University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Board of Regents Meeting Minutes University of New Mexico Board of Regents 5-14-1982 University of New Mexico Board of Regents Minutes for May 14, 1982 University of New Mexico Board of Regents Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/bor_minutes Recommended Citation University of New Mexico Board of Regents. "University of New Mexico Board of Regents Minutes for May 14, 1982." (1982). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/bor_minutes/854 This Minutes is brought to you for free and open access by the University of New Mexico Board of Regents at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Board of Regents Meeting Minutes by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 300 • THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO May 14, 1982 The Regents of the University met at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, May 14, 1982 in the Roberts Room of Scholes Hall. Affidavits concerning the public notice of this meeting are on file in the office of the Secretary of the University. Present: Mr. Henry Jaramillo, Jr., President Dr. Phillip U. Martinez, Vice President Mrs. William A. Jourdan, Secretary-Treasurer Mr. Calvin P. Horn, 'Mrs. George J. Maloof Dr. Richard Williams, President, Faculty Senate, Advisor Ms. Ellen Foppes, President, Graduate Student Association, Advisor Also Present: Dr. William E. Davis, President of the University Mr. John Perovich, Vice President for Business and Finance Dr. McAllister Hull, Provost Dr. Leonard Napolitano, Dean/Director of the Medical Center Ms. Anne ~. Brown, University Secretary ,... ~. r I _. •. _ ~ t"';.~:. - I .' 't . .:.. I -. • I'': • • pr!1·.<'_:~ oOE~S" 1_~t.::e? ~!o..yps.t:lor. ~cadem1C: .A~ffl~Fs" ,'~ . oe91...( J Ass_.oc .. ,. ,. nn~ I~)'J J ... It· -D r.'~. 'A'l ex.- '0 Sanc hez, Assoc1a.e- t Provos t for:. C~~.lI~tY'l t ..Ed,~l{cat .10?~ Mr. Wil11am Weeks, Execut1ve Assistant to the Pres1dent Mr. D. Peter Rask, University Counsel Mr. Van Dorn Hooker, University Architect Mr. Don Burge, Public Information Office Reporters from the News Media Also present for portions of the meeting: John Bridgers, Director of Athletics; Karen Glaser, Dean of Students; James Wiegmann, Budget Director; Linda Estes, Director of Women's Athletics; Donald McRae, Dean, College of Fine Arts; Carroll Lee, Associate Vice President for Business/Comptroller; Warren Baur,' Comptroller, Medical Center; William Johnson, Administrator, UNM Hospital/BCMC; Gerald May, Dean, College of Engineering; Morgan Sparks, Dean, Anderson Schools of Management; Robert Desiderio, Dean, School of Law; Don Larrichio, Director, Purchasing Department; Peggy Ritchie, Past President, Alumni Association; and Redd Eakin, President-elect, Alumni Assoc iation • ****** 301 • vice President Phillip Martinez announced that President Henry Jaramillo would be late and had asked him to preside. After the meeting was called to order, Professor Richard Williams introduced Professor Steven Kramer who is the incoming President of the Faculty Senate. ****** It was moved by Mrs. Jourdan, seconded ~, .. _. Adqpt.ion _of the Agenda by Md} Maf80f', ltliat--:tlfeiegerit~ f'cio~t' "-:: -'- ..... -. - -' - .. ',_ the agenda as printed with two additions -- (1) three additf~n~lY~a.J~s r:::.:: .. ­ without pay, and (2) discussion about the Gallegos/Serrano appeal. Carried. ****** It was moved by Mrs. Maloof, seconded Minutes of April 28, 1982 by Mr. Horn, that the minutes of the meeting of April 28, 1982 be approved as distributed. Carried. ****** President Davis said that a Administrative Report significant milestone in the history of UNM will be the meeting of the initial 52 members of the Tom L. Popejoy Society on May 26, 1982. Membership in the Society consists of • those persons who have donated, or pledged to donate, between $10,000 and $15,000 to the University. Davis distributed to the Regents the composite Western Athletic Conference standings for the 1981-82 academic year and noted that UNM had advanced, from last to second place in the composite standing for all ten sports, and is in fourth place in the composite standings for those sports in which UNM participated. ****** • 302 Secretary Anne Brown told Candidates for Degrees, • the Regents that .. the, facul ties ,Semester, ~I', 1981-82 of the respective' schools and colleges', the graduate, ,studies, office, and th~F,aculty Senate had reconunended the list of candidates, ,for degrees, ,Semester Ir, ·1~81-8~, to, the ~egents. It was moved by Mr. Horn, seconded by)frs,. ;J.~ur~an" that ,the candidates be appro.v,e.d. sub~ject.' t«satisfactory complet.ion, ,of academic requirements., It was understood that, :th.ismotion also .included, the candidate- for· an r' , . '. .. .. ~. - - '. .,. honorary degree. Carried. ,; '. ...... * " '*r • * ok ** Mr. Donald Larrichio, Disposal of University Equipment Director of theOUNM-Ptircha~ing , ' Department, - to-ld:'Ehe "Regents' that the 'list:o'f approximate ly 700 items which'had been distributed to'the~ ~ontained items whi~h: are no lo~ger economical or safe for continued UiJ.'iversity -us~. Since ea,ch):te'm' is " valued at under"$500, .Regent approvaJ for'di~p6sal of the eq1,1ipment i~' mandatory: 'He' further "explained t~at "disposalwQuld ",b'~ bY.'auc'ti"on Cit " sealedbid,depending,6n the item, and' that:revehue~ 'of'appro~ima:'tely': $10, i25 are ari~,icipate.d: ,'" ... .' , It was moved by·Mrs. Jourdan,'s~conded by Mr. Horn, that the Regerits • approve the disposal of the equipment and that the meth~d of~d~spqsal be determined by the Purchasing Department. Carried. : ..' ~. - .~ .. " : .'\ •... ...... 7"' Mr. Van 'Dorti'HooKer, Universit:y \ "Bids for the 'Construction Architect, said that bids for of the Student Services Building " the construction of the Student Services Building we"re 'received on' May '6', :i982'. 'There '~«=Jre' 't~~ b,idder's' and the low base Did '~f .$4;355', 000 ',was submitte~ by Brooks' and"Ciay I~C'. of Albuquerque. ' Additive alternates No. 1 (for repa,ir .of the ,exterior -of Mesa Vista) and No.2 (for added cost of a single ply roof system onMes~ Vista) would.make the total contract with Brooks and Clay $4,489,000. Mr. Hooker 'r~coniIne'nd'ed that the Regen'ts. :accept the whole base b~~i and 'th~ additive' alterba'te's 'as submitted 'by Br'o'aks & Clay, Inc. , .. '" ' It was moved by Mr. Horn, seconded by Mrs. Maloof, that the ,bid, as described abmie, be app'roved. Carried.' (Mr. 'Jar,amilloa~rive'~ at this point in the meeting.) ,.- .. • , , ': 'J) • ' 303 • Vice.:PresidenLJohn Perovich Five-Year ,Capital Outlay Plan explained that last year. the Board .' . of Educatto~al !in~mce in.s_ti.tut.ed _a policy wJ1ereby each inst.itution. of­ higher education must submit a five-year capital outlay plan to the Board by June 1 of each year, and he presented to the Regents UNM's five-year plan for the central and north campu?es, as well as plans for Los Alamos and Gallup. He also said that Regent approval for several items is required today. The first item. fer -: ~onsideration- was.. the proposed .five-year' plan and' capital outlay projects for 1982-83, 1983-84, 1984-85, 1985-86, and 1986-87. Mr. Perovich' stated that the Regents should prioritize only the items for which state funds are requested for 1982-83 because changes can occur in planning and the 1984-85 items will be prioritized next year. or I. -. Project's for 'which"UNM 'will'request state funding are: . ,~l) ' .., Engineering/Science.Center--estimated project cost is $12,500,000; (2) School of.Management/Administrative &·Social Sciences--estimated project cost is $7;500,000;. (3).300-Seat Lecture Hall-.-estimated preject'cost, is $500,000; and (4). Deferred Maintenance at an estimated cost of $1,000,000 •... ProJects presented for funding with Univesity,Revenue Bonds are: (l)HPER'Facil~ties."...,.estimatedcost.i$..$8,400,000, and. (2) Land and Property Acquisition--estimated cost is $1,000,000. ~r~jeGts recommended. for funding from other University funds are: (1) New Mexico Union Al terations--estimat~d.cos.tis ~300 ;.00.0.; .(2) .NCAA/Gymnastics : -.'." Facility--e.~tim~t~d c()st is $500,000;, ~nct.(3) ·C.hUd.,·Care ", • Center--estimated cost is $360,000.· ", .. Mrs. Jourdan asked if thought had been given to the possibility of including the Child Care Center in the College of Education/Manzanita Center. She said that listing the'Center with the capital outlay projects implies that UNM is responsible for the program, and it was her understanding ..that..the 'project'was to be housed on a space-avail·able basis•.. ;.... -···7·········· _., .._, .. ~ .• -" •. ' ... Provost :Hull .. replied that he and Vice .:Pr~si.dent ,Johnson. were .' working on such a solution to..the housing ·of,'the.C.hHd Care Cent.er 'and he anticipated ..t.~at by. tl,1.e .ti~e theSt~dent ~e!:yic.e~ Buil.d,ing· was, construc,ted 'a plan WQu.1d be in pl: ace. :. ..'... : .. .., . '. i ' •• . , President' Davis ,said ·the University ·had assured· the ·1982 Legislature' that the Ch ild Care Center woul,d· be relocated bef.ore' construc·tion .could . begin on the Student Services Building. Mr. 'Jaramillo ·asked ~ow needs of the various schools and· colleges were assessed in order to prioritize the projects. Mr. Hooker .replied. that the Offices of the Provost and the University Architect sent a space needs questionnaire to all UNM departments and divisions each year and these needs were sent through the deans· to ··the Provost and thus to the University Architect. • 304 Ninetieth UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO Annual Commencement Sunday, May Sixteenth, Nineteen Hundred Eighty-two Four P.M. '.·~05 Alma Mater il New Mexico, ¥ew Mexico We sing to hmior thee, This golden ha:~eII of college days Will live in m~mory, 'I 1 This praise we sing will ever ring I With truth and loyalty, J New Mexico, )(our fame we know Will last etern4lly.
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