Volume XLVII, No. 8, April 2009 Our President’s Message This Issue Sponsored By: On Monday, April 6, 2009, we had our monthly dinner meeting at the Radisson in Camp Hill. This meeting was Clough Harbour & fi lled with events including: 1) the featured speaker, Robert Associates, LLP Latham, CAE, Executive Vice President of the Associated PA Constructors (APC); 2) the annual photo contest awards, 3) Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. the presentation of the ASHE Scholarship Awards and 4) a recognition of the science fair winners. We had over 60 Mackin Engineering Company members and guests attend this eventful meeting. RETTEW Associates, Inc. Bob Latham’s presentation focused on the effects of the Stimulus on Pennsylvania’s transportation program. He Whitman, Requardt & also discussed the current political climate toward “autho- Associates, LLP rization” of the replacement of “SAFETEALU” legislation in Washington, D.C. Bob mentioned some of the challenges facing our industry including: the growth of com- mercial traffi c, replacing older bridges, and improving pavement smoothness. A ma- congratulate the three winning photogra- jor opportunity for our industry is to convince Legislators that increased revenues for phers: H. Eugene Schenck, Dale Mellott, transportation is a good thing for our County. and Jeremy Wyland. Our ASHE Section awarded six $1,500 scholarships to deserving high school seniors Also, at our Board Meeting, our Section and college undergraduates who are pursuing engineering degrees. A special thanks approved a restructuring of the standing to Todd Morris, Chairman and 2nd Vice President, and his committee for all their hard and ad hoc committees. The objectives work in soliciting applications from nearly 100 high schools in south central Pennsylva- of this reorganization were to (1) provide nia. Countless hours were spent reviewing, selecting, and arranging for the recipients longevity to our section and the work to attend our dinner meeting. I hope our members who attended the dinner meeting being undertaken by the various commit- took the opportunity to meet some of the “future stars” in our profession. tees, (2) improve the activities reporting effi ciency by combining the current 24 Our Section also presented the 2009 Annual Photo Contest awards. Mark Gaines, committees and ad hoc groups into 9 new Board Director, deserves special thanks for managing this contest. I would also like to Committees, (3) provide for a succession plan from year to year, and establish a framework where consistency in commit- tee operations is maintained, and (4) distribute duties and to make it easier for members to become involved in one of the many activities of our Section. The Chairperson of each of these committees will be announced at the Annual Banquet and these individuals will be reaching out to all members of our Section to solicit interest in becoming involved with any of these subcommittees. If you have previ- ously served on any of the subcommittees, ENJOY THE SUMMER! see “President” on Page 2 ASHE - 1 “President” from Page 1 Harrisburg Section Offi cers 2008-2009 we would love to have your continued involvement. If you haven’t gotten involved previ- PRESIDENT Michael Ryan, P.E. ously, we hope that there is an activity that is of interest to you. Please note that you do IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT not need to be on the Board to serve as a Chairperson for any of the Subcommittees. I Steven Koser, P.E. am confi dent this new structure can effectively manage the future growth of our ASHE FIRST VICE PRESIDENT John Becker, P.E. Section. A very special thanks to Todd Morris who agreed to lead the reorganization SECOND VICE PRESIDENT effort. The new structure is included on page 3 of this Profi le for your information and Todd Morris, P.E. we’ll have more information on the implementation of this in an upcoming edition of SECRETARY Robert Hendricks, P.E. the Profi le. TREASURER The 5th Annual ASHE-Harrisburg/PennDOT Engineering District 8-0 Conference Dale Mellott, P.E., P.L.S. th ASSISTANT TREASURER was another success this year. The meeting was held on April 7 at the Four Points by Drew Bitner, P.E., P.L.S. Sheraton. Nearly 200 people attended this event. District 8-0 prepared an outstanding SECTION ADMINISTRATOR program covering many current topics designed to provide participants with a sense Jenni Woodworth, P.E. of what direction the District is heading. Other key topics included: recent changes, DIRECTORS - 1 YEAR Jim Gutshall, P.E. new and revised processes and programs, and current issues and challenges. ASHE Andrea Reede, P.E. Dave Snively, P.E. continues to enjoy this partnership with District 8-0. We wish to thank District 8-0 and DIRECTORS - 2 YEARS all the speakers. These folks worked diligently to provide vital information to all of us. Mark Gaines, P.E. I also want to thank Doug George, who chaired this committee. His team included: Barry Hoffman, P.E. Gary Hoffman, P.E., P.L.S. Jenni Woodworth, Jen Hendricks, Bryan Hoover, Jeff Robertson and Jim Gutshall. LaConie “Chuck” Jackson Jenni Woodworth, P.E. Our ASHE section has launched its Legislative outreach initiative that I mentioned DIRECTORS - 3 YEARS in last month’s Profi le. Our strategy includes face-to-face meetings with the 37 Leg- Rich Heimbach Jennifer Hendricks islators who represent a part of the 8 counties in south central Pennsylvania. We are Jessica Johnson seeking volunteers to participate with us in this effort. The Team Captains for this William Pickering, P.E. outreach can be found on page 5 of this Profi le. If you wish to volunteer, please con- NATIONAL REGIONAL DIRECTOR Thomas Morisi tact the appropriate team captain. The second part of our strategy is to send emails ASHE Standing Committees 2008-2009 to your respective Legislators. A link and a sample email letter have been sent to all ASHE Harrisburg Section members for your use. I also encourage you to have every Program & Fellowship Finance employee in your fi rms do the same thing. The third part of our strategy is to forward John Becker, P.E. Dale Mellott, P.E., P.L.S. Student Development Member of the Year the email to your friends, relatives, and neighbors and encourage them to send emails Jessica Johnson Steven Koser, P.E. from outside our industry. Auditing Technical Andrea Reede, P.E. Gary Hoffman, P.E., P.L.S. Our committee has also been working to spread this initiative to all other ASHE Scholarship Nominating Sections in Pennsylvania and as well as other engineering organizations in the Com- Todd Morris, P.E. Steven Koser, P.E. monwealth. Our hope is that if we all do a little, together we will accomplish a lot. Legislative Website Barry Hoffman, P.E. Jere Sweigart, E.I.T. This will be my fi nal month as the President of the ASHE Harrisburg Section. I wish Budget Charity Events to thank the Board of Directors and all the volunteers who have helped during this Steven Koser, P.E. Jenni Woodworth, P.E. Membership Engineers Week past year. Our organization is constantly engaged in projects and activities that sup- Jim Gutshall, P.E. LaConie “Chuck” Jackson port the transportation industry in our part of Pennsylvania. Without your help and Public Relations Constitution/By-Laws dedication, our contributions to society and our profession would not be as signifi cant Mark Gaines, P.E. LaConie “Chuck” Jackson as they are. It has been my honor and privilege to serve you this past year. I have truly Adopt-A-Highway PennDOT/ASHE Conference Robert Hendricks, P.E. Doug George, P.E. enjoyed this experience. I hope you have experienced some of the fun and excitement also. I am looking forward to working with our next president to help him continue to Ad Hoc Committees 2008-2009 grow and expand this great organization. Contr/Gov’t Involvement Annual Golf Outing Our fi nal event for the 2008-09 year will be the Annual Banquet on May 8th at the Jennifer Hendricks Doug George, P.E. Commissioned Offi cers Club at the Naval Inventory Control Point in Mechanicsburg. Historian Younger Member Focus Mark Greenholt Dave Snively, P.E. During this event we will honor our past presidents, induct the new offi cers for 2009- ASHE/PSPE/ASCE Picnic Profi le Editor 10 and hear from Scott Christie, who was recently appointed Deputy Secretary for John Becker, P.E. Jere Sweigart, E.I.T. PennDOT. Please plan on attending this fi ne event. We promise you good food, great fellowship, and a chance to hear the latest from PennDOT’s newest Deputy Secretary. Find Our Contact Information At: www.asheharrisburg.org/contacts.htm Thank you again for a great year. ASHE - 2 April’s Dinner Meeting Photo Gallery First Vice President John Becker, P.E., Guest Speaker Robert Latham, CAE, and 2009 Annual Photo Contest Winner President Michael Ryan, P.E. Mark Gaines, P.E. congratulates H. Eugene Schenck (1st Place). ASHE Harrisburg Section New Committee Structure Approved April 6, 2009 Committee/Subcommittee Chairperson Administration & Operations Committee President Administration Subcommittee Section Administrator Constitution & Bylaws Subcommittee Archiving Files/Historian Subcommittee ASHE National Liaison Subcommittee Nominating/Member of Year Subcommittee Immediate Past President Finance & Audit Committee Treasurer Finance Subcommittee Audit Subcommittee Budget Subcommittee Immediate Past President Program & Professional Development Committee First Vice-President Dinner Program Subcommittee ASHE/PennDOT Conference Subcommittee 2009 Annual Photo Contest Winner Scholarship & Student Development Committee Second Vice-President Mark Gaines, P.E. congratulates Scholarship Subcommittee Dale B. Mellott (2nd Place). Student Development Subcommittee Educational Events Subcommittee Public Relations Committee One-Year Director Photo Contest Subcommittee Engineers Week Subcommittee Adopt-A-Highway Subcommittee Charity Events Subcommittee Membership Committee One-Year Director Young Member Focus Subcommittee Contractor/Government Involvement Subcommittee Membership Development Subcommittee Legislative & Government Affairs Committee One-Year Director Advocacy Subcommittee Legislative Tracking Subcommittee One-Year Director Communications Committee 2009 Annual Photo Contest Winner Technical Subcommittee Mark Gaines, P.E.
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