Physics of Atomic Nuclei, Vol. 65, No. 2, 2002, pp. 203–206. From Yadernaya Fizika, Vol. 65, No. 2, 2002, pp. 227–230. Original English Text Copyright c 2002 by De Braeckeleer, Hornish, Barabash, Umatov. Conference on Physics of Fundamental Interactions Experiment ββ(2ν) Decay of 100Mo to the First Excited 0+ State of 100Ru* L. De Braeckeleer1), **,M.Hornish1), ***, A. S. Barabash2), ****,andV.I.Umatov2), ***** Received March 21, 2001 Abstract—The rate of the double-beta ββ(2ν) decay of 100Mo to the first 0+ excited state in 100Ru is measured by a γγ-coincidence technique in which two HPGe detectors are used to detect the two γ rays 100 (Eγ1 = 590.76 keV and Eγ2 = 539.53 keV) from the daughter nucleus Ru as it deexcites to the ground state via the transition sequence 0+ → 2+ → 0+. In contrast to all previous ββ-decay experiments, this technique provides data that are essentially background-free. By using a 1.05-kg isotopically enriched (98.4%) disk of 100Mo, 22 coincidence events (with the background estimated at 2.5 events) are detected +1.7 ± × 20 in 440 d of measuring time, which translates into a half-life time of [5.9−1.1(stat.) 0.6(syst.)] 10 yr. c 2002 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”. 1. INTRODUCTION transition) γ rays that again have strictly fixed energy. If one can perform an experiment such that all decay Although the main interest in studying double- products are detected with a high efficiency and beta (ββ) decay is currently related to the neutrinoless with a good energy resolution, then the experimental mode (0νββ) because of its potential for discover- background can be totally suppressed, even for mas- ing elementary-particle physics beyond the Standard sive detectors (∼1 t) and long measurement times Model, considerable efforts are underway to investi- (∼10 yr). gate the ordinary allowed second-order weak decay + → + νββ The idea of detecting the 2νββ(0 01 ) decay of (2 decay) [1–4]. Accumulation of experimental 100 information on 2νββ processes (transitions to ground Mo [6] initiated experiments to seek this decay by and excited states) promotes a better understanding using enriched molybdenum samples and γ-ray de- of the nuclear part of ββ decay and allows one to tectors operated in a single mode. In the experiment 100 check theoretical schemes of nuclear-matrix-element of [7] using 310 g of Mo and a surface-based 100- calculations for the two-neutrino mode, as well as cm3 HPGe detector, only a lower limit was obtained 19 for the neutrinoless one. It is very important to for the half-life: T1/2 > 4.2 × 10 yr. Afterward, note that, within models based on the quasiparti- this decay mode was positively identified by using cle random-phase approximation (QRPA), nuclear about 1 kg of 100Mo and a low-background 114- matrix elements depend differently on the particle– cm3 HPGe detector located in the Soudan mine in particle strength parameter gpp for ground-state tran- Minnesota (2090-mwe depth); the result was T1/2 = sitions and transitions to excited states [3, 5]. There- +1.8 × 20 fore, the decay to excited states probes different as- (6.1−1.1) 10 yr [8, 9]. At approximately the same pects of the computational method. time (the measurement started half a year after the beginning of the measurement in the Soudan mine), 0νββ transitions to excited states of daughter an experiment with another 1-kg sample of 100Mo nuclei have a very important experimental signature: using a 100-cm3 HPGe detector was performed in the in addition to the two electrons of fixed energy, + → + + → + Modane Underground Laboratory (4800-mwe depth) there are one (0 21 transition) or two (0 01 [10]. However, only a lower limit was obtained be- ∗This article was submitted by the authors in English. cause the measuring time was not sufficiently long 1)The Department of Physics, Duke University and Triangle (a factor of about 4 shorter in comparison with the Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, North Carolina, 415.43 d of [8]) and, in addition, a rather high level 27708-0308 USA. of background was experienced in this experiment (a 2)Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Bol’shaya factor of about 2 larger in comparison with [8]). A new Cheremushkinskaya ul. 25, Moscow, 117218 Russia. + → + 100 ** positive result for the 2νββ(0 01 ) decay of Mo e-mail:ÐÙdÛigdb@ØÙÒкØÙÒкdÙkeºedÙ *** was obtained in [11]. This experiment was again e-mail:hÓÖÒi×h@dÙkeºedÙ **** e-mail:aÐeÜaÒdeÖºbaÖaba×h@iØeÔºÖÙ performed in the Modane Underground Laboratory. ***** 100 e-mail:ÚÐadiÑiÖºÙÑaØÓÚ@iØeÔºÖÙ A set of Mo enriched metal-powder samples were 1063-7788/02/6502-0203$22.00 c 2002 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica” 204 DE BRAECKELEER et al. + 1 Cryostat 0+ 100Tc 100 Mo Pb Shield Veto Annulus (NaI) ββ HPGe HPGe 3034.6 Mo Disk + 0 1 1130.4 Veto Plate (Plastic) 590.76 + 2 1 539.6 539.53 0+ Cryostat 100Ru Fig. 2. Experimental apparatus including a 100Mo sam- Fig. 1. ββ-decay and γ-decay schemes for 100Mo (en- ple, HPGe detectors, active shielding (veto), and passive ergy in keV). shielding (Pb). measured by using low-background HPGe detectors. on either side of the apparatus acted as a veto for the Data from 17 measurements were analyzed and a regions that are not covered with the NaI annulus. +2.8 × 20 half-life of T1/2 =(9.3−1.7) 10 yr was deduced The entire apparatus was surrounded by a passive from the summed γ-ray spectrum, with an additional shielding made from lead bricks (Fig. 2). The ex- systematic error estimated at approximately 15%. periment was conducted inside the Low-Background When the spectrum of [8] is added to the one of [11], Counting Facility of the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL), a well-shielded room located in one obtains T =(7.6+1.8) × 1020 yr [11], also with 1/2 −1.1 the basement of the Physics Department of Duke a 15% systematic error. University. In order to calculate the half-life of a given de- 2. APPARATUS AND METHODS cay, it is necessary to understand and to determine the efficiency of our γγ-coincidence apparatus. To The present article reports on a new positive re- accomplish this, a 102Rh source was produced at + → + 100 sult for the 2νββ(0 01 ) decay of Mo using TUNL by (p, n) activation of a natural Ru target. This a novel method with two HPGe detectors in a co- source was then used to measure the probability for incidence scheme. The previous experiments fo- detecting the full energy of both γ rays. 102mRh was cused on very low background detection systems. chosen because it emits two γ rays having similar This was achieved by building the detectors from energies and the same angular distribution as the γ low-radioactivity materials and by operating the ex- rays emitted in the ββ decay of 100Mo. In addition, periments in underground laboratories, which offer the lifetime of 206 d is quite convenient, and it decays an efficient shielding against the cosmic-ray-induced to the first excited 0+ state of the daughter nucleus background. An alternative approach to background via electron capture only; this implies no radiation reduction is to employ a coincidence technique, in from annihilation or bremsstrahlung and makes the which two separate detectors simultaneously detect measurement of the efficiency very simple. The source + → + the two emitted γ rays from the 2νββ(0 01 ) was used to measure the coincidence efficiency of the 100 decay of Mo with Eγ1 = 590.76 keV and Eγ2 = apparatus as a function of the radial distance from 539.53 keV (Fig. 1). This approach was accom- the center of the detectors. The source was also plished for the first time by using two HPGe detectors surrounded by disks of molybdenum to simulate the (8.5-cm diameter, 5-cm width, 1.8-keV FWHM en- attenuation of the γ rays in the actual molybdenum ergy resolution at 1.33 MeV, and 0.7-keV resolution sample. The efficiency ε was averaged over the entire at 0.122 MeV) in coincidence in the present study. A volume of the sample and was determined to be ε = disk sample of molybdenum was sandwiched between (0.22 ± 0.02)%. The coincidence efficiency was also these two γ-ray detectors, which were inserted into a studied with a Monte Carlo simulation. This calcu- NaI annulus (56-cm length, 35.6-cm diameter with a lation included the effects of extended geometry, the 12.5-cm hole along the axis of symmetry) that acted attenuation of the γ rays in the sample, the full-energy as an active veto. Plastic plates (10-cm thickness) peak efficiency of the germanium detectors, and the PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI Vol. 65 No. 2 2002 ββ(2ν) DECAY OF 100Mo 205 dN/dEγ 8 (a) (b) 6 4 2 0 500550 600 650 700 450 500 550 600 650 Eγ, keV Fig. 3. γ-ray spectra in coincidence with (a) 540 ± 2.5 keV and (b) 591 ± 2.5 keV.Note the 22 coincidence events (540 keV– 591 keV) in 440 d of measuring time. strongly anisotropic angular correlation between the the apparatus and investigated for 180 d. The produc- γ rays. tion of the isomer (1/2−, half-life time of 61 d) of 95Tc can proceed via the (p, n) reaction on 95Mo and is very 3. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS practical for our purpose. This element decays with large branching ratios to two excited states: 38% 100 A Mo sample (1.05-kg mass, 10.6-cm di- to the 786.2-keV state and 30% to the 1039.3-keV ameter, 1.1-cm thickness, 98.4% enrichment) has state.
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