IPC STAFF PAPER No. 84 NEWLY INDEPENDENT STATES OF THE FORMER SOVIET UNION: Statistical Materials Indexed List Ludmilla Pashina and John Dunlop International Programs Center Population Division Bureau of the Census October 1996 The Internat iona 1 Programs Center ( IPC) conducts economic and demographic studies on countries throughout the world. As part of IPC, the Eurasia Branch (EAB) specializes in data collection and analysis for all countries of Europe and selected countries of Asia. Most effort, including economic research, is devoted to the countries of the former Soviet Union and China. For over 30 years, EAE and its predecessors have been a leading source of data and analysis for these regions on population dynamics and characteristics, ethnicity, education, health, labor force, industrial output and potential, fuel and energy balances, input-output tables, gross national product and other macroeconomic accounts, and statistical systems. To facilitate this research, EAB maintains an extensive original language library which is a major U. S. Government repository of Soviet and former Soviet republic economic, demographic, and other statistical materials. This bibliography documents all statistical materials received (as of October 1, 1996) since the breakup of the Soviet Union and is designed as a reference tool for analysts working on various aspects of the former Soviet Union. Comments and quest ions regarding this bib1 iography should be addressed to Ludmilla Pashina. Eurasia Branch, International Programs Center, Population Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington. D. C. 20233-8860; or call (301) 457-1362. PREFACE ................................... iii TABLE OFCOMElYrS .............................. v 1-1ON ................................ 1 STATISTICAL HANXaKS ............................ 3 Armenia ............................... 4 Azerbaijan .............................. 4 Belarus ............................... 4 Commonwealth of Independent States ................... 5 Estonia ............................... 8 hrope ................................ 9 Georgia ............................... 10 Kazakhstan .............................. 10 Kyrgyzstan .............................. 15 Latvia ................................ 16 Lithuania .............................. 17 Moldova ............................... 19 Russia .... ........................... 19 Council of ~utua.1 Economic Aid (SEV) ................. 47 Tajikistan .............................. 47 Turkmenistan ............................. 48 Ukraine ............................... 48 USSR ................................. 55 Uzbekistan .............................. 63 PRESS RELEASES ............................... 65 Comnonwealth of Independent States .................. 66 Russia ................................ 84 Ukraine ............................... 87 REPORTS .................................... 91 Armenia ............................... 92 Azerbaijan .............................. 92 Belarus ............................... 92 Commonwealth of Independent States .................. 93 Estonia ............................... 94 Europe ...................:............. 94 Georgia ............................... 94 Kazakhstan .............................. 94 Kyrgyzstan .............................. 95 Latvia ................................ 95 Lithuania .............................. 95 Moldova ............................... 95 Poland ................................. 95 Russia ................................ 96 Tajikistan ..............................124 Turkmenistan .............................124 Ukraine ............................... 124 USSR .................................128 ~~~ICALS................................. 131 Comnonwealth of Independent States .................. 132 Kazakhstan ..............................151 Russia ................................152 4m Council of Mutual Economic Aid (SEV) .................168 Ukraine ................................ 168 USSR ................................. 172 Uzbekistan .............................. 175 mMATERIALS ............................... 1T7 Armenia .... ........................ ..I78 ' Comnonwealth of lnbependent States .................. 178 . Russia ................................ 178 Ukraine ............................... 183 USSR ................................. 1m MISCELUNMXlS TABLES Armenia ... Azerbaijan . Belarus ... Estonia ... Georgia ... Kazakhstan . Kyrgyzstan . Latvia .... Lithuania . ;* Moldova ... Russia .... Tajikistan . Turkmenistan . Ukraine ... USSR ..... Uzbekistan . Significant quantities of statistical data have been arriving at EAB from the fifteen countries that comprised the former Soviet Union. However, the quantity and diversity of the materials EAB has been receiving varies tremendously depending on the individual country. This bibliography is a collection of the available reference materials on economic, demographic, and social topics on the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union. The bibliography is divided into six sections. Statistical Wbooks (SH) - These books are published only once each year (at most). They include general statistical yearbooks, census volumes, and other topical handbooks. 7he data in these volumes are often more detailed, but not as timely as data in Press Releases or Periodicals. Ress Releases (AZ) - These are generally one table documents published by a country's state statistical department. They are usually one to five pages in length. Most Press Releases refer to one specific subject (e.g. wages, gas supply, private farms, consumer prices, etc.). Reports (R) - These short "papers" focus on various topics. Although they often contain tabular materials, they are usually much more descriptive in nature. Each entry gives the title of the report and several key words describing its content if it is not obvious from the title. Periodicals (PS) - These are monthly or quarterly statistical materials on various topics. Each entry gives the title of the periodical as well as several key words describing the information it contains. Other Materials (0) - These are generally non-stat ist ical reference materials. Miscellaneous Tables (TA) - These are individual tables on various topics that are not issued as Press Releases (e. g. , input-output tables). Each section is arrkged alphabetically by country. Each entry has several items that allow the user to easily locate the desired materials. The following example identifies the major components of each entry: 1 23 4 5 KAZ SH 145 1991 Goskomstat Kazakh 6 ~HC~~HHOCT~;eCTeCTBeHHOe &BHXtHHe H MHrPaUHFi HaCeneHHR Ka3axcuok CCCP B 1990 r. 7 Size, vital statistics, and migration of population in 1990. 1 - a three (or 4 in the case of USSR) letter code identifying the country (e.g., KAZ for Kazakhstan) 2 - a one or two letter code identifying the type of material it is (e.g., SH for a Statistical Handbook or PR for a Ress Release) 3 - an index number 4 - the year the item was published 5 - the publisher or author 6 - the title in the language used in the handbook 7 - the title translated into English. Past users of EAB's statistical materials will notice that this bibliography represents a significant change in the way statistical information is cataloged here. Recent developments in the world and evolving needs at IPC precipitated this change. We feel that this new system will better meet users' needs in data retrieval. Because EAB's statistical library is particularly large, it has not been possible to incorporate materials in EAB's possession that were received before the demise of the Soviet Union. Users should refer to the Bibliolttarphy of Soviet Statistical HcmdbooAs, and its update8 coapiled by Timothy Heleniak. for information on earlier materials. 1) STATETICAL HANDBOOKS Armenia I ARM SH 563 1989 Goskomstat Armenia Haponnoe XO~~UCTBOA~MFIHCKOU CCP B 1988 row. National economy in 1988. AIiM SH 732 1994 Library of Congress Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Country studies. ARM SH 875 1995 Department of statistics of Armenia Armenia in figures. 1994. Azerbaijan ~ AZE SH 534 1992 Goskomstat Azerbaijan httpHanu COuHanbno-3KoHOMHVeCKOrO pa3BHTHR A3ep6aUnxa~c~oA pecny6nn~n. a Social and economic development. AZE SH 535 1991 Goskomstat Azerbaijan A3ep6aRman B uwwax B 1990 row. Azerbaijan in figures in 1990. AZE SH 538 1993 World Bank Azerbaijan. From crisis to sustained growth. AZE SH 732 1994 Library of Congress Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Country studies. AZE SH 876 1995 State Comnittee on Statistics Azerbaijan in figures. 1994. Belarus . BEL SH 60 1992 Goskomstat Belarus &HHN~ 06 3KCnOpTe H HMnOPTe TOBaPOB BHePHeTOPrOBblMH H BHelllHe3KOHOMHVeCKHMH O~~~~HH~HHIIMH,~HPMBMH, IlpeLlnpHRTHRMU, a1 OpTaHH3auHRMH 3a R~Bapb-aeKa6pb 1991 r. fl0 pecny6nn~e Benapycb . Export-import in 1991. BEL SH 61 1990 Goskomstat Belarus Tpyn B 6enopycc~oUCCP. Labor in the Belorussian SSR. BEL SH 62 1992 Goskomstat Belarus Pecny6nn~aEienapycb, rocynapctea CHr m otnenbnue 3apy6exnue ctpanu. Economic and social indicators of Belarus in comparison to CIS and various foreign countries. a BEL SH 63 1992 Goskomstat Belarus Cenbc~oeXO~RRCTBO pecny6nm~nBnapycb. Agriculture in Belarus. BEL SH 64 1992 Goskomstat Belarus no~aaarenn6ananca naponnoro xo3~Acreapecny6nn~n 6enapycb. National economic balances in Belarus. BEL SH 65 1990 Corkomstat Belarus Kannrurb~oecsponmbcsmo B 6e~1opycc~olCCP. Capital construction In the Bslorussian SSR. BEL SH 66 1991 Gosko~tatBelarus nporsrmennocrb pocny6nnun
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