NORTH AMLRICAN• ea 4,0414A1041_ 719 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NORTH AMERICAN REGIONAL CONFERENCES OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS VOLUME 11 AUGUST, 1989 NUMBER 6 The Lighthouse to Brighten the Way Ephesus Church New York City sold to the Dutch Reformed Church for actual purchase price, but that was the $40,550, and this amount was used toward amount that Elder T. M. Rowe addressed COVER STORY the purchase of 10 lots at the corner of himself to. The mortgage was paid off in Lenox Avenue and 123rd Street, which 1945, under the leadership of Pastor A. E. OUR HISTORY - EPHESUS was secured for $65,000. Later, a portion Webb. CHURCH BUILDING of this land was sold for $24,000, which During the next half-century, the Eph- brought the actual price for the Lenox Avenue NEW YORK CITY esus Church was pastored by some of the Church, chapel and parsonage to $41,000, most gifted, charismatic and eloquent men Just over a century ago, plans were laid a figure thought to be quite reasonable. Black Adventism has produced: Peters, for the erection of a church building at the In what by today's standards must ap- Peterson, Hudson, Lee, Humphrey and corner of 123rd Street and Lenox Avenue. pear to be an incredibly rapid series of others led God's flock and ministered and It was not called Ephesus Church as it is moves, the consistory (governing body) kept the flame burning in the city of New today; it had a different name and it was voted the project on April 11, 1884; the York. By their sides labored faithful Bible in- built by people of a different faith. But they, ground was purchased in April 1885; and structors: V. Smith, R. L. Jones and M. M. too, loved God, and the fruit of that love on April 26, 1885, ground was broken. The Smith. compelled them to erect a "lighthouse." A laying of the cornerstone took place June Each brought his own innovation and lighthouse that was to brighten the way for 24, 1886, and on Sept. 30,1886, the church spirit to the congregation, from Sunday those who lived in darkness, a lighthouse was dedicated. The first occasion on which night meetings to United Nations officials in that would direct man's mind to the risen the church doors opened for regular reli- regular attendance, to speaking before leg- Saviour, a lighthouse that would serve as a gious services was Sunday, Oct. 3, 1886. islative bodies on issues pertinent to Ad- haven for those shipwrecked on life's shoal, The Rev. Dr. George Hutchinson Smyth, ventist life, to "lock-ins." All left their marks a lighthouse that would would be a meeting D.D., then pastor of the east side congre- on this historical congregation. The famed place where God's people could assemble gation, was transferred over with 150 of the Boys Choir of Harlem began in the Eph- to encourage and strengthen one another members to the Lenox Avenue Church. At esus Church. The Harlem Trailblazers have and praise His name in word and song. the Nov. 12, 1886, meeting of the consis- helped educate the community. And so they, in their love and zeal, built tory, a motion was voted to the effect that this house of mortar and strong stone. On Jan. 9, 1969, the Ephesus Church this church be known as the Collegiate In the same year that the Statue of Lib- endured a tragic loss. A fire, its origin still Reformed Church of Harlem. The two erty took her place just offshore to call the unknown, began in the roof area above churches collectively were given this desig- masses to a better land, so did this house what is now the choir room. By the time it nation. take her place to call men and women to a was over, the building was almost totally better land, a better city "which hath foun- Although it is commonly thought that the destroyed. Much of the inside was gutted; dations, whose builder and maker is God." Adventists purchased the building in 1930, burning debris fell from the roof and in For 103 years, this house has stood a when the congregation moved in on June some instances burned its way to the base- silent, solitary sentry, ever on duty keeping 18 of that year, Ms. Jeanette Lewis, a char- ment. her vigil over the Harlem community. Through ter member, states that the Adventists only The church's two organs, one purchased summer heat and 103 winters, she has rented the building under Elder Peters's from the famous Guggenheim family of gazed upon humanity, ever mindful, al- pastorate for nine years at about $400 per New York, and the other won by the Colle- ways faithful to her mission as a house of month. giate Choir in a city-wide competition, were worship. Her one solitary finger is always An interesting sidelight came to the sur- destroyed. For the next nine years, the 2,000-member pointing upward, directing men's hearts to face in discussions with the late Elder Harry congregation worked to restore its historic that which is above, and eternal, to God. Blackman, member of the original group home. It took $2.3 million to repair the dam- Times have changed, congregations have that came to Ephesus from the Harlem #2 age. On Sunday, March 27, 1977, the changed, but she has stood unmoved. Ne- Church pastored by Elder Strachan. He glect could not dissuade her; vandalism states that it was originally the congrega- ribbon was cut, announcing the grand opening. The church owes a debt of grati- could not discourage her; burglary could tion's desire to purchase the building that not distress her; fire could not destroy her, now stands at Lenox Avenue and 120th tude to the St. Andrews Church, which for she is on a heavenly mission. She is Street. It was at that time owned by a White served as the "church home" during most called of God to speak for Him in her own Adventist congregation, which refused to of the time Ephesus was being recon- way. She has been saying these 103 years, sell it to the Harlem #2 group. Ms. Lewis structed. "Even if your body is in chains, and the and Elder Blackman state that the church During the last 12 years, since returning world around you a prison, look up and set was not in use at the time of Adventist home, the church has carried on its mission your mind free; set your soul free; set your occupancy. to spread the gospel in this great city. heart free. Look as I do to the Lord, for if the Nevertheless, somewhere from 250 to From this great company have gone Lord shall make you free, you shall be free 300 members (depending on whom you men and women who have served the indeed. speak with) marched from Carlton Hall (a cause of God greatly in the world field. "And even in the hustle and bustle of life, former dance hall) at 127th Street near Into its hallowed halls each Sabbath come take a moment and stand still, as I have Lenox Avenue, to Lenox Avenue and 123rd doctors, lawyers, nurses, contractors, these 103 years, and see the salvation of Street. Elder G. E. Peters is credited with educators, professional people and "just the Lord." changing the name from Harlem #2 to plain folks," who have united their hearts In April 1885, eight lots on 122nd Street Ephesus. Elder Blackman recalls the figure and hands in support of the work of the between Second and Third avenues, were $105,000. We don't know if that is the church and to advance the cause of Christ. Page 2 Cover Story August1989 North American Regional Voice his own group for absolute identification. The common suffering of segregation and PUBLISHER'S PAGE Therefore, Negroes are the only Americans discrimination was the crucible out of which unwilling to make even the slightest com- folk religion was created, Joseph Washing- promise with the American creed, as stated ton Jr. writes in "Black Religion." THE ROLE OF THE BLACK by the founding fathers. "Folk Religion is not (only) a church— it is CHURCH Negro history is but our continuing efforts a spirit which binds blacks together, ties It is gratifying to know that my church has to escape the boundaries placed upon us by them together in times of stress by a racial taken a position on the subject of race the White majority. bond that cuts across all other variables." relations based on the principles outlined in Any seeming differences in culture, in Cain said that it is also true in Lincoln. the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. This church worship, were caused by slavery, Blacks may be Seventh-day Adventist, position has been published in the "Re- cruelty and segregation, which were de- United Methodist, Baptist, Independent or view," in the "Church Manual" and in the signed to dehumanize the Negro race. The American Methodist Episcopal, but Sabbath School quarterlies. However, the uniqueness of Black and White worship and a richer fellowship among them that super- more discussion and studying is done with relationship is because of the difference in sedes denominational lines," Cain said. open minds, the less controversial it will be. experience, more than in culture. Washington writes that Blacks sought a Why do predominantly Black churches In the Seventh-day Adventist church, mis- different kind of solace: spiritual, not earthly. still exist in these days of radical changes in understanding (or misinterpretation) of the They identified with the Hebrew people, Black and White relations and the progress Bible and the Testimonies is one of the who also knew a lot about bondage.
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