AIP AD 2 LTAT-1 TURKEY 23 APR 20 LTAT AD 2.1 DOMESTIC AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME LTAT - MALATYA LTAT AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 ARP coordinates and site at AD 382556N-0380459E / 1031 M inside from RWY 03L THR; 200 M to RWY 03L/21R Centerline 2 Direction and distance from (city) 28 KM NW of Malatya 3 Elevation / Reference temperature / 2837 FT / 37° C / -3.5° C Mean low temprature 4 Geoid Undulation at AD ELEV PSN 98 FT 5 MAG VAR/Annual change 5.6°E (2018) / 0.085° increasing 6 AD Operator, address, telephone, DHMİ Malatya Havalimanı Müdürlüğü Malatya / TURKEY telefax, telex, AFS, email, website Switchboard : +90.422.2660046-47-50 Airport Manager : +90.422.2660044 Fax : +90.422.2660045 AIM Fax : +90.422.2660070 Website : https://malatya.dhmi.gov.tr AFS : LTATYDYX 7 Types of traffic permitted (IFR/VFR) IFR/VFR 8 Remarks NIL LTAT AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 AD Operator See NOTAM 2 Customs and immigration H24 3 Health and sanitation H24 4 AIS Briefing Office As AD Working Hours 5 ATS Reporting Office (ARO) As AD Working Hours 6 MET Briefing Office As AD Working Hours 7 ATS As AD Working Hours 8 Fueling As AD Working Hours 9 Handling As AD Working Hours 10 Security H24 11 De-icing As AD Working Hours 12 Remarks NIL DHMİ - ANKARA AIRAC AMDT 05/20 AD 2 LTAT-2 AIP 23 APR 20 TURKEY LTAT AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo-handling facilities Vehicles and equipments provided by Cargo Handling Service CO. 2 Fuel and oil types Jet-A1 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity By tankers unlimited 4 De-icing facilities De-icing Type 2 KILFROSTABC-3 and De-icing Car 5 Hangar space for visiting aircraft Not Available 6 Repair facilities for visiting aircraft Not Available 7 Remarks NIL LTAT AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels In Malatya 2 Restaurants Available at AD. 3 Transportation Bus and taxi. 4 Medical facilities 1 Ambulance and First Aid at AD; hospitals in the city 5 Bank and Post Office ATM at AD; Banks in the city 6 Tourist Office In Malatya 7 Remarks NIL LTAT AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 AD category for fire fighting Category 8 2 Rescue equipment Available 3 Capability for removal of disabled Vehicles are provided from the Public Organizations for narrow body aircraft aircraft on request of airline operator. Ankara Esenboga, Istanbul Atatürk or Antalya Airports provides facilitation for large body aircraft on request of airline operator. 4 Remarks The control of the actual lifting and removal of a large aircraft shall be the responsibility of the registered owner or operator concerned. If the registered owner or operator cannot remove the aircraft or is dilatory in doing so, the airport management should have authority to act for the owner or operator with minimum delay and this action will be charged according to tariff tables of DHMI. AIRAC AMDT 05/20 DHMİ - ANKARA AIP AD 2 LTAT-3 TURKEY 17 JUN 21 LTAT AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY - CLEARING 1 Types of clearing equipment 2 snow removal, 2 RWY sweepers, 1 deicer 2 Clearance priorities 1- RWY 03R/21L and associated TWYs 2- Apron 3- RWY 03L/21R and associated TWYs 3 Remarks Braking action assessment by Skiddometer. LTAT AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATIONS / POSITIONS DATA 1 Apron surface and strength Apron: Surface: Concrete Strength: LCN 103 - PCN 110 R/C/W/T Military VIP Apron: Surface: Concrete Strength: LCN 105 - PCN 110 R/C/W/T 2 Taxiway width, surface and strength TWY G: Width: 22M, Surface: Concrete, Strength: LCN 50 TWY A: Width: 55M, Surface: Concrete, Strength: LCN 50 TWY B: Width: 19M, Surface: Concrete, Strength: LCN 50 TWY C: Width: 24M, Surface: Concrete, Strength: LCN 113 PCN 110 R/B/W/T TWY D: Width: 27M, Surface: Concrete, Strength: LCN 113 PCN 110 R/B/W/T 3 Altimeter Check Point location and At Apron / 838 M elevation 4 VOR checkpoints - 5 INS checkpoints See AD Parking Chart 6 Remarks NIL LTAT AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of aircraft stand ID signs, TWY Standard visual marking aids available. guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system of aircraft stands 2 RWY and TWY markings and LGT All RWYs: Edge, THR, Centerline, TDZ, Designation markings available; For LGT see item 2.14 TWY: Edge, Centerline, Holding Position (TWYs 1,2,3,4) as appropriate marked; For LGT see item 2.15 3 Stop bars and runway guard lights Not available 4 Other runway protection measures NIL LTAT AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES Due to huge amount of obstacles; an electronic file of AD obstacles is available from the link LTAT AD 2.10 under obstacle folder via AIP Turkey link on https://www.dhmi.gov.tr DHMİ - ANKARA AIRAC AMDT 03/21 AD 2 LTAT-4 AIP 30 JAN 20 TURKEY LTAT AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office MALATYA 2 Hours of service H24 MET Office outside hours - 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation MALATYA Periods of validity 24 HR 4 Type of landing forecast -Interval of issuance TREND - 1/2 HR 5 Briefing/consultation provided Personal consultation 6 Flight documentation - Language(s) used Charts abbreviated plain language text. - EN/TU 7 Charts and other information available for briefing Surface and upper air actual and prog. Charts. or consultation SIGWX, UL W/T, Model TA-M 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing Telefax, VSAT, ADSL PC connection information 9 ATS units provided with information ERHAÇ Control TWR 10 Additional information (limitation of service, etc.) GAMET, Aerodrome warnings. LTAT AD 2.12 RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS THR elevation and Dimensions Strength (PCN) THR coordinates highest elevation of Designations TRUE of and surface of RWY end Coordinates TDZ of precision RWY NR BRG RWY (M) RWY and SWY THR Geoid Undulation APP RWY 123 4 5 6 382520.94N Asphalt LCN 50 0380451.54E 03R 031.50° 3350X45 THR 2828 FT / 862 M PCN 33 F/B/X/T - GUND: 98 FT 382653.56N Asphalt LCN 50 0380603.71E THR 2757 FT / 840 M 21L 211.50° 3350X45 PCN 33 F/B/X/T - TDZ 2772 FT / 845 M GUND: 98 FT 382524.53N Asphalt LCN 86 0380444.07E 03L 031.50° 3350X45 THR 2837 FT / 865 M PCN 85 F/BW/T - GUND: 98 FT 382657.15N Concrete LCN 115 0380556.24E 21R 211.50° 3350X45 THR 2762 FT / 842 M PCN 110 R/B/W/T - GUND: 98 FT The first 342 meters from the beginning of RWY 03L is Concrete, the following 2618 meters is Asphalt, the last 390 meters is Concrete. AIRAC AMDT 02/20 DHMİ - ANKARA AIP AD 2 LTAT-5 TURKEY 18 JUL 19 SWY CWY Strip Slope of dimensions dimensions dimensions RESA Arresting RWY-SWY (M) (M) (M) (M) system OFZ Remarks 78 91011121314 See ADC CBR can vary within 03R: 0.6% - - 3470X300 135X90 and - RESA due to mete- AD 2.23 orological conditions. RWY 03L/21R shall See ADC be used as TWY by 21L: 0.6% - - 3470X300 120X90 and - civil aircrafts. It can AD 2.23 be used as RWY for landing and take off See ADC in emergency situa- 03L: - - - 3470X300 217X150 and - tions and when RWY AD 2.23 03R/21L is closed See ADC due to maintenance 21R: - - - 3470X300 240X150 and - purposes. AD 2.23 LTAT AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY Designator TORA (M) TODA (M) ASDA (M) LDA (M) Remarks 12345 6 03R 3350 3350 3350 3350 - 21L 3350 3350 3350 3350 - 21L 3000 3000 3000 - Take off from intersection with TWY C 03L 3350 3350 3350 3350 - 21R 3350 3350 3350 3350 - 21R 3000 3000 3000 - Take off from intersection with TWY C DHMİ - ANKARA AIRAC AMDT 08/19 AD 2 LTAT-6 AIP 18 JUL 19 TURKEY LTAT AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RUNWAY LIGHTING RWY Centre APCH Line LGT RWY RWY SWY LGT THR Length, edge LGT End LGT RWY type LGT VASIS TDZ, spacing, LEN, spacing LGT LEN Remarks Designator LEN color (MEHT) LGT color, color color (M) INTST WBAR PAPI LEN INTST INTST WBAR color 12 3456 7 8910 03R Simple APP Green PAPI - - 3350 M, 60 M Red - NIL 150 M 3 DEG color code White/Yellow, LIH 21L Precision APP Green PAPI - - 3350 M, 60 M Red - Calvert System 3 DEG color coded 900 M CAT I (of White/Yellow, LIH which 600 M is flashing LIH 03L - Green PAPI - - 3350 M, 60 M Red - 3 DEG color coded White/Yellow, LIH 21R Simple APP Green PAPI - - 3350 M, 60 M Red - 390 M LIH 3 DEG color coded White/Yellow, LIH LTAT AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING AND SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 ABN/IBN location, characteristics and ABN: Flg, W.G (on top of TWR) hours of operation H24 2 LDI location and LGT LDI: Not available Anemometer location and LGT Anemometers: One of them 583 M from RWY 21L THR, the other one 396 M from RWY 03R THR, LGTD 3 TWY edge and centre line lighting Edge (All TWYs) 4 Secondary power supply/ Available switch-over time UPS (0) second. 5 Remarks Apron: LGTD RTIL available for RWY 21R, Wind T for military flights. LTAT AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates TLOF and THR of FATO 382637.4N-0380615.3E 2 TLOF and/or FATO elevation M/FT 832.1 M / 2730 FT 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, 36X76 M Surface: Concrete surface, strength and marking Strength: LCN 103 PCN 110 R/C/W/T 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO 120 AIRAC AMDT 08/19 DHMİ - ANKARA AIP AD 2 LTAT-7 TURKEY 08 OCT 20 5 Declared distance available - 6 APP and FATO lighting PAPI 7Remarks NIL LTAT AD 2.17 ATS AIRSPACE 1 Designation and lateral limits ERHAÇ CTR Centered on 382456N 0380459E Radius: 5NM 2 Vertical limits 4000 FT AMSL/SFC 3 Airspace classification - 4 ATS unit call sign ERHAÇ TOWER Language(s) TU-EN 5 Transition altitude 10000 FT 6Remarks NIL LTAT AD 2.18 ATS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service Hours of designation Call sign Channel operation Remarks 12 345 TWR Erhaç Tower 118.475 MHZ H24 - 257.8 MHZ Ground 121.65 MHZ H24 - APP Erhaç Approach 118.775 MHZ H24 362.3 MHZ 121.5 MHZ Emergency 243.0 MHZ Emergency SAR Erhaç Rescue Unit 122.1 MHZ HO - Subcenter 257.8
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