Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1981 The ommeC nt, February 26, 1981 Bridgewater State College Volume 55 Number 4 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1981). The Comment, February 26, 1981. 55(4). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/503 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. The Comment OZ-Mania Page 6 Stock Market Sense Pagt! 2 Volume LV, No.4 I Bridgewater State College I February 26, 1981 College Takes Action On Path Federal Cuts to Higher Education By Gil Bliss It has been one month since the best. An adequate path has been student travel. Comment first printed an article cut, regarding width, direction etc., Bridgewater Chairman of the The Reagan budget could have sorne serious consequences for col­ bringing to the atten'fioA of the col­ and some slats have been laid down Board of Selectmen David Canepa lege students nationwide and right here on this campus in terms of lege populace the subject of Ernest to cover th mud. but it is impossible has been looking into the case with financial aid for next year_ With Bridgewater students facing certain and Lorna Plentus, the elderly Bur­ to traverse the route without look­ regard to the well-being of his con­ increases in their school expenses--dorm, food, books and supplies, rill Ave couple that have been the ing like a rainy day marathoner. stituents, and he has found through some fee increases--and rising transportation costs, there could be victim of student trespassing since Also, the"blockade" at the head of looking at old maps that the area corresponding reductions in the amount of financial assistance to offset the opening of Burnell School. After the Plentus path consists of a pile of next to Plentus' house is a "paper these costs_ the initial article, the Comment branches, one that already has a street", one that was in the planning The various proposals espoused by David Stockman, Director of the printed reaction from Vice­ mini-path worn around it from stu­ stages, but never builL The land was Budget for the Reagan administration, indude some of the folowing President of Student Affairs David dents that are apparently creatures taken by eminent domain from the items: Deep, who stated the College's of habit, and cannot resist a close town by the state, and therefore he Nationial Direct Student Loans appropriations cut from a current 80-81 commitment towards a -quick and look at the Plentus household.J sup­ feels that it is the state's responsiblil­ level of $286 to $186 million nationwide: equitable resolution to the situation. pose one should be gratified that ity for rectifying th situation. He Basic Grants cut in MA from $90 mi1lio'n to $60 million; The coverage in the Comment led any attempt has been made at all, mentioned his concerns at the quar­ A substantial reduction ,in the money proveded for interest subsidy for to a story in the Brockton Enter­ but I'm sure that the grounds crew, terly Town-College meeting, and students and in the special interest allowances made to banks to encour­ prise, and we are pleased to report or whomever is responsible. can do Dean Deep told him that when the age participation in the Guaranteed Student Loan Program_ This couM that a new path has been hacked a better job than that. weather improved the college would mean as much as a 30 percent reduction in HELP loan money available through the vacant lot across from According to Mr. and Mrs. Plen­ probable erect a barrier, and look for students due to banks' being unwilling to participate in the programs. Burnell School, and the opposite tus. the path has been effective in into the reseeding of damaged por­ The impac~ that these proposals will· have on Bridgewater State end of th path leading to the Plentus severely· cutting the flow across tions of the elderly couple's lawn. Students and on the availability of money for next year is uncertain at this property has been temporarily t heir lawn, and they are happy with The resolution of this problem is time. Later in the spring, after Congress has deliberated on the bridget blocked. that, although when this reporter important to many people: the proposals submitted by the Reagan administration, BSe will receive Hopefully, the conditions that visited them last week, Mrs. Plentus town; the college the Plentus'; and letters of appropriation for the v~rious programs. At the point we will exist on the new path are only tem­ was still frequently going out to steer the students. The difficulty facing kn~w the specific impact on our student body. _ porary. Under the hand-painted wandering students to the new path. Ernest and Lorna Plentus seems to. There are two things that students can do at this time in anticipation of sign' on Burrill Ave displaying the Apparently the students are heed­ have eased a bit, but the problem of the belt-tightening that will surely affect aU facets of education. First-"and beginning of the "scenic route", the ing the wishes of the Plentus' even getting to class across the tundra very important--apply early for financial assistance for the .80-81 aca­ prospective path-goer must first though the new path presents a remains, and hopefully the college demic year. Be particularly concerned wilth the deadlines for the various make his or her way down an initial hardship to the_ Currently petitions will address the needs of the stu­ programs. Be waware that when money is tight, deadlin~s are rigidJy mud slide which drops off to a path are circulating with in Burnell dents with more satisfactory results. adhered to and the money will go to the students who apply on time. that can be descnbed as sloppy at School calling for a paved path for Second, lobby for your own interests. Students and their parents can influence the decisions made in Congress regarding next year's appro priatlons. Thc Finandal Aid Officei$ seekn~?ryoutgOpt56Hl'r1 ~reft~r;· writing campaign from students and parents to the people who are instrumental in Congressiorfal deliberations on the budget. The time is Quad 8 Active in Off-Season now to act. If you are interested in further information or would like assistance in writing a letter to your Congressman, drop by the Financial Aid Office in Tilly as soon as possible. David A. Morwick by Gil Bliss· Director of Financial Aid If you're one of those people that hand. and upon closer inspection, it and is about nine unfortunate souls think the Quad 8 just play football turned out to bea play script. that exist in Central Park, New and drink beer, and just the latter in That's right. the Qllad 8 has been York. An interest has been expressed for Bridgewater State College to offer the off-season, well you're wrong. supplementing' their alcohol diet The Quad8 is not content rest on degree programs in the field of management science. This questionnaire Dead wrong. These active campus with thespian chasers. Erstwhile their theatrical laurels, however. In has been prepared in an attempt to ascertain student interest in such . faculty members ,have too much Quad 8 quarterback and all-around contrast to recent printed slander­ programs. The management scien .. e program would have concentrations energy on hand to be able to vent it gadfly Don Johnson was even heard OllS accusations concerning the all in touch football during a brief yet to slur as he left, "The play's the Quad 8 and alleged bad examples designed for students interest::~d in careers in management. These pro­ glorious season. Oh sure, they thing". Indeed it is, in this case. The that they set; the boys recently are grams would involve four years of sutdy leading to the degree of Bachelor could have winter basketball, Quad play in question happens to be the embarking on a crusade to provide of Science and would include appropriate education in the areas of the 8 volleyball and the like, but these Richard Harrity creation "Hope is some worthy undergraduate with specialty combined with a strong liberal arts background. aging trendsetters are alwtlYs look­ the thing With Feathers". and will be 150.00 dollars in the form of the IF YOU WOULD BE INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING IN A MAN­ ing for some new way to stimulate directed by BSC EnsembleTheatre Qua~8 scholarship. The proceeds AGEMENT SCIENCE PROGRAM pLEASE INDICATE WHICH OF the campus . populace. Now star director Steve Levine, who also for fitis effort are obtained from the THE FOLLOWING ARES OR AREA YOU WOULD B INTERESTED seriously. kids, when was the last claims membership in the Quad 8. Quad 8 bake sale, the Quad 8 raffle, IN: time that you attended a pJayput on The east is already in rehearsal, or and the. above-mentioned Quad 8 Information Sytems by the faculty (how about any play ..should I say that the Quad 8 has play. Details are in the Announce­ for that matter)? Well, now you have already been cast into rehearsal. ments section of this paper, but let's your chance. A few Quad 8 The tentative date for the perfor­ hope that these actions put t6 rest o members stumbled into the Com­ mance is April 9th, in the Library vicious attacks the one that Marketing Management ment office last week, and amid the Lecture Hall, and they apparently appeared in last weeks Comment, stench of alcohol and incoherent feel that they can put out two shows, accusing the quadies of being -mumblings, one of them lurched for­ at 1l:00am and 8:00pm.The show, socially negligent.
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