I ! MEMORIAL ADDRESSED TO ; J '1 ,THE GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK, ,~ f AND THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF CANADA. 'l I ,f~ To ALONZO B. CORNELL, Governor of the State of New York: The undersigned, citizens of' several states and countries, address I. you by reason of the suggestion lately made by LORD DUFFERIN, that I, the State of New York and the Dominion of Canada should secure and hold, for the world's good, the lands adjacent to the Falls of Niagara. The Falls of Niagara are peculiarly exposed to disastrous injury. The heights of snow, the precipitous crags of great mountains, how­ " ~ ever they may be disfigured by man, can rarely be applied to uses / which would destroy their sublimity. But should the islands and declivities of the Niagara River be stripped of their natural woods, and occupied for manufacturing and business purposes; should even the position, size, and form of the constructions which the accommoda­ tion of visitors will call for, continue to be regulated solely by the pecuniary interests of numerous iudividual laud-owners, the loss to the world will be great and irreparable. The danger may be measured by what has already occurred. The river's banks ar~ denuded of the noble forest by which they were originally covered, are degraded by \ incongruous and unworthy structures, made, for advertising purposes, willfully conspicuous and obtrusive, and the visitor's attention is diverted from scenes to the influence of which he would ~Iadly sur­ { render himself, by demands for tolls and fees, and the offer of services I, most of which he would prefer to avoid. Objects of great natural beauty and grandeur are among the most __I ~1 'Valuable gifts which Providence has bestowed upon our race. lIvGlI ALLEN. contemplation of' them elevates and informs the human understandings FluNCIS HINCKS. , GEQRGE C. BRODRICK, M. P. They are instruments of education. They conduce to the order 0' society. They address sentiments ;vhich are universal. They draw" M. E. GRA;NT DUFF, M. P. together men of all races, and thus contribute to the union and the R. W. HANBURY, M. P. peace of nations. I W. R. GREG, M. P. The suggestion, therefore, that an object" of this class so unparalleled THOMAS CARLYLE. as the Falls of Niagara should be placed under the joint guanlianship JOHN RUSKIN. of the two governments whose chief magistrutes we have the honor to F. MAX MULLER, University of Oxford. address, is a proper concern of the civilized world, and we respectfully R JOWETT, University of Oxford. ask that it may, by appropriate methods, be commended to the wise HENRY J. SMITH, University of Oxford. consideration of the Legislature of New York. LESLIE STEPHEN. FREDERICK HARRISON. \ ,~, A similar memorial has been addressed to the Governor-General of Canada. R. WALDO EMERSON. HENRY W. LONGFELLOW. , W. A. WHEELER, Vice-President of the United States. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. ALEX. RAMSEY, Secretary of War of the United States. JOHN G. WHITTIER. I M. R. WAITE, Chief Justice U. S. Supreme Court. JOHN G. PALFREY. NATHAN CLIFFORD, Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court. FRANCIS PARKMAN. N. H. SWAYNE, Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court. 'OLIVER '\\TENDELL HOLMES. STEPHEN J. FIELD, Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court. ASA GRAY. JOSEPH P. BRADLJ<JY, Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court. ALEX. AGASSIZ. ~ JOHN M. HARLAN, Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court. CLARENCE KING, Director United States Geological Survey.. W. STRONG, Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court. k" W. D. HOWELLS. f-­ r, SAM. F. MILLER, Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court. CHARLES ELIOT NORTON. , A. A. DORION, Chief Justice Court of Appeals, Canada. F. J. CHILD. ---~.- S. C. MONK, Judge Queen's Bench. JOHN, CARDINAL MCCLOSKEY, Archbishop of New York. A. E. BURNSIDE, U. S. Senate. HORATIO SEYMOUR. J. G. BLAIN, U. S. Senate. E. D. MORGAN. JUSTIN S. MORRILL, U. S. Senate. THURLOW WEED. H. B. ANTHONY, U. S. Senate. JOHN JAY. J. D. CAMERON, U. S. Senate. Goo. W. SCHUYLER. W. B. ALLISON, U. S. Senate. S. B. CHITTENDEN, M. C. MAT. H. CARPENTER, U. S. Senate. S. S. COX, M. C. JOHN JAMES INGALLS, U. S. Senate. W. D. KELLEY, M. C. DAVID D. PORTER, Admiral, U. S. Navy. D. G.•JOHNSON, JUdge Superior Court, Canada. HOUGHTON. R. MACKAY, Judge Superior Court, Canada. REAY. IIIIF. W. TORRENCE, Judge Superior Court, Canada. LOUIS MALLET. WM. B. MONTREAL, Lord Bishop. JOHN LUBBOCK. S. RIVARD, Mayor of Montreal. J. F. STEPHEN. [SENATE Doc. No. 37.J 3 .i, ';~i 34 S. S. HUNTINGDOY, M. P. J. T.HEOKER. M. H. GAULT, M. P. WM. D. KELLEY. THOMAS W. RITCHIE, M. P. HENRY C. POTTER. J. W. DAWSON, Principal McGill College, Montreal. JOHN LA FARGE.. P. A. PETERSEN, Chief Engineer, Government of Quebec. A. BIERSTADT, N. A. CHARLES W. ELIOT, President Harvard University. lImIER D. MARTIN, N. A. BENJ. H. PADDOCK, Bishop of Massachusetts. J. DURAND, N. A. CliARLES FRANCIs ADAMS. RAPHAEL PUMPELLY. MARTIN BRIMMER. HENRY G. MARQUAND. PHILLIPS BROOKS. NATHAN ApPLETON. THOMAS M. CI,ARK, Bishop of Rhode Island. S. P. AVERY. JAMES MCCOSH, President College of New Jersey. JOHN JAY CISOO. CHARLES B. ANDREWS, Governor of Connecticut. S. P. Dr CESNOLA. NOAH PORTER, President Yale College. THOMAS HICKS, N. A. J. WILLIAMS, Bishop of Connecticut. C. H. MARSHALL. NATT. HEAD, Governor of New Hampshire. DANL. S. ApPLETON. A. B. THOMPSON, Secretary of State of New Hampshire. W. D. MORGAN. 'VILLIAM WOODRUFF NILES, Bishop of New Hampshire. ROBT. B. MINTURN. J. E. SARGENT. W. E. DODGE, JR. HENRY A. Corr, D.D., Rector St. Paul's School. LLOYD ASPINWALL, JR. EDWARD COOPER, Mayor of Ncw Y0I'k. EDWARD C. POTTER. F. A. P. BARNARD, President Columbia College. NEWBOLD LE Roy. HOWARD CROSBY, Presideut Uuiversity of New York. CHAS. RUSSI.;LL HONE. ALEX. S. WEBB, President College of the City of New York. JAMES P. LOWREY. D. HUNTINGTOX, President National Academy of DeSign. GEORGE BELL. CYRUS W. FIELD. THEODORE WESTON. HENRY W. BELLOWS. HENRY D. SEDGWICK. t PARKE GODWIN. F. F. MARBURY. r MORGAN DIX. G. N. STOUGHTON. CHAI~LES A. DANA. WILLIAM DORSIIEIMER. SAMUEL OSGOOD. DAVID DUDLEY FIELD. \VM. HENRY HURLcr;T. ROYAL PHELPS. JAMES M. BROWN. JOHN A. STEW ART. HOWARD POTTl<:R. E. D. MORGAN, JR. JOHN CROSBY BnOWN. BENJ. B. THURMAN. FREDERIC E. CHURCH, N. A. JOHN T. TERRY. WHITELAW REID. N. C. MEIGS, U. S. A. SANFORD R. GIFFORD, N. A. ALBERT J. MYER, U. S. A. 'V. WHITTIIDGE, x. A. Q. A. GILMORE, U. S. A.· JOlIN A. CISCO. NELSON A. MILES, U. S. A. F. W. GOCKELN, President St., John's College, Fordham. WH. CROSWELL DOANE, Bishop of Albany. LEONARD 'V. JEROME. D. M. OSBORNE, Mayor of Auburn. PAUL FORBES. 'VM. H. SEWARD. JOHN H. GOURLIE. THEO. M. POMEROY• •J FO. TRAVERS, JR. E. T. THROOP MARTIN. EDWIN L. GODKIN. JOSIAH LETCHWORTH. GOUVERNEUR MORRIS, JR. R. B. WELCH. J. J R. CROES. CHARLES C. DWIGHT. J. H. PINCKNEY. C. D. MACDOUGALL. GEO. E. WARING. DENNIS R. ALWARD. G. E. HUNTINGTON.' BYRON C. SMITH•• S. H. WALES. CHAS. HAWLEY. SINCLAIR TOUSEY. A. CLEVELAND COXE, Bishop of Western New York. GEO. HAVEN PUTNAM. G. W. CLINTON. WM. E. CURTIS. SHERMAN S. ROGERS. HENRY R. WINTHROP. E. C. SPHAGUE. A. R. MACDONOUGH. WM. F. ROGEHS. CHARLES C. HAIGHT. S. S .•JEWETT. J. Q. A. WARD, N. A. PASCAL B. PRATT. PH. SCHUYLER. J. M. RICHMOND. F. O. C. DARLEY. E. STORCK. SMITH E. LANE. ALBERT B. LANING. HENRY E. HOWLAND. ALFRED R. C. SELWYN, Director Geological Survey of Canada. CHARLES GRACIE. F. ·W. HENSHAW. DOUGLASS CAMPBELL. JOSEPH HICKSON. W. II. BEARD. ROBT. ESDAILE. WM. H. ApPLETON. C. J. SEARGENT. SAML. D. BABCOCK. ~ PETER REDPATH. HERMAN R. LE Roy. WALTER SHANty. J. H. DRAPER. ·WOLFENSTON THOMAS. "T l\I. B. RICE. GEORGE HAGUE. S. NICHOLSON KANE. W. J. PATTERSON. F. SHELDON. J. R. GILLISS. JOHN L. CADWALADER. THOS. DAVIDSON. •JOHN MACMULLEN. D. L. McDOUGALL• FRANCIS McNEIRNEY, Bishop of Albany. S. J. EWING. E. O. HAVEN, Chancellor Syracuse University. W. A. MERRY. Wl\I. C. RUSSELL, Atg. President Cornell University. THOS. LYMAN. 'c'~j E. DODGE, President Madison University. JAMES B. M. CHIPMAN. SAML. G. BROWN, President Hamilton College. G. H. MASSEY. ~;,::~~r"c: ~ , N. J. MCGII..LEVRAY. R. T. RoUTH. J. PENFOLD. JNO. F. Ross. JAMES DAKERS. JOHN TORRANCE. JOHN H. R. MOLSON. GEORGE A. DRUMMOND, and 400 other citizens of Canada and JAMES F. D. BLACK. the United States. MAURICE S. BALDWIN. 2d Mm'ch, 1880. JAMES A. McLEOD. JOHN CRAWFORD. ANDREW ROBERTSON. EDWARD SULLIVAN. O. C. EDWARDS. JOHN :FLETCHER. A. C. DE LOTBINIERE HARWOOD. R. W. GRAHAM. R. N. GRANT. CHARLES SMITHERS. W. J. BUCHANAN. FRED. NASH. WM. DARLING. HENRY LYMAN. JOHN KENNDEY. RICHARD HOLLAND. J . FAIRBAIRN. DAVID R. MCCoRD. H. A. NELSON. J. H. MOONEY. CH. D. PROCTOB. S. ST. ONGE. GUIL. LA MOTHE. JOS. PIERRE LE BEL. A. B. STEWART. J. G. DINNING. • W. W. STUART. JAMES FOLEY. A. MURRAY. PmLIP HOLLAND. JAMES MITCHELL. W. B. COURT. EDW. CHAPIN. J. M. BUCKNELL. ~'4'· '9S~~i"': A New Difcovery OF A Vaft Country in A-M E RIC A) I Exi:ending abo", Four Thoufaad Miles, I BETWEEN· j NewFrance and New Mexico. WITH A Defcription of the Great LaAes, Calli­ raBs, atiwrs, Plants, and Animals: AU'o. The M4fIIIIn, CtJjlOllU, and L ......es. of the fcyer;l Nann 1••1J4; And the ~\dnMqe of Commerce with thofe differaJt NanOtl8. WI TH A CONTINUATION: GIving an Ace 0 U N T of the i Attempts of the Sieur Dt k ss L L E uponthe ,. Mines of St. Barbe, 8cc. The Taking of.· (llltb".
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