 20 MALAKI / ' APELILA 2001 3 A Note from the Editor Cabinet was interned w ith his AJA Memorial in D.C. Cali fo rnia fa mily when he was M EL O ZE KI. P H . D . .OHANA® President Clinton in November 10. He recalled that Dec 7 194 1, the day that Ja~ a~ i-----------<family) • Las Vegas h ad a n e a rl y, s upe r decreed that the relocati on camp sites where the U.S. gov­ attacked the United States at C hristmas w he n the vene rab le ernme nt interned 120,000 Pearl Harbor in Hawai ' j, was VOLUME 6 ISSUE 2 M ar/Ap r 0 1 Coach John Robinson and hi s Japanese Ame ricans during the first time he heard hi s Publisher I Editor Mel Ozeki, Ph.D. UNLV football m achine wun Ihe W orld W ar II w ill be father cry. Las Vegas Bowl. O nl y in hi s Managing Editor Em il y Ozeki preserved. Ameri cans, he said, " He was filled with gri ef at the second seaso n a s he ad coa c h , [email protected] must " never forget this sad knowledge that the land of his Ro binso n e arns a " T ip u f th e chapter in our hi story. We are diminished when any An Director I Design Cindy Temple birth had attacked the land of Coconut Papa le" for e ng ine e ri ng a n inc re dible turn-about Ame ri can is targeted unfa irly because of his or her hi s heart," he said. [email protected] in maj or coll ege s po rts - fro m a n 0 - I I progra m that he heritage. This memori al (in Washington, D.C.) and the Marketing, NY Christine Biaggi inherited in 1998 to g iving Ihe c it y o r L V a " franchise" internment sites are powerful P.O. Box 90024 Henderson. NV 89009-0024 that it di d n ' t even rea li ze it h ad unde r its nose ! My reminde rs that stereotyping, [email protected] deepe st reser va tion is tha t h a v ing a c hamp io ns hip team discriminati on, hatred and Marketing. So. CA Gael Muramoto could be sho rl - li ve d . Q ua rle rbac k Jason Thomas, a racism have no pl ace in this country ." P.O. Box 14446 Torrance. CA 90503·8446 bo nafide He is m a n c o nte nde r the ne x t two m o re seasons, [email protected] and a lready a proven c ream o f j unio r coll e ge transfers, The memori al, situated close to Accoun t Executive Sann Wright may combine to a lso becollle the g rinc h es tha t propel the the Capitol, was scheduled for completion in the spring. Attorney General Janet Reno Photography Brian Jani s! Phototechnik Re be l-machine to be pl ay ing in eve n Ill0re pre sti gious bowls in December. said the Interi or Department is phototechnik.com acquiring land and protecting Roy Ogal3 • Ex patri ots fro m the Is la nds w ho now call LV home the sites in W YOIning, Utah, Film Output I Printer Superior Litho. Las Vegas, NV continue to exce l in educ atio n . C la rk Hig h principal Id aho and Arkansas. Photos by Proof reader Li nda Temple Wayne Tanaka was recogni zed as a natio na l educator Martha Commerce Secretary Norman winner. He ' s fro m M a ui. Dr. Caryl Suzuki, w ho w as born Nakagawa Contributing Writers Alohaloc®. Kimberl y Fu . Mineta, the first Asian­ in a re location camp, w ill becom e a n a lte rnati ve ed, Pacific Citi:.en Pat Morita, Michael Perry.
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