Prisoners of powwwererer I believe that all prisoners of the world are produced by power and are hostages of power. Strength, authority, brutality, assassinations, genocide, oppression, slavery, exploitation, destruction, torture, mistreatment, the sadistic delight in pain, racism, violation, money, corruption and abuse are examples of what is power. The same power that’s disguised as the absolute truth, as religion, as democracy, as other authoritarian systems, which continue their existence and the government of our lives. Power is an enemy of solidarity and freedom, that is why it is our enemy. An enemy that we need to fight until it has disappeared, because it keeps us all like prisoners and it is destroying humanity as well as our planet. Prisons are the power’s camps of concentration, exploitation and extermination. They are power’s most cruel spaces, were torture, mistreatments and assassinations are their basic principles. Prisons are the worst environment for the fight against power. The main fight of prisoners is the fight for the respect of human dignity. In prison, they destroy you as a person and they even get away from you any lust for living. Fighting inside prison is very difficult, but I believe that it is important to fight in those spaces. Fighting inside prison gives you strengh to continue living, or at least to die fighting power and defending solidarity and freedom. That is why I am against prisons, because I am against power. SOLIDARITY AND FREEDOM FOR ALL THE PRISONERS OF THE WORLD! DOWN WITH ALL PHYSICAL AND MENTAL WWWALLS! A revolutionary hug Laudelino Iglesias Martinez Ex-prisoner of the F.I.E.S isolation units in Spain #3 / 325collective.com [email protected] REPLICATE ORGANISE RESIST The reformist forces of Capital, as appears to us, to be the most well as the leftist variants, seek to effective. prevent the radical transforma- tion of society. These counter- We begin with specific situations of points of power and recuperation existing tension and struggle, are failing to prevent, in all areas within the conditions of our own of society, a general disdain and rebellion, and act with commit- hatred for hierarchy of all kinds. ment. This revolt which is more difficult to control, and is beyond The desperate situation of the reach of the familiar bodies of ongoing environmental collapse suppression and mediation, uses means there is a direct necessity the tools of decentralisation and for attacks on the institutions and autonomy, acting within the scope conduits of finance and industry, of the larger struggle. Welcome to the 3rd issue of 325, an occasional this necessity has never been so zine of incendiary images & text. Since the last vital and urgent. In the relentless Despite the growing technological issue we've had a few different problems with operations of the State against control of the State, in these the State, and added to the increase in social the social movements and the struggle across Europe, this has meant this issue precious few years before auto- has come out much later than expected. Most of Earth, we can see the exposure of mated surveillance by machines is the information regarding ongoing prisoner and its essentially militaristic anti-life a widespread reality, people are legal situations changes quickly, check out the qualities; people, animals and all fighting back; taking themselves websites mentioned within our pages for updates material are the economic into conflict with the increasingly and recent developments. If you want to help us components of a social-machine unstable dominant powers, acting out, rob a bank and send us the swag. Riotous which coerces profit for the immediately for the world they thanks to all our contributors, distributors and co- already rich. want right now. Capitalism and its conspirators across the world. murderous policy of self-preserva- As State terror increases across tion will never tolerate any threat the world, as anarchists & anti- to its power, but we have to Editorial, June 2006 mp capitalists, we need to intensify overcome seizure with determina- our activities and our critique tion and act against the prisons, immediately. We need to courthouses, and bodies of In a world of dwindling energy resources, ecological accelerate the spread of informa- finance and privilege. collapse and growing total entrenchment of poverty tion amongst anti-state, anti- and exploitation, global resistance to capitalism is a capitalist groups and the base "Every act of police brutality, every reality. population, by letting our visible death in detention, every raid and blow direct action act as a vehicle of only increases our compulsion to arm Economic, political and environmental changes are communication and method open ourselves for revenge." sparking uncontrollable moments of popular revolt. to all. At the same time, we must The loss of social cohesion and advanced state of broaden the information gap climate chaos means it looks like the best option is between the State and ourselves, to examine with determination what actions we can ANTI-COPYRIGHT NETWORK and that means, of the forms of take, and how to act our dreams in a world where struggle we prefer; Informal, face- all factors are in transformation. to-face communication, auto- organised structure and direction As people fight for a better life amongst the adjust- ****** ments of global power, points of breakdown are occurring. The infrastructures of finance and war are unstable, and the bloody role of State and Capital is most acutely revealed in these times of crisis, ruthlessly protecting private interest and hierarchy. We need to be conscious of these moments of collaboration and participation, which are day-to-day occurrences in the 21st century. As the governments bring forces to bear against the growing international movements of participa- tion and solidarity, our attempts to build a successful anti-market and anti-system critique and practice, alongside the suppression of traditional forms of dissent, assembly and expression, means that many previous leftist methods of struggle and organisation are redundant, along with the world that is rapidly aging with them. a data network for direct action . a media framework for social war . the refusal of fixed territory . Here we present some news of resistance and rebellion from the months November ‘05 to June‘06. June6,Brasilia,Brazil Around300 May29,SeineSaintDenis, contextwhichleadstomassivearrestsof protestorsbroketheirwayintoparliament France Arounda100youthsfought withoutpapers.Wepointoutthattheconditions demandingtheredistributionofland.They withpoliceandsetfiretocarsand ofthiscentreweredenouncedforthehuman brokeopenthedoorswithstones,sticksand dumpsters,inasuburbofParisinthe rightsabuses:arbitraryabuse,overpopulation, asmallFiatcarwasusedasabatteringram. northofthecapital.Therewerealso insalubrity,violences… Theattackwasbroadcastliveontelevision. incidentsintheneighbouringareaof Hundredsofdemonstratorsweredetained. ClichySousBois,wherelastyear'sriots May8,Athens,Greece Riotserupted Thepresidentcondemnedtheactionand beganaftertwoboysdiedwhilethey duringtheEuropeanSocialForummarchin accuseddemonstratorsof"committinga werefleeingpolice.Weknowthefire Athens.Foraperiodofthreehoursfollowinga seriousactofvandalismagainsttheparlia willburnagain! 2kmroute,2500anarchistsinsmallgroupsof ment." 4500attackedbanks,largedepartment May28,TitnoreWoods,UK - At stores,policecars,governmentbuildings,the June2,Cuneo,Italy Atnight,2 dawnpeopleoccupiedsomeendan policeheadquarters,riotpolice,riotpolice bombsexplodedwithin15minutesofeach geredwoodlandtodefenditfrom busesaswellas"Zteam"policemen(motor other,infrontofaCarabinieri(Militarypolice) destruction,inabidtohaltamassive cycleteam).TheyattackedtheUSembassy, headquartersandcollege.Thebombswere housebuildingandroadwidening theHiltonhotel,theItalianembassy,andthe timedtocausepossiblecausalitiestopolice operation.Thesquattersremainonsite, riotpoliceguardingthehouseofparliament.20 respondingtothescene.Theanarchistgroup vowingtodefendthewoods. peoplewerearrested17ofthemarecharged "20JulyBrigade"(dateofthemurderof withmultiplefelonycharges. CarloGiuliani)claimedresponsibility.Noone May21,Bern,Switzerland wasinjured. Incendiaryattacksagainstpolice May6,Burgos,Spain Sabotagein headquartersat11.40pminseveral solidaritywithRuben&Ignasiandallprisoners May29,Athens,Greece Apowerful locations.Nopolicewerehurtandthe inSpain.7'CaixaSabadell'Banksandtheir bombwasplacedunderacar200metres damagewascontained.Noonewas ATMSweredestroyed."Stonesagainstglass fromthehouseofGreekMinisterofCulture, arrestedandtherearenoleadsat andsulfuricacidagainsttheautomatictellers GeorgeVoulgarakis.Itcauseddamagesbut present.Thecentreaccommodatesthe havebeenthemethodusedthistimeinorder nofatalitieswhenitexploded.Voulgarakisis policecommandandtheregionalpolice totranslatetheangerfromthewordstothe despisedbytheanarchistsandtheleft,for barracks. facts,inordertotransmittoaluminosityand cooperatingwithBritishsecretagentsin concisemessage:'Therewillbenopeace'. orchestratingawaveofabductions,torture May18,Barcelona,Spain Theonlylanguagethatthemanagersofthe andinterrogationsagainstimmigrantsinthe GermanCulturalInstituteattackedin terrorandtherepressionareabletounder wakeofthe7JulyLondonbombs.Heisalso solidaritywithAachen4.Afirebomb standisoneofstonesandbenzine,the linkedtoawiretappingscandalwhichhas wasusedtodamagethe'Goethe' libertariandirectaction...Aneasylanguage, rockedGreece.Thegroup‘Revolutionary institute,itwasplacedatthefrontdoor thatanyonewhohasbloodintheirveinscan
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