Cambridge University Press 0521828252 - Religion and the Early Modern State: Views from China, Russia, and the West Edited by James D. Tracy and Marguerite Ragnow Index More information Index Abbot, George, Calvinist archbishop of alternative moral universe, 17, 121, 149 Canterbury (1611–33), 210–11, 215, heterodox tradition of, 17–18 217 Amitabha Buddha, 20, 21, 25–30, 48, 142, as bishop of London (1609–11), 210 152 accommodation, religious, 6, 16, 142, 149, and Eternal Mother, 29 151, 153, 157, 167–70 as Eternal Venerable Parent, 21, 25 process of, 4, 122, 123, 149 incarnated as Patriarch of Wuji, 29 acculturation, 4 Amsterdam, 82, 91, 93, 223 thesis of, 95 orthodox tradition of, 92 admonitions, 288–9, 300 Anabapism, Anabaptists, 159, 228, 301 and the ecclesiastical ordinance of 1580, anathema(s), 67, 211, 310 288–9 ancestor worship, 39–40, 125 see also preaching; sermons Andrewes, Lancelot (1555–1626), bishop Adrian, patriarch of Muscovy (1690–1700), of Winchester, 211, 212, 231 255 dean of the Chapel Royal, 216 adultery, 189, 194, 195, 313–14 angels, 338 Afanasii, archbishop of Kholmogory, nine orders of, 337 260 Anna, empress of Russia (1730–40), 261, Agnes, St., 372 262, 270, 271 church at Cardinham, Cornwall, 365 Anna of Kashin(skaia), popular cult of, 70, patron of Cawston parish, Norwich, 277 331, 335 anti-Semitism guild dedicated to, 331 in Muscovy, 182 Aleksei Mikhailovich (1629–76), tsar of in Ukraine, 182 Muscovy, 6, 55, 58, 60, 62–6, 70–1, see also Jews 155, 172, 178–9, 180, 181, 184, 255, Antichrist, 71, 74, 78, 189, 223, 255 256, 277 Antony parish, Cornwall, 356, 366 Alexander, bishop of Viatka, 66, 67 wells at, 355 alms, 171, 174, 327, 330, 332, 344 apocalypse, 44–5, 68, 69, 255 see also charity prophesies of, 67 altars, 57, 104, 106–8, 112, 117, 124, 125, visions of, 44 133–4, 136, 138–9, 217, 229, 240, 267, see also kalpic change, disaster(s) 275, 290, 292–3, 326, 328, 329, 330, apostasy, 63, 73–4, 262 332, 333, 335–6, 341–2, 352, 358, 360, apostles, 335–6, 338, 367 361, 363 appropriation, 97, 100, 300–1 chantry, 333, 342 of liturgy, 298–9 guild, 328, 329, 330–1, 341–2, 356 narrative of, 96–7 household, 143 of religious sites, 132 open-air, 125, 133 of ritual, 297, 300 387 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521828252 - Religion and the Early Modern State: Views from China, Russia, and the West Edited by James D. Tracy and Marguerite Ragnow Index More information 388 Index Archangel, diocese of, and unattested religious, 37, 159, 160 relics, 271, 277–8 religiously legitimated, 76, 78, 92, 174 Arminians, 178, 211, 219, 234 sacral, 285 Arminianism, 216, 230 state, 36 and controversy, 211 of tradition, 296 and heresy, 221 auto-da-f´e,303 Arminius, James (Jacob) (1560–1609), auto sacramental, 303–4 Dutch Remonstrant theologian, Avalokitesvara, see Guanyin 211, 235 Avraamii, 67, 69 arms, coats of, 355 “Secure Shield of Faith,” 66 of gentry, 325–6, 357 Avvakum, member of the Zealots of Piety, royal, 113 55, 60–1, 64, 74–6 see also proper names dean of Iurevets cathedral, 61 Arsenii, archbishop of Pereiaslavl’, 278, “Life” of, 60–1, 64, 66, 67 281 parish priest of Lapatitsy, 60–1 author of 1744 decree, 271, 278 and V.P. Sheremetev, 60–1 assemblies, Chinese sectarian, see proper and riot, 61 names Azure Sun (qingyang) Assumption of the Virgin Mary, 292 Assembly (hui), 29 guild of, 328–30, 333 and kalpic progression, 33 Kremlin Cathedral of the, and robe of Christ, 263 Baisajya-guru, see buddha Rzhev Cathedral of the, 276 Bancroft, Richard, bishop of London Smolensk Cathedral of the, 270 (1597–1605), archbishop of authorities Canterbury (1605–10), 210, 233 distinction between political and Bastwick, John, 218, 239, 245, 247 religious, 15 Baoming-Si, 32, 33 ecclesiastical, 3–4, 56, 64–5, 71, 75, 81, 87, and Eternal Mother, 32 92, 93, 101, 111, 187, 192, 195–6, 203, legend of, 31–2 213, 232–4, 236, 242–4, 246, 253, 255, baptism, 7, 73, 76, 82, 111, 158, 189, 221, 258–9, 280, 289, 299, 305, 308, 323, 230, 232, 289, 291, 297–9, 301, 312, 365, 369, 374 361, 363 and record keeping, 196, 204 of converts, 158 poor relief, 87 infant, 83, 298–9, 362 religious, 188, 307 and salvation, 297, 298 secular, 4, 61, 64, 72, 81–3, 85, 89, 92–3, and water, 298–9 123, 134–6, 138, 167, 178, 181, 188, Baxian, see immortals 195, 253, 255–6, 258–9, 264–5, 270, Bazha rites, 136–41 280, 289 cult of, 139–40, 144 distrust of the Church, 93 temples for, 138, 140–1 local, 82, 135–6, 139–41, 144–5, 150, see also spirits, agriculture; Zha rites 152, 186 behavior, 5–6, 15, 40, 57, 59, 60, 77, 107, royal, 360 302 underworld, 128 Christian, 287, 309, 311 authority, xv, 55, 69, 93, 140 clerical, 103, 310 episcopal, 99, 109, 115–16 control of, 3, 56, 57, 103, 112, 187, 196, familial, 50 197, 314, 317 hierarchy of, 36 ethical, 15–16, 188 imperial, 17, 38, 69, 132, 136, 255 group, 80 intellectual, 81 ideal, 15 monarchical, 50, 115, 177 influenced by words and symbols, monastic, 77 303–5 moral, 47 moral or social, 7, 16, 48, 56, 60, 197, 310, orthodox, 43, 48 311, 316–17 patriarchal, 36, 40 and psychology of denunciation, 309, political, 14, 157, 175, 178 311 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521828252 - Religion and the Early Modern State: Views from China, Russia, and the West Edited by James D. Tracy and Marguerite Ragnow Index More information Index 389 religiously sanctioned, 16 Eastern Peak, 128, 133, 142, 145, restructure of, 304 152 ritual, 15, 80, 117, 284, 300, 364 temples of, 143 public, 111 as wife of the God of the Eastern Ocean, sinful, 58, 310 143 suspicious, 71 blasphemy, 188, 262, 264, 304, 311, 312, Beijing, 32, 124, 133–4, 138, 140 314, 317, 322 Being, 23, 27 Maureen Flynn on, 304 see also Non-being bodhisattvas, 42, 142 Bekker, Balthasar (1634–98), critic of see also Guanyin; Ksitigarbha demonology, 93 bodies, 282 dismissal by Reformed Synod (1692), characterization as relics (moshchi), 93 271 Belarus, 158, 161, 173–4, 176, 180, 183 and saints, 278 belief, 3, 5–7, 15–16, 38, 50, 100, 107, 109, uncorrupted, 257, 259, 282 117, 301, 311, 315, 317, 351, 357, 371 “unattested dead,” 254, 270–1, 282 articulation of, 116, 304 Bodmin, Cornwall, 356 Catholic, 2, 7, 340, 351 Augustinian priory, 353 concept of, 80–4, 88, 93–5, 101, 117 church at, 363 continuity of, 317 friary at, 353 control of, 71, 302 Scarlet’s Well, 369, 375 folk or popular, 2–8, 52, 54–5, 59, 79, 87, shrine of St. Petroc, 353 93, 128, 141, 295, 324 Body of Christ, 298–9 influenced by policy, 118 unity of, 67 influenced by ritual practice, 99–100, Bogdanov, Sila, 64–5, 70 106–7 Boleyn medieval, 302 Anne, 325, 337–8, 343 orthodox, 48 Geoffrey, 332 signified by actions, 100, 304–5 Godfrey, 325 and state, 84 James, 337, 343 believers, 9, 97, 178 Simon, 333–4 categories of, 85–8 see also Salle, Norfolk Catholic, 86 Book of Common Prayer (1549), 102–5, Christian, 256, 258, 307 117, 221, 224, 227, 231–2, 360, 361–2, communities of, 85, 276 364, 365 Orthodox, 53, 56, 62, 76, 269 and communion bread, 110, 111 Reformed, 89, 159 required purchase of, 102, 113 sectarian, 39 see also revolts Eternal Mother, 32, 37, 43–5, 50 Book of Sports, 215, 216, 226–8 Pure Land, 21 books, 76, 113, 172, 333–4 true, 178 liturgical, 73 see also Catholics; non-believers; Mass, 108 Orthodox; Protestants morality, 48 Bell, Catherine, 100, 296 prayer or service, 6, 56–7, 63, 65, 69, bequests, 107, 243, 320, 326–7, 330–4 102–4, 116, 305, 342, 357 see also wills Latin “Sarum,” 361, 363–4 betrothal, 191–2, 193 prohibited, 107 promises, 191–3 schism of (knizhnoi raskol), 68 see also marriage, vows see also hymns; psalters Beza, Theodore (1519–1605), 191, 194 Boriatinskaia, Ioanna, princess of biaoming (substituting names), 45 Muscovy, nun of Voznesenskii Bible, 67, 287–8, 368 convent, 266–7 English, 102, 113, 340, 359, 361, 363, 374 Borlase, William, 373 use by Calvinists, 85, 201 Observations on the Antiquities... Bixia Yuanjun, Princess of the Azure Cornwall, 371 Clouds, daughter of the God of the The Natural History of Cornwall, 371 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521828252 - Religion and the Early Modern State: Views from China, Russia, and the West Edited by James D. Tracy and Marguerite Ragnow Index More information 390 Index Brest, 168, 183 Calvin, John (1509–64), 191, 194, 312 archimandrite of, 171 Calvinism, 83–4, 88–9, 95, 97, 187, 211, 300 see also Union of Brest Calvinists, 159, 201, 204, 298 Brigg, Thomas, 328–9, 332 and moral order, 186–7 and his son John, 329 conformist, 236 Brookes, James, Marian bishop of Dutch, 8, 84–5 Gloucester, 108 conflict with Libertines, 88 Brosse, Salomon de, 202 as defenders of theocracy, 88 brotherhood, see confraternities as progressive believers, 88 Brough, William, parson of St. Michael, Puritan, 210, 225, 234 Cornhill, 229–30 see also Dutch Reformed Church; Brown, Richard, of Cawston, 331, 336 Huguenots; Puritans Brownists, 218 Cambridge, 235, 237–9 Bucer, Martin (1491–1551), 194, 298 Christ’s College, 210, 345 Buchelius, Arnoldus, 83 Lady Margaret Professors, 235 Buckeridge, John (1564–1630), bishop of canon law, 256, 258 Rochester, 211 and divorce, 194 Buddha, 26, 34, 143 canonization, 70, 259, 279, 280, 282 Dipamkara, 29 procedures, 258–9, 278 of Medicine (Baisajya-guru), 30 standards for, 258 Pujing, 42 canons, 65, 71 see also buddhas; proper names of 1604, 209, 210, 226, 227, 231, 233 buddhas, 24, 25, 27–9, 35, 37, 41, 42 and subscription to the articles, 210, Buddhism, Buddhists, 6, 14, 16, 22, 122, 224, 230, 233 123, 125–6, 129–30, 142,
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