Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83875-7 - Jewish Forced Labor Under the Nazis: Economic Needs and Racial Aims, 1938-1944 Wolf Gruner Index More information Index of Subjects Aktion Erntefest, 271 Autobahn camps, 286 Aktion Hase, 96 acceptance/rejection of Jews for, 197, Aktion Mitte B, 97 198 Aktion Reinhard, 258 administration of by private companies, Aktion T4, 226 203 Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse (AOK). See closing of, 208, 209, 211 General Local Health Insurance control of by Autobahn authorities, 199, Provider. 203, 213, 219 Annexation of Austria. See Anschluss. control of by SS (Schmelt), 214, 223 Anschluss (annexation of Austria), xvi, xxii, employing Polish Jews, 183, 198, 203, 3, 105, 107, 136, 278 217, 286 Anti-Jewish policy locations of, 203, 212, 219, 220 before 1938, xx, xxii, xxiv redesignation of as “Zwangsarbeitslager,” central measures in, xxi, xxii, xxiii 223 consequences of for Jews, xvi, 107, 109, regulations for, 199, 200, 203, 212 131, 274 See also Fuhrer’s¨ road and Schmelt forced contradiction in, 109 labor camps. diminished SS role in, 240, 276 Autobahn construction management division of labor principle in, xvii, xviii, headquarters (Oberste Bauleitung der xxiv, 30, 112, 132, 244, 281, 294 Reichsautobahnen) effect of war on, 8, 9, 126, 141, 142 in Austria, 127 forced labor as element of, x, xii, xiii, 3, 4, in Berlin, 199, 200, 202, 203, 204, 205, 177, 276 206 in Austria, 136 in Breslau, 204, 205, 211, 212, 220, local-central interaction in, xx, xxi, xxii 222 local measures in, xxi, xxii, xxiii, 150, in Cologne, 205 151 in Danzig, 203, 204, 205 measures implementing, 151, 172, 173, See also Reich Autobahn Directorates. 280 Autobahn construction projects reformulation/radicalization of, xxiii, xxiv, Berlin-Frankfurt an der Oder-Posen- 5, 30, 87, 105, 106, 149, 161, 277 Litzmannstadt, 183, 187, 196, 198, 199, See also Emigration of Jews, Exclusion of 200, 201, 202, 203, 209 Jews, Impoverishment of Jews, Jewish Breslau-Brieg-Gleiwitz-Krakow, 202, 204, forced labor, Segregation of Jews, and 211 Unemployment of Jews. Durchgangstrasse 4, 217, 255, 256, 267, Aryanization, xxiv, 45, 46, 47, 58, 66, 107, 270, 282 109, 276 Stettin-Danzig, 202, 203 “Asocials,” 3, 4, 108, 109 Attack on Soviet Union, 14, 129, 184, 201, Barracks camps, 38, 47, 65, 66, 76, 97, 98, 217, 252, 254, 257, 274 111, 120, 172, 202, 236, 260 297 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83875-7 - Jewish Forced Labor Under the Nazis: Economic Needs and Racial Aims, 1938-1944 Wolf Gruner Index More information 298 Index of Subjects Benefits for Jewish forced laborers Bertha Werke Markstadt¨ (Krupp AG), denial of, 13, 289 220. See also Companies using forced elimination of, 22, 39, 115, 128, 152, 171, labor, Krupp AG. 195, 237, 248 Blaupunkt-Werke GmbH Berlin, 41 lack of, 12, 43, 242 Buchdruckerei Pleva, 158 paying for without receiving, 235 Buna-Werke Auschwitz (I. G. Farben), See also Health insurance for Jewish 217. See also Companies using forced forced laborers and Social insurance for labor, I. G. Farben. Jewish forced laborers. Christoph & Unmack AG Niesky, 71 Beschaftigungsverh¨ altnis¨ eigener Art. See Dachpappenfabrik Zaˇ cek,ˇ 158 Labor status of Jewish forced laborers, Deutsche Ausrustungswerke¨ GmbH, 257 as codified special employment Deutsche Sprengchemie GmbH, classification. Dreetz/Neustadt an der Dosse, 208 Bonuses Ehrich & Graetz AG Berlin, 17 instead of wages, 191 Fassdaubenfabrik Bolechow, 267 per performance agreements Firma Brockmann, 222 (Leistungsakkordpramien),¨ 242 Firma de Boer Emden, 115 prohibition against, 128 Firma Eduard Riedel Mechanische See also Wages of Jewish forced laborers. Knopffabriken Gorlitz,¨ 71 Border fortification projects, 235, 236, 244, Firma Emil Schmidt Tief- & Straßenbau, 245, 249, 251 36 Firma Gans und Hochberger Tarnow, 238 Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Firma Gottlieb Singer Klatau, 164 Prague (Zentralstelle fur¨ judische¨ Firma Hammel & Westenberger, 18 Auswanderung), 151, 161, 172, 173, 281 Firma Hoffmann, 222 as central site handling Jewish matters, 148 Firma Holzverarbeitung Hrdlicka,ˇ 158 as model for promoting emigration, 144, Firma Ingenieur Kindl Predmeritz, 167 145 Firma Kartonagen Kos, 158 management of expropriated property by, Firma Kulzer & Co. Frankfurt am Main, 162, 169 29 planning and organization of forced labor Firma Kunststoffe Baklax, 158 by, xvii, 154, 155, 156, 158, 170 Firma Mann Lederwaren Wildner, 158 provision of forced laborers by, 152 Firma Max Braun Radio Frankfurt am Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Main, 20, 29 Vienna (Zentralstelle fur¨ judische¨ Firma Moll, 222 Auswanderung), 110, 112, 130 Firma Nebelung & Sohn Bielefeld, 53 closing of retraining camps of, 134 Firma Optische Apparate Matuska,ˇ 158 development and recruitment of forced Firma Osterrieth Frankfurt am Main, 25, labor, 118, 119 29 operation of retraining camps by, 126, 287 Firma Pokorny Schuttenhofen,¨ 164 role of in expulsion and deportation, 120, Firma Roggenbuck & Sohne¨ Hamburg, 129 100 Central Office for Jewish Retraining, Nisko Firma Schwarz & Co. Lemberg, 267 am San, 56 Firma Textilia Lemberg, 267 “Cleansing” of German territory, 178, 179, Firma Wascherei¨ Seibel Dornigheim,¨ 25 201, 269 Firma Walter Tobbens¨ Warschau, 263, Companies using forced labor 269 AEG Berlin, 17 Firma Wilhelm Goebel Golzow, 204 Askania-Werke AG, 252 Firma Wurpts-Loga, 39, 115 Ausbildungswerkstatten¨ A. W. Lemberg, Flachsroste¨ GmbH Munchen-Lohhof,¨ 42 267 Frankfurt Asbestwerke AG, 29 Avia Flugzeugwerke, 163 Grun¨ & Bilfinger AG Mannheim, 222 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83875-7 - Jewish Forced Labor Under the Nazis: Economic Needs and Racial Aims, 1938-1944 Wolf Gruner Index More information Index of Subjects 299 Hermann Goring¨ Reichswerke, 183 Voltohm Seil- und Kabelwerke AG Holzbau AG-Zweigstelle Lemberg, 267 Frankfurt am Main, 16, 20, 29 Hugo Schneider AG (HASAG), 194, 268 Westbohmische¨ Kaolinwerke, 164 I. G. Farben, 224, 225. See also Companies Wienerberger Ziegelei AG Wien, 113 using forced labor, Buna and Luranil. Wiener Ziegelwerke AG, 113 Kaolinfabrik Chlumpschau, 158 Zeiss-Ikon AG Dresden, 78 Kaolinwerke Ledetz, 158 Zeiss-Ikon Gortz¨ Berlin, 41 Karl Walter und Co. GmbH, 97 Zementwerke Malmeritz, 158 Karpathen-Ol¨ AG, 267, 271 Ziegelindustrie AG “Ziag” Wien, 113 Keramische Fabrik Tschemoschau, 158 Zuckerfabrik Hatschein, 158 Kofferfabrik Singer Klattau, 158 Compensation of Jewish forced laborers. See Kohlenbergwerk Gaya, 158 Wages of Jewish forced laborers. Kohlenbergwerk Midlowar, 158 Compulsory community. See Forced Krupp AG Essen, 265. See also Companies community. using forced labor, Bertha Werke. Concentration camps Kurmarkische¨ Zellwolle und Zellulose AG at Dachau, 108, 109 (Phrix-Werke) Wittenberge, 208, 209, Austrian research on, 105 210 control of by Inspectorate of Landwirtschaftliche Maschinenfabrik Concentration Camps/SS, xiv, 141, 142 Hofherr-Schrans, 158 deportation to, xxiii Luranil (I. G. Farben) Baugesellschaft expansion of, 228, 293 GmbH Ludwigshafen, 224. See also integration of labor camps into, 266, 272, Companies using forced labor, I. G. 273, 275, 287 Farben. massacre of prisoners in, 97 Markische¨ Elektrizitatswerke¨ AG, 209 relationship to forced labor, 3, 4, 98, 109, Markische¨ Stahlform-Werke Eberswalde, 120, 224, 265, 277 211 workshops in, 234, 265, 266, 272 Metallwerke Elektra GmbH Control of forced labor systems for Jews, xiv, Gummersbach, 70 xv Metrawatt AG Feinmechanische und by central authorities, 149 Optische Werke Nurnberg-Zweigwerk¨ by Gestapo, 16, 286 Lemberg, 267 by labor administration, xviii, 5, 30, 111, Mobelfabrik¨ Bolechow, 267 191, 195, 210, 240, 255, 274, 276, 281, Ober Birken Kaolinwerke, 158 282, 283, 293 Oberschlesische Hydrierwerke, 220, 228 by labor offices, 9, 70, 191, 236, 254, 273, Ostindustrie GmbH (Osti), 271 274, 282 Prager Eisen AG, 158 by local authorities, 7, 11, 149, 274, 278, Radiofabrik Jiskra, 158 281 Sagewerk¨ Kusy, 164 by municipal administrations (in ghettos), Sagewerk¨ Muller¨ & Sohne¨ Rothenburg, 71 195 Schott & Genossen Jena, 97 by Organisation Schmelt (SS), 284, 285 Schultz und Co. GmbH, 261, 263, 269 by Reich Autobahn authorities, xviii Siemens AG Berlin, 35, 41, 278, 290 by Reichsstatthalter in Posen, 129, 183, Siemens-Schuckert Werke AG Berlin, 15, 187, 191, 284 16, 183. See also Companies using by SD (SS), xvii, 259 forced labor, Siemens AG Berlin by SS, xiii, 191, 231, 273, 275, 281, 283, Straßenbaugesellschaft Kemna-Lenz 293 GmbH, 36 failure of SS in, 266, 267 Sudb¨ ohmische¨ Elektrizitatswerke,¨ 158 interference in, 282 Teerag-Asdag AG, 125 lack of uniformity in, 238, 239 Vereinigte Nordhauser¨ parallel operation of by SS and labor Kautabakfabriken-Hanewacker Co., 42 administration, 282 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83875-7 - Jewish Forced Labor Under the Nazis: Economic Needs and Racial Aims, 1938-1944 Wolf Gruner Index More information 300 Index of Subjects Control of forced labor systems (cont.) from Protectorate, 146, 169 struggle over in GG, 239 from Wartheland, 178 transfer of to SS, xviii, 261, 283 negative effect of on production, 20, 21, transfer of from SS to labor 263, 278 administration, 240, 241, 242, 243, 281 of Austrian Jews, 122, 129, 134, 279 transfer of from Wehrmacht to SS, 266 effects on forced labor by preparations for, Cooperation/Collaboration 70, 81, 281 among multiple interests, 21, 112, 282, postponement of, 148, 181 294, 295 resumption
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