Vol. 78 Joyce Lexicography Theoretical Backup Volume Seventy-Eight Four How to Read Finnegans Wake? Why to Read Finnegans Wake? What to Read in Finnegans Wake? Texts put together by Tatsuo Hamada. A L P Abiko Literary Press (ALP) Iriake 7-18, Kochi-shi 780-0041, Japan Edited by C. George Sandulescu & Lidia Vianu Bucharest 2014 Press Release: Friday 24 January 2014 Joyce Lexicography Volume 78. Theoretical Backup Four. How to Read Finnegans Wake? Why to Read Finnegans Wake? What to Read in Finnegans Wake? Texts put together by Tatsuo Hamada. ISBN 978-606-8366-88-3 Edited by C. George Sandulescu & Lidia Vianu The Story in Despre ce este vorba în Finnegans Wake Finnegans Wake? Place of origin: Japan. Locul naşterii: Japonia. Profesia: om Profession: retired scientist and de ştiinţă şi profesor; pesnionar. De ce professor. Why Finnegans Wake? Finnegans Wake? Publicăm acum în seria This book we are publishing in our Joyce Lexicography o carte care dezvăluie Joyce Lexicography Series will tell într-un fel indirect povestea lui Tatsuo you the story of Tatsuo Hamada, if Hamada, autorul ei. Citind-o, e posibil să a story it is. Maybe you will also aflaţi dacă are şi Finnegans Wake o poveste find out while reading it whether a lui, dacă această ultimă carte a lui James there is a story in Finnegans Wake Joyce este ori nu este roman. Este de too, whether Joyce’s last book is or remarcat că Hamada dă la acest punct, is not a novel, considering that, as printre alţii, cuvântul lui C. George Hamada quotes, “What you cannot Sandulescu, citând din Language of the tell the story of is not a novel.” (C. Devil: “Ceea ce nu poate fi povestit nu este George Sandulescu, The Language roman.” of the Devil). Cartea de faţă pune trei întrebări Tatsuo Hamada’s book asks simple, didactice: Cum să citim FW? De ce three very didactic questions: How să citim FW? Ce să citim în FW? Ele sunt to Read Finnegans Wake? Why to adresate cercetătorilor Joyce cu reputaţie Read Finnegans Wake? What to Read internaţională. Aceia care, pentru un motiv in Finnegans Wake? He interviews sau altul, nu au putut fi intervievaţi, sunt the top Joycean scholars. Those prezenţi cu citate din cărţile lor. Nu pare să whom he cannot interview, he fi scăpat nimic: Hamada şi-a făcut temele quotes. Nothing written about FW cu precizie japoneză, până la cel mai mic seems to have escaped him: he has amănunt. Scopul volumului nu este, însă, done his homework with Japanese să etaleze lecturile impresionante ale precision, to the least detail. His autorului în domeniu. Tatsuo Hamda aim is not to parade his knowledge. urmăreşte să înţeleagă şi, implicit, să ne All he wants to do is understand ajute să înţelegem. and help his readers do the same. Engleza în care scrie trădează pe Maybe his English betrays alocuri faptul că autorul aparţine unui his unEnglishness. Joyce, however, spaţiu cu totul diferit de cel englez, de cel would have welcomed this european. Dacă, însă, ne gândim că există Japanese researcher, since there are un număr de cuvinte japoneze în Finnegans Japanese words in FW which Wake, am putea gândi şi că Joyce îl aştepta someone had to find at some point. pe acest cercetător minuţios ca să le Maybe Tatsuo Hamada is the one. descopere. The opinions recorded in Ideile cuprinse în interviurile şi this book have a common citatele din cartea lui Hamada au un denominator. Hamada is trying to numitor comun, şi anume ideea ce-l demonstrate that the composite obsedează pe autor că îmbinarea dintre woman+sex is the key to FW. He imaginea feminină şi sex este o cheie starts with Joyce’s daughter Lucia, pentru FW. Introducerea se ocupă de fiica and ends with ALP―Joyce’s wife, lui Joyce, Lucia. În încheiere găsim părerile who, he tells us, closes the book personale ale lui Hamada în ce priveşte with her monologue. In an prezenţa în text a soţiei lui Joyce―ALP, introductory poem written by care, afirmă el, închide cartea cu un himself, he even gives an monolog. Mai mult decât atâta, Hamada explanation in a contemporary prelungeşte explicaţia către contemporani, key: Marilyn Monroe. prefaţând cartea cu un poem scris de el This Japanese synthesis of însuşi despre Marilyn Monroe. FW research to date opens a gate Această sinteză japoneză a cercetării that most certainly leads FW la zi deschide un drum care cu somewhere. It is for the reader to certitudine are un sens. Suntem go in and find his way now. încredinţaţi că cititorii lui Tatsuo Hamada îl vor descoperi. 18 January 2014 C. George Sandulescu & Lidia Vianu ISBN 978-606-8366-88-3 © Tatsuo Hamada © The University of Bucharest © C. George Sandulescu Cover Design, Illustrations, and overall Layout by Lidia Vianu Subediting: Bianca Zbarcea. Typing: Beatrice Ahmad, Lavinia Andrei, Diana Apetroaie, Alina Diaconescu, Ana Dumitrache Raluca Hîrjanu, Elena Jacotă, Andreea Lazăr, Victor Năvală, Iulia Popa. IT Expertise: Simona Sămulescu. Publicity: Violeta Baroană. Acknowledgments Tatsuo Hamada: How to Read Finnegans Wake? Why to Read Finnegans Wake? What to Read in Finnegans Wake?, Abiko Literary Press (ALP), 2013, Iriake 7-18, Kochi-shi 780-0041, Japan. N.B. This Lexicographic Series as a whole is primarily meant as teaching material for the larger half of Continental Europe, which, for practically three quarters of a century, was deprived of ready access to the experimental fiction and poetry of the world. All Western literary criticism was also banned. Hence, the imperative necessity of re-issuing a considerable amount of post-war discussions. The Publisher. Given the importance of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake, all postgraduates in English, Romanian, French, and German work on this research project as part of their normal and regular academic assignments. LV Academic Director C L P If you want to have all the information you need about Finnegans Wake, including the full text of Finnegans Wake line-numbered, go to the personal site Sandulescu Online, at the following internet address: http://sandulescu.perso.monaco.mc/ Vol. 78 Joyce Lexicography Theoretical Volume Seventy-Eight Backup Four How to Read Finnegans Wake? Why to Read Finnegans Wake? What to Read in Finnegans Wake? Texts put together by Tatsuo Hamada. Edited by C. George Sandulescu & Lidia Vianu A L P Abiko Literary Press (ALP) Iriake 7-18, Kochi-shi 780-0041, Bucharest 2014 Japan For Laurel Willis, In memory of Abiko Quarterly (Abiko Annual) and James Joyce Parlour Tatsuo Hamada How to read FW? Why to read FW? What to read in FW? Edited by C. George Sandulescu & Lidia Vianu 1 Table of Contents Kenji Miyazawa: Introduction of Spring and Demon Translated into p. 8 (poem) English by Tatsuo Hamada. Tatsuo Hamada: Hymn to Marilyn Monroe (poem). p. 10 Tatsuo Hamada: Lucia Joyce’s Lamenting Calls to Her Father in p. 13 Finnegans Wake. PART ONE: p. 17 Interviews on Finnegans Wake, by Tatsuo Hamada. 1. Fritz Senn p. 18 2. Michael H. Begnal p. 24 3. Michael S. Begnal p. 28 4. Finn Fordham p. 32 5. Michael Patrick Gillespie p. 39 6. John S. Gordon p. 43 7. David Haymann p. 49 8. Tim Horvath p. 54 9. Richard Kostelanetz p. 64 10. Geert Lernout p. 69 11. Patrick A. McCarthy p. 75 12. Roland McHugh p. 84 13. Margot Norris p. 88 14. C. George Sandulescu: Who’s Afraid of Finnegans Wake? p. 93 15. Joe Schork p. 110 16. Sam Slote p. 116 17. Donald Theall p. 121 18. Aida Yared p. 131 Tatsuo Hamada How to read FW? Why to read FW? What to read in FW? Edited by C. George Sandulescu & Lidia Vianu 2 Reading the Books about Finnegans Wake PART TWO: to Reinforce the Previous Interviews. p. 140 Tatsuo Hamada: Introduction p. 141 1. Can you read through FW from the beginning to the end? Are p. 142 there many parts which cannot be understood? Fritz Senn A Reading Exercise in in Critical Essays on James p. 142 Finnegans Wake Joyce’s Finnegans Wake, ed. by Patrick A. McCarthy, G.K. Hall & Co., New York, 1992, pp48-58. Fritz Senn Joyce’s Dislocutions The Johns Hopkins p. 144 University Press, 1984, p. 112. Clive Hart The Elephant in the Belly: A Wake Newslitter No. 13, p. 146 Exegesis of Finnegans May 1963, pp2-8. Wake Clive Hart Afterword: Reading in A Starchamber Quiry, ed. p. 147 Finnegans Wake by L.E. Epstein, Methuen, New York, 1982, pp155- 164. Richard Ellmann James Joyce Oxford University Press, p. 149 1982, p 716, 589, 590. Richard Ellmann Foreword in Adaline Glasheen, A p. 151 Census of Finnegans Wake, Northwestern University Press, 1956, ppiii-v. Margaret C. Solomon The Phallic Tree of in The Celtic Master, ed. by p. 152 Finnegans Wake Maurice Harmon, The Dolmen Press Limited, pp 37-43. Louis O. Mink Reading Finnegans Wake in Critical Essays on James p. 153 Joyce’s Finnegans Wake, ed. by Patrick A. McCarthy, G.K. Hall & Co., New York, 1992, pp34-47. Edwin Muir [review, Listener] in James Joyce, the Critical p. 155 Heritage, Vol. 2, ed. by Robert H. Deming, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1970, p677. Harry Burrell Narrative Design in Univeresity Press of p. 156 Finnegans Wake: The Wake Florida, 1996, p2. Lock Picked Derek Attridge Reading Joyce in The Cambridge p. 159 Companion to James Joyce, Tatsuo Hamada How to read FW? Why to read FW? What to read in FW? Edited by C. George Sandulescu & Lidia Vianu 3 ed. by Derek Attridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990, p11. Robert Anton Wilson Coincidence New Falcon Publications, p.
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