Page | 1 TEMPLATE For furnishing ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (AIP) FOR 2017-18 Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation Government of India 2017-18 Template for Furnishing Annual Implementation Plan (AIP 2017-18) SBM(G)UP Page | 2 BASIC INFORMATION 1) State UTTAR PRADESH 2) Implementing Agency: DISTRICT SANITATION COMITTEE STATE /DISTRICT LEVEL:(SWSM)/SRDA/Sanitation Mission/Other State Govt. agency Chairman of Executive Committee of the State Committee/Agency DISTRICT MAGISTRATE : - JAI PRAKASH SAGAR CHEIF DOVLEPMENT OFFICER : - SATYENDRA NATH CHAUDHARY DISTRICT PANCHAYAT RAJ OFFICER : - K. K. AWASTHI 3) Address for communication VIKAS BHAWAN, KAKOR, AURAIYA Phone: 05683 249514 (O) 9045640847 (M) Email: [email protected] 4) Account details of SWSM/SRDA/CCDU/District Level other agency of State Government Account No:- 3524640831 Name of Bank :- CBI Branch : - Vikash Bhavan Kakor IFSC Code :- CBINO284231 Template for Furnishing Annual Implementation Plan (AIP 2017-18) SBM(G)UP Page | 3 5) District profile i. No . of Blocks : 7 ii. No. of GPs : 477 iii. No. of Villages : 771 iv. No. of Rural households : 222392 v. No. of Rural Below Poverty Line(BPL) HHs : 57203 vi. No of Rural Above Poverty Line (APL)HHs : 84060 2016-17 (a) Sanitation Coverage(District/Block) Sanitation Sanitation Coverage Expected Sanitation Coverage as as on 31.01.2017 Coverage as on on 01.04.2016 31.3.2017 Rural Sanitation Coverage 47.55 48.44 49.38 Blockwise details is as follows: Total Total Coverage of HH (including unapproved) IHHL IHHL Total IHHL as without With Sr. In 2013- In 2014- In 2015- Sanitation In 2016- per BLS-2012 (in Toilet as Toilet as No. Block Name 201 2015 16 Coverage 17 Total HH Number) per BLS- per BLS- 4 Total Coverage (Reported (Reported (Reported as on (Reported Covered 2012 (in 2012 (in by Name)] by Name) by Name) 01.04.2016 by Name) Number) Number) 13=[5 + 7(a) + 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10=[5 + 7(a) + 8+ 9] 11.00 12 8+ 9+12] 1 ACHHALDA 32846 21400 11446 244 869 1466 14025 42.70 2046 16071 2 AJITMAL 28067 22570 5497 610 203 1559 7869 28.04 1895 9764 3 AURAIYA 43139 28097 15042 129 805 1871 17847 41.37 2652 20499 4 BHAGYA NAGAR 43460 23626 19834 306 1128 877 22145 50.95 1704 23849 5 BIDHUNA 29433 16817 12616 110 344 1474 14544 49.41 2391 16935 6 ERWA KATRA 17123 10774 6349 386 248 1400 8383 48.96 1129 9512 Template for Furnishing Annual Implementation Plan (AIP 2017-18) SBM(G)UP Page | 4 Total Total Coverage of HH (including unapproved) IHHL IHHL Total IHHL as without With Sr. In 2013- In 2014- In 2015- Sanitation In 2016- per BLS-2012 (in Toilet as Toilet as No. Block Name 201 2015 16 Coverage 17 Total HH Number) per BLS- per BLS- 4 Total Coverage (Reported (Reported (Reported as on (Reported Covered 2012 (in 2012 (in by Name)] by Name) by Name) 01.04.2016 by Name) Number) Number) 13=[5 + 7(a) + 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10=[5 + 7(a) + 8+ 9] 11.00 12 8+ 9+12] 7 SAHAR 28324 17579 10745 74 227 549 11595 40.94 1598 13193 Total :- 222392 140863 81529 1859 3824 9196 96408 43.35 13415 109823 Coverage of HH (including unapproved) Sr. No. Block Name IHHL % Coverage as on 10- Expected total Physical IHHL % Coverage as on 31- Total HH Covered 02-2017 Progress druing 2016-17 03-2017 14=(13/3)*100 15 16=(13+15)-12 18=(17/3) 1 ACHHALDA 47.02 2225 16250 48.92 2 AJITMAL 34.09 2074 9943 34.79 3 AURAIYA 47.04 2831 20678 47.52 4 BHAGYA NAGAR 53.78 1883 24028 54.88 5 BIDHUNA 56.00 2570 17114 57.54 6 ERWA KATRA 55.10 1308 9691 55.55 7 SAHAR 46.08 1777 13372 46.58 Total :- 48.44 14668 111076 49.39 (b)Open Defecation Free Status(District/Block) Template for Furnishing Annual Implementation Plan (AIP 2017-18) SBM(G)UP Page | 5 Target for 2016-17 Achievement as on Expected Achievement as 31.01.2017 on 31.3.2017 Gram Panchayats 22 11 16 Village 73 20 38 S.L. Block Name ODF GPs ODF Village Expected Expected Achievment of Target odf Target odf Achievment GPs Verified Villages upto 31- Declared Declared Verified ODF upto 31-03-2017 ODF 03-2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 ACHHALDA 2 0 0 6 4 0 2 6 2 AJITMAL 2 0 0 5 3 1 2 5 3 AURAIYA 5 3 2 10 10 4 5 10 4 BHAGYA NAGAR 2 0 0 4 4 0 2 4 5 BIDHUNA 5 4 0 16 16 0 5 16 6 ERWA KATRA 1 0 0 16 6 0 1 16 7 SAHAR 5 1 0 16 11 2 5 16 Grand Total- 22 8 2 73 54 7 22 73 (b) Please provide a Note on the ODF verification Process adopted in your State (along with copy of State circulars) Verification by Gram Panchayat Level committee constituted under the leadership of opinion leader and village level major stake holder including village Pradhan, School teachers, Anganwadi workers, Asha, Religious leaders and most prominently by village community. At block level, verification by block level committee of District consultant and block coordinator headed by ADO (P). Verification at District level by a committee headed by a District level Officer constituted by District Magistrate. Physical Progress (The Blockwise status to be enclosed) Template for Furnishing Annual Implementation Plan (AIP 2017-18) SBM(G)UP Page | 6 TABLE 1 Components Annual Objective for year Achievement for the year % Achievement Expected 2016-17 2016-17 (Upto 31-01-2017) Against Achievement as Objectives 2016-17 on 31.3.2017 IHHL - APLs 35051 9149 26.10 11000 IHHL-BPLs 41774 4266 10.21 6000 IHHL-Total 76825 13415 17.46 17000 Community Sanitary Complex 0 0 0 0 IHHL details Sanatery Complex % Sr. Achievement % Achievement Expected Achievement for Expected No. Block Name Annual Annual Achievement for the year Against Achievement the year 2016-17 Achievement Objective for Objective for Against 2016-17 (Upto Objectives as on (Upto 31-01- as on year 2016-17 year 2016-17 Objectives 31-01-2017) 2016-17 31.3.2017 2017) 31.3.2017 2016-17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 ACHHALDA 11347 1938 17.08 2046 0 0 0 0 2 AJITMAL 9695 1759 18.14 1895 0 0 0 0 3 AURAIYA 14904 2218 14.88 2652 0 0 0 0 4 BHAGYA NAGAR 15011 1588 10.57 1704 0 0 0 0 5 BIDHUNA 10164 2118 20.84 2391 0 0 0 0 6 ERWA KATRA 5915 1098 18.56 1129 0 0 0 0 7 SAHAR 9789 1493 15.25 1598 0 0 0 0 Total :- 76825 12212 15.89 13415 0 0 0 0 Solid and Liquid Waste Management Template for Furnishing Annual Implementation Plan (AIP 2017-18) SBM(G)UP Page | 7 Solid Liquid Waste Management Annual Objective for Achievement for the year % Achievement Expected Expenditure Project/Activities has been initiated year 2016-17 2016-17 (Upto 31 January, Against Objectives Achievement as upto (Nos. of GPs) 2017) 2016-17 on 31.3.2017 31.03.2017 64 0 0 0 0 Please provide details of activities taken-up under SLWM SL.No. Block Name Annual Objective Achievement for the % Achievement Expected Expenditure for year 2016-17 year 2016-17 (Upto 31 Against Objectives Achievement as upto January, 2017) 2016-17 on 31.3.2017 31.03.2017 (In Lakh) 1 ACHHALDA 9 0 0 0 0 2 AJITMAL 9 0 0 0 0 3 AURAIYA 10 0 0 0 0 4 BHAGYA NAGAR 9 0 0 0 0 5 BIDHUNA 9 0 0 0 0 6 ERWA KATRA 9 0 0 0 0 7 SAHAR 9 0 0 0 0 Total 64 0 0 0 0 (e) Financial release and expenditure (The district-wise status to be enclosed ) Template for Furnishing Annual Implementation Plan (AIP 2017-18) SBM(G)UP Page | 8 TABLE 2 (Rs. in lakh) Share O. B. as on Funds released Interest Total Available Expenditure Unspent Anticipated 1.04.2016 during the year Earned Funds during the during the year Balance as on expenditure 2016-17 (Upto during the Year 2016-17 (Upto 31.01.2017 during the year 31.01.2017) Year (if 31.01.2017) 2016-17 (Upto any) 31/3/2017) GOI share State Share Beneficiaries Share Total (f) IEC /IPC activities done in 2016-17 Total No. No. of GPs in No. of GPs in which Expected No. of No. of GPs in No. of GPs in which Expected expenditure of GPs which awareness awareness activities GPs in which which triggering triggering exercise int wich triggering activities targeted carried out (upto awareness activities exercise Targeted carried out upto exercise to be carried in 2016-17 31.01.2017) upto 31.03.2017 in 2016-17 31.01.2017 upto 31.3.2017 477 141 149 149 141 149 149 Please provide a one page note on the key IEC/IPC activities undertaken in the State SL Block Name IEC /IPC activities done in 2016-17 Template for Furnishing Annual Implementation Plan (AIP 2017-18) SBM(G)UP Page | 9 Total No. of No. of GPs in No. of GPs in Expected No. of No. of GPs in No. of GPs in Expected GPs which which awareness GPs in which which which triggering expenditure int awareness activities carried awareness triggering exercise carried wich triggering activities out (upto activities upto exercise out upto exercise to be targeted in 31.01.2017) 31.03.2017 Targeted in 31.01.2017 carried upto 2016-17 2016-17 31.3.2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 ACHHALDA 61 8 8 8 8 8 0.23 2 AJITMAL 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 AURAIYA 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 BHAGYA NAGAR 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 BIDHUNA 69 44 46 46 46 46 1.32 6 ERWA KATRA 46 34 36 36 36 36 1.04 7 SAHAR 65 55 59 59 59 59 1.70 Total- 477 141 149 149 149 149 4.29 (g) Please provide a one page note on the key IEC/IPC activities undertaken in the State 1.
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