ARPA Institute, AR”A HIMNARG NEWSLETTER LRAPYR December 2013, Vol. 20 Tygdympyr 2013, : 20 Address: 18106 Miranda St., Tarzana, CA 91356 Analysis Research & Planning for Armenia ARPA Board of Directors and Officers in 2013 !"#$%&'#$ (#$ )&$* H. V. Panossian, Ph.D. President, Technology A. Gharakhani, Sc.D. +' ,#'$- ."#'"/ V. President, Software/Tech H. Boghosian, Ph.D., MBA Secretary, Technology Merry Christmas A. H. DeMirdjian, M.S. Treasurer, Energy/Petroleum M. Babian, D.D.S. & Happy New Year Public Health D. Dalian, Ph.D. Technology M.!!!!!!! Douzjian, Ph.D. Newsletter Topics Education A. Kocharian, Ph.D. Science !"#$#$#"%&'%(, )'%*$#$#"%&'%( +% ,(*+-$.$( Page 2 J. Manoucherian, B.S. • /$#0$1"%2 3$4$-*$(' 3$2$# Distance Learning Chair E. Martirosyan, J.D. Secretary, Law 5675 8(-*'*"%*' !"#$#$#"%&+$( 9#1"%2' 2013 Page 3 G. Melikyan, Ph.D. • 9$-($.'1(+#"% +% :$;&";(+#"% <$(. Chemical Technology P. Narguizian, Ph.D. Distance Learning Seminars for Armenia During 2013 Page 4 Science/Education • R. Shirinian, Ph.D. ARPA Lectures in Los Angeles During 2013 Page 7 Education/Polit Sci • H. Surmenian, M.S. Click on the presenter's picture to view the Youtube Electrical Eng. Video of the presentation A. V. Tomassian, Ph.D. Physics • Trip Report on ARPA Activities in Armenia Page 13 Executive Committee Armenia The ARPA Institute DNA Project Page 17 M. Minassian, M.S. • Executive Director, Health M. Aghazarian, M.S. • Donor List to Purchase A DNA Sequencer for Armenia Page 18 Software/Technology M. Grigorian, Ph.D. • Miscellaneous Page 19 Technology N. Seferian, M.D., MBA Health Management G. Tabakian, M.A. Management Return to the Front Page (#$&$&$#'0*'", 1*'2&$&$#'0*'" +' '#$0"#N2$( .$#+%"# K$42$((+#I( 2I.( I )"2+3&4&" 5&$6&7#'8 9&:&32&"* 9&8&$ \'($(-$.$( C+-"%#-(+#( "% 0"%2$#(+#?J 3-*$. I "# -*+;N$0"#N 2$#B'. 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Z"Y$(1+Q"% '(LK'-'>( +([ +#&+%+."%&+$(, +#.#' S'HB "%;;"%&+$2M ("# -+#"%(B'(J ARPA Institute is now accepting applications for the 2014 Invention Competition Please visit http://www.arpainstitute.org/Invention_Competition.html for details +,-+ ./0121$314 5678 #94/%$3/2 /$"5"5"$3:'5/ 6561'" 2014 15"$35/ ;585": <5='>'? 56>'@'@ A" #56?BC4. http://www.arpainstitute.org/Invention_Competition.html AR”A Himnargi norararov;3an mrxov3; 2013 masnagixnyri xang 8Didani ÔrÕovri sdaxovmn a3rman -y=imovm 0ksita3in hovmkix9 !"#"$"% &'( Giragos3an Hasmig5 Pa.tasar3an Ani >ygawar` Sofi3a A3tin3an 8Hydyroanxovma3in ]yrmafodowolda3in darryr9 !"#"$"% &'( Zato3an )wsanna >ygawar` Cacig <mawon3an 8Hy-aga-awarwo. hagagargda3in agovsdigagan ga3an9 )$""$"% &'( Wartan3an Arman5 A3waz3an Garyn >ygawar` Wahy Povnia;3an 8Fyroelygdrig ;a.an;nyri hisdyryzisi hydazodman sark9 )$""$"% &'( Ta,do3an Harov;3ovn 8Ingovpaxia trwo. dohma3in 2wyri py.mnaworwa/ov;3an oro,ovmu * jdahanov;3an par2axovmu gynsadyqnolo- ciagan my;otow9 Sarcs3an Armyn5 {i;[3an Wanovhi5 Awac3an A,qyn >ygawar` Harov;3ovn C*orc3an “Environmental decision support system under ambiguity: irreversible investment and optimal timing” Cricor3an Arman >ygawarnyr` Etwart Garsl3an 8Wijagacragan dw3alnyri m,agovmu * gira-ovmu nyra/ov;3ovn9 Harov;3ovn3an Nariny 8Azad elygdraenyrcia3i sdaxman cynyrador9 Margos3an Wartan Return to the Front Page Page 3 Return to the Front Page Distance Learning Seminars For Armenia attracted them to the midline. Thus, these exquisitely regulated guidance systems prevent commissural axons ! One of the main goals of ARPA Institute is to help the from lingering within the confines of the midline and allow graduate students and faculty members in Armenian them to pioneer an appropriate pathway on the universities increase their professional awareness and contralateral side of the CNS and project to brain targets. knowledge through on-line, real-time videoconferencing. Many aspects of midline guidance are controlled by The objective of these seminars is the transfer of current mechanistically and evolutionarily conserved ligand- technology and information.
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